A6 News wallowa.com May 13, 2015 Wallowa County Chieftain 5DELGFR\RWHDWWDFNVVKHHS¿JKWVGRJV 100 YEARS AGO May 13, 1915 A coyote undoubtedly suf- fering from rabies appeared among Jay H. Dobbins’ sheep in Tulley creek two weeks DJR ,W ¿UVW DSSHDUHG LQ WKH middle of the night in a band of sheep in the charge of W.A. Stanton ... The animal had a lamb down, and was not at all scared at the sound of Mr. Stanton’s shouting. Mr. Stanton sent his dog after the coyote, which ran away after a tussle in which the dog was bitten. A few minutes later the large coyote ran into another band of Mr. Dobbins’ sheep. It killed two lambs and chewed up a ewe considerably. Two dogs went after it and only af- WHUDKDUG¿JKWGLGWKH\GULYH feet from the herders and they days later and after about ten it away. Shortly afterward it shot and killed it. The lamb in GD\VKLVGRJEHFDPHYHU\VLFN came boldly into a road a few 0U 6WDQWRQ¶V ÀRFN GLHG WZR DQG GHYHORSHG XQPLVWDNDEOH symptoms of hydrophobia, and the herder killed it. The two large grizzly bear skins E.M. Pratt brought to Tiara has been a solid town last week were sold to student at Enterprise Mrs. S.D. Taylor, the price since kingergarten. paid for these rare specimens being $50 each. It will cost She has taken every DERXW WR KDYH WKH VNLQV Ag class offered and is properly made into rugs. tudent S k e e W e of th Tiara Huffman Enterprise High School an active member of the FFA. As a busy senior, she also raised money for breast cancer. Best of luck in the future, Tiara! The Student of the Week is chosen for academic achievement and community involvement. Students are selected by the administrators of their respective schools. A short piece of text submitted with this photo declares this to be the “first train for Wallowa County,” crossing the bridge at Minam at the junction of the Wallowa and Grande Ronde rivers, Sept. 20, 1908. Courtesy photo/Jerry McCully OUT OF THE PAST Compiled by Rob Ruth Pfc. Kenneth F. Green, de- scribing the operations of the task force to which he is assigned some 30 miles south of the junction of the Ledo and Burma roads. The Mars task force to which Pfc. Green is attached has EHHQRSHUDWLQJRYHUFRXQWU\ 70 YEARS AGO VR UXJJHG WKDW PXOHV KDYH May 10, 1945 to be used for transporta- A VII Fighter Command tion and the accounts tell of Base on Iwo Jima — Pilot- mules which were lost slip- ing a P-51 Mustang fighter ping off the trails into the plane, Second Lt. Keith H. GHHS UDYLQHV DQG FDQ\RQV Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. With reference to one march Carl N. Miller of Enterprise, the account states, “some participated in the first 7th marched by linking hands fighter command attack as they crossed treacherous against Japanese mainland bogs, swamps, creeks and installations. precipices.” Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Green Ross Carl Downing F 1-c KDYH UHFHLYHG QHZVSDSHU and son of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. clippings from their son, Downing of Enterprise, is a member of LSM group 14, ÀRWLOODZKLFKRQ0DUFK UHFHLYHG WKH FRPPHQGDWLRQ for the work performed in the Iwo Jima campaign. Ross sent his citation home to his par- HQWV ZKR DUH YHU\ SURXG RI the part he played at Iwo Jima. WANTED: To buy or rent baby carriage. Mrs. L.L. Hall, c-o Geo. Dawson, Joseph. T HE B OOKLOFT AND S KYLIGHT G ALLERY Finding books is our specialty 541.426.3351 • 107 E. Main • Enterprise • www.bookloftoregon.com 50 YEARS AGO May 13, 1965 ZHHN 7RWDO FRVWV LQYROYHG for the proposed gondo- la project to the top of Mt. Howard would