The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 02, 1963, Page 1, Image 1

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    Univ. of Oregon Library
Sir Winston calls it quits as House member
LONDON (UPI) - A grateful
Britain regretfully accepted today
the reluctant decision by Sir Win
ston Churchill to call it quits in
the House of Commons after 60
The former prime minister, 88,
plagued by old age and an in
jured leg, announced Wednesday
night he would not be a parlia
mentary candidate in the next
election. The sudden announce
ment virtually closed the pages
of a remarkable career that
spanned two world wars and
countless personal adventures.
Sir Winston, now confined much
of the time to a wheel chair, said
his reason for quitting politics
was his game leg, which prevent
ed him from getting to Commons
"as I would wish."
British newspapers generally
agreed that Churchill's retirement
from Commons will end one of
the greatest British parliamentary
careers of all time.
The Daily Mail called Sir Win
ston "the supreme member of the
House of Commons."
"No one living has served the
House of Commons for anything
resembling such a period and few
have served it with so deep a
respect," said the Daily Tele
graph. "He is, as he said him
self, 'A child of the House of
Commons.' "
The Daily Express said the
House of Commons owes Us pres
tige and authority among demo
cratic assemblies "above all to
the man who filled it with the
(lame of his inspiration and the
majesty of his eloquence."
There was immediate specula
tion that Queen Elizabeth now
would offer a dukedom to Church
illa hope she is known to
Whether Sir Winston would ac
cept a title is not known. He de
clined an earldom in 1955 when
he stepped down as prime minis
ter, the post in which he achieved
his greatest glory during World
War II. Ho said he preferred to
remain in Commons rather than
move to the House of Lords.
Some observers believed Church
ill might accept a title now that
he has decided to leave the House
of Commons, which he dominated
for many years. H comes from a
ducal family.
In a letter to the chairman of
the Woodford Conservative Party
Association, Churchill said he
would not be a candidate in the
next elections. The elections must
be held sometime within the next
18 months.
"I need not tell you with what
sadness I feel constrained to take
this step," he wrote the chair
man, Mrs. Doris Moss. Woodford
is Churchill's constituency.
Sir Winston said a leg broken
in an accident last June made it
I impossible to carry on.
Partly cloudy with showers;
highs 52-60; low 28-40.
High yesterday, SO degrees. Low
last night, M degrees. Sunset
today, 7:0?. Sunrise tomorrow,
4:54 PST.
60th Year
Sixteen Pages
Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, Thursday, May 2, 1963
Ten Cents
No. 125
CLASS OF '75 GRADS Three youngsters who will enter the first grade this fall get pre
view of beginners' day programs from Mrs. Nadine Harmon, primary teacher at Marshall
School. With her, from left, are DeAnn Liska, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Lislta, 755
E. Kearney Avenue; Bruce Reynolds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reynolds, 335 E. Lafayette
Avenue, and Cindy Jean 5ears, daughter ot Mr. ana Mrs. Alport sears, oi uxayene.
Junior Chamber planning annual
clean-up campaign in Bend area
Bend's annua! clean-up, paint
up and fix - up season opens to
morrow, again under sponsorship
of the Bend Junior Chamber of
Commerce with Bob Dunlap as
general chairman.
Calling attention to the cleanup
program and awards to be offer
ed in the contest to beautify the
city, a tabloid section will appear
in The Bulletin tomorrow.
The city improvement contest
will continue until June 16, with
judging to be done on the follow
ing day. Four major prizes will
be offered.
As part of the clean-up season
program, the jaycees will under
take several projects in which the
entire membership will partici
pate. One of the projects calls for the
painting of the dressing and show
er rooms at the Bend Municipal
In another undertaking, the Jay
cees are to replace street refuse
pans in downtown Bend.
Club members are asking resi-
Woman indicted
in boy's death
Speclel to Th Bulletin
MADRAS Cellia Adelle Sut
tle, 31-year-old Madras woman,
was indicted late Wednesday aft
ernoon by the Jefferson county
grand jury on a charge of invol
untary manslaughter arising from
the death of her four-year-old
dcTvsnn on April 22.
The indictment charges that on
Anril 21 Mrs. Suttle engaged in
the commission of an unlawful act
of assault and battery, to wit:
thwi and there striking, beat
ing and bruising the head, body
and lees of Lonnie J. Sutlle with
her hands, a belt and other means
unknown to the grand jury, ana
did thereby unlawfully and feloni
ously inflict and cause to be in
flicted certain mortal injuries,
contusions and hemorrhages upon
said Lonnie J. Suttle. who as a
result, died on April 22."
