Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1943-current, September 30, 2015, Image 4

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September 30, 2015
Wallowa County Chieftain
Log more,
graze more
to reduce
V ¿re¿JhterV VtruJJle aJainVt the GeaGly plaJue of
wilG¿reV that haV VcorcheG the WeVt thiV year, politicianV
are chiminJ in with their theorieV about what cauVeV
California Gov. Jerry Brown
thinNV climate chanJe iV to
blame. 2ther politicianV aJree,
The voice of the Chieftain
VayinJ it cauVeG the GrouJht
that haV maGe the reJion more
vulnerable to wilG¿reV.
While GrouJht certainly haV contributeG to the wilG¿re
niJhtmare, other cauVeV have playeG a larJer role. 7he poor
manaJement of feGeral lanG, which haV alloweG foreVtV to
become overJrown anG bulJinJ with fuel for ¿reV, iV the primary
cauVe of the increaVinJ number of larJe wilG¿reV.
7hiV year alone, 3 million acreV have burneG in Veven WeVtern
VtateV. ,f AlaVNa iV incluGeG, the area burneG totalV more than .1
million acreV. )or the yearV 2005 to 201, an averaJe of million
acreV haV burneG annually in the 8.S., mainly the WeVt. 0oVt of
thoVe 10 yearV preGate the fouryear GrouJht in California or the
GrouJhtV in any of the other WeVtern VtateV.
1ational foreVtV are not parNV. 7hey VhoulG be open to
Jra]inJ, recreation, commercial timber operationV anG other uVeV.
7hat uVeG to be the caVe. 7he 8.S. )oreVt Service anG the Bureau
of /anG 0anaJement manaJeG timber on a rotational baViV,
aVVurinJ a VuVtainable Vupply for lumber, plywooG anG paper
8nGer the current aGministration, however, those uses
have been reGuceG, either as the result of lawsuits ¿leG by
environmental Jroups intent on evictinJ ranchers anG others
from the forests, or by the )orest Service, which is closinJ a
larJe percentaJe of national forest access roaGs to public use.
,n 0ontana, for e[ample, ,000 miles of the 32,000 miles of
national forest roaGs will be closeG. ClosinJ these massive areas
to access assures that they will never be properly manaJeG for
multiple use or thinneG to reGuce wilG¿re fuel. 7hey will become
Ge facto wilGerness areas ² anG stocNpiles of fuel for wilG¿res.
Similar roaG closures are planneG in other national forests in
the West.
,n the waNe of this year¶s catastrophic ¿res, even the most
harGheaGeG politicians seem to aJree that the forests neeG to be
³bettermanaJeG.´ We will translate 7hey neeG to be loJJeG,
either throuJh thinninJ or throuJh commercial timber sales.
AnG more livestocN Jra]inJ is neeGeG to reGuce the amount of
veJetation that piles up as fuel for the ne[t wilG¿re.
7his is a statement of the obvious. 7he only answer to
reGucinJ the si]e anG intensity of wilG¿res is to reGuce the
amount of fuel in the forests.
1ear John 'ay, which has suffereG throuJh wilG¿re hell this
year, retireG B/0 forester Bob 9iGoureN showeG Capital 3ress
reporter Sean (llis the Gifference between forestlanG that haG
been thinneG anG neiJhborinJ lanG that haG not. 7he manaJeG
lanG was barely toucheG by the wilG¿re that roareG throuJh the
area. 7he unmanaJeG lanG was GevastateG.
But there¶s more to the issue than manaJinJ publicly owneG
natural resources. 7hose who say they are concerneG about
climate chanJe shoulG also be interesteG in manaJinJ public lanG
to minimi]e the number anG si]e of wilG¿res.
7he reason WilG¿res release massive amounts of Jreenhouse
Jases such as carbon Gio[iGe, which are linNeG to climate chanJe.
See VOICE, Page $
• Our Sept. 23 story about Enterprise motel tax grant ap-
plications erred in stating there could be a second chance
for applicants to make presentations to the city council. That
window has in fact closed and the Chieftain regrets the error.
• The big photo on last week’s front page misidentified one
of the people pictured. The woman at far right is Sally Akin,
not Rhee Lathrop. The Chieftain regrets the error.
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Wallowa County¶s 1ewspaper Since 88
Enterprise, Oregon
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Rob Ruth, editor@wallowa.com
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Kathleen Ellyn, kellyn@wallowa.com
Elliott Seyler, eseyler@wallowa.com
Brooke Pace, bpace@wallowa.com
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Contents copyright © 2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction
without permission is prohibited.
Volume 133
A woman sits, curleG on a couch, face
in her hanGs, cryinJ )or many this is the
face of Gepression.
