Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1943-current, July 01, 2015, Image 8

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RULE: Author’s HOLIDAY: Plenty
suit given new life to do this weekend
Continued from Page A1
Defendant Swart offered a
starkly different portrayal of
the situation. “This is basically
a procedural issue,” he wrote
in an email. “Every single
case in the state of Washing-
ton that had an appeal pending
under the anti-SLAPP statute
has been remanded to a lower
court because of the Davis vs.
Cox ruling, which is a totally
separate case and had nothing
to do with us. Ann Rule has
admitted in court, contrary to
her false claims, there were
no false statements about her
in my article. That’s why her
place. I look forward to dis-
patching it a second time so I
can work on more important
things such as the domestic
violence legislation that Liysa
wrote and with my help got
passed by the legislature and
signed into law this year.”
The 2014 dismissal in-
cluded a $10,000 award to
each of the defendants, an
automatic provision under
the anti-SLAPP law, but those
awards have now gone by the
boards with the law’s invali-
will stay at hospital
Continued from Page A1
The menu includes ham or
sausage, eggs, juice or other
beverage. No Boundaries will
perform live music Friday at 1
Also on Saturday, the 32nd
annual Lostine River Run of-
fers competitors distances of
1 mile, 5K and 10K along the
beautiful Lostine River Can-
yon. Check-in and late regis-
tration is from 7 to 8 a.m., and
the 5K and 10K events start at
9 a.m. See the Eastern Oregon
Sports Training website (eo-
sportstraining.com) for more
The small community cel-
ebrates Independence Day
with a parade, horseshoe tour-
nament, kids’ games, food
Continued from Page A1
SLWDO EDFN RQ WUDFN ¿QDQFLDOO\ served by the Troy Resort, a
“We could have easily lost the street dance with the Alibis,
available for them, and that’s hospital. Of course it wasn’t just DQGD¿UHZRUNVVKRZDWGXVN
what brought me back,” Davy me, but building the new hospi-
tal really helped solidify health
Davy’s desire to return to the care here for generations,” Davy
The spectacular “Shake the
with the departure of previous for its ability to adjust to the rap- es to be the highlight of Wal-
&(2 'DYH +DUPDQ ³,W ZDV id changes in health care, keep- lowa County’s 4th, as Bruce
about then that Enterprise called ing pace with these to provide a /DZVRQ¶V2QWDULR¿UP+RPH-
and asked if I’d be interested in solid foundation in the county’s land Fireworks, again provides
FRPLQJ EDFN DQG LW ¿W´ 'DY\ health care.
the pyrotechnic artistry that
“I can’t take sole credit for
Originally planning to retire any of it, but I got to be in this
to this area anyway, Davy had RI¿FHZKHQLWKDSSHQHG´'DY\
kept his house, which made the said.
move especially easy. “Now
we’re close to the kids and Nick Lunde, said the board
grandkids, and we have parents had no qualms about extending
here as well,” Davy said.
Davy’s contract. “We’re lucky
Among the highlights of WRKDYH/DUU\+H¶VGRQHDJUHDW
Davy’s tenure as CEO, he job as CEO of this hospital. We
counts getting the old hospital’s couldn’t be more pleased he’s
debt paid off and getting the hos- staying with us.”
REPAIRS: Work starts on
Forest Service buildings
Continued from Page A1
(the compound). We’d like to
unable to agree on terms and
Enterprise and then Joseph.
“We never wanted this,” that the compound be used
said Wallowa County May- as a historical and cultural
or Vikki Knifong. “(Max- interpretation and education
ville Director) Gwen Trice center, be managed by a non-
worked so hard on getting SUR¿W DQG EH PDQDJHG LQ D
it for Maxwell, and then she way that protects the historic
backed out. The city had to values of the compound —
be a pass-through in that deal and is willing to foot the re-
and now we’re stuck with pair bills.
July 1, 2015
Wallowa County Chieftain
BUCKAROO: 20 expected
Continued from Page A1
and a photo of themselves with
a local or rodeo cowboy. A
Pendleton Rodeo contacts cowboy mentor will accompa-
lent Chief Joseph Days Ro- ny each child as they compete.
Competitors are also wel-
takes full advantage of the deo equipment from their own
beautiful setting. The Wallowa Children’s Rodeo. Now the come to be in the parade on
&RXQW\6KHULII¶V2I¿FHOHQGVD Little Buckaroos in Wallowa the Little Buckaroo hay wag-
huge assist in making the show County can milk the (wood- on.
Scudder is currently look-
possible, moving docks before- en) cow, ride the (teeter totter)
hand. Vicki Searles, executive bull, rope the (dummy) steer, ing for both competitors and
director of the Wallowa County untie a bow from a goat’s tail, PHQWRUV IRU WKLV HYHQW +HUH
Chamber of Commerce, says and race stick horses.
There’s no admission guy to sign up as a mentor
this year’s show will be about
was Barrie Qualle of Joseph.
as large as last year’s, when ad- charge to the July 22 event.
Competitors must be resi- Deputy Fred Steen also vol-
ed. It starts around 10 p.m. and dents of Wallowa County, pre- unteered depending upon his
school through 16, and be in an availability — he’s timing
lasts 20-25 minutes.
At the beginning of this Individual Education Program slack times that same morn-
ing. Volunteers are usually
week, the Wallowa County (IEP) to qualify.
“I’m prepared for 20 com- HDV\ WR ¿QG IRU WKLV JLJ EH-
Chamber, located in Enter-
prise, reported it was still about petitors,” Scudder said. “The cause it’s such a lot of fun.
To enter your child or vol-
$3,500 short of its fundraising ¿UVW\HDU\RXKROGDQHYHQWLW¶V
goal to continue providing the always by guess and by golly, unteer as a cowboy/cowgirl
Shake the Lake show, and any- but my heart’s really into it and mentor, contact Scudder at
509-629-3139 or scudder-
one who donates $25 or more I want to make it a success.”
Each participant will get a deb6@gmail.com. She’s also
to the County Chamber before
Monday, July 6, will be en- cowboy hat, a lariat, a T-shirt on Facebook.
tered into a July 6 drawing for a
Snake River boat trip provided
by Beamer’s Landing of Clark-
ston, Wash. The Chamber’s
phone number is 541-426-
Also at Wallowa Lake on
the 4th, look for Uncle Sam
(played by Troy Berglund),
who will be accepting dona-
tions to help cover the Joseph
Chamber of Commerce’s
monetary contribution to the