A12 &ODVVL¿HGV wallowa.com March 25, 2015 Wallowa County Chieftain Wallowa County Chieftain CLASSIFIEDS Find classifieds at www. wallowa .com Add MENUS JOSEPH SCHOOLS Cereal, fresh fruit, yogurt, vegetables & milk served daily Monday, March 30: (Breakfast: Biscuits & gravy 5-12; Biscuit & jam K-4) Lunch: Mac & cheese, with or without ham Tuesday, March 31: (Breakfast: Pancake choices) Lunch: Taco choices Weds., April 1: (Breakfast: Yogurt parfait) Lunch: Chicken fajitas or Cheese quesadillas Thursday, April 2: (Breakfast: Biscuits & gravy) Lunch: Hamburgers or Cheeseburgers ENTERPRISE SCHOOLS Cereal, fresh fruit, yogurt, vegetables & milk served daily Monday, March 30: (Breakfast: Breakfast bar) Lunch: Spaghetti & garlic bread Tuesday, March 31: (Breakfast: Sausage & potatoes) Lunch: Chicken nuggets & tots Weds., April 1: (Breakfast: Waffles & ham) Lunch: Corn dogs & tots Thursday, April 2: No school - parent conferences WALLOWA SCHOOLS Cereal, fresh fruit, yogurt, vegetables & milk served daily Monday, March 30: (Breakfast: Ham & cheese bar) Lunch: Hamburger or Yogurt & granola Tuesday, March 31: (Breakfast: Sausage & biscuit) Lunch: Chicken fajita or Popcorn chicken wrap Weds. & Thursday not available C O L O R to your ad for ONLY $5 Deadline is 4PM Monday Call WALLOWA COUNTY SENIOR MEALS Meal site information: Wallowa 886-8971, Enterprise 426-3840, Home delivered meals 426-3840. To sponsor a senior meal, call 426-3840 or stop by the Community Connection office. Monday, March 30: Chicken salad on a croissant, 3-bean salad, green salad with tomatoes, cukes & croutons, & Jell-o (sponsored in memory of Marion Sevier Johnson) Weds., April 1: Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes & gravy, buttered carrots, buttermilk biscuits & dessert (sponsored by Teri & Ivan Judd) Friday, April 3: Baked ham with pineapple sauce, au gratin potatoes, pea salad & strawberry shortcake (sponsored by Rotary Club) 541 426 4567 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF MEETING A public meeting of the Wallowa County Compensation Committee will be held on APRIL 8, 2015. The meeting will be held in the Thorn- ton Conference Room of the Wallowa County Courthouse at 2:00pm. The purpose of the meeting is to make recommendations on elected official compensation to the Wallowa County Commission. _______________________________________________________ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City of Enterprise Planning Commission will hold a Public Hear- ing on Tuesday, April 7 at 7:00p.m. Connelly Brown has applied for a Setback Variance at 500 N. River; 01S4435DC, Tax Lot 300. Appli- cation is available to review at Enterprise City Hall. Meeting will be held at the Enterprise City Hall, 108 N.E. 1st Street, Enterprise, OR 97828 John Lawrence, Chairman Enterprise Planning Commission _______________________________________________________ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to ORS 477.250, notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at the Northeast Oregon Forest Protection (NEO) District Office, 611 20th Street, La Grande, Oregon, on April 13, 2015, at 9:00 am, to receive from any interested persons sugges- tions, advice, objections or remonstrance’s to the proposed budget for the forest protection district. A copy of the tentative budget for the Forest Protection District may be inspected during normal working hours. To ensure the broadest range of services to individuals with disabilities, persons with disabilities requiring special arrangements should contact Millie Miller, at 541-963-3168 at least two working days in advance of the scheduled hearing. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY DOUG DECKER, STATE FORESTER _______________________________________________________ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS GIVEN, the Board of Commissioners will conduct an ap- peal hearing on March 30th, 2015 beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the Thornton Conference Room of the Wallowa Co. Courthouse. The purpose of this hearing is to consider: Hayes APP#15-01 - Appeal submitted by Elaine R. Albrich of Stoel Rives, LLP on behalf of John Lenahan, regarding the Planning Com- mission’s decision to approve Land Partition Application LP#14-13 on property owned by the Estate of Mary Louise Hayes & the Eastern Oregon Property Development, LLC. MEETING AND HEARINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. THOSE INTERESTED IN ATTENDING ARE ENCOURAGED TO DO SO. QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT THE WALLOWA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OFFICE AT 426-4543, EXT. 130. PUBLIC NOTICE FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT To: All Interested Government Agencies, Public Groups, and Concerned Citizens From: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the personal representative of said estate. All