A man walNs, unsmilinJ anG alone,
alonJ a path. +is heaG is boweG anG he
seems lost in his thouJhts. 7his too is the
face of Gepression.
But Gepression can have many faces,
anG many people are e[tremely sNilleG at
hiGinJ their Gepression. 'epression can
looN liNe a happy younJ mother, a success
ful business person, or a star athlete. It can
be the busy colleJe stuGent, or the GotinJ
What is Gepression e[actly" We are all
up, anG then Gown. We have times when
we feel Moy, anG times when it feels liNe our
worlG is cavinJ in. 7hese NinGs of shifts in
mooG are part of life. But Gepression is
somethinJ more.
0aMor Gepression may maNe you feel
as thouJh worN, school, relationships, anG
other aspects of your life have been Ge
raileG or put on holG inGe¿nitely. <ou feel
constantly saG or burGeneG, or you lose in
terest in all activities, even those you pre
Steven Kliewer
viously enMoyeG. 7his holGs true nearly all
Gay, almost every Gay, anG lasts at least two
weeNs. 'urinJ this time, people with Ge
pression e[perience some of the followinJ
‡ (atinJ too much or too little.
‡ SleepinJ too much, or not enouJh.
‡ /oss of enerJy or feelinJ tireG much
of the time.
‡ 3roblems concentratinJ or maNinJ
‡ )eelinJs of worthlessness or e[ces
sive, inappropriate Juilt.
‡ 7houJhts of Geath or suiciGe, or sui
ciGe plans or attempts.
When these symptoms are present one
may well have maMor Gepression. But ma
Mor Gepression is not the only form of Ge
pression. Some people have what is calleG
'ysthymia refers to a lowlevel of Ge
pression that lasts for at least two years in
aGults or one year in chilGren anG teens. Its
persistent holG can Neep you from feelinJ
JooG anG can intruGe upon your life. If you
suffer from Gysthymia, more often than not
you feel GepresseG GurinJ most of the Gay.
<ou may carry out Gaily responsibilities,
but much of the ]est is Jone from your life.
Depression is serious. It cannot only
maNe life Gif¿cult, but it can become so
severe that people no lonJer want to live,
anG become suiciGal.
7he JooG news is that Gepression is
treatable. 9arious talN anG behavioral
therapies as well as meGications can Jive
people back their lives. If you feel you, or
a loveG one miJht be sufferinJ from Ge
pression, please call for help /ocally call
your Goctor, or call Wallowa 9alley Center
for Wellness, at 51252. If you are
feelinJ suiciGal call the crisis line, 51
Steven Kliewer is a licensed profession-
al counselor and part of the leadership
team at Wallowa Valley Center for Well-
0y home is at Wallowa /ake on 3ol
lock 5oaG, which is the roaG that leaGs
into the CreatinJ 0emories for DisableG
ChilGren Gevelopment.
0r. .en Coreson stoppeG me on this
roaG several weeks aJo. +e is chairman
of the 0emories orJani]ation. After tell
inJ me how harasseG he haG been he then
assureG me that the closure of public ac
cess to the falls his Jroup haG instituteG
was only temporary. AccorGinJ to the
Gictionary temporary means, ³lastinJ for
a limiteG time.´ What Goes ³limiteG time´
mean" Access has been GenieG since ear
ly sprinJ anG is still in effect toGay.
At the time of our conversation they
were e[pectinJ their ¿rst Juest.
I have enMoyeG meGitative walks to the
falls for si[ty years. 7his e[perience has
been shareG with my chilGren anG subse
Tuently with my JranGchilGren. 0y ¿rst
awareness of the closure occurreG this
sprinJ when my JranGson, AGam, came
for a visit. +e wanteG to share this favor
ite chilGhooG activity with his ¿veyear
olG sons only to be turneG away +ow
saG )or many a walk to our beautiful
falls is a treasureG part of the Wallowa
/ake e[perience. I Garesay hunGreGs of
visitors have been GenieG this opportuni
0r. Coreson was inviteG to speak at
the /abor Day meetinJ of the Wallowa
/ake +ome 2wners Association. +e GiG
not come nor GiG he senG a representa
tive. It seems to me a valuable chance for
some sort of clari¿cation was misseG
I Go believe proviGinJ GisableG chil
Gren with a special outGoor e[perience
is a noble enGeavor. 7o Go so at the e[
pense of respectful neiJhbors anG visitors
seems e[treme at the very least.
