Wallowa County Chieftain News wallowa.com June 24, 2015 A3 Watershed Festival equals family fun *UDEWKHNLGVLW¶VWLPHIRU Wallowa Resources’ 11th An- nual Watershed Festival. The family oriented event EHJLQVDWDPRQ)ULGD\-XQH 26, at the Wallowa County Fair- JURXQGV,W¶VDOORYHUE\SP including the live music. ³0RVWIDPLOLHVVSHQGDPLQ- imum of three hours at the fes- tival,” said event coordinator $P\ %XVFK ³7KHUH LV MXVW VR much to do that the kids get real- ly involved in all the activities.” The Watershed Festival FRPELQHV RXWGRRU VXPPHU IXQ ZLWK OHDUQLQJ H[SHULHQFHV 7R that end, more than 25 orga- nizations ranging from Fish- WUDS ZKLFK SURPRWHV ³FOHDU thinking and good writing in DQGDERXWWKH:HVW´WR%XLOG- LQJ +HDOWK\ )DPLOLHV ZKLFK strengthens families through HGXFDWLRQ DQG VXSSRUW FRPH together to demonstrate what they do in the community through family-friendly activ- ities. A scavenger hunt will send kids searching for stickers and IDFWVDERXW:DOORZD&RXQW\WR HDUQDSUL]HXSRQFRPSOHWLRQ /LYH ELUGV RI SUH\ ZLOO VKRZ kids exactly what “having an eagle eye” means or how to look “owly-eyed.” Kids can DOVREXLOGELUGKRXVHVWDJ¿VK PDNHSDSHUDQGPXFKPRUH Wallowa Valley Music $OOLDQFH ZLOO RQFH DJDLQ EH hosting the music for the event IURP DP WR SP Carolyn Lochert and Janis &DUSHU ZLOO SHUIRUP DV ZLOO many other local musicians. “Bring a sun hat and sun- VFUHHQDQGDEODQNHWWRVLWDQG HQMR\WKHPXVLF´VDLG%XVFK With so many attractions, PDQ\ DWWHQGHHV VSHQG ORQJHU at the Watershed Festival than they think they will. But Wal- ORZD 5HVRXUFHV¶ +LJK 6FKRRO ,QWHUQVKLSKDVJRW\RXFRYHUHG WKHUH )HVWLYDOJRHUV FDQ JUDE OXQFKDQGVXSSRUWWKH,QWHUQVKLS SURJUDPE\SXUFKDVLQJIRRG Admission is free, and the ¿UVW IDPLOLHV ZLOO DOVR UH- FHLYH D IUHH UHXVDEOH JURFHU\ EDJ $ QXPEHU RI VSRQVRUV KHOS PDNHWKLVHYHQWSRVVLEOH&RP- munity Bank, The Freshwater Trust, Northwest Fence, Grande Ronde Model Watershed, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, Wallowa Valley Networks, Les 6FKZDE:LQGLQJ:DWHUV5LYHU ([SHGLWLRQV :DOORZD 9DOOH\ Music Alliance, The Nature Conservancy, EnergyTrust of Oregon, Bank of Eastern Or- egon, World Forestry Center, %XLOGLQJ +HDOWK\ )DPLOLHV Wild Carrot, Wallowa Lake State Park, Eastern Oregon Uni- versity GO-STEM, and Central &RS\ )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXW the Watershed Festival, contact Busch at 541-426-8053 or visit www.wallowaresources.org. OK Theatre hosts Jeremy Garrett /LEUDU\¿QGVZD\WR By Steve Tool Wallowa County Chieftain ENTERPRISE — Jeremy Garrett, singer-songwriter and ¿GGOHSOD\LQJ PHPEHU RI 7KH Infamous Stringdusters is slot- WHG IRU DQ SP VROR SHU- formance Thursday, June 25, at the OK Theatre. The Caldwell, Idaho, native is co-founder of WKH ZHOONQRZQ SURJUHVVLYH EOXHJUDVV EDQG DV ZHOO DV WKH 2014 winner of the USA Song- ZULWLQJ&RPSHWLWLRQLQWKHIRON category. 