per- sons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pres- ent the same, with proper vouchers, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, to the personal rep- resentative, c/o ROLAND W. JOHNSON, ROLAND W. JOHNSON, LLC, P.O. Box E, 200 West Main Street, Enterprise, Oregon 97828, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings of this estate may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative or the attorney for the personal representative. Subject: In accordance with rules and procedures implementing the state Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund, an environmental assess- ment (EA) has been performed by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) – Drinking Water Services on the proposed project, City of En- terprise, Oregon - Water System Improvements. Purpose/Summary: The proposed project includes a new 425,000- gallon reservoir located north of Ant Flat Road, northeast of Enter- prise. New pressure control valve stations will be constructed in order to create additional pressures zones. The existing concrete reservoir will be rehabilitated, and several distribution system piping improvements will also be completed. The majority of proposed im- provements are located throughout the City, with the exception of the new reservoir and a portion of the piping improvements, which are lo- cated outside City limits. The proposed improvements will signifi- cantly enhance the City’s water supply, storage, and delivery capabilities for all residents in Enterprise. The purposed project will have no significant impact to important land resources, biological re- sources, water quality, or other areas of environmental concern. Section 106 consultation will continue; cultural resources monitoring will be incorporated into the project prior to construction. The City will obtain a Conditional Use Permit from Wallowa County for the new reservoir and piping improvements prior to construction. Finding: OHA has reviewed the environmental information document (EID) submitted by the City of Enterprise, Oregon, for the Water Sys- tem Improvements project. Following the review, OHA has issued an environmental assessment (EA) determining that an environmental impact report (EIR) is not necessary. OHA hereby issues a Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI). The decision is based on a review of the information contained in the EID and any supporting data. The EID and any supporting data, along with the EA, are available for public viewing at: Oregon Health Authority Drinking Water Services 800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 640 Portland, Oregon 97232 Public Comments: Public comments supporting or disagreeing with the decision to issue the FNSI may be submitted for consideration by OHA. All comments concerning the FNSI for the above project must be addressed to: Oregon Health Authority Drinking Water Services Attn: Environmental Review Coordinator P.O. Box 14450 Portland, Oregon 97293-0450 All comments must be received by close of business on April 10, 2015. After an evaluation of public comment, OHA will make its final decision. No action will be taken on the project until the close of the comment period. The DEADLINE for LEGAL NOTICES is 10:00 AM Monday Find something that you would like to return to its owner? Dated and first published: March 25, 2015. Berline B. Haun, Personal Representative Roland W. Johnson, OSB #77237 Roland W. Johnson, LLC Attorney for Personal Representative PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held by the Wallowa County Planning Commission on Tuesday, March 31st at 7:00 p.m. in the Thornton Conference Room of the Wallowa County Court- house. The agenda for this meeting will include, but is not limited to, the following items: Minutes: For the Planning Commission meeting of February 24, 2015. Wallowa Lake Bike and Pedestrian Path Plan Adoption AMD#15-01 – Proposal to consider a text revision to Article 44, specifically 44.030(D), and adoption of the Wallowa Lake Bike and Pedestrian Path Plan. The proposal would result in a major amendment to the Wallowa County Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Ordinance Arti- cles and will require a minimum of two public hearings, at least one of which will be before the County Board of Commissioners. This proposal will be reviewed for conformance to the provisions of Arti- cles 5, 8, and 44 of the Wallowa County Land Development Ordi- nances and any other applicable goal, regulation or ordinance of Wallowa County or the State of Oregon. City of Enterprise CUP#15-01 – Proposal to allow the construction of a water storage tank as part of a City water system upgrade. The property is described as Township 1S, Range 44, Tax Lot 3400 and is owned by Joseph & Richard Stangel. This application will be re- viewed for conformance to the provisions of Article 5, 9, and 