Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1943-current, June 21, 2017, Page PAGE 34, Image 50

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1 Junior
2 Intermediate
3 Senior
320 101 11_Garment or item showing cutting skills with
or without minimal stitching; made from fleece or other
fabrics suitable for this level.
320 101 12_Garment with casing but no crotch seam
made from stable medium weight firmly woven fabric
(cotton, cotton polyester blend, wool, wool blend).
320 101 13_Garment with casing and crotch seam from
stable, medium weight, firmly woven fabric (cotton, cot-
ton/polyester blend, wool or wool blend)
320 101 14_Garment with skills other than casing made
from stable, medium weight, firmly woven fabric (cot-
ton, cotton/polyester blend, wool, wool blend)
320 101 15_ Garment from polar fleece or comparable
fabric with minimal stretch—4 inches of fabric
stretches to 4 3/4 inches or less)
320 101 16_Non-garment item sewn by hand from felt,
firmly woven fabrics (cotton, cotton/polyester blend,
wool, wool blend) or polar fleece (minimal stretch—4
inches of fabric stretches only to 4 3/4 inches or less)
320 101 17_ Personal accessory from firmly woven fab-
rics (cotton, cotton/polyester blend, wool, wool blend)
or polar fleece (minimal stretch—4 inches of fabric
stretches only to 4 3/4 inches or less)
320 101 18_Item for the home from firmly woven (cotton,
cotton/polyester blend, wool, wool blend) or polar
fleece (minimal stretch—4 inches of fabric stretches
only to 4 3/4 inches or less)
320 101 19_Toy or Non-garment item for use in sports,
picnics, camping, or with animals from firmly woven
fabrics (cotton, cotton/polyester blend, wool, wool
blend) or polar fleece (minimal stretch—4 inches of
fabric stretches only to 4 3/4 inches or less)
320 301 10_Creativity-Item or garment which has been
enhanced through creative embellishment, fabric
manipulation, or fabric creation; recycled items are
included and may retain some seams/design of the
original item as appropriate; exhibit must have been
made by exhibitor and use fabrics and skills appropri-
ate to skill level 1.
320 401 100 Hands for Larger Service—items or garments
to be donated to someone in need; use fabrics and
skills appropriate to skill level 1.
320 101 21_Garment with casing made from stable medi-
um weight firmly woven fabric (cotton, cotton/polyester
blend, wool, wool blend)
320 101 22_Garment with skills other than casing made
from medium weight firmly woven fabric (cotton, cot-
ton/polyester blend, wool, wool blend).
320 101 23_Garment from non-bulky knit fabric with min-
imal stretch (4 inches of fabric stretches only to 4 3/4
inches or less)
320 101 24_Garment from polar fleece or comparable
fabric with minimal stretch (4 inches of fabric
stretches only to 4 3/4 inches or less)
320 101 25_ Outfit (2 or more pieces) Each piece of the out-
fit may use one or more of the following fabrics: stable,
medium weight, firmly woven fabrics and/or non-bulky
knit fabrics with minimal stretch, and/or polar fleece
with minimal stretch.
320 101 26_Personal accessory from firmly woven fabrics
(cotton, cotton/polyester blend, wool or wool blend),
non-bulky knit fabric with minimal stretch (4 inches of
fabric stretches only to 4 3/4 inches or less) or polar
fleece (minimal stretch-4 inches of fabric stretches only
to 4 ¾ inches or less).
320 101 27_Item for the home from firmly woven fabrics
(cotton, cotton/polyester blend, wool, wool blend), non-
bulky knit fabric with minimal stretch(4 inches of fabric
stretches only to 4 3/4 inches or less) or polar fleece
(minimal stretch-4 inches of fabric stretches only to 4 ¾
inches or less)
320 101 28_Non-garment item for use in sports, picnics,
camping or with animals from firmly woven fabric
(cotton, cotton/polyester blend, wool or wool blend),
non-bulky knit fabric with minimal stretch (4 inches of
fabric stretches only to 4 ¾ inches or less), or polar
fleece (minimal stretch— 4 inches of fabric stretches
only to 4 3/4 inches or less)
320 101 29_Doll, toy, or garment/accessories for either
from firmly woven fabrics (cotton, cotton blend, wool,
wool blend), non-bulky knit fabric with minimal stretch
(4 inches of fabric stretches only to 4 ¾ inches or less),
or polar fleece (minimal stretch--4 inches of fabric
stretches only to 4:3/4 inches or less)
320 301 20_Creativity—Item or garment which has been
enhanced through creative embellishment, fabric
manipulation, or fabric creation; recycled items are
included and may retain some seams/design of the
original item as appropriate; exhibit must have been
made by exhibitor and use fabrics and skills appropri-
ate to skill level 2.