District Attorney Warren Al
brieht said this morning that the
involuntary manslaughter charge
carries a maximum penalty of 15
years imprisonment
Mrs. Suttle is in custody at the
jffcrwin county jail, awaiting ar
raignment on the involuntary
manslaughter charge. She was ar
raigned earlier on a charge of ag
nr, atH assault and was bound
h . l : . Thj
dents of the entire city and down
town business places to join In the
project of sprucing up Bend in
advance of the 1963 tourist sea-
This will be the Jaycees' third
annual city beautification project
Prizes to be offered by the club
will go to local residents who
make the best showings in the
improvement of their properties.
Top award to the first prize
winner will be a folding picnic
set. Second prize will be a three
niece lawn set, and third, a bar
becue unit. Fourth prize will be a
chaise longue.
Jaycees report fine advance co
operation in plans for "pretty
ing" the city.
Chest X-Ray
unit in Bend
A mass chest X-ray survey, to
find unknown cases of tuberculo
sis, continues in Deschutes county
through the week. The mobile X-
ray unit is now in Bend, in Iront
of the First National Bank.
The unit will be available for
free X-rays today until 6 o'clock,
Friday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5
The survey is sponsorea oy tne
Tri-County Health Department,
the Deschutes County Tuberculo
sis and Health Association and
Deschutes county physicians, In
cooperation with the State Board
of Health and the Oregon Tuber
culosis and Health Association.
The X-rays not only disclose
early pulmonary tuberculosis in
the curable stage, but are useful
for showing other chest disorders
such as tumors, cancer and cer
tain heart conditions, it is point
ed out by Mrs. L. B. Kribs of
Bend. Deschutes county chair
Persons who have the X-rays
will be advised of results by mail.
Firm reveals
plan to put
outlet here
The construction project now
under way to provide new quart
ers for the Montgomery-Ward or
der office will be expanded to in
clude space for a new business
on the corner of Wall Street and
Franklin Avenue, it became
known today.
The corner location will be oc
cupied by a local outlet of Coast-to-Coast
Stores, a national chain
handling hardware, household and
automobile goods and related
items. Construction costs for the
two tenants will probably be ap
proximately $60,000.
The service station on the cor
ner is to be demolished to provide
room for the double building. De
molition of the present Montgomery-Ward
store is being done by
Duncan Brothers of Bend. Con
struction of the joint quarters is
expected to start around June 1,
with bids to be let the second or
third week in May.
Pumice Exterior
Robert C. Mention, of the arch
itectural firm of Stearns, Mention
and Morris, said today that the
construction will be a duplication
of that originally planned for the
Montgomery - Ward store, with Quincy. This section is consider-
Coast-to-Coast to have entrances ed an arterial or "feeder" street
for motorists living in West Hills
Two k
reach IE west summitt
Final assault
made despite
bad weather
Commissioners set wheels
in motion for resumption
of Bend paving projects
By Gerald Drapeau
Bulletin Staff Writer
Bend city commissioners last
night gave the signal to go ahead
with resumption of some long-delayed
paving projects in tho city.
Cautious about street improve
ment programs since the unfavor
able Third Street appeal, the
board nevertheless decided that
paving of certain streets is vital
to the flow of traffic.
First paving project will be on
a three-block portion of W. 11th
Street between Newport and
programs set
for next week
The Bend Public Schools will
hold annual beginners' day pro
grams next week. Programs will
be held Monday at LaPine, Tues
day at Young, Wednesday at Ken
wood and Kingston, Thursday at
Allen and Marshall and Friday
at Reid-Thompson and Yew Lane.
Registration will start at 1:15
each afternoon, with a program
to follow at 1:30.
Enrollment for beginners' day
has been slow this year, accord
ing to A. W. Nelson, assistant sup
erintendent. He urged parents to
sign up their beginning pupils at
the school nearest their home, if
they have not already received
an invitation. To enter school in
the fall, children must be six
years old on or before Nov. 15,
Primary teachers in each build
ing are completing preparations
for entertaining both the children
and their mothers. For the moth
ers, talks will be given by repre
sentatives of the health depart
ment, school administration and
parent teacher organizations.
