A12 News wallowa.com February 10, 2016 Sens. Wyden, Crapo introduce Zild¿re Iunding aPendPent By George Plaven East Oregonian Oregon Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden is once again working with Idaho Republi- can Mike Crapo on legislation WR¿[ZLOG¿UHIXQGLQJ Wyden and Crapo intro- duced an amendment to the Senate’s proposed energy bill on Tuesday that would end ³¿UHERUURZLQJ´ ZKHUH ODQG management agencies shift money from other programs to FRYHUWKHFRVWRI¿JKWLQJODUJH ZLOG¿UHV :\GHQ GHVFULEHG ¿UHERU- rowing as “budgetary quick- VDQG´ WKDW GUDJV GRZQ HYHU\ program at the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Manage- ment. The amendment would HVWDEOLVK D QHZ :LOG¿UH 'L- saster Relief Fund — which is similar to how the federal gov- ernment pays for other natural disasters. A summary of the amend- ment says it will free up rough- ly $300 million in funding for active land management and ¿UHSUHYHQWLRQ “We know that disas- WHUVFDOHZLOG¿UHVDUHJRLQJWR FRQWLQXHWREHDWKUHDW´&UDSR said. “We can better prepare for the increasing costs of A small plane drops retardant over an Oregon wildfire. ZLOGODQG ¿UH VXSSUHVVLRQ E\ providing land managers and ¿UH¿JKWHUVWKHFHUWDLQW\QHHG- ed to plan and allocate resourc- es properly without robbing from other priorities during HDFK¿UHVHDVRQ´ Congress passed a spending bill in December that increased ¿UH IXQGLQJ IRU RQH \HDU EXW the senators said this amend- ment will provide a long-term Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Do you feel hopeless or has the joy gone out of your life? Are you struggling to make your marriage work? I can help! A few sessions can make a big difference. Jeff Harman, MA., LPC Professional Counseling In A Private Setting www.jharmancounseling.com To schedule an appointment call Jeff Harman (541) 426-3067 Preferred Provider for Regence Blue Cross, ODS, Cascade Centers and many other private insurance and employee assistance programs. solution. The legislation has support from 21 co-sponsors in the Senate, 145 co-sponsors in the House and more than 250 groups representing hunters, anglers, timber companies and conservationists. The amendment also in- cludes several provisions for forest management, including measures to fast-track thinning projects recommended by a collaborative working group. Collaboratives must include scientists, conservationists and land managers, as well as local governments, tribes and indus- try. Projects would still need to comply with local forest plans and federal laws, but could move forward more quickly if they meet certain criteria. Finally, the amendment in- cludes several environmental provisions such as permanent- ly authorizing the Forest Ser- vice Legacy Roads and Trails Sedimentation Program, which lets the agency decommission roads and replace other unnat- XUDO¿VKEDUULHUV Wyden followed up Tues- Wallowa County Chieftain Forest Service initiates Lostine Corridor project Wallowa County Chieftain The U.S. Forest Service is seeking public comment on the Lostine Corridor Public Safety Project, located along an 11- mile road corridor into the Ea- gle Cap Wilderness in Wallowa County. The road travels along the Lostine Wild and Scenic River and provides access to popular developed recreation opportunities. The Lostine Corridor has many historic and recreation values, including seven camp- grounds and three developed trailheads. Private land with residential developments is lo- cated within the corridor. For many decades the vegetation in the corridor was only light- ly managed. As a result, forest stands are in decreasing health and pose high risks to the pub- lic. Courtesy photo The primary concern and purpose of this project is to address the public safety is- day’s energy bill amendment sues in the corridor. Secondly, with another on Wednesday, the project will address risks this time working with fellow to the other values in the cor- Oregon Democrat Jeff Merk- ridor including infrastructure ley. They proposed requiring (homes, cabins, recreation im- the Energy Information Ad- provements, roads), the natural ministration to publish month- resource values. To reduce risks O\ GDWD DERXW QHZ ÀDPPDEOH to these values the Forest Ser- liquids carried by rail. vice is proposing the following The EIA already started within the project area bound- publishing crude-by-rail data DU\DSSUR[DFUHV LQ 0DUFK 7KLV ZRXOG H[SDQG • Removal of hazard/danger the program to provide the trees that pose a risk to people same information for ethanol DQGOLTXH¿HGQDWXUDOJDV “Railroads have become synonymous with shipping crude oil and ethanol, and in Wallowa County Chieftain a few years may well become synonymous with shipping OLTXH¿HG QDWXUDO JDV´ :\GHQ )HE LV 6FKRRO ([FOX- VDLG³7D[SD\HUVGHVHUYHWLPH- sion Day, and the Oregon ly, transparent and reliable Immunization Program is LQIRUPDWLRQRQÀDPPDEOHOLT- reminding parents that chil- uids moving through different dren will not be able to attend regions by rail, and the very school or child care starting real safety concerns that go WKDWGD\LIWKHLUUHFRUGVRQ¿OH DORQJZLWKLW´ show missing immunizations. The senators introduced Under state law, all children these amendments to the Ener- in public and private schools, gy Policy Modernization Act, preschools, Head Start and which the Senate is consider- FHUWL¿HG FKLOG FDUH IDFLOLWLHV ing this week. must have up-to-date docu- traveling within the corridor, historical sites, and infrastruc- ture. • Creation (through remov- al of vegetation) of defensible VSDFH DURXQG LGHQWL¿HG KLVWRU- LFDO DUHDV H[ /RVWLQH *XDUG Station). • Remove fuels to increase canopy spacing and decrease both ground and ladder fuels and to decrease the risk of po- WHQWLDOKLJKLQWHQVLW\ZLOG¿UHV • Thin dense forest stands to improve forest health and re- silience to insects, disease and ZLOG¿UH The project also will assess opportunities to provide wood products for local markets, in- FOXGLQJ ¿UHZRRG WKURXJK LP- plementation. The Forest Service encour- ages those who are interested in this project to become involved in the planning process by pro- viding comments on this project and visiting with USFS staff. Please submit written com- PHQWV WR :DOORZD:KLWPDQ National Forest, Wallowa 0RXQWDLQV 2I¿FH $WWHQWLRQ Lostine Public Safety Project 6LWND3HQFH32%R[-R- VHSK25 Email comments to sit- kapence@fs.fed.us. To submit comments by telephone, or for more information about the proj- ect, please contact Sitka Pence at 3OHDVH VXEPLW your comments by March 10. Immunization updates due mentation on their immuniza- WLRQVRUKDYHDQH[HPSWLRQ For information about re- TXLUHPHQWV DQG H[HPSWLRQV visit the division’s vaccine H[HPSWLRQ ZHEVLWH DW ZZZ KHDOWKRUHJRQRUJYDFFLQHH[- emption. Additional information on school immunizations can be found at the Immunization Program website at www. healthoregon.org/imm. Fol- low the Oregon Immunization Program on Facebook. Have a Happy Valentine’s Day! 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