Wallowa County Chieftain News wallowa.com November 25, 2015 Dispatch log Enterprise. 4:07 p.m.: Report of possible intoxicated driver in Lostine. 6:34 p.m.: Female yellow lab/ husky mix reported lost in rural Joseph owner located. Nov. 16 Nov. 21 6:24 p.m.: Sheriff’s deputies arrested Brian Keith Bennett, 40, of Seaside on a Wallowa County Community Corrections detention warrant for a probation violation. Transported to Union County Jail. 9:31 p.m.: Report of assault in Enterprise. 12:31 p.m.: 911 call for hunters stuck in snow on the 39 road. 4:18 p.m.: Domestic call in Enterprise. 4:57 p.m.: Firearms complaint in rural Wallowa. 6:52: p.m.: Report of pe- destrian on Hwy 82 outside of Enterprise. 7:20 p.m.: 911 hang-up subject located and assisted to hospital FOR THE RECORD Nov. 17 Chieftain archives “This is the group that ate the Thanksgiving dinner at Chapman Schoolhouse. Mrs. Elmer requested me to send one.” - Mrs. Chris Johnson, Wallowa (Date unknown) 16” slab wood for $2.50 a cord 100 YEARS AGO Nov. 25, 1915 The banquet of all ban- quets given since Enterprise was settled took place Sat- urday night in celebration of the completion of the sawmill of the East Oregon Lumber company. The next day the ¿UVWORJZDVUXQWKURXJK the mill in the presence of Duval Jackson, I.H. Fetty, H. Lee Carlton, Superintendent J.H. Pollitt and others of the company’s staff and a large gathering of town people. The schedule for the mill whistle, a novelty still in the community, is as follows: 5am – one long blast. 6:15am – two short blasts. 6:30am – one long blast, mill starts. 12pm – one long blast, mill stops. 12:45pm – one long blast, mill starts. 4:45pm – one long blast, mill stops. The prima- ry purpose of the whistle of course is to regulate the hours of work at the plant, but it also serves to set the time for the town and country about it. A new era in the commu- nity as regards fuel prices has been brought by the opening of the mill. It sells 16” slab wood for $2.50 a cord, at the mill, or about half the price that has prevailed in the past. $WSUHVHQW¿UDQGWDPDUDFN are being cut and they make WKHEHVW¿UHZRRGIRXQGLQ forests of the county, burning freely and with great heat. 70 YEARS AGO Nov. 22, 1945 Playing at the McLean Theater in Wallowa: a free show to all who have bought Victory Loan bonds, Wallace Beery in “Barbary Coast”. One case of diphtheria was recently found in the Wallowa school, and because of this the Shick test will be given the ¿UVWRIQH[WZHHN7KH6KLFN test shows whether a child is immune against diphtheria. If the child has a positive reaction, he will then be immunized. Dr. Kettle, health RI¿FHU0DUJDUHW5RJHUV health nurse, and Dr. Merrill will Shick test and immunize the children. store building which is going XSRQVRXWK5LYHUVWUHHWQHDU the Hurricane Creek highway “Y”. The 60x100 foot con- crete block building is being constructed on lots south of the Leonard Brooks residence and faces the east. Excavation and foundation work has been moving rapidly ahead on the new federal building going up at the corner of West First and North streets next to the Elks Lodge. Completion is scheduled for next September. &ODVVL¿HGDG)RUUHQW – one bedroom furnished or unfurnished house, foot of Wallowa lake. Garage DQG¿UHSODFHPRQWKO\ includes water. OUT OF THE PAST Compiled by Cheryl Jenkins The Wallowa district Scouts Court of Honor was held in the Legion hall Tuesday night. The troops of Enterprise and Wallowa attended. Boys given their ten- derfoot badges were Kenneth Baker, Kenneth Jacob, Ken- neth Warnock, Bobby Trash, 'LFN5H\QROGV/DUU\5HHFH and Leo Shuman. Keith Flesh- man and Paul Curry received their second class award. For ¿UVWFODVV-RQ6NRYOLQZDV the only candidate. His father, A.H. Skovlin, troop commit- teeman, presented Jon with his badge and card. 25 YEARS AGO Nov. 22, 1990 50 YEARS AGO Nov. 25, 1965 Front-page photo caption: Sound conservation practices Agricultural income in have netted Flora area wheat farmer Chris Cunningham Wallowa county jumped in 1965 by almost a million the Oregon Association of dollars to register a gain of Conservation Districts’ “Co- more than 17 percent over the operator of the Year” award WRWDODFFRUGLQJWR¿JXUHV for 1990. compiled by County Agent “Bell, Book & Candle”, Elgin Cornett. a 3-act comedy, will be The highest selling bull at performed by a local cast at the Wallowa county “Select the OK Theatre in Enterprise Nov. 28-30. This is the second Sale” last Thursday was KK Crusty 10 sold by Kenneth major theatrical project direct- DQG5RDQQD.RRFKWR0LNH ed by Estelle Banks of Joseph Brennan for $520. Average for and co-produced by the Jo- 32 bulls was $364 and average seph Chamber of Commerce and the Wallowa Valley Arts for 9 heifers was $217. Work is progressing Council. The cast consists of Lee Daggett, Sue Kissinger, rapidly on the new grocery Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Do you feel hopeless or has the joy gone out of your life? Are you struggling to make your marriage work? I can help! A few sessions can make a big difference. Jeff Harman, MA., LPC Professional