CALL EV 2-1811 The Bend Bulletin, Thursday, May 2, 1963 15 30-MiscelIaneous for Sale WHEN LIVER SLUGGISHNESS Causes Slow Digestion! Bloated Stuffy Feeling! Constipation! TRY Healthwav's Amazing LIPOIDINE Formula Econ. Size-90 tablets $3.50 (please add 15c for mail orders) HEALTHWAY Specialty Shop 624 Franklin 382-6206 Block from Post Office It's Time To Care For Your LAWN And Westside Hardware Is THE place to go for all your lawn and garden supplies. To improve your lawn TURF BUILDER 2500 sq. ft. 5000 sq. ft. $2.95 $4.95 For Weed Control Bonus WEED & FEED 5,000 sq. ft $5.95 10.000 sq. ft $11.50 And this extra special formula ERASE actually erases your lawn by killing all the grass and makes it ready to plant over again. Rid your lawn of crab grass and other undesireable grass with ERASE. Ortho WEED-B-G0N kills dandelions on contact. Ex cellent for single application to undesirable weeds. All this and more to care Vr your lawn and garden at I i WESTSIDE HARDWARE 1005 Galveston EV J-4341 Open Daily 8 to 8 Sundays from 9 to 2 S&H Green Stamps Always 31-Appliances, $ $ $ $ vp $ $ SINGER'S End-of-The-Month CLEARANCE SIGErSLANT-O-MATIC 500 ....... SAVE $75 Only $9.69 per month aETvACUUM '.Z... SAVE $40 Only $5,10 per month SINGER SLAnT-O-TIC 500 Portable SAVE $50 Only $9.29 per month DO&ESTIC CONSOLE $5.25 per mo. Take over payments on a new contract after small down payment. USED MACHINES Singer Dressmaker CONSOLE $129.50 $6.75 per mo. 1-only White PORTABLE $19.95 Rood running cond. All used machines carry a 90 SINGER net fiHMi,.ifa A vr Open Friday eve. 'til 9 p.m. $$$$$$$$ 30-Miscellaneous for Sale GF.RT'S A gay girl ready for i whirl after cleaning car pets with Blue Lustre. Master son - St. Clair Hdw. CHEAPER than catalog PRICES Check the catalog tt see "E $69.50 Compare the Quality CENTRAL OREGON WELDERS SUPPLY 137 Greenwood EV 2-2362 See Out New SUMMER PURSES Always the best selection Always the best price THE GIFT BOX Next Door To The Pine Tavern 31-Appliances. Furniture COMPLETE Household Bed mom. living room, kitchen ap- pliances. Call evenings 2418. 382- f-vrt vnri kav. freezer and want a refrigerator that! au refrigerator; net. s werl Late model Gibson Mar , . ijr..... all rpfritfprator Liire new cJmflmrm. Take over payments or 53 to per O.A.C. Kea Cale Hardware. Turn Storage Goods Into Cash With 31-Appliances. Furniture LATE MODEL deluxe 30" elec tric range. A-l condition. $119. 50. Reconditioned and guaran teed. Oregon Equipment Com pany 165 East Greenwood. BARGAIN TREE Everything New It Used Complete Home Furnishings Buy-Sell or Tradel J it M Furniture The BIG GREEN STORE 1854 N. 1st EV 2-2202 Just 3 blks. No. Pioneer Park DAVENPORT AND chair, good condition, $35. EV 2-0752, 1304 Kingston. FOR SALE: complete household furniture and appliances. In quire 821 E. 4th, 2 to 6 p.m. HEALY'S . BARGAIN HOUSE New 10 piece daveno group consisting of Daveno w i t h matching rocVer, 2 step tab les, I coffee fable, 2 table lamps and three pillows. $199.00 New swivel rockers $59.95 New 5 piece dinette set, table and 4 chairs $59.95 New recliner chairs $69.95 to $99.95 Used living room group, da venport with matching club chair, 2 lamp tables, I coffee table and two table lamps. $99.95 HEALY'S BARGAIN HOUSE "Home of Kelvinator Appliances" "Central Oregon's Only Self-Service Furniture Store Minnesota Ave. next to fire hall Furniture Singer Featherweight PORTABLE $99.50 $5.45 per mo. 1-onlv Bel-Air - CONSOLE $8.88 Good running cond. - day money-back guarantee SEWING CENTER EV 2-3882 32-Musical Instruments BEAUTIFUL Music, "For a Song! nemmuiK.M! r""'"," Organ Service. Museum Bldg. So. 97 tall MHm. 40-Farmer's Column RAINBOW TROUT Lake's Trout Farm Pond