The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 14, 1963, Page 8, Image 8

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    The Bend Bulletin, Tuesday, May 14, 1963
S44 million budget for higher
education voted by subcommittee
SALEM (UPI) A $44 million
higher education building program
for 1963-65 was approved Monday
by the Ways and Means Educa
tion subcommittee part of it con
tingent on voter approval of a
bond issue.
The subcommittee decided to
ask voters next May to authorize
$30 million in general obligation
bonds for college instructional
buildings. Only $12.5 million, how
ever, would be authorized for
The subcommittee also decided
to go along with the building pri
ority list of the Board of Higher
The decisions must be approved
by the full Ways and Means Com
mittee, the House, Senate and
Program Outlined
Here is how the building pro
gram approved by the subcom
mittee looks:
$11.5 million in general fund
money to pay for projects 1-9 on
the board's instructional building
-412.5 million in bonds, contin
gent on voter approval, to pay for
projects 10-17.
$10.5 million in already au
thorized bonds for jelf-liquidating
buildings such as dormitories.
$9 5 million additional for self
liquidating buildings.
The Instructional projects, in
order, are: Land purchases, re
placement of Campbell Hall at
Oregon College of Education, com
pletion of educational and general
plant at Oregon Technical Insti
tute, Medical School heating
plant, Oregon State University
utility tunnel extensions.
Library On List
OSU library alterations, Port
land State physical education
building, Southern Oregon College
classroom-laboratory- office build
ing, Oregon College of Education
classroom-laboratory- office build
ing, Eastern Oregon College sci
ence math building,.
University of Oregon library ad
dition, OSU pharmacy building ad
dition, UO science building addi
tion, OSU Cordley Hall addition.
SOC physical education building
addition, OCE library addition,
medical school library addition.
PSC library unit and alterations
to existing library.
The self-liquidating list includes
projects at OSU, UO, OTI, OCE,
PSC, SOC, and EOC.
Several subcommittee members
said they would prefer to use gen
eral fund money instead of bonds,
but noted the general fund is se
verely pinched.
Courtesy ticket
plan approved
Special to The Bulletin
PRINEVILLE The city has
given its permission to the Cham
ber of Commerce for the use of
courtesy stickers on out-of-town
cars instead of parking tickets,
during the tourist season.
The attractively designed stick
ers will be printed at chamber
expense, and supplied to the po
lice department as soon as pos
sible, it was noted.
In other city business of recent
days, inquiring residents of
small area at the west edge of
wmevuie seeking annexation to
the city were notified that those
desiring annexation have three al
ternatives. It was recommended to the in
quirers that they secure a formal
petition to present to the city.
Fully equipped with radio,
heater and overdrive
Sticker Price 2358.55
Himac's Price
637 E. 3rd
Ph. 382-5511
Claims office
opened in Bend
Now in its fifth week as a Bend
business operation is the Central
Oregon Claims office, serving the
region at 47 Oregon Avenue.
The office, the company's third
outlet, opened its doors on April
15 under ownership and supervi
sion of Marv Dack, claims ad
juster. Other offices in The Dalles
and Longview, Wash, combine
with the local branch as an inde
pendent adjustment firm wliich
handles multiple line claims.
A 10-year insurance business
veteran, Dack has made his
home during the past eight years
in The Dalles. Prior to joining the
present firm he was associated
as an adjustor with the General
Insurance Business in Portland
and later at The Dalles. A native
Oregonian, he was born in Silver
ton and educated at Linfield Col
lege, McMinnville. Later he took
an undergraduate degree at Gon
zaga, Spokane, Wash., and enter
ed the law school there.
To facilitate the management of
business negotiations, Dack flies
his own single - engine airplane
throughout the Pacific Northwest
whenever necessary, and finds
much enjoyment in flying as a
The adjustor will be joined by
his wife and four children in Bend
at the end of the current school
year, when they move here from
The Dalles.
WICHITA. Kan. (UPI) Mrs.
Margaret Mooney returned from
grocery shopping Monday and
found a two-foot snake in her re
frigerator. She removed it with
two largo butcher knives.
The startled woman still is
pondering how the snake got into
the refrigerator.
