Gomes wins state archery title. SPORTS 10A Enterprise, Oregon Wallowa.com Issue No. 48 March 15, 2017 RETURN OF THE $1 ARTIST FEATURE COHO Courtesy Photo Local artist Sam Collett working on a painting in his home studio. County seeps into artist’s work Staff photo by E.J. Harris Coho salmon smolts shoot out of a hose into the Lostine River last week outside of Wallowa. The Nez Perce tribe is reintroducing the fish to the Lostine River after a 31-year absence of coho salmon. SALMON SPECIES REINTRODUCED TO GRANDE RONDE BASIN By George Plaven EO Media Group he Lostine River fl owed gently Thursday after- noon through Wolfe Ranch near Wallowa, where a truck hauling young coho salmon backed slowly down a gravel drive to the water’s edge. For the fi rst time in 31 years, coho were released into the Grande Ronde Basin, following a ceremony hosted by the Nez Perce Tribe and Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife. Approximately 50 people gathered to celebrate the occasion, marking a major milestone in the effort to re- store a once-abundant fi shery. Guests watched from just T Staff photo by E.J. Harris Coho salmon smolts swim close to the banks of the Lostine River after being released last week east of Wallowa. upstream of the tribe’s Los- tine salmon weir as a thick hose connected to the tanker belched tens of thousands of fi nger-size smolts into the river. Silver fl ashes darted around the stream bank before the fi sh eventually took to the current and began their long journey to the Pacifi c Ocean. All together, eight trucks transported half a million coho — or kállay in the Nez Perce language — to the Lostine River from the ODFW hatchery at Cascade Locks where they were reared. Tribal offi cials said it was an historic event, and the culmination of decades of work. “It is a great honor to be here and serve my people,” said Quincy Ellenwood, a member of the Nez Perce Trib- al Executive Committee. “We do this for the love we have of our culture.” By Stephen Tool Wallowa County Chieftain In this continuation of the feature on local artist Sam Collett, the Chieftain starts at the move of Collett and his wife Susan to Wal- lowa County. Collett met his future wife Susan in 1993 and the couple married in 1998, shortly be- fore their move to Wallowa County. Col- lett’s wife had friends in Wallowa County and they entered some of her drawings in the Wallowa Valley Festival of the Arts, some of which won awards. “We came up here to see what it was like, and we were staying at Stein’s Cabins. I was out doing some painting when Stein came up and asked if we wanted to buy the place,” Sam Collett said. “Sue and I started talking about it. We had this vision, you know, we were blinded by it. We had no idea what we were getting into.” The couple tried the cabin rental business for a time, but the stress of the business took a toll on their artwork as well as their pock- etbooks. They later sold the business. Sue Collett Sam Collett’s wife, Sue, was talented in her own right, both as a painter and jewelry maker. She passed away in 2015. See SALMON, Page A12 See COLLETT, Page A12 Bowerman Ranch: The goats with the most By Steve Tool Wallowa County Chieftain Anytime you see Bower- man Ranch co-owner Wen- dy McCullough, you can bet that goats aren’t far from her thoughts. In the shadow of Mt. Joseph, at the end of road named for her family, the third generation to live on the ranch quietly goes about her business of raising goats. For the most part, these are not milk goats. These goats are for the dinner table. McCullough, a Wallowa County native, has raised goats on the several-hundred acre ranch since 2006. It has been a circuitous route back to the ranch Mc- Cullough was raised on. After graduation from Joseph High School, Mc- Cullough left the area in 1969 to attend Oregon State University. She married and moved to Baker City, where she lived for the next 13 years before departing for the warmer climes of Arizona where she stayed six years, before mak- ing a move to Virginia for an- other 13 years. Still, Wallowa County was never far from her mind. See GOATS, Page A9 Lostine woman raises her own breed of sheep Colony cross produces soft wool June Colony of Lostine has reached a milestone in creating a wool-producing sheep extraordinaire. She has been breed- ing her sheep for 14 years and now she has what she thinks is the base of her very own breed. See FLOCK, Page A7 Kathleen Ellyn/Chieftain “All these girls will lamb in April,” June Colony says. Colony has used the herd to make money in a myriad of ways.