stocking-All sizes EV 2-5131 41 -Livestock, Horses STANDING AT stud, registered AraDiau mcsuiu. grade mares, $35 registered mares. Loren Johnson, EV 2- 2304. rnu CAT IT. 3n HrfnrH And Angus, heifers ana steers, one or all. Yearling and 2 year old Hereford bulls. John Gage, Powell Butte, irre.. m i-mu. FOR SALE or trade for live stock a 2 horse trailer. jsi-msj TWO YEAR old gentle grade calf. $225. Good milk or nurse cow. Sisters sw-jim FOR SALE: Registered Polled Hereiora emus. 1 4-year-old Herd Bull 1 2-vear-old Tom Forster, Rt 1 Box 118 poweu Butte, uregon 42-Poultry. Rabbits BEND EGG k POULTRY WHOLESALE Eggs, chickens, ttirkevs. Custom ocultrv killing Poultry received Monday thru Friday. 740 E. First. -V 2-1042. 43-Dogs, Pets, Etc. OUR ADS are often copied but our quality is never equalled. Puppies in Poodles. Chihua huas, Pekes and Terriers. Stud service. Grooming and complete boarding service. Call EV 2-3634. Ranch Pet Kennel in Bond. FREE PUPPIES, good hunters, ready to go. EV 2-5365. TOWN AND Country pet shop. Boarding kennel. 382-i254. 44-Boats & Motors WHAT A BUY! 12 ft. wooden boat with 3 h p. Johnson outboard motor. Com plete. $49.95 KEN CALE HARDWARE Third & Greenwood 74 H.P. Firestone outboard $30. 5 h.p. Champion outboard $20. Two burner Coleman camp stove $3. Coleman lantern $4. Two good army cots $4 each. Kenmore kerosene heater $5. Phone 382-4603. 1332 Quincy. 45-Sportmen's Column HAWTHORNE 22 cal. pcUet gun $5. High standard double nine 22 cal. revolver with holster, $35. Remington 722-222 cal. rifle with Mykrom mount for scope $50. Phone 382-4603, 1332 Quin cy. 30-06 REMINGTON automatic, never fired, $100. Other items. 1248 Davenport. 47-Wanted to Buy GUNS WANTED: Top prices paid for all types it models. Call at Bend Surplus, 920 Eond. 50-Fuel, Coal, Wood, Oil DRY OR green slab wood. Dry or green jackplne. Stoker and lump coal. Robert Davenport, EV 2-1599. DRY JACKPINE, prompt deliv ery. Order your ereen jackplne now, for summer curing. Some terms. EV 2-0635. 51 -Wanted to Rent THREE BEDROOM house, un furnished, around June 15th or before. Ext jllent references. Write care The Bend Bulletin, Box 429B, Bend, Oregon. WANTED TO rent or lease acreage or small ranch with 3 bedroom house near Bend. EV 2-6090. 56-Apartments for Rent "RIVER TERRACE" One & two bedroom very clean, spacious grounds. $52.50 to $65 mo. Call manager EV 2-4691. EXCEPTIONALLY NICE one bedroom duplex apartment Partially furnished. Complete ly redecorated. Corner of S. 3rd at Reed Market Road. For good bargains every day shop The Bulletin classified way, NEWLY Redecorated 1 bed room apartment. Unfurnished except for stoves. Walking dis tance to aowntown. .v z-oius. TWO BEDROOM duplex, some utilities, TV cable. JS.V z-aif. 57-Apartments Furnished TWO ROOM semi-basement. Al so sleeping room. Utilues in cluded. 623 Hill Street. THREE ROOM modern, clean nicely furnished, no children or pets. EV 2-?976 LOW RENTALS, clean furnish ed 1 and 2 bedroom apart ments. Private yards. $40 and up. Hill's Apartments. Red mond. Ore. Phone 548-2662, TWO BEDROOM trailer. $60 in- ciuaes space, r.v -oiv. 58-Houses for Rent TWO BEDROOM, garage. close to park, shopping ana schools. EV 2-1720. TWO BEDROOM $65 month, Call 382-6980. TWO BEDROOM, newly dec orated. 714 Ogden, call ;v z 1446. ' 62-Insurance GILBERT'S INSURANCE AGCY 1015 Wall EV Z-3752 70-Business Opportunities UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA has excellent service station locations for lease m (.entrai Oregon. Partial financing avail able. For further Information call EV 2-3624 or write P.O. Box 711. Bend, Oregon. C.C. Slimkosky. sales supervisor. 73-Real Estate Wanted SMALL STOCK ranch, 40 acres or more. Write Box 427B, care The Bend Bulletin. 