classes. Senior and Intermediate members may also enter
one exhibit in the Innovation class and one in the Celebrate
our World class. To qualify for judging, a 4-H Crocheting
Exhibit Explanation card (370-01) must be securely attached
to phase level, felted crochet, and Hand for Larger Service
exhibits. The Innovation Explanation card (998-01) is
required for exhibits entered in the Innovative Class. The 4-
H Crocheting Exhibit Explanation card requests information
about the exhibited item and skills learned in construction.
Members must mark skills on the level in which they are
enrolled. If they show skills beyond their level, they will not
receive extra consideration. Refer to the “4-H Crocheting
Project Member’s Guide” (4-H 62) for detailed information on
specific skills to be learned in each phase. A pair of gloves,
slippers, etc., is considered one article. Swatches are not
acceptable. For the phase level classes, the judging criteria
is outlined on the 4-H Crocheting check Sheet (370-02) and
can be found along with the judging criteria for the Innovation
class (998-02), and the required Explanation Cards at the
county Extension office at the Oregon 4-H website:
320 101 31_Garmet made from medium weight woven fab-
ric which may have up to moderate stretch (4 inches of
fabric stretches to no more than 5 3/8 inches); show at
least 2 new skills for this level
320 101 32_Garment made from knit fabric which may have
up to moderate stretch (4 inches of fabric stretches to
no more than 5 3/8 inches); show at least 2 new skills
for this level
320 101 33_Garment from polar fleece or comparable fab-
ric which may have up to moderate stretch (4 inches of
fabric stretches to no more than 5 3/8 inches); show at
least 2 new skills for this level
320 101 34_Outfit (2 or more pieces) Each piece of the
outfit may use one or more of the following fabrics:
medium weight woven fabrics and/or knit fabrics,
and/or polar fleece; all gabrics may have up to mod-
erate stretch (4 inches of fabric stretches to no more
than 5 3/8 inches)
320 101 35_Personal accessory from medium weight
woven fabrics, knit fabrics, and/or polar fleece; all
fabrics may have up to moderate stretch (4 inches of
fabric stretches to no more than 5 3/8 inches)
320 101 36_Item for the home from medium weight woven
fabrics, knit fabrics, and/or polar fleece; all fabrics
may have up to moderate stretch (4 inches of fabric
stretches to no more than 5 3/8 inches)
320 101 37_Non-garment item for use in sports, picnics,
camping, or with animals from medium weight
woven fabrics, knit fabrics, and/or polar fleece; all
fabrics may have up to moderate stretch (4 inches of
fabric stretches to no more than 5 3/8 inches)
320 101 38_Doll, toy, or garment/accessories for either
from medium weight woven fabrics, knit fabrics,
and/or polar fleece; all fabrics may have up to moder-
ate stretch (4 inches of fabric stretches to no more than
5 3/8 inches)
320 301 30_Creativity - Item or garment which has been
enhanced through creative embellishment, fabric
manipulation, or fabric creation; recycled items are
included and may retain some seams/design of the
original item as appropriate; exhibit must have been
made by exhibitor and use fabrics and skills appropri-
ate to skill level 3
Each garment or article must be labeled with the member's
name, county and project phase. This label should be typed
or printed in indelible ink on a piece of white fabric and sewn
in or written with indelible ink on painters tape and placed
where it can do the least amount of damage. This label is in
addition to the 4-H exhibit tag.
Expanding & Advanced skill levels can be found in the
State Fairbook online at http://oregon.4h.oregon-
Members may enter both classes in their phase level and
one exhibit per Felted Crochet and Hands for Larger Service
Note: Fill in blank in class number (__) with correspond-
ing number for Junior, Intermediate, or Senior Phase 1-
4 and Beginning and Expanding levels. Phases 5-6 and
Advanced levels are for Intermediate and Senior level
1 Junior
2 Intermediate
3 Senior
Phase 1, one article showing one or more of the following
stitches: chain stitch, single crochet, double crochet, or
slip stitch.
