The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 04, 1963, Page 1, Image 1

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    Univ. of Oregon Library
FTC files charges
Action aimed
at Harney
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
today filed charges of false ad
vertising against two development
firms selling land in Lake Valley,
It was the fifth case filed by
the government in the past seven
weeks in a campaign to protect
prospective landowners from be
ing lured into buying a pig in a
poke. .
The FTC filed a similar case in
April involving land sales in New
Mexico. In the last seven weeks,
the Justice Department, in co
operation with postal inspectors,
has filed three cases charging
mail fraud in connection with land
sales in western states.
In its complaint today, the FTC
named Harney County Land De
velopment Corp., Chicago, and
Harney County Escrow Co.,
Burns, Ore.
Also Named
Also named in the complaint
were John M. Phillips, Jack C.
Cherbo, and Richard D. Walk
er, all of the Chicago firm, and
Willis F. Bardwell, of the Oregon
The complaint charged that the
companies printed deceptive
claims, pictures and photographs
in advertisements in metropolitan
It said the advertisements
claimed the land was located "in
a fertile valley" and "in the
west's greatest recreation area."
It said the area was not suitable
for cultivation.
The advertisements also con
tained the words hunt, fish, and
swim, although the area is not
close to any hunting, fishing,
swimming, skiing, boating or sim
ilar recreational facilities.
In addition Hie advertisements
indicated the land was located in
a "sunny invigorating climate"
with "300 days of warm wonder
ful sunshine throughout the year."
The FTC said the climate in the
area was neither moderate nor
The complaint also charged that
the advertisements indicated the
land had a value greater than the
offering price and that it was like
ly to Increase in value by as much
as 5,000 per cent in the future. It
said these claims misrepresented
the present and future value of
the land.
The companies and their offi
cials have 30 days in which to file
an answer to the FTC complaint.
Snow still falls
oyer Cascades
Snow continued to fall over the
Oregon Cascades this morning
and Oregon Highway Department
maintenance crews reported slick,
slushy roads at Government
Camp, with flurries continuing
following a stormy night.
The Santiam divide was also
experiencing Hay snow, but the
light pack on the highway was
turning to slush. Only an inch of
snow fell on the Santiam last
Bend recorded both snow and
rain early in the day, but fore
casts indicate the weather trend
here tonight will be continuous
rain, with showers to follow Sun
day. Central Oregon temperatures
are to remain below normal, the
forecast indicates. Sunday temp
eratures are expected to be in the
50-55 degree area, with a possibil
ity that the night reading will be
near freezing.
Showers were general over Cen
tral Oregon, and were expected
to increase in intensity tonight as
a new storm moves in.
Irrigationists report that the
continued heavy moisture in the
mountains and the cool weather
is considerably changing the irrt
gation picture, and prospects are
increasing tor a fair holdover of
water in reservoirs this fall.
From Princville comes the word
that the new Princville Reservoir
is rapidly nearing capacity, fol
lnwins a protective release of
storage earlier in the season.
Blaze claims
six children
swept through a home for men
tally retarded children here Fri
day night, killing six children
and injuring five others, one crit
ically. All of the dead were between
3 and 10 years of age.
The operators of the home were
not present at the time of the
fire, but said a "friend" had been
caring for the children. Two teen
age boys were also in the building
along with the 11 younger chil
dren when the fire broke out.
Six injured children were rushed
to the Vermillion County Hospital
at Clinton, where one of them
died today.
60th Year
On Everest peak
No evidence found
of Chinese ascent
American Everest expedition re
ported today that the two men
who reached the peak of the
world's highest mountain Wednes
day found no evidence that a Com
munist Chinese team had scaled
it before them.
Red China claimed it placed a
team on the summit in 1960 from
the north side and that it left a
Chinese flag and a bust of Mao
Tse-tung there to prove it.
However, Peking never has dis
played any photographic evidence
and international mountaineering
circles have given little credence
to the story.
The report from the American
expedition today that there was
no sign of Red China's flag or
Maos bust further weakened
Negroes urged to continue
Alabama demonstrations
Negroes were urged today to
make this a "double D-Day" of
racial demonstrations in a contin
uing drive to crack Birming
ham's major segregation bar
Negro youths were called to
three mass meetings (starting at
noon EDT) to touch off fresh
Ten O'Clock
clubbers add
4 members
The newly organized Bend
Chamber of Commerce Ten
O'clock Club in its first week of
activity has added four new mem
bers to the chamber roster and
has collected several delinquent
This was the optimistic report
brought to the chamber's board
of directors Friday noon by Man
ager Marion Cady.
