The Bend Bulletin, Thursday, May 2, 1963 II SKINNER SUCCEEDS SILKWORTH 5. L "Skip- Slimier, left, has been named general agent for the SP 4 S fci Bend, to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of George Silk worth, right, who ii ending 38 years of service with the roll road company. Silkworth was honored at a dinner this week fn Prineville. SWnner comes to Bend from Portland, where he was SP & S chtef cleric in traffic department. Annual history four faken by Sisters eighth graders Special lo The Bulletin SISTERS Twenty-four eighth grade students, accompanied by Mrs. Burl Gilland, Mrs. Albert Demaris, and Mrs. Emilie San dra, and their teachers, Gary Gri vas and Earry Lawrence, enjoyed a trip In conjunction with their Oregon History studies, to Salem and Portland on Monday. At the State Capitol Building, they sat in for a time at sessions of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives. They were shown the governor's reception room, and tha paintings oo the walla and the offlcnl seal in the main room of the Capitol The trroun went nn In VnrtlnnA alter dinner to visit the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry anu me zoo. i ney relumed home in the evening. James Earl Ladd, president of uio j'uget Sound College of the uinie at scaiue, wasn., and the Rock-hunting interest noted Special to The Bulletin PRINEVILLE - Inquiries about rockhoundlng in the Prineville area, at Chamber of Commerce rock-hunting beds, are coming to the chamber's office at the rale of 25 to 40 a day. according to Ivan Chappell, chamber manager. Chappell credits an article In tho May issue. Gem and Miner als Magazine, about Prineville rockhunting areas for the sudden burst of nationwido interest. The article, he said, tells of the types of rocks and mineral speci mens found here. It also lists the rockhunting acreage which the chamber has secured by mineral claims for free public use. Free maps, now available, are also described in the article, and Chappell is busy mailing maps to persons who have sent requests, together with the Indication that they plan to visit the Central Ore gnu area this summer. The mag azine is a southern California pub lication, and Chappell says ho ex pects to see many visitors from that region. Top honors won by Bend girls Special to The Bulletin OREGON STATE DNIVFRkitv Margaret Ann Wcstfall of 28 Mueller Avcnuo and Margaret Krisline Hansen of 1204 Hill Street. Bend, have qualified for membership at Oregon State I'nl- wi.Miy ln i-ni nappa Fni, nation al scholastic honor society. Membership in Phi Kappa Phi Is top campus recognition for scholastic achievements. To qual ify, students must rank In the up per one-tenth of their class. Miss Wcstfall is a Junior and Miss Hansen a senior, both in the School of Home Economics. APPROVAL GIVEN SALEM (UPD-A measure al lowing the State Game Commis sion to issue separate elk tags by species of animal or by geograph ic area was approved in the Sen ate Wednesday and sent to the governor. Also sent to the governor by the Senate was a House bill allowing military personnel to be issued a I resident big gam nlmJ lag, I traveling choir from the college ...ill L . . ... . wiu ue guesis ana will nave charge of the Sunday morning services and till Sllnrlnv Khnnl classes at the Sisters Church of Christ on May 5. A potluck fel lowship dinner will follow tha morning service. The public is in vited 10 auena. On Tuesday, thn piohth m-rIo . . 0 . 0- ...... class and their room mothers and teachers made a trip to the Paint ed Hills near Mitchell. They en joyed a picnic lunch at noon, and returned home in the afternoon. Ihe nominees for student body officers at Sisters High School have been campaigning for the P(f5l weeje. J'Jwfinna uvrn hoM luesaay morning and the follow ing students were elected to serve lor lie COmincr vaar nrociHanf Pat Hammaclc? vrnijn-v VnthJ Roberts: and treasiiPAP Tnni Steele. Budget Meeting Set A meotintr of IIia Hurt, rvnv mittee for the city of Sisters will oe neid at 8 n.m. nl tha nti, uit on mursaay, May 2. On the fol lowing Thursday, the regular council moetine will ha hold Th. meetings are open to the public. John Shaw, student at Oregon aiaie university at Corvallis, spent the weekend