The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 09, 1963, Page 1, Image 1

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Univ. of Oregon Library
Chance of few ihowtra; highs
JO-54; low 40-45.
High yesterday, 55 degrees. Lew
last night, 35 degrees. Sonsat
today, 7:17. Sunrlia tomorrow,'.
:45, PST.
60th Year
Twenty Pages
Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, Thursday, May 9, 1963
Ten Cents
No. 131
Hth hoiiir Mmim mroadle to save Alabama mm
Bill creating
new land
policy voted
SALEM (UPI) Eastern Ore
gon ranchers would be able to
borrow the money for a $6 million
management job on state - owned
grazing lands under a bill that
passed the House today.
The measure went to the Sen
ate. Rep. Robert Smith, R-Burns,
said it would apply to some 700,
000 acres of state-owned grazing
lands in Eastern Oregon that are
leased out.
He said the bill contains a "new
land management policy" for Ore
gon. Three Steps
The measure contains three
steps in land management.
First, the land board would be
authorized to classify its lands in
use: Grazing, farming, recreation.
It would designate which tracts
should be sold or traded, and
which need reseeding.
The second phase calls for
blocking of state lands to provide
for better management.
The heart of the program is
contained in the third step: Auth
orization for ranchers who lease
the lands to borrow money from
the State Land Board for their
Smith said the land board has
about $11 million invested in
bonds and available for properly
secured loans. He said loans
would bring higher earnings into
the common school fund.
Other Itamt
The House passed a bill to pro
hibit "unfair practices" against
groups of farmers that organize
to discuss prices for their crops.
A resolution was introduced in
the Senate by the Senate Com
mittee on Education to create an
. interim commutes on education
composed of nine members.
It would operate on a $30,000
budget and report back to the
1965 legislature.
Colored TV
shofs beamed
fo Europe
NEW YORK (UPI) Colored
television pictures of ballet per
formers electronically danced
9.000 miles into space Wednesday
night and were successfully re
layed to Europe by way of Tel-
star II.
The French tracking station,
which 24 hours earlier had report
ed the first picture transmissions
by the newest U.S. communica
tions satellite "weak and shaky,"
said Wednesday night's reception
was "excellent."
Black and white video tape
transmissions also were described
as "extremely good" by the
French station located at Pleu
muer Bodou. The British tracking
station at Goonhilly Downs, which
did not tune in the color trans
mission, reported the black and
white pictures were "very good."
Telstar II was fired into orbit
Tuesday morning by the National
Aeronautics and Space Adminis
tration in cooperation with the
American Telephone k Telegraph
Co., which built Telstar I and II.
Tuesday night's transmissions
had been reported weak and
shaky because the satellite's orbit,
which reached 6,500 miles at
apogee, was not presently the best
for television relay.
A boost of power at the ground
station at Andover, Maine, how
ever, resulted in a satisfactory
signal Wednesday night.
Car, truck hit;
no one hurt
A northbound truck and trailer
operated by Clarence O. Rasler of
Dodge City, Kan., and a car dri
ven by Edward L. Kirby, Idaho
Falls, Ida., also northbound, were
involved in an accident at the in
tersection of the Bend U.S. 97 bus
iness route with arterial U.S. 97
at the north city limits of Bend
Wednesday evening.
No one was injured.
The Idaho car was emerging
from the business route when the
accident occurred.
Two persons paid $25 and court
costs Wednesday in municipal
court on drunk charges. Cited for
intoxication on a public street was
Kenneth Paul Gott, 176 E. Irving.
James Frizzell. Poplar. Mo., was
fined for being intoxicated.
Game hearing
in Bend fonight
to sfart at 8
Members of the Oregon State
Game Commission will hold their
final of a series of hearings rela
tive to fish and game problems
and season in Bend tonight.
The hearing will be in the audi
torium of the Bend Senior High
School, with Rollin Bowles, Port
land, commission chairman, pre
siding. It will start at 8 p.m.
All members of the commission
are expected to be here for the
L. M. Mathisen, game commis
sion area supervisor in Bend, has
reminded all interested Central
Oregonians that they will have an
opportunity to air their views on
fish and game matters to mem
bers of the commission.
The deer problem is expected
to come in for major considera
tion with the Bend-centered Fish
and Game Council leading the
discussion. The Council recently
requested Governor Hatfield to
ask for the resignation of the
present commission.