The club, organized by Direc
tor William G. Ellis to promote
chamber membership, meets
weekly on Fridays.
New members obtained by tne
club this past week are: A. W. E.
Helphrey Dairy, Inc., Bank of
Central Oregon, Cascade bowi
and Central Oregon Claims.
Awards Planned
Members of the Ten O'clock
club are competing for a prize to
be awarded each month for the
best membership effort Leading
in competition for the initial prize
is Paul Pollock, louowed close ly
by Bill Dodge.
Cady also announced that the
following new members have been
added by the chamber since ine
first of the year:
Barker & Collins, Terrebonne;
Bend Cabinet and Fixtures, 97
Motel, Bend Roofing, Central Ore
gon Linoleum Company, Central
Oregon Rooting ana sneet lvieiai,
Dick's Linoleum and Tile, Jim's
Electric, James Merrill, contrac
tor; Rainbow Motel, Redmond
Electric Company, Hugh Simp
son, paint contractor; Van Matre
Construction Company, Jan Ward,
contractor: Marvin E. Westfall,
paint contractor, and White Owl
The manager reported that the
chamber's new Builders' Plan
Service has resulted in the addi
tion of some 20 members since it
was inaugurated last November.
In other business Friday noon,
Chamber directors discussed a
proposal at the legislature to pro
vide $50,000 for an interim com
mittee study of tourist and rec
reation facilities in Oregon.
Although agreeing that such a
study might be of value, direc
tors indicated opposition to the ex
penditure of state funds for such
a survey.
Directors also heard a report
from Ray LeBlanc on a meeting
earlier this week at which a down
town parking plan was present
ed and discussed. LeBlanc said
he was well pleased with the re
ception given the proposal.
WAYNE. Pa. (UPD Bobby,
a wealthy dog from Reading, Pa.,
died here Friday in a veterinary
hospital following a brief illness.
His 60,000 estate, inherited in
1957 from his late owner, Mrs.
Ruth Maurer. now will provide
income for her relatives, upon
whose deaths it reverts to the
dogs again several humane so -
Eight Pages
the claim.
It was announced Friday night
that the two man team which
scaled the peak Wednesday com
promised an American and Sher
pa guide. Their names have not
been disclosed.
Radio messages from the expe
dition's base camp said a second
assault team left today to try to
reach the peak from the west side.
Previous ascents have been made
from the south.
Besides 29,028-foot high Everest,
the U.S. expedition also hopes to
scale two sister peaks Lhotse,
the world's fourth highest at 27,890
feet, and Nuptse, 25,850 feet
Names of the men who reach
the peaks will be witliheld until
the whole task is accomplished.
demonstrations. New marches
were expected by 2 p.m. EDT.
More than 200 Negroes, includ
ing many children, were arrested
Friday, bringing to approximate
ly 1,000 the number put in jail
or juvenile homes in two days of
Negro leaders said about 10
persons were bitten by police
dogs that were brought out on
long leashes to push back Fri
day's demonstrators. Most of the
injuries were minor and only one
person was hospitalized.
"Yesterday was D-Day in Bir
mingham, let us make tomorrow
double D-Day," integration leader
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. told
a wildly cheering throng of more
than 2,000 packed Friday night
into the 16th Street Baptist
The church, across the street
from the park where fire hoses
and dogs were turned on Negroes
Friday, rocked for about three
hours to the chants a-d hand
clapping cadence of "freedom"
Asks Halt To Violence
King, introduced as the "black
Moses of America," urged Ne
groes to halt all forms of vio
lence, including rock throwing or
use of profanity.
We must meet physical force
with soul force for violence de
stroys everybody," King said.
An eye-for-an-eye philosophy
leaves everybody blind."
King reacted strongly, however.
to a statement by Attorney Gen
eral Robert Kennedy suggesting
that the all-out integration drive
here was ill-timed.
'I grow weary of those who
ask us to slow down," King told
a reporter. "I begin to feel that
the moderates in America are
our worst enemy. They are the
ones who assure success for
groups like the Black Muslims."
