Wallowa County Chieftain wallowa.com Mother’s Day May 6, 2015 A7 Mothers families Mom’s Day movies, the subjective list By Kathleen Ellyn The Wallowa County Chieftain Courtesy photo Roberta and Kenneth Moffit on their wedding day in La Grande in 1947. In praise of moms — one in particular :DQW WR FDWFK D ÀLFN RQ Mother’s Day? You can pick a theme: Good Mom (“I Re- member Mama,” “Stella Dal- ODV´³*UDSHVRI:UDWK´%DG Mom (“Throw Mamma From the Train,” “Mommy Dear- HVW´³3UHFLRXV´&UD]\0RP RU FUD]\ VRQ LQ ³3V\FKR´ RU Wonderful Stepmom/foster PRP³6WHSPRP´³7KH%OLQG Side”). +HUH¶VP\WZRFHQWV¶ZRUWK on Mother’s Day movies: Moms used to be fetching young things and fellas came a’callin.’ Just saying. 1RZWKDWZH¶YHJRWDOLWWOH experience in life, we appreci- ate both the freshness of youth $1'WKHZLVGRPRIDJH$1' we’re up for a challenge. So, here is my completely subjective top three movies to watch on Mother’s Day and why. ³1DWLRQDO 9HOYHW´ 7KH ERRN ZDV SXEOLVKHG LQ and the movie, starring Eliz- abeth Taylor as a child and Mickey Rooney as a young DGXOWZDVUHOHDVHGLQ 6RLW¶VDJHVROG1HYHUWKH- less, the story is timeless. What makes this a Moth- HU¶V'D\¿OPLVWKDWLWKDVWZR strong female leads who not only have personal strength, but lead with a mother’s heart: 9HOYHWGHIHQGVWKDWKRUVHOLNH a mother who won’t let her child be sold short; and Edwi- QD %URZQ $QJHOD /DQVEXU\ as the mother who understands the desire to challenge oneself LQ D %LJ :D\ ,I \RX¶YH IRU- JRWWHQ 0UV %URZQ¶V VHFUHW , won’t spoil it by revealing it here. “Annie”: Adapted from WKH %URDGZD\ musical inspired E\ WKH +DU- old Gray comic VWULS ³/LWWOH 2U- phan Annie,” the movie ver- VLRQ stars Aileen Quinn as Annie and &DURO %XU- QHWWDV0LVV$JDWKD+DQQLJDQ the lazy, scheming orphan manager. Absentee mothers (and fathers) are central to this story and what constitutes mothering or fathering is ex- amined throughout. If your throat doesn’t tighten a few WLPHV LQ WKLV IXQ ¿OP \RX¶YH got a rock for a heart. It’ll make you appreciate your parents, step-parents or adoptive par- HQWVEHOLHYH\RXPH3OXVWKH songs are great and little kids will love watching this with you. “Grey Gardens”: You can pick from two great versions of this true story of an excep- tionally eccentric, reclusive socialite mother/daughter duo (GLWK%RXYLHU%HDOHDQG(GLWK (ZLQJ %RXYLHU %HDOH RI (DVW +DPSWRQ1HZ