7KLV 7KXUVGD\¶V SHUIRU- PDQFH LV SDUW RI *DUUHWW¶V VROR tour, the “Dream Come True” tour. Garrett and his wife are currently touring the country LQDQ597KH2.SHUIRUPDQFH will also serve as Garrett’s “The 596HVVLRQV´&'UHOHDVHSDUW\ All the music was written and recorded in the RV during tours. OK owner Darrel Brann said WKH 6WULQJGXVWHUV KDYH SOD\HG (QWHUSULVH WZLFH EHIRUH %UDQQ said that when he saw what Gar- rett was doing with the tour, he reached out to Garrett and asked LIKHUHPHPEHUHGSOD\LQJ(QWHU- SULVHRULIKH¶GEHLQWHUHVWHGLQ Courtesy Photo Jeremy Garrett will perform at the OK Theatre June 25. SOD\LQJWKH2.³µ2KPDQGR, UHPHPEHU(QWHUSULVH,KDYHDQ RSHQLQJLQ-XQHDQG,¶GOLNHWR GRD&'UHOHDVHSDUW\DWWKH2. Theatre,’” Brann quoted Gar- rett as saying. Brann also said WKH ZKROH EDQG ZRXOG OLNH WR JHWEDFNWR(QWHUSULVHEXWWKHLU VXGGHQ SRSXODULW\ XSVZLQJ KDV NHSWWKHEDQGEXV\³7KLVPLJKW EHDVWHSLQJHWWLQJWKHPEDFN´ Brann said. (QWHUSULVH KROGV D VSHFLDO SODFHIRU*DUUHWW³7KH'XVWHUV KDGDJUHDWVKRZLQ(QWHUSULVHD few years ago and the communi- W\DQGFURZGZHUHYHU\VXSSRUW- ive to us,” Garrett said. “I had to FRPH EDFN ,W MXVW VR KDSSHQV that the routing of my Dream Come True solo tour took me ULJKWE\(QWHUSULVH7KHDUHDUH- PLQGVPHRIDSODFHWKDW,FRXOG call home someday. I’m excited WRUHOHDVHP\QHZ&'µ7KH59 Sessions’ and share my music with everyone there.” Garrett is also conducting a KLJKLQWHQVLW\ ¿GGOH ZRUNVKRS at noon on the same day from SP :RUNVKRS SULFH LV $25. Brann added that the OK is also hiring two other acts to RSHQ IRU *DUUHWW 6LQJHUVRQJ- writers Marshall McLean and -HIIHU\0DUWLQDUHEULQJLQJWKHLU UHVSHFWLYHWDOHQWVWRWKHVWDJHLQ DURXQGURELQIRUPDWVWDUWLQJDW SP ³,¶PUHDOO\H[FLWHGDERXWWKLV show. We’re trying to reach out WRELJJHUDFWV´%UDQQVDLG Tickets cost $15 in advance, DYDLODEOHDWWKH'ROODU6WUHWFKHU LQ(QWHUSULVH-RVHSK+DUGZDUH LQ-RVHSKDQG0&URZDQG&R LQ/RVWLQH'RRUVRSHQDWSP Tickets at the door are $20 or WKURXJKHYHQWEULWHFRP earn more interest By Kathleen Ellyn Wallowa County Chieftain The City of Wallowa has IRXQGDZD\WRPDNHEHWWHULQ- WHUHVWRQWKHLU+RZDUG -RKQVRQ /LEUDU\ (QGRZPHQW 7KH FLW\ KDV EHHQ VSHQGLQJ WKHSDOWU\SHUFHQWLQWHUHVW WKH\JRWIURPVWDQGDUGEDQNLQJ IRUQHZERRNVIRUWKH:DOORZD &LW\3XEOLF/LEUDU\ “It was a whole $25 in May,” said city recorder Carol Long. 7KH QHZ SODQ SXW WKH HQ- dowment money along with an $8,000 matching grant from WKH)ULHQGVRIWKH/LEUDU\LQWR an Oregon Community Foun- dation Trust and Annuities SURJUDP7KHDFFRXQWGUDZVD KHDOWK\SHUFHQW7KLVURXWH requires a minimum starting GHSRVLWRI²WKXVWKH matching grant amount. 7KH PRQH\ ZLOO EH WUDQV- IHUUHGDVVRRQDVWKHQHZ¿VFDO year starts, July 1. The healthi- HULQWHUHVWZLOOWKHQEHVSOLW SHUFHQWWRWKH)ULHQGVIRUWKHLU SURMHFWV DW WKH OLEUDU\ DQG WKH EDODQFH WR WKH FLW\ OLEUDU\ IRU WKHSXUFKDVHRIERRNV KILL: :ROIGHSUHGDWLRQFRQ¿UPHG Continued from Page A1 6WHHQDGGHGKHGLGQRWVSHDN for the ODFW. 7KH FDOI LQ TXHVWLRQ EH- longed to Max and Jean Mal- lory, who live on Promise Road MXVWQRUWKRI:DOORZD7KHVXV- SHFWHGNLOOZDVRQSULYDWHSURS- HUW\DERXWHLJKWPLOHVIURPWKH Mallory Ranch where the family OHDVHVSDVWXUH