The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 02, 1963, Page 4, Image 4

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The ambidexfrous lover
4 Thursday, May 2, 1963
Robtrt W. Chandler, Editor and Publisher
Phil P. Brogan, Associate Editor
Loran E. Dyer, Mechanical Superintendent
An Independent Newspaper
Jack McDermett, Advertising Manager
Leu W. Meyers, Circulation Manager
William A. Yatee, Managing Editor
.. Entered u Second CIM Matter. January 8. 1917, at the Poet Offlce at Bind. Orfaul under Aft ot Marco J. TO Pub
a Mailed dally expert Sunday and certain hoUdaya oy The Bend Bulletin. Inc.
Giles French retires from the newspaper
business, and Eastern Oregon loses out
Eastern Oregon has lost one of its
I most vocal and effective spokesmen.
; He hasn't died. Just retired.
The spokesman is, of course, Giles
French, for 32 years editor of the Sher
man County Journal at Moro. And with
French out of the picture, Oregon news
papers just aren't going to be the same.
French and Mrs. French, "my print
er," have sold the Journal. The new
. operation takes over this week.
By most standards the Journal is
not a big paper. Its circulation never
quite manages to get to 900. Most often
it contains four pages. Most of the
copy for that 32 years has been written
by French, and most of the linotype
work has been done by his wife.
But there was something about the
Journal which didn't show up in the
statistics. And that something was
Giles French.
The Journal had an influence far
beyond the boundaries of Sherman
Part of the influence came from
French's column In the paper. One
item we remember in particular went
something like this:
"There is nothing quite so satis
fying as the hissing sound of escaping
hot air from a punctured stuffed
Part of the Influence came from
French's outside writings. He is author
of "The Golden Land," a history of his
county, by far the most readable of the
spate of histories which came out about
It didn't bother much If you stayed
at homo, but if you travelled, oh,
"It" was the time mess in Oregon
last summer, fortunately ended by ac
tion of the voters in November. The
feeling often was expressed this was
an Oregon mess.
Well, it's still a mess elsewhere.
That old saw nbout people not be
ing able to agree on the time of day
has more truth to it than nonsense.
Twenty-eight states and the District of
Columbia observe summer time, but
only 14 of them observe it on a state
wide basis, the others preserving some
degree of local option. Eleven of the
states follow "fast time" from the end
of April to the end of October, but 17
begin or terminate it In other months.
Such confusion makes the river of
time anything but smooth. The Trans
portation Association of America cites
the case of a bus which operates over
a 33-mllo stretch of highway between
Steubenvillo, Ohio, and Moutulsville,
W. Va., and passes through seven dif
ferent time zones. Because federal law
Still requires the railroads tc operate
on standard time, many of them are
forced to publish two kinds of time
tables, one based on standard time for
use of employees and the other report
ing passenger train schedules on local
Quotable quotes
Just imagine what fun this country
rould have waiting to hear who will be
the nation's newest millionaire every
30 days. Rep. Roman Pucincki, D-
the time of the Oregon Centennial. He's
written a biography of Pete (no rela
tion) French, the California and Harney
county cattle operator which will be
as good.
French is credited with being the
father of one of the most effective
Eastern Oregon blocs ever to serve in
the Btate legislature. And some of the
stories he can tell about the workings
of the group are real lulus.
Giles French was, and is, a political
conservative. He was probably the most
articulate conservative spokesman in
Oregon. Unlike some who write of polit
ical events, he thought before he wrote.
Even those who disagreed with him
found his views well expressed.
Giles French is a believer in the
use of forceful language. He told visi
tors there wasn't much use in saying
something if it was going to be said in
such mild language the readers would
not know whether you were for or
against it.
Giles and his printer will take
some time off, now. They have talked
about a little travelling, and may try
it, for a while. But one suspects they
will spend most of their time in Sher
man county, watching the county, the
state and the nation from that vantage
And talking with the hu.v.'; ids of
friends who will be waiting iov the
French viewpoint on matters of interest.
time (standard and daylight) for the
convenience of the traveling public.
Thousands of Americans miss their
train or bus or plane every year be
cause of confusion over time.