Kennedy Urges Negotiations
The attorney general urged a
cooling off period with white and
Negro leaders negotiating differ
ences in meetings "and not in the
Birmingham's new mayor, Al
bert Boutwell, begged Negroes to
call off their show of pressure un
til a new and more moderate city
government which he will head
takes over the reins of govern
ment. There was no indication that
the advice of the two white lead
ers would be heeded.
At the rally. King recited again
the integration movement's price
for racial peace here: Desegrega
tion of eating and other public
places, job upgrading, dropping
all charges against arrested dem
onstrators and appointment of a
bi-racial committee that would
work out a plan for school desegregation.
COC vote to be held Monday
along with school election
Residents of the big Centra
Oregon Area Education District
will vote on the COC budget Mon
day, May 6, in conjunction with
the regular public school elec
tions, using the same boards and
the same voting places.
In addition to the budget elec
tion, two directors to the area
board will he named. They are
Rupert Park, Zone 6, Redmond,
and Robert W. Chandler. Zone 7,
Bend. They face no oppostion to
1 succeed themselves
"Although the net amount re
against two land
Bend, Deschutes
Martial law
is proclaimed
by Duvalier
President Francois Duvalier's
embattled government imposed
martial law on this tense capital
Friday night and decreed a nine
hour nightly curfew, from 8 p.m.
to 5 a.m.
These emergency measures ap
peared to be designed to curb
the activities of night-prowling
terror bombers and to eliminate
the possibility of over-eager
troops firing on foreign diplomats
moving about the city after dark.
Although tight censorship veiled
most details, there are known to
have been frequent skirmishes
between supporters and foes of
Duvalier in recent weeks.
Bomb Set Off
A bomb was set off Thursday
night at a reservoir near the
Brazilian Embassy, causing nei
ther casualties nor notable dam
age. A Texaco station in Port-au-Prince's
Beau Boeuf district was
burned Wednesday night and a
number of persons are believed
to have been killed in a clash
between dissident militiamen and
members of Duvalier's secret po
lice. Travelers from the provinces
say firing was audible nightly
from Thursday through Saturday
last week near the northern port
of Cap Haitien.
(In nearby Santo Domingo, au
thoritative sources told UPI cor
respondent Henry Raymont that
U.S. Marines would land in Port-au-Prince
to protect Americans
and other foreigners If there is
a major outbreak of violence.
Navy Stands By
(A U.S. naval task force, carry
ing planes and a sizable Marine
landing force, has been lying lust
outside Haitian waters since April
26, when political unrest in Haiti
reached the boiling point.
(Dominican President Juan
Bosch declared Friday night that
his army will invade Haiti if the
lives of Dominican citizens are
threatened. He was said to have
proposed the formation of an in
ternational Latin American force
to restore order in Haiti if vio
lence breaks out.)
Duvalier's difficulties assumed
international dimensions when the
Dominican government protested
an alleged violation of its em
bassy here by Haitian troops ana
threatened to attack unless the
troops were removed.
Haitian authorities have
eranted safe conducts to 15 of 22
opponents of Duvalier who have
sought asylum in tne Dominican
Embassy, but the building is sur
rounded by Haitian troops.
Freedom may
be getting close
for Mindszenty
of secret diplomatic negotiation
appeared today to be about to
bear fruit in the departure from
Hungary of Josef Cardinal Mind
szenty, the 71-year-old "prisoner
of Freedom Square."
Vatican sources said the cardi
nal, who has lived behind locked
steel doors in the U.S. legation
in Budapest since Soviet tanks
crushed the Hungarian revolt in
1956, may leave Hungary "by the
end of this month.
Cardinal Mindszenty's depar
ture from the legation was ex
pected to be as inconspicuous as
"Somebody probably will drive
to Budapest and bring him out,"
Vatican sources said. "From Vi
enna, he undoubtedly will come
to Rome.
There was no immediate indi
cation what the Hungarian pre
late will do following his release
whether he will be appointed to
a high church post or whether
he will retire.
quested from the area district for
operational purposes is actually
$3,397 less than requested a year
ago for the same purposes, the
budget must be voted on because
Central Oregon College has not as
yet established a tax base," Don
P. Pence, COC president, said,
"Even' with the inclusion of $13,
000 for bond interest and redemp
tion, the total levy of $144,510, rep
resenting a tax levy on the area
district of 192 mills, is slightly
less than toe mjllage required lot
County, Oregon, Saturday, May 4, 1963
qui lira
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call from the local office of
Washington, D.C. Automatic
Phone switch here
set for midnight
By I la S. Grant i
Bulletin Staff Writer
Bend residents will be able to
make their first direct dialing
long distance telephone calls, I
starting at midnight tonight. The
gigantic nation-wide network oper
ates by a combination of express
way-type long distance lines con
nected to switching centers locaU
ed strategically throughout the
country. Also involved is the auto
matic accounting equipment
which records details of the call
for billing purposes.