State Hospital
team schedules
visit to area
A team of personnel from the
Oregon State Hospital, Salem,
will make a visitation to this area
Tuesday and Wednesday, May 14
and 15, in the interest of the men
tal health program of Central
The team represents Unit IV of
the hospital, the unit which serves
patients from the Central Oregon
area. Purpose of the visit here is
to assess facilities in the tri-
county area for serving patients
and their families.
Heading the group will be Dr.
William H. Cloyd, staff psychia
trist and medical director of the
hospital. With him will be Dr.
Jerry Schrader, staff psychia
trist; Dorothy Sanders, social
worker; May Wright, registered
nurse; LaVon Coulson, charge
aide; and Mildred Day, instruc
tor of nursing education.
Meetings Planned
The group plans meetings with
the mental health clinic staff,
welfare and public health nurses,
members of the health depart
ment's advisory lay boards and of
the Central Oregon Mental Health
Association, and interested indiv
iduals. Schedule for the visit, as ar-
ranged by the Tri-County Health
Department office, is as follows:
Tuesday luncheon, 12 to 2 p.m.,
at Kum Back Banquet Room,
Redmond, for the hospital team
and advisory board members
from Redmond, Bend, Prineville
and Madras.
Tuesday afternoon, meeting In
Bend with health department and
public welfare staffs.
Dinner Scheduled
Tuesday dinner, 6:30 to 7:45
p.m., Superior Cafe dining room,
Bend, for the hospital team and
physicians of the Central Oregon
Medical Association.
Tuesday evening, 8 p.m., public
meeting, district court room, Des
chutes County Courthouse, Bend.
Interested individuals, physicians,
and representatives of courts and
schools are extended an invitation
to attend this session.
Wednesday, May 15, the team
will visit Madras, Redmond and
Prineville to meet with local
agencies and persons.
The return of patients from the
State Hospital to their homes and
communities as quickly and as
satisfactorily as possible, is one
of the major items to be discuss
ed during these meetings, accord
ing to local health department
hidden away in Cuban caves
subcommittee expressed "grave
concern" today that Russian mis
siles may be hidden away in the
myriads of caves in Cuba.
The group also said in a report
on an investigation of Soviet mili
tary activities on the island that
17,500 was "perhaps a minimum
figure" for the number of Rus
sians still there.
President Kennedy has estimat
ed the number at about 13.000.
The preparedness subcommittee
includwl in its censored 34-page
report a strong attack on the Cen
tral Intelligence Agency for "faul-
1 ty" evaluation" of information re
U.S. flies out
another load
of nationals
The United States flew out an
additional 158 American nationals
from Haiti today bringing its two
day air evacuation total to 353
Among those leaving today were
32 Protestant missionaries.
Today's two flights, which left
Port-au-Prince for Miami, Fla.,
brought to a successful conclusion
the U.S.-ordered evacuation of de
pendents of government personnel.
U.S. Embassy authorities said
another commercial charter flight
might be used Friday for further
evacuations if demand war
rants." There appeared little en
thusiasm on the part of the esti
mated 1,200 American civilians in
Haiti to take Washington's advice
to leave the country.
The departing missionaries rep
resented about one-sixth the
Protestant missionary total in Hai
ti. Envoy's Wife Staying
Embassy sources said, mean
while, Mrs. Raymond Thurston,
wife of the ambassador, would re
main here by her husband's side.
The embassy said Thurston had
no intention of leaving.
The Haiti press and radio mean
while broadcast an official state
ment denouncing Dominican Presi
dent Juan B o s c h as "an Instru
ment of the U.S. government" in
his quarrel with Haiti, and de
nouncing what it termed an "in
ternational conspiracy" against
President Francois Duvalier
was to have made a speech Wed'
nesday in PetionviUe, but he did
not appear. His last public ap
pearance was at a May 1 official
A U.S. naval task force su
pervised" today's evacuations
from a point offshore, outside
Haitian territorial limits but with
in eyesight of the capital. A total
195 Americans, including some
non government residents, were
evacuated Wednesday.
Urged to Leave
The U.S. State Department or
dered government dependents to
leave and urged other Americans
to do so as well due to the "de
teriorating situation" under Pres
ident Francois Duvalier and the
tension between Haiti and neigh
boring Dominican Republic.