I feel it is time for 0r. Coreson, chair
man of CreatinJ 0emories for DisableG
ChilGren to e[plain, ³7emporary.´
Gail Swart
/ast week, 0r. 5uth wrote an eGito
rial titleG, ³2ptout provision at SB+C
not a myth´, baseG on a ³Tuote´ from
the community meetinJ referenceG in the
September eGition, which was in fact a
misTuote. 0r. 5uth¶s point in this eGito
rial is that one parent e[presseG Gisbelief
that the SB+C¶s ³optout´ provision re
ally e[isteG, when in fact the Tuestion by
the parent anG others centereG arounG
whether there woulG be an optout form,
when the form woulG be available, anG
the potential for the optout to be elim
inateG by a future leJislative act. 0r.
5uth has obviously not researcheG the
issues relateG to placinJ an SB+C in our
school, which Jo far beyonG Tuestions
reJarGinJ an optout. 0r. 5uth coulG
use some eGucation reJarGinJ his mis
statements in the eGitorial, incluGinJ his
comment, ³1o Goubt unGerJirGeG by the
profounG antipathy alreaGy cultivateG to
warG 2bamacare ² of which the SB+C
is not a proGuct«´. I reference the +5SA
+ealth Center Website, ³+ealth Center
1ew Access 3oint Grant Application
7echnical Assistance´, which states in
part, ³«SubMect to the availability of
appropriateG funGs, +5SA anticipates
awarGinJ appro[imately 100 million
to support an estimateG 150 1ew Access
3oint Jrant awarGs in )iscal <ear 2015,
supporteG by the AfforGable Care Act
3./. 1111«´ A little research miJht
Go the eGitor well.
In aGGition, his comments reJarGinJ
the school boarG are inappropriate. +e
Joes so far as to say that ³...they coulG
start a recall...´ 7he school boarG mem
bers are our frienGs, acTuaintances, anG
respecteG members of our community.
While parents may GisaJree with the pro
cess followeG to this point, parents have
never e[presseG any such Gesire. +is re
marks are inÀammatory.
0r. 5uth¶s opinionateG anG onesiGeG
eGitorial is unprofessional. It woulG seem
as thouJh 0r. 5uth feels he has nothinJ
to lose, as he is leavinJ 7he Chieftain the
Gay this eGition is publisheG. +owever, I
wonGer how the 3ublisher feels about the
loss of reaGership anG patronaJe of the
paper as a result"
Where to write
Subscription rates (includes online access)
Wallowa County
7he White +ouse, 100 3ennsyl
vania Ave. 1.W., WashinJton, D.C.
20500 3honecomments 20251111
SwitchboarG 202511.
8.S. Sen. 5on WyGen, D ² 51
+art Senate 2f¿ce BuilGinJ, WashinJ
ton D.C. 20510. 3hone 2022252.
(mail wayneBkinney#wyGen.senate.
Jov Web site http//wyGen.senate.Jov
)a[ 2022221.
8.S. Sen. Jeff 0erkley, D ² 313
+art Senate 2f¿ce BuilGinJ, WashinJ
ton D.C. 20510. 3hone 20222353.
(mail senator#merkley.senate.Jov.
)a[ 202223.
2reJon of¿ces incluGe 2ne WorlG
7raGe Center, 121 S.W. Salmon St., Suite
1250, 3ortlanG, 25 20 anG 310 S.(.
SeconG St., Suite 105, 3enGleton, 25
01. 3hone 5033233 512
112. )a[ 5033220.
8.S. 5ep. GreJ WalGen, 5 ² Sec
onG District 10 /onJworth BuilG
inJ, WashinJton D.C. 20515. 3hone
20222530. 1o Girect email be
cause of spam. Web site www.walGen.
house.Jov )a[ 2022255. 0eG
forG of¿ce 1 1orth Central, Suite
112, 0eGforG, 25 501. 3hone 51
. )a[ 51020.
3enGinJ Bills )or information on
bills in ConJress, 3hone 202225
Gov. .ate Brown, D ² 10 State
Capitol, Salem 310. 3hone 5033
52. )a[ 50330. Web site
2reJon /eJislature ² State Capitol,
Salem, 310. 3hone 503 110.
Web site www. leJ.state.or.us incluGes
2reJon Constitution anG 2reJon 5e
viseG Statutes.
State 5ep. GreJ Barreto, 5Cove
District 5, 5oom +3, State Capi
tol, 00 Court St. 1.(., Salem 25 301.
3hone 50315. (mail rep.JreJ
barreto#state.or.us. Web site http//
State Sen. Bill +ansell 5 ² District
2 5oom S23, State Capitol, Salem
301. 3hone 50312. (mail
Sen.Bill+ansell#state.or.us. Web site
2reJon /eJislative Information ²
)or upGates on bills, services, capitol
or messaJes for leJislators ² 00332