A8 News/Community wallowa.com April 1, 2015 Wallowa County Chieftain Singer is an artist with a mission S TUDENTS COLLECT FOR S AFE H ARBORS By Rocky Wilson Wallowa County Chieftain Courtesy photo Enterprise School’s fifth grade class collected more than 150 items during March to donate to Safe Harbors. The month-long collections were part of a community service project lasting an entire quarter, and the students hope to inspire others to donate. Easter Sunday Services April 5th 2015 St. Katherine’s Catholic Church Holy Thursday 7:00pm Good Friday 2:30pm Easter Vigil 8:00pm Easter Sunday 10:30am 301 E. Garfield, Enterprise 541-426-4008 stkatherineenterprise.org Lostine Presbyterian Church Maundy Thursday Service April 2 at 7pm Easter Brunch at 10am Easter Service begins at 11am Hwy 82 Lostine • Info: 541-569-2451 Blog: dancingfaith.blogspot.com ENTERPRISE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 207 E. Main Street, Enterprise • 541-426-3449 www.enterprisechristianchurch.org • April 2 Maunday Thursday Communion 7:00pm • April 3 Multi-Church Good Friday Service at OK Theatre 6:00pm • April 5 Easter Worship services 8:15 & 11:00am Joseph United Methodist Church Easter Sunday April 5, Services at 8:30 & 11:00 Potluck Easter Brunch at 9:45 "Spread The Joy!" 541-432-3102 301 S. Lake St. Joseph • Kaye Garver, Pastor Celecbrate Easter At The Big Brown Church Pastor Donald L. McBride Gospel Centered Community Easter Pancake Breakfast: 9:00 - 10:30am Service Time: 10:30am Cloverleaf Hall in Enterprise www.summitchurchoregon.org Pastor Mark Garland Wallowa Assembly of God 606 West Hwy 82 Wallowa, Oregon 541-886-8445 Easter Sunrise Service 7am Easter Breakfast 8am Sunday School 9:45am Easter Service 10:30am Gail Swart on the piano Jim Clegg on the trumpet Vocal solo by Sue Wagner Easter Service 11:00 am Enterprise Community Church (The Big Brown Church) 301 NE First St., Enterprise Jolene Ginther, an 18-year- old student at Enterprise High School, will not be your typi- cal high school graduate after her EHS’s 2015 commence- ment exercise concludes in the next few months. While futures for most graduating students remain fraught with TXHVWLRQV DQG YDULDEOHV *LQ- ther’s eyes are locked solid on one goal. And that one goal is music. +DYLQJ VWDUWHG ZLWK SUL- YDWHYRFDOOHVVRQVDWDQHDUO\ age (she says age 7, but her mother says 5), Ginther be- gan singing in choirs in the sixth grade. She has sung “The Star Spangled Banner” twice at Chief Joseph Days DQGPXOWLSOHWLPHVDWDYDULHW\ RI VFKRRO HYHQWV SHUIRUPHG on-stage with guitarist Rocky 'DYLGVRQDWDUHFHQW)&&/$ fundraiser held at the OK 7KHDWUH KDV VHFXUHG D PX- sical scholarship to Eastern 2UHJRQ8QLYHUVLW\DQGSODQV after college to become either a high school music teacher or a professor of music at a col- OHJHRUXQLYHUVLW\ But those mostly are the surface things, and do not WRXFK XSRQ WKH OHYHO RI H[- pertise the daughter of both Ryan and Ranzie Barney and Michael and Mary Ginther DOUHDG\KDVDFKLHYHGWKURXJK KHUPXVLFDOHQGHDYRUV For instance, long taught as a solo artist by Enterprise High School music instruc- tor Randy Morgan, Ginther ZRQ ¿UVW SODFH DW WKH GLVWULFW solo singing competition held March 7 at EOU and will ad- YDQFH WR VWDWH FRPSHWLWLRQ WR be held in Portland May 2. Ginther’s song selections for both competitions include a *LOEHUW DQG 6XOOLYDQ VRQJ “The Sun Whose Rays,” and an Italian song, “Sepu 1D¶QD´ 3LDQLVW 3DWWL 'DYLG- son, Ginther’s accompanist at the district competition, will DJDLQVHUYHWKDWUROH0D\LQ Portland. With the help of EOU mu- sic instructor Jamie Jacobson, ZKR KDV SURYLGHG *LQWKHU YRLFH LQVWUXFWLRQ IRU WKH SDVW ¿YHPRQWKVWKH(+6VWXGHQW UHDOL]HG KHU KRSHV RI UHFHLY- Rich Rautenstrauch/Chieftain Jolene Ginther sings onstage at the OK Theatre during a March 7 talent show organized by three FCCLA members. ing a collegiate music schol- arship. But her musical credits don’t stop there. Along with fellow Wal- lowa County high school stu- dents Christian Ruckdashel and Sarah Madsen from En- terprise High School and Joshua Rummel of Wallowa High School, Ginther has been selected to participate in the Oregon Ambassadors of Music’s European tour that will last from June 28 through July 17. Ginther, Ruckdashel, and Rummel will participate in that touring group’s choir, while Madsen, a saxophone player, will be part of OAM’s honors band. Countries those musicians from Oregon will perform in during that 19-day tour include England, France, 6ZLW]HUODQG /LHFKWHQVWHLQ Austria, Italy, and Germany. Members of the tour were selected not only for their musical talents, but also on strength of character and for WKHLU DFWLYH LQYROYHPHQW LQ VFKRRODFWLYLWLHV Project explores modern technology The Josephy Center for Arts and Culture and the Wallowa Valley Music Al- liance are partnering for a new project: “Exploring Our Heritage With Modern Tech- nology.” Ten students in grades 9-11 will learn how to record, mix, and master an original song, and also “storyboard,” ¿OPDQGHGLWLWLQWRDYLGHRRI the musicians performing the song. The class includes work on location in Wallowa Coun- ty’s historic area of Promise where many families settled in the late 1800s. Through the process, students will explore why these settlers chose to re- locate, and what their life in Oregon was like. Classes begin April 4, and run for 13 weeks. Fee for the class is $50 per student, with VRPH VFKRODUVKLSV DYDLODEOH 7KHFODVVLQFOXGHVWKUHH¿HOG trips to Promise, post-pro- duction editing and a public VKRZLQJRIWKH¿QLVKHG¿OP Instructors are Bob Webb and Cameron Scott. Classroom sessions will be held at Moun- tain View Studio, Enterprise, and Josephy Center for Arts and Culture in Joseph. See www.josephy.org for more details. ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Josh Rummell, has been named Athlete of the Week. Rummell, a shortstop/pitcher who also plays football, is in his third year of baseball at WHS. The 16-year-old son of Matt and Heather Howard, says his coach, “has a passion for baseball and will do anything to help his team.” Oftentimes happy, Rummell works hard and doesn’t question coaching instruction. He maintains a 3.58 GPA and has demonstrated strong skills A Wallowa High School junior in the area of music. Beginning who slapped two singles, drove in late June, he will embark on in three runs, and struck out five a 19-day, 7-country choir tour in Europe. during a brief two-inning stint while pitching during his team’s season-opening win this week, JOSH RUMMELL Proudly Sponsored By: Eastern Oregon’s Full Service Propane Supplier 201 E. Hwy 82, Enterprise 541-426-0320 www.edstaub.com