Reports from London ana ine
Hague said Britain and The Neth
erlands also had advised their
citizens to leave.
The United States notified Haiti
Wednesday it was moving Ameri
can warships within sight of Port-au-Prince,
but outside the six
mile territorial waters.
The precautions were taken be
cause of reports of repression by
Duvalier of his political opposi
tion and Dominican threats to in
vade Haiti because of alleged
Haitian violations of the Domini
can Embassy here.
St. Francis
concert Friday
A spring choral concert will be
presented by the seventh and
eighth grades of St. Francis
School, at 7:30 Friday, May 10,
in the school hall.
The 64-voice choir will perform
part-songs and unison selections,
including known folk songs, religi
ous compositions and a patriotic
medley. Songs by Irving Berlin,
Ernest Bloch and Vaughn Wil
liams will be among those vocal
ized. Parents and friends are invited
to attend the program, which is
the culminating activity of the
year's work In music.
fear more missiles
ceived before and since the Oc
tober missile crisis.
For one thing, the subcommittee
said, the CIA seemed to take too
optimistic a view of the situation.
The report said intelligence offi
cials apparently refused to accept
reports that Russian missiles had
been sent to Cuba until reconnais
sance planes took pictures of them
in mid-October.
Although Intelligence officials
now say they are convinced the
offensive weapons have been taken
out, the report added, there is no
"absolute assurance" of this.
The subcommittee said that only
through a "thorough, penetrating
Students offer
3-act mystery
here Saturday
The drama class of Bend High
School will present a three act
mystery comedy Saturday, May
11, at 8:15 p.m. in the school aud
itorium. The play, titled "Who
Dunit?", is a whimsical fantasy
well-laced with laughs.
The plot centers around a mys
tery writer, Alexander Arlington,
played by Ken Bowden, who ar
rives in heaven, only to discover
that he was murdered. . Arlington
makes matters sufficiently "hot"
for St. Michael (Dennis Newell)
that he is permitted to return to
earth for only a day, to discover
who dunit.
Connie Underwood and Ji.ianita
Richards are cast as interested
angels. Earthlings who figure in
the tangle are Kathy Moody, Phil
Smith, Sharon Loomis, Dave
Horning, Lynnette Lantz. Dennis
Newell and Earlene Cran.
The play is under the direction
of Mrs. W. W. Bauer of the facul
ty, with Charlotte Wright as stu
dent director. Kathy Blewett,
Fawn Williams, Collette Muncie
and Diane Haas are working on
Admission prices are 75 cents
for adults and 35 cents for stu
dents. College building
plans accepted
by COC board
Central Oregon Area Education
District directors holding their
monthly meeting here last night
reviewed - and accepted Central
Oregon College building plans
submitted by the- architecture
firm of Wilmsen, . Kndicott and
Unthank, Eugene.
Acceptance followed a routine
board business meeting and study
of the plans.
The next step in the legal pro
cedure will be to present the
plans to the State Department of
Education for study and approval.
The department's Division of
Community Colleges will in turn
submit its recommendation
to the State Board of Education,
at its next regular meeting.
Following approval by the state
board, the college district will ad
vertise for bids on Phase I of the
college plant that is to take shape
on the southwest slope of Awbrey
Heights, near the western city
limits of Bend. Clearing of parts
of the site and preliminary devel
opment of access roads has been
Middle of June
It is anticipated that bids for
construction of buildings to be in
cluded in Phase I will be called
around the middle of June.
Directors present for last
night's meeting were Owen M.
Panner, Bend, chairman; William
C. Robinson, Madras: Richard
McRae, Prineville: Rupert E.
Park, Redmond; William E. Mil
ler, Bend, and Stuart Sheik, Prine
ville. Present for the presentation of
the building plans was Robert
Wilmsen, of the architecture firm,
accompanied by Gary Michaels.
James Balhizcr and Carroll
Colbin represented the engineer
ing firm of Balhizer & Colbin,
By United Press International
Dow Jones final stock averages:
30 industrials 721.97, up 3.43; 20
railroads 164.40, up 0.69; 15 utili
ties 139.63, up 0.89, and 65 stocks
255.28, Up 1.28.
Sales today were about 5.6
million shares compared with 5.14
million shares Wednesday.
on-site inspection by reliable ob
servers" can it be ascertained for
certain that strategic missiles are
not stashed away in Cuban caves
and elsewhere.