77-Lots, Building Sites THREE LOTS in Bend, zoned for light industry. Reasonable. Redmond 548-4108. 7B-Farms & Acreages FIVE ACRES. 1 acre water on Hamby Road. $2,500. Includes cistern, septic tank, graded and graveled driveway. Terms If desired. t;v z-0627. THREE ACRES with irrigation water, z bedroom house, city water, electric heat, ceramic tile bath, Roman brick tire- place. EV 2-1SBS. 40 ACRE ranch. 34 COI water. Real good buildings. All clear ed level land, paved road. Con sider trade. V Z-4394. 80 ACRES. COI water. 3 bod- room home, outbuildings. Will take small house. Bend or Tumalo as down payment, bal ance In rent. Write Route 1 Box 219. Bend. 80-Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE: Rock shop, home and rentals. Write care The Bend Bulletin Box ZSA. TRADE EQUITY In home, two acres, for trailer homo. Call after 5 p.m. EV 2-1524, NEARLY NEW 3 bedroom electric heat, dishwasher, ranee Living fence of ever breen shrub on Urge east side lot. 90 per cent financing Fl $16,725. Phone owner EV 4624. 80-Real Estate for Sale LOW PRICED, 2 bedroom house, 2 lots, near North Pa cific Products. Priced to sell. Inquire 507 E. Quimby Ave. STUDIO AND 2 acres on Ham- by road. Shake roof, mahog any cabinets, formica counters, forced air furnace and infra red heating, vinyl floors, orien tal rug and tapestry, paved road, 2 acres COI water, stock pond, sprinkler system. $8,750. Terms. $7,750 cash, or make offer. EV 2-0627. Available May 15th. LAPINE We Invite you to Inspect our sub-division at LaPine. Lots as low as $400.00. $50 down, $15 per month. 125 ft. bv 300 ft. 60 ft, graded Rd. Electricity. Good water from 15 ft. to 25 ft. Trailer house permitted. Also 5 acre tracts $1500. $100 down. $30 per month. C. W. Reeve Realtor Ph. 536-2183 Box 238 LaPine, Ore. Midstate Realty Harold Phillips. Realtor 103 Minnesota Ave. EV 2-1871 10 acres with 7 acres C.O.I. water. 3 bedroom modern home, large barn, sprinkler system-near Bend. $12,500. Built-in kitchen. 2 bedroom-full basement, walking distance-30 X 32' shop. $10,900. 3 bedroom home, family room. patio, one year old. Edge of town on big lot. Evenings Franck 2-1273 Farley 2-6130 KERR REALTY, INC. 728 E. Greenwood EV 2-2521 SMALL 3 bedroom home on 100' x 140' lot. $11,250. Drive by 565 East Seward. 85 acres with 37 acres wa ter. Partially equipped. Re modeled 3 bedroom home. $17,000, termi. Dick Kerr, Broker Walt Kittredga, EV 2-4492 TWO BEDROOM house. FHA terms. 515 Federal. TWO BEDROOM home in Ocho- co Heights, fireplace, attach' ed garage, large lot, wall to wall carpeting. FHA appraisal or my equity. HI 7-5048 prine- ville after 4 p.m. DELUXE ACREAGE 5 acres. 2'A acres water. Excel lent 2 bedroom home, heata. lator fireplace, double garage. barn, shade trees. Derries, beautiful setting. Immediate possession. $3,000 down. Total price $17,000. Close to Kenwood School. Nice 2 bedroom home, living room large dining room, economics natural gas furnace, automatic wasner ana aryer nooKup. Single garage. Only $800 down, $60 per month. Total price $8,500, will consider car. pickup or camp trailer in trade. ART SH0LES Real Estate & Insurance 444 So. Third EV 2-2743 r,. vr 9-jai .Te 1TV 9-4317 Ray EV 2-5656 Emily EV 2-1086 Pretty Potential for this rolling, fenced farm land on paved market road, located for spectacu lar mountain view. Owner has mors land than ha needs for his ranching op erations and says SELL 300 acres with 120 acres of Swalley water. There are no buildings on this land. 120 acres are cultivated and irrigated, and 80 acres are in dry land rye. Ailing $55,000 with $10,000 down payment. Arnie Swarens REAL ESTATE 601 E. Greenwood Ave. 382-6264 Evenings 382-4475 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor RANCH BROKERS 822 Wall St. EV 2-1781 ACRES . 