vlsitlno M parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Miaw. Mr. and Mrs. .Tnrrv Unka rA daughter, Debbie left Sunday for omi rrancisco, uaiu., where he will attend . wutiwia vc.ui a thev return In fhlr km t c- Jose, iney nave been guests for the past two weeks at tho home Of his mothor. Mrs. PliarlrJfo uoKe. Mr. and Mm. ri,,l Mr. and Mrs. Frawsi u Gary Benson went to Salem on .Minnay lo attend the AU Western Bowline Tournampnl T4i n,.. bowling as a team, won second piace ui me tournament. Mrs. Dave Phillin. f T..K. non, arrived Friday to spend the weekend at the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phillips. Guests on Saturday at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. Georr Wake field Were Mr. and Mee ui , . ...... .... 0. , ii. .v 1 1 uowmk ol Grcsham. ham Hewitt, who attends the Oregon State University at Cor vallis. Snoot tha uAl.nn ... .1 nome ot his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lovd Hewitt Weekend miotic t it .1 - c ... ... uiv iiwiiic ui Mrs. Charlotte Hoke were her o.niKnier and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Buchanan and son Rickio of Prineville. Rickie re mained here to visit his grand- iiiuiiier ior a week. more meat le flavors 'nlemal, not external, changes seen as result of Italian voting Boys admit part in car talcing By Plill Ncwjom UPI Slit' Writer Italian voters gave Huh hi Communist boss Paliniru Tugliat li a belated birthdav o:escnl tins year, but it seems loo early lor Moscow to do much celebrating. Ihe general elections which gave the Communists a record number of votes actually were shakedown of Italian political sen timent and seem likely to have little effect on the "Icft-of-cenle-" policy which Premier Amintore Fanfani launched in February l'M2. , Any chances that do ranw about can be exueeted to bp in. tcrnal rather than external, hav ing no effect either on Italy's NATO ties or on its membership in the European Common Market-All this is based on the assump tion that the political forces which ! made Iliily s left-center govern ment possible retain their lies j and that Ihe left-wing Socialists i ol I'ietro Nenni do not heed Togli atti's siren call to join the Com munists in a "new political course." Political Chaos To do so would be to plunge Italy into the greatest political chaos since World War II. I Past action makes such an event unlikely. When Fanfani began his left center government a little more than a year ago, it was in search of a political stability unknown in Italy since the post-war govern mtnts of Alcide de Gasperi. Fanfani's own Christian Demo cratic party remained the largest in Italy but it was a patchwork of elements ranging from the moderate left lo the extreme right. Since the war. Italy has nan 22 governments. Conflicting interests within the smaller parties such as the Neo Fascists, the Monarchists, the Lib erals and others made successful coalition impossible. Meanwhile, the left-wing Social ists who had joined the Commu nists in a popular front in 1946 and split with them two years later, were drifting steadily far ther away from their former allies under the leadership of Nenni Coalition Formed In 1962, Fanfani obtained agree ment from bis own Tarty for his left-center experiment. His new government was composed of his own Christian Democrats, the Re publicans and the Social Democrats. It had the outside support of the Nenni Socialists in return for promises to nationalize the elec trical industry, to decentralize state administration by creating regional governments, to Institute school reforms and development plans especially for the south. It alienated both the extreme right and tiie extreme left and it was anticipated that some votes would flee both the Christian Democrats on the right and the Nenni Socialists on the left. GETS CONVENTION PORTLAND (UPI) Portland got word Wednesday it has offi cially been picked for the 1966 American Legion national conven tion. The convention is expected to attract upwards of 40,000 persons. City police Wednesday received written confessions from two Bend boys who admitted their guilt in taking and using a vehicle with out the owner's permission. They are Ronald Leo Giltner, 16, of 23 Allen Road, and Morg