Wallowa County Chieftain wallowa.com June 24, 2015 B3 GROW Clean ‘Character poles’ beautify interiors By Katherine Stickroth For the Chieftain in your home As the American popu- lation has been made more aware of the dangers of green- house gases, one area that doesn’t get as much attention is poor indoor air quality. The quality of air can be WZRWR¿YHWLPHVPRUHSROOXW ed than the worst outside air. This is because of the many LQGRRU SROOXWDQWV ÀRDWLQJ around our homes from sourc- es such as gas, oil, kerosene, building materials and chem- ical products. Plants to the Rescue In the 1980s, NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America car- ried out an in-depth study on which house plans were the PRVW HIIHFWLYH LQ SXULI\LQJ WKH DLU LQ VSDFH 6HYHUDO RI WKHWHVWHGSODQWVZHUHSURYHQ WR ¿OWHU RXW FRPPRQ YRODWLOH organic compounds that can QHJDWLYHO\ LPSDFW RXU KHDOWK and well-being. Here are three of the most HIIHFWLYH KRXVH SODQWV IRU cleaning your air: Aloe: The study found that aloe helps clear both formal- dehyde and benzene, which are generally byproducts of chemical-based cleaners. Spider Plants: Also safe for the pets in your home, spider plants are quick to battle ben- zene, formaldehyde and car- bon monoxide. Their unique stringy foliage makes them perfect for hanging baskets. Azaleas: These budding beauties are best grown in cooler temperatures, making WKHP SHUIHFW IRU LPSURYLQJ an indoor area such as a base- ment. Dirty Sock Syndrome Nestled in mountain mead- ows, or within the dramatic canyons, or at The Village at the head of Wallowa Lake, VWDQG KRXVHV WKDW UHÀHFW WKH natural world of Wallowa County. Bronson Log Homes, owned by Dean Himes, is the builder of many of these log and frame structures. They also participate with other building contractors on such projects as upgrading the Pon- derosa Motel in Enterprise ZKHUHWKH\SURYLGHGPDWHULDO for siding and railings. Though capable of taking a structural idea from design WR¿QLVK%/+H[SHQGVPXFK effort in interior design. The unique concepts that incor- porate material found in the DFUHV RI )RUHVW 6HUYLFH ODQG Katherine Stickroth photo lend one-of-a-kind styles which would please any BLH Manager Chuck Short, right, discusses a project with Jeff Staidle, center, and Justin Hernandez. homeowner, city or rural. Chuck Short, project man- shed in Enterprise, where any lifestyle,” Chuck says. are assembled as panels for ager for BLH, has spent years names of past employees are The wood, either Lodge- railings. Table tops are at- hiking in the national forests emblazoned on the walls with pole and Ponderosa Pine, is searching for what he calls dates such as 1916 or 1928. then power-washed or hand- “character poles.” With a For- Occasionally, a lump of coal peeled. The latter process is HVW6HUYLFHSHUPLWLQKDQGKH will appear, as well as person- accomplished with the use of locates logs downed al items of former workers. DVKDYLQJKRUVH7KHWRROGDW IURPVHYHUHVWRUPVLQ Once dried, the ing back to the 15th century, the mountains, then m a - has been used throughout the WUDQVSRUWV WKHP YLD t e r i a l world to make roof shakes, the nearest road. from the buckets, spindles, wheels — Weathered by f o r e s t anything necessary for the subsequent wind is stored needs of that time. and rain, fallen in bins 2Q D WULS WR 6HDWWOH VHY Mildred, Irene & Kathy trees with in- until its eral years ago, Chuck came • Trees & Shr bs teresting knots, use is de- DFURVVDUHSOLFDRIDVKDYLQJ • Annuals burls and scars t e r m i n e d . KRUVHDQGUHDOL]HGLWVDGYDQ & Perennials DUH HQYLVLRQHG When a WDJHV WR %/+¶V HQGHDYRUV • Baskets & by Chuck as c u s t o m e r He took measurements and Planters potential ob- expresses a came home to build one. It • Garden Star s jects of art design idea KDV SURYHG LQYDOXDEOH WR • Rock & Sand to be in- — whether it peel bark off their logs. • Bark Nursery: 541-426-8733 corporated be for an entire 7KHSURMHFWLVPRYHGLQWR • Giſt Cer ificates LCB#7818 in stairs, house, an ac- the assembly room, where 118 Fish Hatchery Lane • Enterprise • Open 7 days a week Across from Wallowa County Grain Growers r a i l i n g s , “Ch cent, or for fur- GRYHWDLOHGGUDZHUVDUHFUHDW Kathe rin Eastern Oregon Nursery in Island City • 541-962-0641 furniture to be aracter” po e Stickroth photo niture — Chuck ed for cabinetry. Dead limbs le and oth- creatio used for an s waiting UHYLHZV KLV LQ other n. BLH YHQWRU\ DQG WR er home furnishings. gether they deter- “I look for interesting PLQHZD\VWR¿WWKH bends and curls, or wood dis- char- acter of the wood eased by cancer and fungus,” LQWRWKH¿QDOSURGXFW says Chuck. “We can help clients turn The BLH shop is the for- a simple idea into a reality of mer Snyder lumber and coal beauty that would enhance (YHQ WKRXJK LW PD\ QRW KDYH D YHU\ VFLHQWL¿FVRXQG ing name, dirty sock syn- GURPH FDQ KDYH D VHULRXV LPSDFWRQWKHRYHUDOOVPHOORI your home. The problem most commonly occurs when bac- teria that has built up from the moisture in your air ducts and system during cooling season are dried up and killed when you begin using heat. This can result in a “dirty sock” smell being emitted from your ducts that is both DQQR\LQJ DQG RYHUZKHOPLQJ Call your local heating and cooling professional, who IRUDIHHFDQUHVROYHWKHLVVXH by spraying an antibacterial solution on your unit’s coils. Hopefully you’ll be back to odorless air in no time. tached to log platforms for a dining table or coffee table. 6PDOOHU SROHV DUH ¿W WRJHWKHU to make a bunk bed. Quantities of epoxy are determined by the utility of the project. A light coat is administered for indoor furniture. Outdoor accents UHFHLYH KHDYLHU SURWHFWLRQ Counter tops for kitchen and EDWKURRP YDQLWLHV DUH JLYHQ many layers to ensure pro- tection from water damage. BLH has repeat custom- ers as far away as Seattle, but its work is also ad- mired by customers closer to home, by people such as :DOORZD¶V%HFN\5LYHUPDQ who declared: “The beau- ty and the quality of their workmanship are excellent. Their work was perfect. When our friends come by and see the accent logs, they say, ‘Wow!’” BLH can be found on the Web at bronsonloghomes. com. The firm’s phone num- ber is 541-426-6072. Blooming With Color! SPECTACULAR SUCCULENTS! 15 S. Main Street Joseph, OR • 541.432.1001 www.ccmerc.com