The following teachers are be
ginners' day chairmen for their
buildings: Evelyn Sather, Yew
Lane; Nadine Harmon, Marshall;
Joyce Bethany, Reid - Thompson;
Mildred Poole, Young; Solveig
Fox, Kingston; Bonnie Hollins-
head, Kenwood; Olga Kjos, Allen;
Lorraine Lohner, LaPine. '
Chamber gets
new manager
Johnson, manager of the Astoria
Chamber of Commerce, will re
place Bill Catlin, manager of the
Corvallis chamber, James McEl
downey, president of the Corvallis
organization, has announced.
Catlin submitted his resignation
earlier, effective July I.
Johnson, 44, had been manager
of chambers at Willmar, Minn.,
Bozeman, Mont., and McMinnville
before going to Astoria in 1960.
on both Wall Street and Frank
lin Avenue. Exterior will be of
pumice block with wood facing,
with the use of a special type
block, with exposed aggregate
face, being considered. -
The property, owned by the
Sawyer - Foley estate, is admin
istered by the trust department of
the First National Bank of Ore
gon. Neal Setich, in charge of the
bank's construction and mainten
ance department, was in Bend
this week to confer with the arch
itect. There are no plans at present
for removal of two buildings fac
ing Franklin Avenue, at the south
west corner of the property. Both
are unoccupied at present, ex
cept for storage, and the bank
has made no announcement of
future tenants. Utilization of that
space in the new construction
project was at one time consid
ered. To Extend East
The Coasl-to-Coast Store will
extend east to the two buildings
facing Franklin, the architect
said. The Montgomery-Ward store
will extend to the alley. There
will be no access doors joining
the quarters of the two tenants.
The lease on the corner lot has
been relinquished by a major gas
oline company, and this develop
ment was apparently a iactor in
the bank's negotiations with the
new tenant
The budget for the enlarged
project has not been completed,
Mention said. The original proj
ect, for Montgomery - Ward
alone, was to run between $30,
000 and $35,000.
Quota fails
but blood
'firsfs' nofed
Cordova blaze
out of control
The fishing village of Cordova,
150 air miles east ot here, was
threatened with destruction today
as fire raged out of control
through its downtown area.
The fire had destroyed a com
mercial building, a bar, a gro
cery, the Cordova Airlines office
and a new bowling alley.
There were no Immediate re
ports of Injuries.
The Coast Guard cutter Sedge
was standing by about 900 feet
offshore, serving as a communica
tions ship.
The Red Cross Bloodmobile fail
ed to make its 200-pint quota, at
the quarterly visit yesterday in
Bend, but the day was not with
out important "firsts," volunteer
workers said today.
A Bend man. George E. Young,
became a six-galloneer, by giving
his 48th pint of Red Cross blood.
Mrs. Charles Bccklcy, on her 3aia
visit, became a four - galloneer,
and Walter H. Prichard a two
galloneer. Eight persons, one of tham from
Silver Lake, were first-time don
ors. Nine persons, one of those
also from Silver Lake, became
The take was 147 pints. One
hundred fifty - eight prospective
donors appeared, but 11 were re
jected because of temporary
health conditions, for their own
The galloneers are Paul High
tree, Carl Berntscn, Mrs. John
Munier, Mrs. Robert Potter, Ger
ald L. Todd, Owen Rader, Tony
Shine, Tom Wellborn and Mrs.
Melvin Rosebrook, Silver Lake.
First - timers were Mrs. B. G.
Duberow, Mrs. Alan Libby, Lee
Daniels, Ken Naims, Mrs. Wil
liam Ray, Roger Gibso.i, Mrs.
Lyman Johnson and Mrs. Ted
Emery, Silver Lake.
The usual refreshments were
augmented this time by hot bouil
lon provided by the Deschutes
Countv Cow Belles. It was serv
ed by Mrs. Don Peterman and
Mrs. Lloyd Parker.
