Turning back the clock on a great old house: Arments’ remodel featured in special Home & Garden section! (Section B) Enter- www.wallowa.com prise, Oregon WVSL residents can stay By Steve Tool Wallowa County Chieftain The families of three Wal- lowa Valley Senior Living residents who were given 30 days’ notice by the facility to ¿QG DOWHUQDWLYH FDUH EUHDWKHG a sigh of relief as the facility rescinded the orders. WVSL RI¿FLDOV RULJLQDOO\ WROG WKH families the residents were given notice because their needs exceeded the level of care WVSL provides. “ June 24, 2015 $1 ENTERPRISE SIGN PROJECT READY TO BREAK GROUND No one is going to think we’re some kind of subdivision of Joseph See REPRIEVE, Page A7 Enterprise library wins big By Kathleen Ellyn Wallowa County Chieftain Enterprise Public Library is going up ... and down. Or rath- er, patrons with mobility issues are soon going to be going both up and down in the library el- evator. Librarian Denine Rauten- strauch received word Tuesday, June 23, that the library had ZRQWKH¿QDOJUDQWWKDWEULQJV the funding for the library ele- vator project to over $244,000. Local artist Steve Arment works on the Enterprise city sign, preparing it for display later this year. See LIBRARY, Page A7 A SIGN OF THINGS TO COME Kathleen Ellyn/Chieftain ODFW: Wolf killed calf near Wallowa By Steve Tool Wallowa County Chieftain Wallowa County Sheriff’s 2I¿FH DQG WKH 2UHJRQ 'H partment of Fish and Wildlife investigated a suspected wolf depredation to a 350-pound calf outside of Wallowa on June 20. Fred Steen, chief deputy for WKHVKHULII¶VRI¿FHVDLGKHKDU bored no doubts that a wolf was responsible for the kill. See KILL, Page A3 C HIEFTAIN WA L L O WA C O U N T Y STORY ON A7 Wallowa County’s Newspaper Since 1884 Volume 133 Issue No. 10 © 2015 EO Media Group Fish deaths stump ODFW By Steve Tool Wallowa County Chieftain Anglers visiting Kinney Lake had their hopes of huge catches dashed after an un- known malady left a good QXPEHU RI ¿VK GHDG DQG ÀRDWLQJDORQJWKHEDQNVRYHU the June 13-14 weekend. The lake is on the Triple Creek Ranch about six miles from Joseph and stocked and main- tained by the Oregon Depart- ment of Fish and Wildlife. ODFW had stocked the lake with 2,500 trout only a couple of days before, so the deaths came as a surprise to Kyle Bratcher, ODFW as- VLVWDQW GLVWULFW ¿VK ELRORJLVW Bratcher learned about the deaths via a June 14 Face- book post. “We don’t know what happened. We’re still working on it,” Bratcher said. 0RVW RI WKH GHDG ¿VK DUH bullheads with an occasional Steve Tool/Chieftain These two bullheads are among the many dead fish up at Kinney Lake. ODFW biologists are still puzzling out the mystery of why they died. trout in the mix. ODFW had planned to poison the lake in the fall, and irate anglers who either called Bratcher or post- ed on Facebook thought the department decided to move up the date. Bratcher guessed that one of the possible reasons for the deaths is because the bullheads are in the middle of spawning. “They spawn in the shallows in less than two feet of water and something happened that caused the pH (acidic levels) to go up, or the D.O. (dissolved oxygen) dropped. I walked around the lake on Monday (June 15), FRXQWLQJ ¿VK DQG LW GRHVQ¶W seem to have affected the trout nearly as bad,” Bratch- er said. He added that most of the dead trout were on the west end of the lake and pos- sibly died as a result of the restocking process. According to Bratcher, the bullhead are in poor physical condition during the spawn- ing season, and because of overpopulation are unsuc- cessfully competing with trout for resources. See FISH, Page A7 Little Basin Fire wanes The Little Basin Fire is breathing its last after about a ZHHNRIEXUQLQJ7KH¿UHOR cated in the Hells Canyon Na- tional Recreation Area near the Dug Bar Road in Imnaha Canyon, at one time grew to 630 acres with minimal con- tainment. Nearly 100 personnel from both the U.S. Forest Ser- vice and the Oregon Depart- ment of Forestry including 3 Hot Shot crews and several ¿UHWUXFNVDQGDLUFUDIWIRXJKW the blaze to a standstill. $W RQH SRLQW WKH ¿UH threatened several cabins and a commercial structure. 7KH ¿UH LV FXUUHQWO\ percent contained with 82 personnel, two helicopters and four engines still on scene. 7KHFDXVHRIWKH¿UHLVXQ known.