Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1943-current, June 28, 2017, Page A3, Image 3

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    Wallowa County Chieftain
June 28, 2017
Connor named Wallowa July 4 parade marshal
ner was a
another family
member, Lt.
Eric McCrea,
son of Scott
McCrea of
Wallowa, was
killed in Iraq
–– and there are others.
Connor represents one of
the pioneer families of the city.
She is the great-granddaugh-
ter of Rodrich McCrae who
purchased and operated the
McCrea Hotel (where Main
Street Grill is today) in 1902
and was the mayor and justice
of the peace in Wallowa.
Her grandparents were Tad
McCrea and Cora Pike McCrae
who had a farm on Bear Creek,
and Tad was the town marshal
for Wallowa in the 30’s.
Her parents were Roland
and Inez McCrea. They bought
the farm on Bear Creek where
Phyllis kept right on milking
By Kathleen Ellyn
Wallowa County Chieftain
Phyllis Connor of Wallowa
is red, white and blue to the
“Patriotism!” she declared.
“That’s what this Fourth of July
parade is all about: patriotism
and honoring our veterans.”
There’s no doubt why Con-
nor was chosen for the Wallowa
City Old Fashioned Fourth of
July Parade top honor. Not only
is she fourth generation Wal-
lowan, she’ll be waving the fl ag
all the way down Main Street
in the company of her retired
Navy Commander son, Ken-
neth Connor of Pendleton.
She’s also hoping her Troop
1st Sergeant nephew Jake
McCrea, son of Oran and Gloria
McCrea of Wallowa, will have
time to visit before he heads out
on his sixth deployment.
Other family members will
be on her mind throughout the
day: her late husband Joe Con-
cows, harnessing horses and
doing the usual farm chores.
She also ushered at the Wal-
lowa Theatre and waitressed in
her great-grandfather’s former
hotel, then the Wallowa Café
(now Main Street Grill).
Phyllis graduated from Wal-
lowa High in 1949 and married
Joe that same year. The union
resulted in two children, the late
Jodie (Connor) McCarty and
Kenneth Connor.
Joe was a partner and then
owner of Wallowa’s grocery
store, and Phyllis recalls spend-
ing a lot of time there. The busi-
ness moved down the Main
Street of Wallowa and went
through partnerships and sales
through the years, beginning
as Scaggs Safeway in 1927,
becoming the Bales, then Bales
and Conner, then Don’s (Don
and Zela Conner) Food Store
and continuing now as Wallowa
Food City.
“I’ve seen a lot of changes,”
she said. “What I remember
best from my childhood was
the freedom and the friendli-
ness. When we would fi nish
working out in the hay fi elds,
we’d go swim in Bear Creek.
On this street (Holmes Street)
in the evenings people would
get out and visit and the kids
would play all different kinds of
games. You didn’t have televi-
sion then.”
One thing that hasn’t
changed is the place she calls
She’s spent her entire life in
the city of Wallowa and devoted
a lot of time serving. She was
on the Wallowa Library board,
Wallowa Food Bank, a commit-
tee for ordinances and zoning
for the city and was a member
of a sorority that cleaned sev-
eral lots and made a park that
became Evans Park.
She still lives in the home
on Holmes Street where she has
resided for 60 years. She boasts
a legacy of four grandchildren
and eight great-grandchildren.
Get your entry form for the parade at City Hall, and return
them June 29.
Entrants should be at Cougar Field by 10:15 a.m. Parade
begins 11 a.m.
Also the parade will include local royalty, Little Miss
Fourth of July Edie Kennedy, 5, daughter of Hanley and
Sadie (Isley) Kennedy of Wallowa; and Mr. Liberty Kyler
Lowe, 6, son of Mike and Melisse (Henderson) Lowe of
Kat Capps and fellow motorcylists of the Wallowa County
Thunder Run will roar into the parade for Santa. Local
and out-of-town riders will fill the Toy for Tots trailer.
Anyone can contribute. The toys will be donated to
Christmas basket programs through Enterprise Elks
Lodge No. 1829 and other agencies.
The parade will be broadcast live by KWVR
The annual barbecue begins at noon at Wallowa Fire
Hall; burgers $6 and hotdogs $4, sides included. FFA
fundraiser pie by the slice is also available. Live music by
“No Boundaries.” Free vendor space available; call city
hall 541-886-2422.
Flume �inds a new home under Main Street in 1917
Compiled by Paul Waul
100 Years Ago
June 28, 1917
At the Eugene Brown log-
ging camp, a hot summer day
is greeted with cold ice cream.
Mrs. Brown served the nov-
elty, using ice which remains
nearly year-round under the
sawdust and trash of the log-
deck. Several high-placed offi -
cials and inspectors with the
U.S. Forest Service joined in
the treat last week.
Mrs. Rebecca Conley,
mother of J. C. Conley, was
walking on the porch of her
home in Joseph when she fell
and the bone in her right leg
was broken in two places. She
is 89 and has been able to get
around with the help of a cane.
Workmen tore out the old
fl ume leading to the E. M. and
M. Flour Mill where it crosses
West Second St. in Enterprise
in preparation for building a
new one below the street level.
When the project is completed,
West Second will run directly
from Main to the depot with-
out obstruction.
“I wish to take this oppor-
tunity to express my appreci-
ation of your past patronage,
particularly during the time I
was away in the military ser-
vice of the United States. Now
that I have returned, I earnestly
solicit a continuance of your
patronage, and assure you that
all your work will have my
personal, prompt and careful
attention.” W. A. Lindsay, The
Nifty Tailor, Enterprise.