Counseling In A Private Setting www.jharmancounseling.com Cody Limbaugh, Sally Bow- erman and Charlie Day. Following the retirement of long-time basketball mentor Gary Sather, the Joseph High School boys team starts the new season with a brand new head coach, Blake Carlsen. Wallowa High School juniors Erin Mallory, Michelle Jackson and Brenda Smith, and sophomores Seth Jensen and Lynn Jackson were select- ed to participate in the East Oregon State Honor Band held in La Grande. Photo caption: The W.C. Junior Women donated two checks of $1,500 each to the Wallowa County EMT Asso- ciation and Wallowa County Fair Board for the Junior’s 2-year projects last week. Above are EMTs Sherri Ad- ams and Dottie Britton accept- ing a check from Pier Jensen and fair board member Connie Black accepting a check from Margaret Kassahn. A7 2:49 p,m.: Report of lost dog in Joseph. 3:12 p.m.: Enterprise of¿cers arrested Sara Jean Mabe, 37, of Enterprise for Criminal Trespass II and Disorderly Conduct II. Trans- ported to Union County Jail. 4:49 p.m.: State Forestry received report of ¿re on a ridge in rural Wallowa. 8:07 p.m.: Tree blocking both lanes on Hwy 3 in rural Enterprise. 10:24 p.m.: EFD responded to report of ¿re in Enterprise unfounded. 11:35 p.m.: Trees in highway outside of Wallowa. Nov. 18 6:02 a.m.: Several calls report- ing IRS scam calls. 10:28 a.m.: Report of assault in Enterprise. 12:26 p.m.: Hit and run reported in Enterprise property damage. 1:32 p.m.: Traf¿c complaint in rural Joseph. 2:56 p.m.: Search and Rescue called to ¿nd overdue hunter located by hunting party soon after call. 3:18 p.m.: Enterprise resident reports IRS scam calls referred to ODJ Consumer Fraud. Nov. 19 9:47 a.m.: Possible wolf depredation. Nov. 20 2:48 a.m.: Domestic call in Joseph. 1:53 p.m.: Report of runaway/ missing Muvenile located. 3:44 p.m.: Theft reported in Nov. 22 2:11 a.m.: Domestic call in En- terprise Dan Michael Schell, 25, of Enterprise arrested on parole violation transported to Union County Jail. 5:26 a.m.: Statewide detainer issued for William Gabriel Rogers, 35, of Enterprise for post-prison violations. 5:33 a.m.: Statewide detainer issued for David Jesse Drinkard, 35, of Enterprise for post-prison violations. 5:37 a.m.: Statewide detainer issued for Arthur Ray Haskins, 56, of Joseph for probation violations. 11:06 a.m.: IRS phone scam reported in Wallowa. 3:56 p.m.: Animal neglect reported in Joseph. 8:15 p.m.: Female German short hair reported lost in Joseph owner located. Circuit Court Nov. 18 Wendy Kristine Bliss, 45, of Joseph failed to appear for ar- raignment on Felon in Possession of a Firearm charge. William David Bliss, 55, of Joseph failed to appear for ar- raignment on Felon in Possession of a Firearm charge. James A. Eslinger, 58, of Nipton, Calif., sentenced to 18 months probation and ¿ned 300 for Class C Felony Possession of Methamphetamine. 301 W. Main, Enterprise • 541.426.3177 BIRTH A daughter, Agness Juniper Wilburn Foster, was born November 5, 2015 in Enterprise to Clint Foster and Autumn Wilburn of Enterprise. Grandparents are Karen & Darrell Wilburn, Linda Foster Beard and Grant Foster. A daughter, Sage Yvonne Lorentz, was born November 8, 2015 in Enterprise to Trevor Lorentz and Kylie Quinby of Wallowa. Grandparents are Kathy & Kevin Lorentz, Stacy Campbell and Jeremy Quinby. A son, Kale Patrick Wade Kincade, was born November 13, 2015 in Enterprise to Borden and Amanda Kincade of Enterprise. Grandparents are Julie & Tim Kiesecker, Leslie Kincade and Wade DeBraal. 504 NW 1st St Enterprise, OR 97828 Winter FUN • Winter SAVINGS Consumer Event: Hot dogs, chips, drinks and cookies! Door Prizes every hour! Games and More Saturday Dec. 5th 9am-2pm Professional driver on closed course. Always protect the environment and wear your seat belt, helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Read the owner’s manual and product warning labels before operation. Model shown with optional accessories. Vehicle specifi- cations subject to change. To schedule an appointment call Jeff Harman (541) 426-3067 Preferred Provider for Regence Blue Cross, ODS, Cascade Centers and many other private insurance and employee assistance programs. ELECTRICAL & WATER SYSTEM CONTRACTOR CCB#187543 EC# 32-14C ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING SUPPLIES • PUMPS IRRIGATION • HARDWARE • APPLIANCE PARTS 208 S. RIVER ST. • ENTERPRISE, OR www.jbbane.com 541-426-3344 Wallowa County HEALTH LINE wallowa.com No matter what your business is, the Wallowa County Chieftain has the audience you need! We have many options to market your business in an affordable and effective manner. Call Jennifer Powell today! 519 W. North Street, Enterprise 541-426-4567 (office) or email jpowell@wallowa.com 541.426.3413 Mon-Thurs 9 to Noon/1-5pm; Fri. 9-1 Subscribe to the Chieftain today! Specializing in Anti-Aging Skin Therapy Customized Facials Waxing Services, Brow Sculpting Body Polish-Back Facials High-Perfomance Products 541-398-0759 | Located @ beecrowbee 01 Main Joseph In-County Mailed Subscriptions $40 a year Call 541-426-4567