Copper fibers dumped into
orbit in A. F. experiment
of tiny copper fibers were begin
ning to disperse in a polar orbit
around the earth Monday as part
of a controversial Air Force com
munications experiment.
The Air Force announced Sun
day that a canister containing the
400 million needles called dipole
were dumped from a satellite
launched Thursday from Point Ar
guello, Calif.
Radar sightings show the fibers,
each about one-third the diameter
of a human hair, are beginning
to spread. They are expected to
fan out into a narrow ring about
the earth taking several months
to complete the circle 40.000 miles
in circumference and about 2,000
miles high.
The belt will be used to bounce
radio signals back to earth over
great distances. The Air Force
said the dipole belt is practically
invulnerable to physical damage
and is especially useful in long
distance microwave communica
tions. Some scientists have opposed
the experiment saying it would
clutter space with trash and im-
Sex bills go
to Governor
SALEM (UPD-The first two of
six sex offender bills were sent
to the governor's desk Monday.
The measures cleared the leg
islature when the House concurred
in Senate amendments to bills
providing enhanced penalties for
sex offenders and stiffening laws
against "peeping toms."
A third bill, involving jurisdic
tion over sex offense cases where
the parties include children under
i6, went to a conference commit
tee to iron out House-Senate dif
Two more bills on juvenile
jurisdiction and civil commitment
of sexually dangerous persons
have cleared the House and are
in Senate committees.
The sixth, providing for central
reporting of all sex offenses, is
being redrafted in the House Judi
ciary Committee.
The House passed a $32.7 mil
lion budget for the state's mental
health division including Oregon
State hospital, Dammasch, Fair-
view Home, Mid-Columbia, East
ern Oregon State Hospital, and
Mental health clinics.
Rep. Stafford Hansell, R - Her-
miston, said the Ways and Means
Committee cut the governor's
proposed budget by a not $262,125
to reflect a decline in patient
population at tlie State Hospital,
Here's a new reason why the sign of WcpfyMfouHf is America's First Choice:
Now Hnmble brings you a new multi-grade motor oU that exceeds by far the toughest . New UNIFLO, the
.uura , cvcrjr tar manuiaciurer ior au recommended oil-change periods . . . V extended Life oil.
NewEnco UNIFLO e)(tended-ife motor oil exceeds
' " in ill ii in i mximiteiMt i,.wiiiaSiKii2S5)
New UNIFLO protects your engine better and longer.
On long hard trips, it gives you lasting protection.
In stop-and-go driving, it helps prevent wear, and
the rust and harmful deposits that age an engine.
all car makers' requirements for longer protection
pair observations of the stars and
planets with telescopes.
Astronomers also fear the fibers
might reflect back to earth a con
fusing jumble of radio signals that
ordinarly might pass into space.
Dubbed the west Ford Project,
the experiment is being conducted
for the Air Force by the Lincoln
Laboratory of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
Information on the experiment
is being distributed internationally
to help world optical and radio
astronomers in making independ
ent observations. The Air Force
said it hoped some observations
could be made of the needles by a
worldwide camera network oper
ated by the Smithsonian Astro
physical Observatory.
The Air Force previously tried
a similar experiment using 75
pounds of the needles but was un
successful when they apparently
failed to spread into orbit. Fifty
pounds were used in the new ex
periment. The dipole fibers are expected
to disappear within five years as
radiation pressure from sunlight
forces them down into altitudes of
greater atmospheric density where
they will burn up.
Marketing group
announces sale
The Central Oregon Livestock
Marketing Association announces
the sale of their wool pool at 55.8c
per pound. The sale was made to
the Portland Hide and Wool Com
pany, Portland, reports Gus
Woods, Crook County Extension
Agent, who is secretary for the
pool. Lamb wool brought 41c per
pound, black wool 40c, and tags
Wool sold through the pool
comes from sheep raisers in the
Central Oregon area.
The Livestock Association will
start their lamb pool shipments
late in June. Shipments will be
made once a week for a period of
several weeks. Pooled Iambs are
sold at the Portland Union
Stockyards market. Sheep owners
in Deschutes County interested in
selling lambs through the pool can
leave their names at the County
Extension Office, Redmond, re
ports R. H. Sterling, County Ex
tension Agent.
