A6 News wallowa.com January 7, 2015 Wallowa County Chieftain Pilot Grote makes another rescue 100 YEARS AGO Jan. 7, 1915 instead of the agent reserving them at La Grande as hereto- fore. The house of George Lath- Early days in Wallowa rop in Leap burned down last county, before there was any Saturday afternoon. Nearly Enterprise, were recalled last all the contents went with the week by the return, for a short house, as there was not time YLVLW RI +DZRQ 6WXEEOH¿HOG or opportunity to save more D EURWKHU RI 0LFNHO 6WXEEOH- WKDQDIHZWULÀHV)RUWXQDWHO\ ¿HOG 7KHLU IDWKHU ZDV :. for the owner, the house was 6WXEEOH¿HOGZKRPROGHUUHV- insured for about $700. Re- idents of the county still recall ports from Leap are to the ef- most kindly as “Uncle Billy.” IHFWWKDWWKH¿UHVWDUWHGLQWKH The visitor had not been here roof, probably from a defec- since 1909. He now lives at WLYHÀXH0UDQG0UV/DWK- Pilot Rock, Umatilla county, rop and four children were all where he drives a stage. at home at the time. Children of Enterprise 70 YEARS AGO gave a very pleasing juve- Jan. 4, 1945 nile production in the opera On June 6 Pfc. Glen E. KRXVH ODVW )ULGD\ QLJKW DV D EHQH¿W IRU WKH FLW\ OLEUDU\ ,W 0DGLVRQ RI %DUWOHWW ZDV was a representation of “Tom among the pioneer American Thumb’s” wedding. troops that stormed the beach- )RU WKH FRQYHQLHQFH DQG HV RI QRUWKHUQ )UDQFH 3YW accommodation of the travel- 0DGLVRQ KDV EHHQ DZDUGHG ing public the railroad compa- his fourth bronze campaign ny has made arrangements at star as the result of participa- the Enterprise station to sell tion in the battle of Norman- sleeper berths to Portland, dy, having already landed in MEDICARE BIRTHDAY RULE If you have a Medicare Supplement Plan you have 30 days after your birthday to compare & apply for a new Supplement Plan. Call Kathleen or Heather TODAY to discuss your options for a lower Medigap premium. 541-426-4208 Featuring Stonebridge Medicare supplements Locally owned & operated • 616 W. North Street, Enterprise OUT OF THE PAST Compiled by Rob Ruth the D-Day invasions of North $IULFD6LFLO\DQG,WDO\7HDP- ing with infantry, amphibian engineers are given the exact- ing task of storming enemy beachheads... A lumberjack and farmer before entering WKH VHUYLFH 3IF 0DGLVRQ LV WKHVRQRI(GZDUG0DGLVRQRI Bartlett. )LQDO ¿JXUHV RQ WKH VL[WK War Loan drive in Wallowa county reveal one of the best records of the war. The county quota was $260,000 and bond sales amounted to $369,536, or $109,536 over the quota. ,01$+$ ± 0U DQG 0UV 9HUQ :DUQRFN DQG 0U DQG 0UV :P 0D[ZHOO ZHQW WR (QWHUSULVH )ULGD\ 0U DQG 0UV:DUQRFN ZHQW RQ WR /D Grande Saturday where Vern will take treatments for sinus WURXEOH 0U DQG 0UV 5* 0RRUHPDGHDKXUULHGWULSWR Enterprise Saturday morning WRFDWFKWKH:DUQRFNVVR0UV 0RRUHFRXOGJRWR/D*UDQGH with them for medical advice. would be forthcoming from this area’s foremost prophet, Truman Poulson, whose fore- casting apparatus is set up in a strategic location on the snow and windswept banks of Crow creek. But Poulson, after be- 50 YEARS AGO ing buffeted and marooned Jan. 7, 1965 for a week by storms in the 7HG *URWH À\LQJ D KHOL- Clarkston-Asotin area, bat- copter out of the Joseph air- tled his way home and was so port, accomplished another shook up by his hair-raising rescue mission Saturday. He experiences he has not been ZDV FDOOHG WR EULQJ RXW 0UV heard from since. Poulson’s Jean Blanchette who had fall- unique approach to weather HQ)ULGD\DWWKH25DQFKRQ forecasting through the ob- lower Day Ridge and broken servation of the actions of her leg. One of the men at the meadow larks, robins, squir- ranch rode down to Troy and UHOV ¿HOG PLFH FR\RWHV DQG radioed in for help. The Day other fowls and beasts of the Ridge road was blocked by forests and range, has focused snow. Grote took off in very a great deal of attention on his stormy weather with poor predictions. visibility but made it to the UDQFK$IWHU SLFNLQJ XS 0UV 25 YEARS AGO Blanchette he ran into too Jan. 4, 1990 much overcast to return to En- 6HTXRLD )RUHVW ,QGXVWULHV terprise with his ship and had WRVHWGRZQDW)ORUDZKHUHKH this week announced that it was met by Verne Russell who has changed its legal name to brought the injured woman 5<7LPEHU ,QF7KH -RVHSK LQ WR WKH :DOORZD 0HPRULDO sawmill, which employs 70 persons, is one of two mills Hospital. ,W KDV EHHQ KRSHG DQG RZQHG E\ 5RQDOG