The subcommittee frowned on
"a disinclination on the part of
the intelligence community to ac
cept and believe the ominous por
tent" of information gathered
since last October's missile crisis,
particularly data provided by Cu
ban refugees.
Some refugees have repeatedly
Insisted that missiles and possibly
long-range Russian bombers are
hidden away in Cuban caves.
Mi ' i ; - mi .
Ml 1 till
NEW OFFICERS Nora Wayman, right, is the first girl to bs elected Band Junior High
School president. Others, from right, are Don Hickman, vice-president; Marilee Beckley,
secretary, and Theresa Puddy, treasurer. Election was held Tuesday at tha school.
CHEER GIRLS Elected to tho
are, from left: Marjo May, Pam
Sally Komar, from St. Francis.
'63 Home Show
doors to open
6 p.m. tonight
The Bend Lions' Club 1963 Home
Show took final shape this after
noon, and early visitors agreed it
is a "top production," themcd on
modernity in living.
Frank Bockhold, general chair
man, said doors wiu De open at
6 p.m. this evening for the con
venience of visitors, and will re
main open until 11 p.m. Similar
hours will be observed Friday. On
Saturday, doors will open at 2
p.m. and tne snow win ena at u
More than 5,500 visited the show
last year, and Lions this year are
making arrangements to accom
modate as many as 7.U00. mere
will be no admission charge.
A total of 45 booths have Been
arranged for home furnishing and
home building exnimts. toior
characterizes all booths, and Lions
agree that the production is "100
per cent better" than the first
show in 1962. Lions added: "We
learned a lot last year, and we
have taken advantage of what we
Exhibitors have joined in the
effort to arrange a top show that
is expected to attract visitors
from all parts of Central Oregon.
On disnlav is the latest in furnish
inzs. for all parts of the home.
Attendants will bo present in
virtually all booths. One of the
largest is that of Brocks-Scanlon,
Inc., its walls coverea wnn Knoi
tv nine.
Lions will again have a food and
beverage booth, in the ONG kitcn.
Visitors to the show are being
invited to drop across Wall Street
to view the Central Oregon Col
lege electronics exhibit in the
Junior High School. Hours will
coincide with those of the Home
bertson's supermarket was held
up here wednestiay mgm aiia
about $5,600 was taken.
Bend Junior High rally squad,
Alford, Jolie Waller, Marianne
Jolie, who polled most votes in
Welcome 'shot'
County offers city
street project aid
By Gerald Drapeau
Bulletin Staff Writer
Bend's long-suffering street Im
provements program received a
welcome shot in the . arm last
night when Deschutes County
Court officials offered their as
sistance in future street projects
on a year-to-year basis.
The offer means the Court will
clear, grade and provide a rock
base for streets slated to undergo
paving, amounting to a consider
able share of total costs. To af-
Hunt continues
for Billy Evans
dozen state police officers contin
ued a systematic check of about
15 cabins in remote woods ot
northeastern Oregon today In their
search for Billy Evans, 44, Flora,
wanted for two slayings at Clark
ston, Wash.
But officers admitted they had
turned up no trace of the husky
stump rancher since he waved a
gun at them and disappeared into
the hills Tuesday.
The officers, armed with high
powered rifles were using a pick
up truck to tour the back roads
to check each empty cabin for
signs that Evans," a woods wise
native of the area, had broken
into one for food or rest.
Other officers were stopping
each cattle truck as it passed
through the area to search it for
the wanted man.
Evans Is charged In an Asotin
County, Wash., warrant with mur
der for the fatal shooting late
Monday night of Mrs. May Griner,
40, and William Gerry, 40. La
Grande, Ore., at Mrs. Griner's
home just outside Clarkston.
for tha 1963-64 school year
Hampson. Not pictured is
grade 9, is queen.
fee ted Bend property owners, the
proposal means a substantial cut
in street improvement assess
ments. City Commissioner Leon Dever
eaux, who with other commission
ers heard the proposal put forth
by Judge D. L. Penhollow, called
it, "The biggest step forward in
the paving program that Bend has
ever seen." Bend paving pro
grams have been at a standstill
since an unfavorable Circuit Court
decision last year supported Third
Street property owners who ob
jected to paying total costs of a
paving and widening project on
their street. The Court decision
was later re-affirmed in State
Supreme Court.