G. Hollamon, 15, of 1555 Awbrey Road. Both youths explained they were wilh two other Bend boys who on April 1 drove away in a parked car belonging to William Tomiin. son, Route 2, Box 35. Their com panions signed confessions Mon day. The boys will await action by the juvenile court. Municipal court fines assessed Bert Dwayne Farris, 823 Dela ware, paid the largest fine in mu nicipal court Wednesday on a ba sic rule violation. He was assess ed $100 plus court costs for driv ing 60 miles per hour in a 25-mue limit zone. Fined $15 and costs for viola tion of the basic rule was Robert E. Allen, 654 Norton Street. Carolyn M. Turner, 1626 Hill Street, forfeited $2 plus costs for overtime parking, and Don Nored, South Highway 97, paid a $1 for feiture plus a $1 Impounding fee for having a dog at large. FIRE CALL ANSWERED Bend firemen answered one call Wednesday to the home of George Balitich, 502 E. Fourth, where a furnace flue overheated. No dam age was reported. DO NIT H OT . . till you see the superb line-up of photography dept. specials available this week at THE OWL CAMERAS YASHIKA YF 35mm Camera and case, plus Canon 100mm f.4 telephoto lens and parallax-correcting view finder. $275 Value OWL 1OQ50 PRICE KODAK Automatic Camera Battery power . . . electric eye... instant loading Movie-makinfl wot never easier . . . never surer. No winding camera is bafferv nnwrrl KI vr. ....... . . ... . eleetnc eye adusls the lens automatically. And no threading ,.,,. rum loaaj in a iny in Ihe new Kodak Duex 8 Cassette . . . and you can load cassettes in advance. You're nooi in aa innanti Many other luxury features. Reg. $99.50 OWL 7Q95 I 7 PRICE ONE ONLY the lowest-priced Brownie 8mm movie camera in Kodak's history! 095 Brand-new . . . OWL PRICE ' USED Brownie 8mm movie camera. 3-lens turret and 3 type-A filters. Complete qi with case. . . OWL PRTPtf 04 50 USED Mansfield Holiday II 8mm movie camera. 3-lens turret. Built-m filters. OWL PRICE 39 i95 PROJECTORS HONEYWELL projector. Handles both 214 x 214 and 35mm slides. Regular $189.95 OWL PRICE 129 95 ONE ONLY Used Argus 300 slide projector. Built-in case. Reg. $54.95 OWL PRICE 3495 BROWNIE 8 movie projector with case. Automatic threading. Reg. $59.95 OWL PRICE 29 95 BAFA 16mm action movie film editor with illuminated viewing screen. Reg. $34.95 OWL PRICE 19 95 PANAVUE II illuminated 2x2 slide viewer. Complete with batteries. 195 OWL PRICE 1 SAWYER MIRASCREEN Exciting new rear screen slide projection system. Eliminates conventional screen, darkened rooms. Compact. Reg. $39.95 OWL PRICE 29 95 UNIVERSAL slide trays Reg. 49c each. OWL PRICE 311 CAVALCADE slide trays SYMPHONIC electric portable record player. Four petdt. Rag. $21.95 OWL PRICE 15.95 FLASH BULBS Packet of 12AGI bulbs QQc Reg. $1.34 7 a BLACK & WHITE FILM SIZES 620, 127, and 120 Reg. 55c per roll 3.88' Reg. 2$4.7S OWL PRICE 2i$3 JL A LENSES VLMAR TELEPH0T0S Amazing performance is yours with these fine quality optics. Compare favorably with lenses costing much more. We invite you to test them for yourself. All come with tripod mount and, with interchangeable adaptors, will fit: Ifr KONIKA FS j EXAKTA MIRANDA NIKON F CANON FLEX ic PRAKTICA W MINOLTA PENTAX ' YASHICA k NIKKOREX F k EDIXA 400 300 200 mm f. 6.3 ,;1 mm f. 5.5 mm f. 4.5 5995 5495 4995 AETNA-COLIGON 135mm long lens. f. 3.5 Pentax mount. Reg. $59.95 OWL QQ95 PRICE 07 USED Schacht Travegon 135mm lens. f. 4.5 Pentax mount. OWL 1O00 PRICE 17 Jl BINOCULARS 8x30 $26.95 CORNELL fully coated optics I 7x30 I I $29.95 7x35 $26.95 6x30 $24.95 KALIMAR AUTO DIAL upoiur meter with cat. Reg. $12.95 OWL PRICE 8.95 SEKONIC AUTO-LUMI .xpoiur. meter with cat OWL PRICE 6.95 P0LA SCREEN POLARIZERS SERIES S Reg. 2.9S OWL , PRICE I .J SERIES Reg. $3.29 OWL . q. TRICE I .7 J CABLE RELEASES T"5 35c NORELCO CONTINENTAL 100 II tranaistor portable TAPE RECORDER Reg. $129.50 OWL PRICE 89.50 GRUNDIG TK Portable tranaiitoriied TAPE RECORDER Reg. OWX S69 95 PRICE 49.95 HERSHEY SUN RING plui AC power aupply pack $59.90 Value OWL PRICE 39.95 MULTI BLITZ 20 electronic flash with recharger and recharge able betteriei. $79.95 val. 49.95 WE NEED USED CAMERAS! TraJe-ins lwoyS welcome, or let ll your gear on conSignment. 1M 858 WALL STREET BEND PHONE EV 2-2861 MY