In its latest annual report, the In
terstate Commerce Commission again
calls attention to the problems of clock
confusion and recommends the enact
ment by Congress of a uniform system
of time standards to end it. A bill based
on the I.C.C. recommendation has been
introduced by Sen. Warren G. Magnu
son (D Wash.) and will be the subject
of healings opening before the Senate
Commerce Committee on Monday, April
The I.C.C. bill is sure to provoke
strong opposition from the states
rightists not to mention the farmers
because it would effectively prevent
any state or local community from
deciding for itself whether it wanted
daylight time. Sen. Norris Cotton
(R N.H.) has come up with an alterna
tive bill which would preserve this
local option but at the same time direct
the Secretary of Commerce to use his
power of persuasion to promote the
adoption of uniform time. The signifi
cant development is that more and
more people agree that something must
be done to end the present bewildering
uncertainty over the time of day.
III., who Interprets the New Hampshire
lottery bill as starling a nation-wide
Pearson's brother never
let handicaps stop him
By Drew Pearson
Washington, D.C.
April 29, 1963
Dear Grandson,
I am writing this letter while
looking out on our old Georgetown
garden, a garden where your Un
cle Leon sometimes used to sit in
the sunshine of a spring day. Un
cle Leon was a man who loved
the sun and the spring, is he loved
people and loved life. He will not
see them anymore, for he died
You did not know Uncle Leon
very well, because he uvea
New York and you moved to Calf
fornia when you were quite small.
But you do have two younger
brothers and you know how im
portant they are. Sometimes they
may bother you when you rc try
ing to study; or sometimes they
may not help you with the dishes
the way you think they should.
But you always know that they
are the best friends you've got
and will stand by you when any
one else is picking on you.
That was the way my brother
was with me.
He was two years younger than
I, and when he was only four
years old he had polio, which the
doctors didn t know how to cope
with in those days, and which
paralyzed one side of his body.
Though he recovered In part, it
left him with a semi-paralyzed
ight arm.
After that, when uncle Leon
was only about six, he had rheu
matic fever which left him with a
seriously weakened heart. A 1 1
through life he had these handi
caps; yet they never got him
In fact, he was always much
the more cheerful member of the
Pearson brothers, and the more
courageous. When we were small
boys in Swarthmore, Pa., we used
to sell eggs which our grandfather
sent us by the crate from Kan
sas; and I would ring the door
bell, then sland out of the way to
let Uncle Leon do the talking.
Trapping Skunks
We were together constantly In
those younger days. We used to
ap skunks in the suburbs out
side Philadelphia, and when I was
twelve and he was ten we pub
lished a magazine together The
Crum Creek Club Monthly
printed on a mimeograph machine
and illustrated with original
photos. We sold it to our parents
and other parents for ten cents.
It was our first literary venture.
During World War I, Uncle Le
on was a sergeant major, and I
was only a corporal, which pleas
ed him very much because he
then outranked his older brother.
Because of his bad arm he could
not get into the army right away,
but toward the end of the war,
when they lowered the physical
standards, they accepted him to
do paper work.
After the war, when I was do
ing Quaker relief work in Serbia,
Uncle Leon came to see me. It
was a long trip one third of the
way around the world to sec a
brother; and part of the way he
rode on the top of a freight train,
because there weren't many pas
senger trains in the Balkans in
those post war days.
We were building villages in a
New bulk plant
being built
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND A new bulk plant
for gasoline and oil is being con
structed north of Redmond by
Robert R. Comstock, owner of
Mid-Oregon Oil Company.
To Include an office, warehouse
and four 20,000-gnllon storage
tanks, tho new business is being
constructed on land purchased
April 1 from Mr. and Mrs. Lad
die Jordan.
The property includes 60 acres
of land, with one-half mile front
ago on both Highway 97 and the
old Prinevillo highway. Also in
cluded in the transaction was the
Jordan home.
Comstock says he is negotiating
with several major oil compan
ies, but, ns yet, has signed no
contract. The company has its
own tanker trucks for hauling re-
troleum products. Scheduled to
open May 15. the business will
employ G. C. Wilcox, E. L. Stev
ens and Walter L. Mault.