15 of the Wallowa County Land Development Ordinances and any other applicable goal, regulation or ordinance of Wallowa County or the State of Oregon. Public Comment and Other Business The April Planning Commission meeting has been scheduled for April 28, 2015. For those who wish to review the above mentioned Articles and Goals, please visit the County web site at www.co.wallowa.or.us. All Ordinance Articles and Goals are available for review and/or pur- chase in the Planning Department. All applications and draft staff re- ports may be reviewed in the Planning Department Monday – Friday from 8:30am – 5:00pm. Written comments must be received by the Wallowa County Planning Department -101 S. River St. Room B-1, Enterprise, OR 97828 - by 5 p.m. on Monday, March 30, 2015. Oral comments may be given at the time of the hearing which is open to the public. Those interested in attending are encouraged to do so. City of Enterprise, Oregon _______________________________________________________ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF WALLOWA In the Matter of The Estate of JAMES F. HAUN, Deceased. Case No. 3041 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS LEGAL NOTICES Call today to place the found item in the Chieftain classifieds for FREE! 541-426-4567 Ken Wick, Chairman Wallowa County Planning Commission ______________________________________________________ USDA - FOREST SERVICE WALLOWA-WHITMAN NATIONAL FOREST WALLOWA VALLEY RANGER DISTRICT NOTICE OF 30-DAY COMMENT ON DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT COLD CANAL VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PROJECT Request for Comment: The Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Cold Canal Vegetation Management Project is now available for a 30-day Comment Period. The Wallowa-Whitman National Forest proposes to thin trees and/or prescribe burn on 9,519 acres in the Cold Canal area. The project area covers approximately 19,400 acres located between Big Sheep Creek and the Eagle Cap Wilderness, just south of the National For- est boundary on National Forest System (NFS) Road 3900. The pur- poses of the project are to 1) manage fuel levels on National Forest System lands to minimize the risks of future high-severity fires to ad- jacent private properties, and 2) increase the forest’s resilience to natural disturbance. The project is located 10 miles southeast of Joseph, Oregon in Wallowa County, T3S R46-47E and T4S, R46E. The document can be accessed on the Forest Service website at http://www.fs.fed.us/nepa/fs- usda-pop.php?project=30716, or a copy of the EA can be sent by contacting Jodi Gover Adams, (541) 426- 5521, or jodirgoveradams@fs.fed.us. This comment period is in- tended to provide those interested in or affected by this activity an opportunity to make their concerns known. Comments must be within the scope of the proposed action, have a direct relationship to the proposed action, and include supporting reasons for the Responsible Official to consider. Those who participate and provide timely com- ments will be eligible to object to the decision pursuant to 36 CFR part 218 regulations. How to Comment and Timeframe: Specific written comments con- cerning this action will be accepted for 30 calendar days following publication of this notice in The Chieftain, Enterprise, Oregon. The publication date in this newspaper of record is the exclusive means for calculating the comment period for this proposal. If the end date falls on a holiday or weekend, comments would be due by the next business day. The Regulations prohibit extending the length of the comment period. Kris Stein, District Ranger, is the Responsible Offi- cial. Specific written comments for the Responsible Official may be submitted via mail, other delivery service, email, fax, or in person to: Jodi Gover Adams, Wallowa Valley Office, 201 East 2nd St., Joseph, OR 97846. The office business hours for those submitting hand-de- livered comments are 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Electronic comments must be submitted in a for- mat such as an email message, plain text (.txt), rich text format (.rtf), or Word (.doc) to: comments-pacificnorthwest-wallowa-whitman- wallowavalley@fs.fed.us. If no identifiable name is attached to a comment, a verification of identity will be required for appeal eligibil- ity. If using an electronic message, a scanned signature is one way to provide verification. E-mails submitted to e-mail addresses other than the one listed above, in other formats than those listed, or con- taining viruses will be rejected. It is the responsibility of persons pro- viding comments to submit them by the close of the comment period and ensure that their comments have been received. Individuals and organizations wishing to be eligible to object must meet the informa- tion requirements of 36 CFR 218. Date of Publication: March 25, 2015