Completing a call by direct dis
tance dialing across the country
usually takes 15 seconds or less.
A test call to Senator Wayne
Morse in Washington, D.C, from
the local telephone exchange yes
torday, went through in about that
time. An earth satellite, with a
maximum speed of 18,000 miles
an hour, is 40 times slower Uian
a long distance call traveling
3000 miles across the county by
No Operator
If the person making the call
has the telephone number of a
person he wants to talk to on
the East Coast, for instance, the
call can be completed quickly
without hearing a human voice,
except that of the person who
picks up the telephone to receive
the message. If the telephone
number is not known, it can bn
obtained by dialing the universal
information number, 55.H212,
first dialing the digit "1", for long
distance, and the area code num
ber of the area. The area code
the present year's operation and
in both instances less than two
mills total levy for operation and
bond redemption."
Pence noted that this year the
college enrolled approximately
500 students in the regular col
lege program fall term. In addi
tion to this group, over 600 in
dividuals enrolled in 40 classes
conducted in the high schools of
the various communities of the
area under the adult continuing
education program conducted by
mayor E. L. Nielsen mad tha first direct dialing long diitanca
Pacific Northwest Bell yesterday, to Senator Wayne Morse in
equipment put the call through
number is not dialed for DDD
calls within the stato.
Detailed information about di
rect distance dialing is given in
the new telephone book. A map
indicates code numbers for the
entire United States, and pro
vinces in Canada, and four pages
are devoted to area codes for
many cities. In some cases, there
are two or more code numbers in
each stato.
Back to that hypothetical call to
the East Coast. Suppose it is to
Buffalo, N.Y. First the caller
dials the numeral "1" to connect
his phone with the long distance
network. Then he would dial the
tliree-numcral code designating
the geographical area (716 for
Buffalo). And last he would dial
the seven digits of the tolephone
number he is calling.
Immediately the switching
equipment at the company's cen
tral office here in Bend would
recognize that this is a long dis
tance call out of Oregon. The au
tomatic accounting equipment
would start collecting the details
of the call. At the same time the
switching equipment here would
send the area code and the desir
ed phone number on an "express
way" line to tho company's sec
tional long distance switching
center in Portland.
Making their presence known in
the Portland center, the digits
would announce that they are
headed for the East Coast. The
Portland switching equipment
would at once pick out an express
route for the call to follow cast
ward. If the main route for the
call were busy, then the Port
land equipment would search out
an alternate "expressway."
If the caller doesn't know the
number, he dials "1" for long dis
tance, the three numeral code
number and the universal infor
mation number, "555-1212." When
the number is obtained, the caller
dials again, putting the entire
automatic process into operation.
Then the call speeds on its way
across the country perhaps
passing through as many as four
or five more switching centers be
fore It reaches the East Coast.
There equipment at he last
switching center or central of
fice in tiiis vast network rings the
bell of the phone being called and
connects it to the long distance
expressway across tlie country
from Bend.
Ten Cents
in about 15 seconds.
First DDD:
Mayor calls
Sen. Morse
Senator Wayne Morse, in Wash
ington, D.C, received the first di
rect dialing long distance call
from Bend yesterday, in a test of
the automatic equipment from the
Bond exchange. The switchover to
the new system will be at mid
night tonight.
First to speak to the senator
was Bend Mayor E. L. Nielsen.
He was followed by Hal Puddy,
city manager, and Dr. Ordc S.
Pinckney, Morse's Oregon cam
paign manager in the last elec
tion. "This call went through very
fast," Mayor Nielsen told the
senator after an exchange of
greetings. "About like calling
Redmond." Then the mayor asked
Morse about tho possibility of
Bend qualifying for the urban re
newal program, to obtain more
off-street parking and possibly a
community center.
Senator Morse said that Inas
much as Bend has been designat
ed a "distressed area" for urban
renewal purposes, It is possible
that such projects could be under
taken, and that he would look into
the matter personally.