Both the ODFW and WCSO SHUIRUPHG D QHFURSV\ DQG WKH investigation on scene. The Mallorys had moved FDWWOH IURP RQH SDVWXUH WR DQ- RWKHUDQGDFDOIJRWOHIWEHKLQG 7KH\UHWXUQHGWRWKHSDVWXUHWKH following day and found the calf. While Max Mallory went DIWHUWKHFDOIRQKRUVHEDFNKLV ZLIH RSHQHG WKH JDWH$V 0D[ Mallory herded the calf to with- LQDERXW\DUGVRIWKHJDWHLQ the words of Mallory, “There was a gray wolf waiting for us. +H ORRNHG XV RYHU IRU DZKLOH and trotted out of sight. Need- less to say, I didn’t get the calf out the gate after that.” Both Jean and Max Mallory went to the herd and cut out the FDOI¶V PRWKHU DQG DQRWKHU SDLU DQG GURYH WKHP EDFN WKURXJK the gate as encouragement to the lone calf. By that time it was dark and the Mallorys could hear the lone calf had found its mother. “We assumed every- WKLQJZDVJRLQJWREHDOOULJKW´ Max Mallory said. It wasn’t. -HDQ0DOORU\DQGVRPHKHOS returned to the area two days ODWHUWRPRYHWKHWZRSDLUEDFN with the herd and found the dead calf. It was nearly three-quarters eaten. They called the authori- ties. Pat Matthews, district wild- OLIH ELRORJLVW IRU WKH 2'): said after the initial investigation WKH VXVSHFWHG GHSUHGDWLRQ ZDV handed over to the La Grande 2'):RI¿FHIRUIXUWKHULQYHV- tigation. LATE UPDATE: Max Mal- lory told the Chieftain Tuesday that he had received a call from Matthews informing him that 2'): KDV FRQ¿UPHG WKH FDOI as a wolf kill. Summer Dinner Specials 5-9pm Rotating regional beer & wine on tap Growlers & Winers Filled Open 11am-10pm, Wed-Sun HIGHWAY 82, LOSTINE 541-569-2246 Stay Connected On Facebook Announcing ng New N ENT Services! i ices • Dr . Gerry Funk, Otolaryngologist, ngologist, will see patients in Enterprise f general earr , nose, nose thr oat c • Off fering neck oncology Glen and Verla Henry te work U • Education: under graduate University of Or MD University of Chicago; r esiden owship at University of Iowa, Southern California; fellowship wher e Dr . Funk served as s a trainin training pr & neck oncology & sur gery ery y. Ask your physician cian for a referral today! to are celebrating 75 years together June 22, 2015. They were married June 22,1940 in Lewiston, Id. The children of Glen and Verla invite you to the party Sat. June 27 at the La Grande Senior Center from 1 pm - 3 pm Cards are welcome. We ask for no gifts please. Any questions call Richard Henry at 541-786-1198 MAKE THE MOST OF SUMMER AND SAVE BIG M-F 8AM-6PM • SAT 8AM-5PM • SUN 9AM-3PM Sale Ends 01/31/2014 6/30/2015 Sale ends Sale ends 01/31/2013 ® Company. ©2012 by True Value All ©2013 True Value Company. All rights rights reserved. reserved. ® ® Company. All rights reserved. ©2012 True by True Value ©2013 Value Company. All rights reserved. ® We treat you like family 601 Medical Parkway, Enterprise, En nterprise, OR 97828 • 541-426-3111 541-426 • www.wchcd.org W allowa Memorial Wallowa Memoria l Hospital ospital is an equal opportunity opportu employer emp and provider.