A16 News wallowa.com November 25, 2015 Wallowa County Chieftain Maxville’s last building dismantled Wallowa County Chieftain Staff Report The single remaining build- ing at the extinct logging town of Maxville in northwestern Wallowa County has been dis- mantled by the Maxville Her- itage Interpretive Center for eventual reconstruction at a new site. The log building served as Bowman-Hicks Lumber Co. headquarters at Maxville in the 1920s and ’30s. Maxville Her- itage obtained permission from Hancock Forest Management, owner of the former town site, to remove the well-worn struc- ture, which had been used in recent decades only occasion- ally by cowboys, snowmobil- ers and hunters. “We marked and cataloged each component of the struc- ture and have them stored safe- ly,” said Gwen Trice, Maxville Heritage executive director. “We were under the gun be- cause the building was deteri- orating and there were plans to demolish this valuable piece of Oregon logging history.” The work was done by a crew from Bronson Log Homes, owned by Dean Himes of (nterprise, and ¿nanced with grants from the Kinsman Foundation of Milwaukee and an individual donor. Maxville Heritage, which currently operates its interpre- tive center in leased Joseph quarters, plans to locate a per- manent site for future recon- struction of the building as a historical landmark. “For several years under an earlier owner, we were able to actually have our annual Max- ville Gathering at Maxville, but that’s now not permitted,” Trice noted. “The public has been unable to view this build- ing, so a new site for the build- ing is now one of our long- Holiday Party & Book Signing F RIDAY, D EC. 4 TH 10 am -3 pm JOIN US FOR A VERY FUN DAY! 10am - 3pm Momina Junaid gives talks on daily life in Pakistan By Steve Tool 1 - 3pm Local children’s book author Joan Gilbert will read the tale of how Wallowa Lake was REALLY formed. Join her afterward for a special presentation about how the 2011-12 Enterprise 6th Grade made the animated movie on which this book is based. Natural Histor y Discover y Center /.BJOt+PTFQIttXBMMPXPMPHZPSH Courtesy photo Bronson Log Homes crew members work carefully to remove a window from the Maxville building. Exchange student helps bridge cultural gaps Wallowa County Chieftain Ornament Making & Other Crafts Snacks & Hot Apple Cider Book Reading & Movie Presentation Special Showing of Behind the Scenes Video Book Signing range projects.” Bowman-Hicks, a large Missouri lumber business, es- tablished Maxville as a com- pany town to cut and mill Or- egon timber. At its height, it had a store, hotel, post of¿ce, schools and dozens of houses for the families of the loggers, but was closed as the Great De- pression hit. Although Maxville had racially segregated schools, housing and baseball teams, loggers of the various races and nationalities worked side by side, families spent time together and children played together. Trice, who grew up in near- by La Grande, founded Max- ville Heritage after discovering that her father, grandfather, uncle and cousins had been Maxville loggers. Her story has been captured in “The Logger’s Daughter,” an Oregon Public Broadcasting documentary. Enterprise High School exchange student Momina Ju- naid of Pakistan is doing her part to shatter stereotypes of Muslims and Middle East cul- ture by giving public talks on the subject. Junaid, 16, is from Gujrat in the Punjab region of northeast- ern Pakistan. She is residing with Jerald and Alina Rice of Enterprise on a YES! (Youth Exchange Study) Scholarship through AFS-USA. YES! is a school exchange program funded by the U.S. State De- partment’s Bureau of Educa- tional and Cultural Affairs. Junaid’s most recent ad- dress was an informative talk titled “What Foreigners Need to Know about Pakistan,” during a Nov. 17 brown bag event at the Josephy Center in Joseph. She wore a red dress from her home nation during the event. She does not wear a ha- jib (head scarf) here, although she wears one in her home country. Junaid mentioned that headwear requirements for Is- lamic women is one of the big- gest western misconceptions about Islam and Pakistan in general. With the aid of a Pow- er Point presentation, Junaid spoke of daily life in Pakistan, from the highways to moun- tains, celebrities and even ter- rorism, which she said is hated by the vast majority of Mus- lims. “Terrorism is the opposite of Islam,” she said. “Islam is peace, mercy and no violence.” She said her country and its military work hard to eliminate terrorists from within its bor- ders. Junaid described the Pun- jab province as very tolerant of other religions, and said that while Islam is the most widely practiced religion, both Christians and Hindus worship freely as well. She said mutual knowledge breeds mutual un- derstanding, particularly when it comes to cultural mores. For example, arranged mar- riage also is a part of her cul- ture, although not nearly draco- nian as often perceived by the west. “We can say no; we have a choice,” she said. “In most cases we already know him. If we have someone we want to marry, we ask our parents and the two families talk with each other to see if they agree on it.” Junaid’s Pakistan family has ¿ve members. Her father is Ensure a “Merry Christmas for All” ELKS CHRISTMAS BASKET/ TREE OF GIVING PROGRAM For Children & Teens through age 17 and Single Adults Living Alone PLEASE COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW TO BE PLACED ON A LIST TO RECEIVE A FOOD BASKET Ask about our Gift Baskets & Gift Certificates! Balanced Bodies Balance for the Body, Mind, & Soul Amy Guzlow, HHP, LMT #12700, Medicine Woman Therapeutic Massage Energy Healing Herbal Teas, Tinctures & Baths Doula & Pregnancy Support 9A S. Main St., Joseph OR • 541-398-0007 Now Accepting New Patients! Call Today for An Appointment 541.426.7900 Dr. Kirsten Caine Dr. Emily Sheahan Nurse Practitioner Traci Frye Mountain View Medical Clinic New Enterprise Location! 603 Medical Parkway Adjacent to the hospital MAIL TO: Elks PO Box K, Enterprise, OR 97828 by December 4th Questions: Call Donnie Rynearson 541-263-0598 Wallowa Memorial Hospital is an equal opportunity employer and provider. Steve Tool/The Chieftain Momina Junaid of Gujrat, Pakistan, is an exchange student at Enterprise High School. Junaid recently gave a Power Point presentation called “What Foreigners Need to Know about Pakistan” at the Josephy Center. a homeopathic doctor and her mother is a housewife. Junaid’s father had hoped she would become his assistant, but she is striving toward becoming an army doctor in the gynecologi- cal ¿eld, a career forbidden to Pakistani males. “It is the dream of my moth- er,” Junaid said. Junaid is looking to attend medical school in America and says it’s possible she’ll return to Wallowa County after her army stint. “It doesn’t matter where I practice,” she said. Junaid explained her ease with the English language by noting it is the one of the two of¿cial languages of Pakistan, not a “second language” for her. She added that seven of her school subjects are taught in English and only two in Urdu, the other of¿cial language. While Junaid describes her transition to America as rela- tively smooth, she did have to make adjustments. “The biggest adjustment in America is my new family, which has very different rules, expectations and different points of view about things,” she said. “The best thing is the cooperation between us and we know that this will be a great year for us.” The lack of a local mosque does not hinder Junaid’s reli- gious life. She spends her wor- ship time in prayer and said that mosques for female wor- shipers are on the decline in her own country, adding that many Pakistani women designate a speci¿c home area for prayer. Junaid, who had not been to a foreign country before her trip to America, said she got most of her ideas about Amer- icans from television as well as reading books and scanning the Internet. She mentioned her country restricts Internet use, with sites such as YouTube be- ing completely inaccessible to Pakistanis. Junaid said that exchange programs such as AFS can help dispel stereotypes and foster mutual understanding between the cultures of the West and Middle East. “It’s good for students and other people to go to other countries, even for a short time and live with each other and learn to understand the other’s concepts, even if they’re differ- ent,” she said.