Puddy sent greetings from Jesse
Yardley to Robert II. Bargewcll,
Yakima, Wash., who is attending
the Ninth Pan American Con
gress, in the interest of the Oka-nogan-Cariboo
Association, work
ing for designation of Highway
97, irom Klamath Falls to Fair
banks, Alaska, as part of the
Pan-American Highway. Already
marked through South America to
Mexico City, tho proposed route
supported by OCT A goes from
there to Nogales. Tucson, Phoe
nix, Las Vegas, Reno and Klam
ath Falls.
Speaking to Dr. Pinckney, Sen
ator Morse said that he is great
ly impressed by the reality of di
rect distance dialing, and at
the same time expressed concern
about unemployment and its rela
tion to automation.
Newsman dies
EUGENE (UPI) - Paul J.
Deutschmann, former city editor
of the Eugene Register - Guird,
died in East Lansing, Mich.
Thursday of a heart attack. He
was 43.
Deutschmann also worked for
the Portland Oregonian and the
Denver Post and was a former
journalism teacher at the Univer
sityof Oregon.
High yesterday, 51 degrees. Lew
last night, 13 degrees. Sunset
today, 7:11. Sunrise tomorrow.
4:52, PST.
No. 127
raft plunges
nto suburb
n Sao Paulo
SAO PAULA. Brazil (UPI)-At
least 32 persons died whej a
crippled Brazilian airliner trying
to return to Sao Paulo on one en
gine crashed into a suburb and
burst into flames, officials said to
day. They feared the death toll would
rise when daylight permitted res
cue workers to make a thorough
search of the charred wreckage.
The plane crashed Friday night.
A spokesman for Cruzeiro do Sul
Airlines, operator of the twin-engined
Convair, said only 5 of the
49 persons aboard the plane were
known to have survived. Many of
these were reported badly burned.
The spokesman said that 32 bod
ies were recovered before morn
ing, but that a dozen persons still
were unaccounted for. Earlier esti
mates of the dead ranged any
where from 41 to 49.
Engine Conks Out
It was not known if the Convair
carried any Americans. One of Its
twin engines apparently conked
out shortly alter it took off for Rio
de Janeiro at about S-.4S p.m.
Officials said thd pilot apparent
ly had made tip his mind to ra
ti mi to Sao Paulo Airport and try
for an emergency landing when
disaster struck.
Officio!? s-'tid the crippled Con
vair airliner plowed into an un
occupied house in suburban Path
lista Planalto while trying to re
turn to Congonhas Airport, .10
miles from the center of the city.
Paulista Planalto is 2V4 miles
from the airport
The flaming wreckage aet afire
two houses across the street but
authorities said the residents es
caped death. However, police said
four persons were killed when
their automobile was rammeS by '
a fire engine speeding to the dis
aster scene.
All Ov.r Strwt
Eyewitnesses said the impact
of the plane crash hurled passen
gers all over the street An hour
after the crash the big plane's
tail section the only recogniz
able piece of wreckage was
still burning.
The Convair sliced into power
lines on the way down, plunging
the suburban area into darkness
for a time except for the glare
from the flaming wreckage.
At one point, the Cruzeiro do
Sul airline announced all 44 pas
sengers and 5 crewmembers
aboard the plane had been killed.
Later a company spokesman said
the Convair carried 8 crew and
35 passengers, but that several
flew with babies who were not
listed on the flight manifest
Search made
for plane
in collision
REXBURG, Idaho (UPI) Arc
Forct plants saarchad the wild
Idaho-Wyoming bordar country
today for a missing and eripplad
B47 bombar amid a slurry of
conflicting rumors about the fate
of tha lost plana.
Tha bombar collided In tha air
Friday night with a KCUS tank
er plane while attempting to re
fuel. The bombar want down
about 70 milts northeast of Ash
ton while the tankar limped te
Mountain Home AFB and made
a safe landing with a damaged
Tha tanker's pilot radioed
Fadaral Aviation Agency tower
that the bombar had gone bite
a "flat spin" and dieappaared
inte a cloud bank. Residents of
the area called In conflicting re
ports to law enforcement agen
cies about seeing and hearing
The collision occurred about
6:45 p.m. Friday.
Rain tonight; thowera Sundayl
high M-55; lews JJ-40.