600 acres of rangeland lying
up Sheep Creek on the west
side of the road.
50 Years Ago
June 29, 1967
70 Years Ago
June 26, 1947
This week, the Chieftain
loses the faithful and highly
competent services of Mrs.
Grace Conley, whose accu-
rate, comprehensive and able
reporting has done much to
make this newspaper enjoyed
by its readers. She is retiring
and will move to California
later this summer,
Miss Doris Lay went to
work Monday morning in the
offi ce of the county school
superintendent where she
will be employed during the
The Daggett Machine Shop
in Enterprise recently sold
Harley Tucker a new auto-
car with semi-trailer, in which
to haul his Brahma bulls and
bucking horses from rodeo to
Chieftain File Photo
Aviation Radioman Third
Class Teddie W. Hays of En-
terprise was a radioman
gunner aboard a Douglas
“Dauntless: dive-bomber,
which attached a small Jap-
anese convoy on the open-
ing day of the raid on Truk
Feb. 16, 1944.
rodeo It is capable of holding
22 head of horses or 25 head
of steers.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bay
have bought the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marks
just across the bridge from
Mr. Duckett’s power plant in
Imnaha. The Bays hope to get
moved in this coming week.
They also purchased around
Sixteen million board
feet of National Forest tim-
ber was purchased by Boise
Cascade Corp. H. Donald
Miller, district ranger of the
Joseph Ranger District of the
Wallowa-Whitman National
Forest announced the sale,
located in the Wallowa Moun-
tains south of Joseph. The
timber sale cost the company
$125,105, around $175 above
the appraisal price.
A little over 1,100 of Wal-
lowa County’s registered vot-
ers turned out for Monday’s
election to turn down a bid for
enlargement and remodeling of
the Wallowa Memorial Hospi-
tal. The fi nal tally was 510-617.
The measure suffered the heavi-
est defeat in the Joseph area. A
decision is pending on whether
the county will try again this
time for a smaller levy.
Leona Wagner has entry
forms for the Wallowa County
Amateur Rodeo July 8-9 at the
fairgrounds in Enterprise. All
of the traditional rodeo events
are on tap and one that’s not
so traditional –– wild chicken
Garland Gayle Hocker,
son of Rev. and Mrs. Garland
Hocker of Wallowa has been
named “Boy of the Month” by
the Wallowa Assembly of God
Church. The honoree worked
at the state guard station and
the Joseph mill before going
into the service in August
25 Years Ago
June 25, 1992
The Associated Ditch Co.
has been exonerated of alle-
gations that construction of
the Wallowa Lake Dam in
1929 caused destruction of
the salmon run by creating a
total barrier to their spawning
grounds in Wallowa Lake. The
ditch company, which owns
that dam at Wallowa Lake,
was named as the defendant
in a $550,000 lawsuit fi led last
December by the Nez Perce
Indian Tribe in Lapwai, Idaho.
The purchase by Wallowa
County Grain Growers of the
Enterprise Oil bulk plant from
D.B. Anderson Inc. will be
effective July 1. Grain Grow-
ers did not purchase the card-
lock pumps, which will be
removed from operation June
Lostine will be the place
to be this July 3-5 as the com-
munity’s 120-vendor fl ea mar-
ket will open its doors. Skinny
the clown will be on hand with
free balloons and toys for the
kids. A rifl e and a microwave
oven will be given away as
door prizes.
The junior cooking award
at the Spring Fair held at the
county fairgrounds went to
Robin Hopkins. She received a
book from the Imnaha Grange.
Cammie Kuppinger earned the
top clothing style revue award,
a plaque sponsored by Dr.
Richard Carlson.
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In accordance with 18 CFR, Part 8, Section 8.1 of the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC) Regulations, the following public
notice regarding recreational opportunities is provided. PacifiCorp,
parent company of Pacific Power, owns and operates the Wallowa Falls
Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. P-308. The FERC issued the Project
license for a period of 40 years commencing January 5, 2017. The Project
is located in Wallowa County in north east Oregon, on the East Fork
Wallowa River, West Fork Wallowa River and Royal Purple Creek. The
Project is approximately 7 miles south of the town of Joseph near Wallowa
Lake and is partially within the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest.
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PacifiCorp’s Project lands are available for public recreational use. Public
recreational uses that occur around the Project include camping, hiking,
horseback riding, day-use/picnicking and fishing. PacifiCorp provides trail
opportunities and manages Pacific Park, a 10-unit campground near the
powerhouse tailrace on lands owned by PacifiCorp.
Wallowa Memorial Hospital is an equal opportunity employer and provider.
Additional recreation facilities in the immediate vicinity of the Project
include the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) managed trailhead adjacent to the
powerhouse, USFS managed East Fork and West Fork trails, Eagle Cap
Wilderness, Little Alps State Park (day use), Wallowa Lake State Park (day
use and camping), Wallowa Lake Tramway, and two private campgrounds.
The little Alps State Park and a State Park maintenance facility are on lands
owned by PacifiCorp and leased to the Oregon State Parks and Recreation
While supplies last.
The recreation opportunities and facilities at the Wallowa Falls
Hydroelectric Project are developed and furnished by Pacific Power as a
public service. They are open to the public and made available for use and
enjoyment to all without regard to race, color, religious creed, national
origin, or any other status protected under applicable local, state or federal
law. Further information regarding these recreation sites can be obtained
from Pacific Power, c/o PacifiCorp – Hydro Resources Department,
Recreation Supervisor, 825 NE Multnomah St., Suite 1500, Portland,
Oregon 97232.
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Public Notice