4. Acres Swalley water. Largs family home. 4 bedrooms, big kitchen and living room. Separata dining room. Two barns. $13,500. 5 ACRES . 5 acres Irrigation water plus city water. Good 5 bedroom home. New birch kitchen, two full baths. New garage, small barn, 7' h.p. irrigation pump, approximately 1000 ft. of pipe. Attractively priced at $19,500. Agents for NORTH PILOT BUTTE ADDITION Hap 382-1318 Jim 382-3594 Oren 382-2962 .Harvey 382-4644 80-Real Estate for Sale GOOD INCOME property. Four homes for sale in Bend. $12. 750. for my equity. Call 548-2138. After 6 p.m. call 548-2591. ANNOUNCEMENT Larry Keown Associate Broker is now associated with HAP TAYLOR REALTOR and is located at our Branch Office at 345 E. 3rd. Phone 382-6453 BUY FOR THE FUTURE 12 A. yj mi. from shopping center, on paved road. Beauti ful view of the Cascade Rang. $3200. Terms. An A frame houis can be built for $1650. I BR house. Large lot, furnished. Close in. Garage & cement storage cellars. Low taxes. $3950. Terms. Now rented. 4 BR house. Large lot, partially furn. Garage & tool shed. $10,000. Terms. I need farm listings. Let an exp. farm boy handle your place. JACK HALBROOK 545 Congrats EV 2-0364 Russell's Realty Bud Russell, Realtor 233 Oregon Ave. EV 2-3031 PANORAMIC VIEW from the large thermopana windows of this 4 year old 2 bedroom plus den or 3rd. bedroom home. 26 ft. living room with fireplace, all birch kitchen, with built-in range and oven, electric baseboard heat, utility plumbed and wired for laundry. Completely insulated, ceiling, walls and floors. Large I car garage. Located on paved street, 100 x 130' lot. Owner will consider trade for Redmond property. Full price under market value at $ 1 7,900. FHA terms.. COUNTRY LIVING with CITY CONVENIENCE Approximately 12 crs located in Bend s finest suburban area. New Ranch Sfyle home with 1600 squara feat of living area, 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, I ceramic tile stall shower, 33' living room with family room, all birch kitchen, large utility, plumbed and wired for laundry. 12,000 gal lon cistern. Unobstructed view of snow . capped Cascades, paved mkt. road, school bus by door. Full price of $16,900, reasonable terms. COMFY COTTAGE Perfect for tha newly married couple or semi-retired. Im maculate I bedroom plus nursing or den, wall to wall carpeting throughout. Electric baseboard heat, very low heat bill, fully insulated walls and ceiling plus storm win dows and doors. Large one car garage and separata workshop and storage. Lot 100 x 110, easy walking dis tance to town. Full price $5,400. Evenings Vern Larson Mable Sullivan EV 2-5297 EV 2-5324 Duke Warner Farris Snaulding EV 2-1707 548-2543 80-Real Estate for Sale REYNOLDS & BAUER Real Estate 1560 So. 3rd 382-6136 "BARGAIN HUNTING" Here It Is In this well-kept 2 bedroom home and garage on nice lot with beaiitiiul lawn and and downtown. Full price 6,3W with some gooa terms. NEW 3 bedroom home with 114 baths on 70 x 100' lot. Home not quite finished but owner will complete. See this one at $13,000 with $2500 down or will accept an 400 ACRES Th lc fine stock ranch and cultivated. 126 acre of water. and corrals. Grazing permit with $15,000 down, i THIS IS A DANDY. 340 acres. 160 cultivated. 120 large 8 room home, big barn, ment goes. $70,000 with $15,000 down. IS THIS THE ONE? 80 acres. 7 miles out. 60 acres cultivated. 43 acres C.O.I, water, 4 room house, 2,000 gallon cistern. $22,000 with some terms. 40 ACRES with S herirnom home, barn acres permanent pasture. 