be approxi- mately $400,000. The oper- ating company, High Wal- lowas, Inc., also sent their organizational structure and financing plan to the Small Business Administration and )RUHVW 6HUYLFH IRU H[DPLQD- tion. A Recreational Use Plan IRU WKH PLOH UHVHUYRLU to be created behind the multi-purpose High Moun- tain Sheep dam in the scenic 6QDNHULYHUFDQ\RQEHWZHHQ Idaho and Oregon has been filed with the Federal Pow- er Commission by Pacif- ic Northwest Power Co ... The basic PNP Recreation- al Plan is estimated to cost $577,000. The Stitch and Chatter Club met last Thursday at the home of Rowena Sha- fer, with 19 ladies present. Refreshments of angel food cake with topping, coffee DQGWHDZHUHVHUYHG$QHZ member, Reta Thornburg, was initiated, after which a number of games were played. LOSTINE NEWS: Berk Lathrop entered the hospital last Friday and had a tonsil- lectomy. Mrs. Linda Carper LVWKHRZQHURID&KHY- rolet Biscayne. 25 YEARS AGO May 10, 1990 The Small Business Ad- The Wallowa-Whitman ministration in Boise re- FHLYHG WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ IRU National Forest Manage- loan from Wallowa Scenic ment Plan, 10 years in the 'HYHORSPHQW ,QF WKLV PDNLQJILQDOO\DUULYHGIURP Church Directory St. Katherine's Catholic Church Summit Church Fr. Roger Fernando 301 E. Garfield Enterprise Mass Schedule Weekdays 7:15am Saturdays 5:30pm Sundays 10:30am (541)426-4008 stkatherineenterprise.org St. Pius X Wallowa Sundays 8:00am All are welcome Gospel Centered Community Service time: 10:30 am Cloverleaf Hall in Enterprise Pastor Mark Garland www.summitchurchoregon.org Joseph United Methodist Church ACROSS 1. Library furnishings 10. A major N. Am. river 12. Music for a narrative poem 13. A set of steps 15. Shooting stars 16. Keenly perceptive 18. -__, denotes past 19. "3:10 to Yuma" actress Gretchen 20. Old English 21. Sami 24. Brake horsepower 27. Interlocks 30. Twofold 31. Green, iced and Earl Grey 33. Maddie and ___, singers 34. Bridge-building degree 35. Flat-topped flower cluster 37. A waterproof raincoat 39. A way to ingest 41. Tayra genus 42. Birds 44. 3.26 light years 47. Confederate soldier 48. Body fluids 49. Atomic #35 50. Seize 52. In event that 53. Grassy plain 56. Enzyme in milk 61. Rags 62. Actress May 63. In a way, aided 65. Humilities DOWN 1. Digestive fluid 2. Capital of Norway 3. Plural of os 4. Young goats DOWN (continued) 5. "Peanuts" creator's initials 6. State in NE India 7. Type of TV program 8. Shoulder adornment 9. Meat-roasting rod 10. Protective floor pad 11. Anger 12. Spread over 14. Blackthorn fruit 15. Commingle 17. Affirmative 22. Horse used to set the pace 23. Appeals 24. British thermal unit 25. Complex red organic pigment containing iron 26. Bura 28. Languages of Sulu islands 29. Raise with great force 32. Dried-up 36. Scientific research workplace 38. Purplish red 40. NYSE symbol TEN 43. Secure 44. Commercial-free TV station 45. Macaws 46. Open and sincere 51. Oldest Swiss Un. (alt. sp.) 54. Very high frequency 55. Name for ancient Syria 56. NFL's "The Big Cat" Leon 57. Jai __, sport 58. Actress Blanchett 59. Cords 60. Not or 64. Constitutes 3rd & Lake St. • Joseph Pastor Kaye Garver Phone: 541-432-3102 Sunday Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 am Child care provided at 8:30 am service Faith Lutheran Church 409 W. Main Enterprise, Oregon Worship 2 nd & 4 th Sundays - 2 pm Bible Study Tuesdays before the 2 nd & 4 th Sundays at 11 am LCMS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) Christ Covenant Church Pastor Terry Tollefson Church Office: 541-426-0301 