Lower Payments
Last week city commissioners
decided to go ahead with paving
of a handful of streets, but were
apprehensive about the reactions
of affected property owners, con
ccrning assessments. Tne courts
offer will mean substantially low
er oavments.
First new street to be cleared
and oaved is a three-block por
tion of W. 11th Street between
Newport and Quincy. It will cost
an estimated $13,664.94, and prop
erty owners were earlier notified
of their anticipated assessments.
This morning City Manager Hal
Puddy said these particular as
sessments probably will be reauo
ed by some 40 per cent.
Puddy emphasized that the new
City County streets policy is in
no way clearly defined. The City
will have to evaluate the offer
carefully, he said, before it
able to adopt a workable policy
on all streets.
According to Judge Penhollow,
similar assistance programs are
already in effect in Redmond and
Court officials meeting with the
judge and commissioners last
nicht were Fred Shepard and
Georqe Baker, and County Road-
master Charles Plummer.
horny issue
of prisoners
under study
Negro and white leaders confer
red with the Justice Department
in Washington by phone today in
an 11th hour attempt to keep a
shaky truce and avert new out
breaks of racial demonstrations.
It was learned that the thorni
est problem a blracial committee
as considering was dropping of
convictions and charges against
more than 2,200 Negro demon
strators arrested since the mas
sive desegregation campaign open
ed here April 3.
The negotiators were being ad
vised on legalities at the highest
level in the Justice Department.
While the negotiators would not
discuss their talks, it was under
stood Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy
was taking a personal hand in Uie
Make Four Demands
The dropping of the charges-
most for parading without a per
mit was one of four demands
made by Negro leaders as the
price for ending the demonstra
tions. Hundreds of policemen, rein
forced by state troopers, stood by
in case of a renewed outbreak.
Several hundred Negroes gathered
at a Baptist church to await word.
Other demands listed by the Ne
groes included the desegregation
of downtown eating facilities,
equal employment opportunities
and a permanent bi-racial com
mittee to work out the city's de
segregation problems, with spe
cial emphasis on schools.
A 250-man force ot highway
patrolmen, augmented by approx
imately 400 plainclothesmen car
rying sidearms, apparently waa
in control and able to enforce
law and order.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and
the Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, two
top Negro leaders in the desegre
gation campaign here, said they
were hopeful a solution to five
weeks of demonstrations could be
found by 1 p.m. EDT.
A bi-racial committee met
again Wednesday night but made
no announcement of results.
Negro Leadership Divided
The big problem in a settle
ment appeared to be among the
Negro leadership, sharply divided
as to whether full scale demon
strations should be resumed to
day. The racial truce, after which
all major demonstrations were
called off Wednesday while last
minute details of a permanent
agreement were discussed, al
most fell apart In the late after
noon when King was lodged In
jail for the second time in less
than a month.
The Atlanta integration leader
and the Rev. Ralph Abernathy,
another top officer in King's or
ganization, were sentenced to 180
days in jail and fined $100 the
maximum punishment tor viola
tion of an ordinance requiring a
permit to parade. '
Businessman Raises Bene
Bond for King, Abernathy and
R. V. Fulton, a white professor,
was set at $2,500. For most of
their 24 associates who got the
same penalty bond was only $500.
Negro businessman A. G. Gas
ton put up bond for King and
Abernathy who returned to their
motel and went Immediately into
long telephone conferences with
associates on their next move.
Birmingham's top business ex-
exutives were exerting strong
behind-the-scenes influence in
bringing the racial dilemma to
ward an area ot settlement, iney
were reluctant, however, to deal
with local Negro leaders and
virtually adamant In refusing to
negotiate with the threat ot negro
retaliation hanging over them.
Delay planned
on relocation
SALEM (UPD The gover
nor's office said today a contro
versial highway relocation project
in the historic mining town of
Jacksonville would be delayed
pending further study.
Warne Nunn, Gov. Mark Hat
field's executive assistant, said
many protests to tho relocation,
which would have located the
highway on a diagonal through
the town's street grid, had been
He said the Highway Depart
ment has agreed to hold up con
struction, pending further study ol
the historic values of the town,
and possible alternative routes.
The relocation has caused wide
spread controversy in Jackson