Wah Chang may
sell interest
to N.Y. firms
ALBANY. Ore. (UPI) Wah
Chang Corp. was reported today
to be in advanced negotiations
with two New York companies to
take financial interest and partici
pate in Wah Chang's manage
ment. Reliable sources in New York
reported that Wah Chang's nego
tiations are establishing "close
cooperation" with W. R. Grace
and Co. and Newmont Mining
Corp. both of New York.
Under an agreement which has
already been approved by the
boards of directors of the three
companies, the sources indicated,
Grace and Newmont would take a
financial interest in Wah Chang
and participate in its manage
ment. Steven Yih, vice president of
the Wah Chang Corp., declined
In addition to its plant in Al
bany, Wah Chang, a leading
smelter refiner, operates the only
tin smelter on the North Ameri
can continent in Texas City, Tex.,
and manufacturing facilities in
Glen Cove, Long Island and in
Huntsville, Ala.
W. R. Grace and Co. is one of
the largest chemical concerns in
the United States and has diversi
fied interests in domestic and in
ternational manufacturing, ship
ping and trading.
Newmont Mining Corp. is a
managing and holding organiza
tion with substantial world-wide
interests in mining companies, oil
and recently the cement industry.
Temperatures during the 24
hours ending at 4 a.m. PDT to
day. High Low
Bend 62 30
Astoria 64 41
Baker 60 34
Brookings 60 41
K. Falls 56 35
Medford 6S 40
Newport 59 40
N. Bend 63 44
Pendleton 68 45
Portland 68 41
Redmond 64 33
Salem 68 39
The Dalles 74 43
Chicago 79 58
Los Angeles 75 56
New York 67 50
Railroads study merger plan
ment has been reached by the
managements of the Union Pa
cific Railroad and the Chicago
Rock Island & Pacific Railroad
on terms for a merger of the two
roads, it was announced Monday.
The terms of the agreement al
so prov ide that if the merger pro
posal is consummated the South
ern Pacific will acquire Rock Is
land lines south and southwest of
Kansas City "at a price to be
determined on final conclusion of
engineering studies now under
way," the joint announcement by
the three roads said.
The three-way proposal, the an
nouncement said, will be present
ed "shortly" for approval by the
boards of directors, and later by
stockholders, of the Union Pacific
and the Rock Island. If the plan
clears these hurdles, the three
lines will then seek authority
from the Interstate Commerce
Commission to put the arrange
ment into effect.
A merger of the Union Pacific
and the Rock Island would give
the Union Pacific its direct track
age into Chicago from Omaha and
Kansas City. In turn, it would
provide the Rock Island with fi
nancial resources to make needed
equipment and property improve
ments. Officials of the three railroads
declined to speculate as to when
the commission might approve
the merger. They said the Union
Pacific and Rock Island would
call special meetings of their
stockholders "at an early date."
The proposed merger calls for
the Union Pacific to exchange .718
of an authorized but unissued com
mon share of its stock for each
common share of Rock Island
stock. The announcement did not
disclose how much the Southern
Pacific would pay for the Rock Is
land properties.
Union Pacific now has 22,429,235
common shares outstanding and
Rock Island has 2,916.711 shares
outstanding. The announcement
said the three railroads contem
plate that "this will be a tax free
Actor Marlon Brando was re
cuperating at home today from
an apparent virus attack.
Brando Monday left St. John's
Hospital where he was taken last
Friday when he was suddenly tak
en ill on the movie set of "King
of the Mountain."
Biggest photographic
news of the year . . .
coming to THE OWL
So change to new UNIFLO, the extended
Life oil that sets a new standard of value.
New UNIFLO leads a new family of quality oils for
every ear and budget. Your Enco dealer has them now.
..America's Leading Nergy company
LIFE SIZE 11" x 14"
Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. - Sat.
May 15-16-17-18
This H"xl4" Wall Portrait Has
An Average Value of $14.Q0.
Exclusive at Newberrys
t wf i - r j- ii
Photographer's Hours
10 A M. to S P.M.
Babies Children
ir Teen-Agers if Mothers ir Dads
Your jeleetion of miny posei. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded Sorry, limit i per family. On
per subject. No obligation to purchase additional.
Groups taken, 1.00 additional per person.
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