Family Prayer: 9:30am Sunday School: 10:00am Worship Service: 11 am 723 College Street • Lostine Providence Academy Enterprise Community Enterprise Community Church Church Congregational 11:00am Group Worship & Discussion 9:30 AM Worship Service 11:00 Children’s S.S. AM 10:00am Choir 9:30am Adult Education 541.398.0597 Childrens program during service Blog: dancingforth.blogspot.com Lostine On the Hwy web 82, at lostinepc.org Stephen Kliewer, Minister Wallowa Assembly of God 606 West Hwy 82 Wallowa, Oregon 541-886-8445 Sunday School • 9:30 Worship Service • 10:45 Pastor Tim Barton wallowaassemblyofgod.com 301 NE 1St St * 541-426-3044 BigBrownChurch.org Worship at 11:00 301 N. Study E. First Bible at Street 9:30 Enterprise the “Big Brown Church” Sunday Worship 11A.M. with the Open Door (541) 426-3044 Pastor Joseph Donald Newcomer, L. McBride Pastor 541-263-0695 541-263-5319 305 Wagner (near the Cemetery) P.O. Box N, Enterprise, OR 97828 541-426-3751 Church 541-426-8339 School Sabbath School 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. Worship Hour 11:00 a.m. - Noon Pastor Jonathan DeWeber Pastor Steve Gilmore the printers on Monday — all 2,500 pages of it ... The PRVW FRQWURYHUVLDO SDUW RI the new plan according to Regional Forester John But- UXLOOHLVWKH)RUHVW6HUYLFH¶V decision to reduce the annu- DOVXSSO\RIWLPEHUDYDLODEOH for sale by about 10 percent — from 159 million board feet (mmbf) a year to 141 mmbf ... Perhaps more sig- nificant, according to Erick- son, is that timber offerings would contain less than half of the amount of ponderosa pine that had been offered for sale on an annual basis during the recent past — 30 mmbf as compared to 60 mmbf ... “Whereas pondero- sa pine once constituted half RI WKH VWDQGLQJ LQYHQWRU\ LW now makes up only about 20 percent,” Butruille con- tinued. “Therefore, there is little doubt that the annual KDUYHVW RI WKLV VSHFLHV PXVW be reduced.” 2YHU SDUHQWV WHHQ- agers and other interested county residents attended a youth issues forum in En- terprise last Wednesday and offered dozens of construc- WLYHVXJJHVWLRQVIRUZD\VWR help approach youth-relat- HG SUREOHPV LQ VHYHQ DUHDV of concern ... Youth issues under discussion were drug and alcohol use; conflicts with parents; peer loyalty; reluctance to get profession- al help; the feeling there’s nothing to do; prejudice and discrimination among and toward youth; and poor rela- tionship with police officers. FOLLOW-UP ON PHO- TO: On April 22 we published a photo that had appeared in the newspaper in 1915 of a sheep camp on Downey &UHHN:HKDYHVLQFHUHFHLYHG additional information about that site from Enterprise resi- dent Don Tippett, who recalls that Tippett Ranch Inc. pur- chased it from his dad, Jidge Tippett, around 1958. He thinks Jidge Tippett acquired it around 1949. The cabin in the photo burned in 1988. (A FKHFN RI RXU DUFKLYHV VKRZV WKH 7HHSHH %XWWH ¿UH EXUQHG the area in August 1988.) According to Don, the ranch sold the property to the U.S. )RUHVW6HUYLFHLQ)LQDO- ly, Don spotted two errors in names in the caption we ran on April 22: Blane should be Blanc, and Yarnell should be Yandell. Group offers scholarship for arts In an effort to encourage WKH FUHDWLYLW\ RI VWXGHQWV LQ Wallowa County, the Cre- DWLYLW\ LQ WKH $UWV 6FKRODU- ship is being offered for the second year. Sponsors of the $1,000 award include the Wallowa Valley Arts Coun- cil, Beecrowbee, Community Bank, Stewart Jones Designs, and Bob & Helene Hipple. The deadline for entry is May 15. Applications can be found online at www.wallo- ZDYDOOH\DUWVRUJLQWKH