22 22'. All this for $14,000, Vi down. We have ill kinds of property In the Valley for sale or trade. SALESMAN WANTED! Evenings Call Lloyd Crenshaw 382-2663 Bulletin Classifieds 80-Real Estate for Sale GILBERT'S DEAL OF THE DAY 1015 Wall St. EV 2-3752 FLOWING WATER AND PINE TREES on this property, plus a mountain view, sets this home apart from the others. Large corner lot, with paved streets. This home features 3 bedrooms. 14 baths, hot water heat, fire place, large living room with large windows for a picturesque view. $16,000. Immediate pos session. N. E. Gilbert Realtor CITY WATER 5 acres deeded 5 acres water level exceptional view no improvements paved road $6,000.00 $1,000.00 down DIFFERENT Is the word for this older, comfortable, 2 bedroom home with EIGHTY FEET OF DESCHUTES RIVER FRONTAGE. Lot size is 98 x 180 ft. Third bed room can be finished up stairs. Full finished base ment. Plenty of room for new homo and rental in come from older home. See this home today. H 078 $14,750.00. Terms to reliable buyer FULL VIEW of Bend can be yours from this exceptional home on Trenton. 3 bedrooms. Large front room with picture window and fireplace. New utility room with shower. Full basement. 65 x 167 foot corner lot. Two ga rages. Shown by appoint ment only. H-096 $15,000.00 Full financing THE LAND MART 811 Wall St. EV 2-5121 Arlelgh Black, Realtor Jim Lance EV 2-5758 Joe Tildcn EV 2-2766 Bob Lilicnthal EV 2-6363 RAMSAY'S REAL ESTATE 223 E. Franklin EV 2-6772 WALKING DISTANCE OF DOWN TOWN This 4 bedroom older home is immaculate throughout. All new kitchen with built-in range, oven & dishwasher. Full cement basement. Located on paved st. and priced at only $13, 500.00 20 acres with 18 acres of water located on a paved road with in 5 miles of Band. This has a beautiful mountain view. All is under cultivation. Priced at $7000.00. Terms. 20 acres with 5 acres of water located 3I2 miles from Bend. View property with 660 ft. on a paved road. Buy this one now for $5250.00. Low down payment and easy terms. 4 bedroom older home with finished basement located on paved street within walking distance of downtown Bend. Full price $12,250.00. WE SPECIALIZE IN GOOD RANCHES & TRADES Evenings Herb Kicth Jr. EV 2-1864 - EV 2-1658 Bob or Ann Fox EV 2-6076 Kicth Sr. E V2-3105 furnished. Near school, post office offer if reasonaole. in a beautiful setting. 140 acres New machine and loafing shwis for 50 acres. All equipment. $69,500 acres pasture. 107 C.O.I, water out Powell Butte way. All equip 32 x 40'. 30 acres cultivated. 20 acres C.O.I, water plus shop, 12 x 80-Real Estate for Sale HOUSE FURNISHED, $350 down, $40 month. Other items. 1248 Davenport. 91 -Farm Machinery CASH FOR late model trucks. tractor and farm equipment. Cubs, Farmall Super A's, 3-pt. tractors and tools. Call 363-7317 or write 4429 Glen wood S.E., Salem, Oregon. JOHN DEERE tractor and complete assortment farming equipment, good condition. Keasonaoie. 382-2416. JOHN DEERE manure spread er, very gooa condition, rwo units of Boumatic teat cups with loader. Oliver No. 55 string tie baler, has been kept up in top shape. 475-3570. 94-Mobile Homes WE PAY top cash for used trail ers. au or write, costanzo Trailers, 3576 SE 82nd, Port land 66, Oregon. NEW 16-foot Travel trailer. $950 with terms, less for cash. Four trailer axles, $35 apiece. See at 240 Wall Street. 1962 ANGELES mobile home. 10x55, 2 room expando. Trade for home. EV 2-1997. 95-Trucks. Trailers FOR SALE: 2 wheel trailer, 1953 W. 7th. spare wheel. 1962 GMC suburban 4-wheel drive. $2,900. EV 2-6759. 1961 SCOUT pickup 4x4. Radio, nuo ana neavy rear Dumper. $1600. Call Redmond 548-3173. 