370 100 11_Wearable—garment or personal accessory
(hat, purse, belt, gloves, etc.)
370 100 12_Non-wearable—toys or items for the home
(coasters, doilies, pillows, holiday decorations, etc.)
Phase 2, one article showing one or more of the following
stitches: treble crochet, double treble or v stitch; may
be in combination with stitches learned in previous
370 100 21_Wearable—garment or personal accessory
(hat, purse, belt, gloves, etc.)
370 100 22_Non-wearable—toys or items for the home
(coasters, doilies, pillows, holiday decorations, etc.)
Phase 3, one article showing one or more of the following
stitches: open or filet mesh, block or solid mesh, long
single stitch, shell stitch, shell stitch variation; may be
in combination with stitches learned in a previous level.
370 100 31_Wearable—garment or personal accessory
(hat, purse, belt, gloves, etc.)
370 100 32_Non-wearable—toys or items for the home
(coasters, doilies, pillows, holiday decorations, etc.)
Phase 4, one article showing one or more of the following
stitches: waffle (or rib) stitch, picot (Irish crochet), clus-
ter, popcorn, star, or puff stitch; may be in combination
with stitches learned in a previous level.
370 100 41_Wearable—garment or personal accessory
(hat, purse, belt, gloves, etc.)
370 100 42_Non-wearable—toys or items for the home.
370 100 430 Hands for Larger Service—item or clothing to
be donated to someone in need.
Phase 5, (for intermediates and seniors) one article showing
one or more of the following stitches: Tunisian crochet,
afghan stitch, hairpin lace, broomstick lace, other
stitches made over a space holding tool.
370 100 51_Wearable—garment or personal accessory.
370 100 52_Non-wearable—toys or items for the home
Phase 6, (for intermediates and seniors) one article showing
skills learned, select from the following options.
Item made from member’s original design (include written
instructions with exhibit)
Crocheting combined with fabric or leather
Item made with fine thread
Item made with cloth strips rather than yarn
Item with multi-colored patterns (jacquards) using charts
(include copy of chart)
Garment made from pattern drafted to fit a specific person
(submit drafted pattern with exhibit)
370 100 61_Wearable—garment or personal accessory
370 100 62_Non-wearable—toys or items for the home
Felted Crochet
Felting may be done by hand or washing machine (wet
methods) and/or needle felting (dry) techniques.
370 300 11_Beginning—items made with beginning crochet
skills and single strands of yarn.
370 300 12_Expanding—items made with more expanded
crocheting skills including use of multiple strands of
yarn, inclusion of non-felting yarns, changing colors,
attaching simple handles or tabs, or adding flat designs
with needle felting, etc.
370 300 13_Advanced (for intermediates and seniors)—
items made incorporating more advanced crocheting
techniques including more difficult crochet patterns,
maintaining holes in crocheted and felted items, or
attaching three dimensional design pieces, etc.
Hands for Larger Service (all levels)
This class is for members to share their learning and skills
with others--primarily with someone in need. Create an
item or garment that will be given away to someone in
370 300 10_ Hands for Larger Service
Innovation Class
This class is for intermediate and senior 4-H members to
share a creative and innovative exhibit that does not fit
will in the other classes. Often these exhibits will
include a technological component. The exhibit must
be related to the project but is otherwise open for you
to share your skills and talents. Examples may include
the use of technology to add another dimension to your
project such as illumination or interactivity. Or it may be
a creative writing relating to the project, or a blog
where you share your learning and project work adven-
370 900 112 Intermediate crochet innovation class
370 900 113 Senior crochet innovation class
To celebrate the diversity in our world, each year the Oregon
4-H project areas will focus attention on the cultures of
a different country or region of the world. This special
emphasis allows members to focus on learning about
the country/region and the skills and techniques
unique to that culture.
241 800 112 Intermediate Celebrate our World inspired
crochet project
241 800 113 Senior Celebrate our World inspired crochet
Exhibitors must currently be enrolled in the Knitting project.
Knitting has three divisions of exhibit classes based on the
techniques used: Knitting with needles; Knitting
with looms, boards, and machines; and Felted