The Jnrdans have purchased 8'i
acres from Bill Van Dick 2'i
miles west of Redmond, where
they are constructing a new
Employers face
safety penalties
SALEM (UPP Employers with
poor safely records will pay a
new penalty under an "experience
rating" amendment to the stale
workmen's compensa tion law
rushed through the House and
signed by the governor Wednes
day. Hie bill, just introduced in Hie
Senate seven days earlier, was
sped to the governor's desk be
cause rates for the next year
must be mailed out May 1.
Your Lecel
V M2SJ 1304 E. 3rd
war-torn area on the edge of Mon
tenegro, and he offered to help.
I remember giving him a horse
and asking him to drive a cow
with a new calf from one of the
villages to our headquarters in
Pec, 15 kilometers away. As I
look back from my more recent
experiences with cows, this was
about the toughest job I could
ask anyone to do. But despite his
weak heart he did it
My brother taught for a time at
Haverford school. But during the
early New Deal days I suggested
that he come to Washington and
heb me write the column. He
did. and for ten years he contri
buted a great deal to thi spice
and humor and color of the col
umn. I used to be responsible for
much of the acid and vitriol; but
the milk of human kindness in his
heart helped to balance it. I have
missed him and the column has
missed him ever since.
A Poet at Heart
Aftei ten years in Washington,
Uncle ton went to Pans for the
International News Service, then
joined the National Broadcasting
Company in Paris, later in New
York. There I think he did his
best work.
Uncle Leon loved his work and
he died loving it. He felt that ra
dio and TV should cover more
than crime news and politics; and
he persuaded NBC to let him re
port on the theater openings, the
new books, the magazines. This
became his feature. And during
the newspaper strike in New York
he was especially busy. But he
loved being busy. All this time
Uncle J-eon had managed to plug
along at a fairly heavy pace de
spite a weak heart and a with
ered arm. And all this time he
was the most cheerful member of
the family. There was poetry in
his soul. And I shall always cher
ish some of the poems that he
wrote, even if they were never
Last week, tired from making
up for the news vacuum during
the New York newspaper strike,
Uncle Leon suffered a heart at
tack just before he was about to
go on the air. He lingered on for
about ten days, then this morning
the old heart which had borne up
so faithfully for 63 years, finally
gave out.
I just wanted to tell you about
my little brother, and to hope
that you have the wonderful priv
ilege of having your little broth
ers with you for a long, long
Love from,
Your Grandfather
Late snowfalls
increase pack,
survey reveals
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND Late spring snow
falls in the Cascades have in
creased the snow pack consider
ably, SCS snow survey crew dis
covered Tuesday.
At Windigo Pass, they found 73
inches of snow with 24.4 inches
water content, compared to 90
with 42.7. Normal water content
is 52.5 inches. At Willamette Pass,
they measured 79.3 snow with 27.4
water, compared to 85 with 39 last
year and a norm of 45.9 water.
New Crescent Iake is bare, as it
was last year, but normal water
content is 6.3.
Other bare courses are the Pau
lina "Y", Mowich, Three Creek
Meadows, Three Creek Butte and
Black Pine Springs. All of these
were bare last year, except Three
Creek Meadows, which had 38
inches of snow with 16.4 water.
Normal water content here is
There are 87 inches of snow
with 36 water at Dutchman Flat,
compared to 112 with 53.4 water
at this time last year. Norm is 89
water. At Tangent, they found 15
inches snow with 6 water, com
pared to 12 with 5.2 last year and
a norm of 11.9 water.
The survey was made by Dar
win Gregg, Madras, and Maurice
Benson, lledmond, SCS technic
ians: Al Mansfield, manager of
Central Oregon Irrigation Dis
trict, and Curtis Komning of Arn
old Irrigation District.
This was the final snow survey
of the year, according to Ted
Thorson, SCS technician. He has
expressed his appreciation to
personnel of the irrigation dis
tricts who helped conduct the sur
veys this year.
Accidents take
lives of two
Forest Grove residents were killed
and two more injured Wednesday
when their car went off U.S. High
way 1!6 near the community of
Ironside and somersaulted.
Killed were Henry Timothy Pin-
nel!, 87, and Gertrude Layton, 58.
The injured were Pinnell's wife,
Margaret, 35, and Everett L.
Rogers, 50. They were taken to
Ontario Hospital with undeter
mined injuries but were not be
lieved to be critically hurt.