100-Autos for Sale 1959 CHEVROLET Impala 2- door hardtop. Radio and heat er, V-8 automatic transmis sion, real sharp, new rubber. $1300. EV 2-4417. VOLKSWAGEN The lowest depreciating car in the worla. New sedans avail able in most colors. Delivered in Bend as low as 1809.60 INCLUDES leatherette upholstery, heater, windshield washers, turn sig nals, underseal, license & title and blackwall tires. The most dependable and eco nomical car on tha road today, with full parts and service available. Car Payments Too High? Trade that lata model used car for a new or used Volkswagen or for a clean older American car. SEE MEL & BOB BEFORE YOU BUYI . MIDOREGON MOTORS, Inc, EV 2-3563 Evenings Ph-,ne Mel Rogerson Bend EV 2-3864 Bob Hosteller Bend EV 2-6791 Your Dealer VOLKSWAGEN So. City Limits Bend, Oregon QUALITY USED CAR 1959 International TravclAll. 6 cylinder, standard transmis sion. America's Evcrv purpose BIG Capacity station wagon. Drive In and take a demonstra tion ride. DYER'S AUTO SERVICE Next Ore. Equip, on Greenwood ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS E. Second & Franklin i!. 4-WHEEL drive Willys jeep. Warren hubs, aluminum cab. tow bar, low mileage. $1,050. 382-4603. See at 1332 Quincy. 1954 FORD Courier In good shape, with boat back, $J50. 382-2416. PRICE REDUCTION SALE Look over our complete selection of Station Wagons Pickups Cars DON'S USED CARS 1 Blk. So. of Greenwood on 3rd. 100-Autos KING t TRUCKS; SPECIALS , 1062 CHEVROLET CARRYALL . 8 cylinder, 4 speed-local car with less than 10.000 miles. Enjoy the summer vacation with this trouble-free wagon. 1961 FORD ECONOLINE VAN Ideal dalivcry unit for the economy-minded businessman. 1960 FORD 1 TON FLAT BED This rig is like new-equipped with VJ engine, 4 speed-stake rack-dual whecls-This truck is ready for the man that has work to do. LOW-COST 1952 Dodge Vs ton pickup 1950 Chevrolet V? ton-4 1941 GMC ton-dual wheels BEN JACQUES CHEVY CITY Ev isi 100-Autos for Sale 1962 CORVAIR Monza. Call aft er 4 p.m. EV 2-3895. CHEVROLET 2-door hardtop. 1955. Standard transmission, floor shift. Hot 283 engine. Gil chirst 433-2476. NOW! Chevrolet TRADE 'N TRAVEL TIME and do it In an "OK" USED CAR 62 Chevrolet Impala Spt. Cpe. Kadio, neater, power glide, power steering. 62 Corvair Dlx. Coupe Heater, standard transmission 62 Olds F-85 Cutlass Bucket seats, radio, heater, hvdramatic 62 Chevy II 2 door Heater, standard transmission 62 Monza Coupe Radio, heater. speed, 102 h.p. 61 Chevrolet Impala sedan. Radio, heater, automatic transmission. 60 Chevrolet 6 cyl. sdn. Heater, standard transmission 60 Chevrolet V8 Parkwood Station wagon Radio, heater, power glide, power steering. 60 Chevrolet Imp. Spt. Cpe. jtaaio, neater, power guae, power steering, power brakes. 60 Cadillac "62" sedan. Full power 60 Chevrolet Parkwood Station wagon, heater, stan dard transmission. 60 Pontiac 2 door. Radio, healer, hydramatie, power steering, power brakes. "' '60 Corvair dlx. sedan Radio, heater, standard trans-. mission. $ $ "CORVETTE" '60 HARDTOP-plus conv. Both tops. Honduras Maroon-' black interior - 24,000 actual miles. Formerly owned by . prominent Bend citizen - 4 speed radio - heater - posl- -traction - plus FUEL INJEC- '. TION ENGINE. TRADE-UP to a later model "OK" lseo. car - leave your vacation car troubles with us I Look for the PRICE LABEL on our more than 50 Used Cars & Trucks BOB THOMAS Chevrolet-Cadillac 235 E. Greenwood EV 2-611. Across from Wagner s USED VOLKSWAGENS 62 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe sedan $1595 I VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe sedan $1495 60 VOLKSWAGEN sedan. ervl Green . $1245 '60 VOLKSWAGEN sedan. Black $1245 SEE MEL or BOB BEFORE YOU BUYI MID-OREGON MOTORS YourVOLKSWAGENocaTer So. City Limits EV 2-3563 for Sale COMMERCIALS - 3 spd. .5249 .$299 .5189 speed at 5th It Giveaway in REDMOND