State Police said all four were
thrown from the car.
LetterS to the Editor
LB!1 j
Bulletin -I come, renlrlbullon.
tlU column in Me rrvder. id
lers muil contain w -
and add rate ol the eender. whlrn nj
be wltnheld nl lite nempuper e die-cn-tlon.
loiter, niey be edited to con.
form to it directive! nl Utile and lle.
Yeomans backs plan
for seashore park
To the Editor:
I am soundly convinced there
should be no hesitation on the
part of responsible agencies in es
tablishing a National Seashore
Recreation Area along the Oregon
Coast as specified in SB 1137.
When the late Senator Richard
Neuberger first introduced legis
lation in 1959 proposing a similar
but more comprehensive
protective unit, I supported his
measure, having recently evalua
ted the California coastline under
contract to the California Recrea
tion Plan Committee. In carrying
out that assignment, I found pub
lic pressure for non-existent pub
lic shoreline already far beyond
the capacity of the resource to
meet either existing or projected
needs. Such pressure is now ex
pressing, and wilt continue to ex
press itseit northward, where a
farsighted slate park acquisition
policy has insured public owner
ship of many miles of outstand
ing scenic shoreline.
And yet the demand for shore
line experience, even along the
richly endowed and partially pro-
plans offered
SALEM (UPI) Two nearly-
identical congressional rodistricU
ing proposals which differed wide
ly with a plan proposed by Rep.
John Mosser, R - Portland, were
submitted Wednesday to the
House Planning and Development
The nearly-alike plans were sub
mitted by House Speaker Clarence
Barton and Myron Katz, spokes
man for the Bipartisan League to
Retain Equal Representation.
Observers anticipated the com
mittee would adopt the plan sug
gested by Barton.
Barton's plan includes all of the
City of Portland in the third dis
trict, but adds Eastern Multno
mah County to a first district
made up of Clackamas, Washing
ton, Columbia, Clatsop, Tillamook,
Yamhill and Polk counties.
Marion and Linn counties would
be added to all of Eastern Oregon
to create an expanded second district.
tected Oregon coast, presently
overtaxes existing state facilities
during seasonal peaks. In my
opinion, "strip" parks, located for
the most part in a narrow belt
west of highway 101, are unable
to absorb any kind of mass rec
reation use. The Dunes area, if
declared a National Seashore,
would help absorb the great num
erical pressures planners project
for sea, sand and lake experi
ences. Where such outdoor exper
iences can be found in combina
tion, the value of its expressant
resource becomes a national con
cern: one in which local pressure
objections should be regarded as
relatively insignificant.
In cannot concur with the se
vere alterations that have been
made in the original proposed
legislation, namely (1) the depri
vation of the Park Service's right
to condemnation in the public In
terest and (2) transportation of
industrial wastes through park
lands and waters. I believe such
drastic compromises could well
set an example for future deter
ioration of all park and recrea
tion areas, existing or proposed,
permitting encroachments of a
nature highly incompatible with
the best outdoor recreation plan
ning and design principles.
Nevertheless. I wish to go on
record in support of SB 1137 as a
compromise measure. The Dunes
Area holds high scenic, scientific
and educational value. It is uni
que and outstanding. It should by
all means be reserved for all time
for a coming population destined,
unfortunately, to face an ever de
creasing outdoor recreation re
source and open space comple
ment: a population of approxi
mately 300 million by the year
2000. They are entitled to profit
by our protection and preserva
tion of every single mile or acre
of coastal shoreline holding sig
nificant outdoor recreation poten
tial. Thank you.
W. C. Yeomans
Bend, Oregon,
May 1, 1963
Shrub Planting
Lawns Lawn Car
Garden Pools
Patios Built
PH. 382-3493
. . . introducing to Central Oregon
MISS PAT America's leading
fashion authority . . . with some of
the spiciest separates of the year!
B sure to regiiter for our
free drawing with a val
uable merchandise certifi
cate! Drawing to be held
Saturday at 3:00 p.m. Win
ner will be notified.
A$iiting Gladys Harriott during the Grand Opening wi
be Mrs. Helen Kittredge and Mrs. Doris Copingcr
BEND O PH. 382-6068
f -
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