Volunteers expressed special
appreciation to the high school
students who assisted in setting
up and dismantling the equip
ment. In tho group were Mine
Clark, Jerry Wetle, Jim Tye and
Ron Wood.
homes. Other roadways slated for
paving operations are E. Seward,
Sixth to Eighth: E. Kearney, Fifth
to Sixth; E. Lafayette, Seventh to
Tenth, and an alley between
blocks 21 and 38 in the Wiestoria
About ten affected property
owners, who will have to shoulder
part of the financial paving costs
for W. 11th, appeared by commis
sioner request at the regular
meeting. Most appeared to favor
the project. Opinions of other
property owners, stated in letters
sent the city, wore about 50-50 in
approving or disapproving. 1
The paving ot W. lllh will cost
an estimnted $13,664.94. Of this
amount, the city will pay about 21
per cent. The remainder will be
shared on a 50-50 basis by abut
ting property owners and those
living In an adjacent district. As
sessments for Improvements on
E. Third, last year, were con
tested In circuit court by properly
owners because they were made
to assume all of the costs.
Not Formulated
An exacting street improvement
policy has not yet been formula
ted, but the fact that dirt street
maintenance Is so costly to the
city demands the formulation of
one soon. Maintaining dirt streets
in 1962 cost the city $17,038.33;
paved streets only $16,542.02.
In other business, commission
1. Tabled a request by Gordon
and Wilma Hallin to operate a
concession stand in the Junipor
Park swimming pool area. The
board said first choice for a fran
chise should go to the Rotary
Club, whose money contributions
have aided the park considerably.
2. Announced they would open
an alley In Block 34, Center Ad
dition, if a majority ot abutting
property owners request it. The
alley is bounded by Lafayette on
the north, Kearney on the soutn,
between Fifth and Sixth Streets.
3. Tabled a request by contract
or Walter Markcn to open E.
Quimby between E. 11th and 12th,
until a definite street policy is
formulated. Markcn is building
houses on Quimby lots.
By United Press International
Dow Jones final stock averages
30 industrials 721.09, up 1.42; 20
railroads 164.78, up 0.50: 15 utili
ties 139.09, up 0.42, and 65 stocks
255.01, up 0.61.
Sales today were about 4.48
million shares compared with 5.06
million shares Wednesday.
May Fellowship
Day due Friday
United Church Women of Bend
will sponsor their annual May
Fellowship Day service r nday at
1:30 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal
Church. An informal tea will fol
low in the parish hall.
Mrs. Mercedes Dciz, a Portland
lawyer, will be guest speaker. The
first Neero woman admitted to
the Multnomah Bar Association,
she is secretary - treasurer of the
organization. She serves on the
Metropolitan Youth Commission
Everyone interested Is invited
to attend. The program Is jointly
sponsored by Trinity Episcopal,
First Christian, First Methodist
and First Presbyterian churches.
A baby sitter will be provided
for the convenience of mothers
with young children.
Mrs. Elder
resigns posf
Mrs. Joe Elder, Deschutes
countv executive secretary for
Camp Fire Girls. Inc.
her resignation at a Camp Fire
board meeting last night She has
held tho position for 19 years.
Henry H. Hall, board president,
expressed regrets on behalf of
tho board, and thanked Mrs. Eld
er for her "long and dedicated"
When she took over the office
in 1944, it was pointed out, there
were only 27 girls in the Camp
Fire program in Bend and Red
mond, in three groups. Now the
enrollment numbers over 600
girls, in four ago levels, with 49
groups In the county.
Adult participation has shown
corresponding growth, with one or
two leaders In charge of each
group, and a committee repre
senting each sponsoring group
sharing responsibility. The board
now consists of 31 persons.
Mrs. Elder gave the customary
30 days notice, and if a replace
ment is obtained by then, plans
to move in early June to Madras.
Her husband Is parts manager for
H. S. Michaels Motors there, and
took over his duties last October.
He is looking for suitable hous
ing in Madras.
"This has not been an easy de
cision for me to make, because I
have loved my years with the
Camp Fire Girls organization,"
Mrs. Elder said in her letter of
resignation. "I know, though, that
mv place is with Joe in Madras.
She expressed her appreciation
to board members and other
workers In the program, and all
friends of the Camp Fire move
ment. The many friends and
associations that I have had in
Camp Fire will always be a
cherished memory for me," she
Two American climbers Wednes
day reached the summit of Mt.
Everest, world's tallest mountain.
it was disclosed today. They were
the first Americans to reach the
peak on the Himalayan "roof of
the world."
Tho names of the two climbers
from the American Everest ex
pedition who reached the peak
were not disclosed immediately. -
Word of tho climb rescued her
by radio from the base camp. '
The climbers started their tinal
push to the top of the 29,028-foot
peak early Wednesday from their
sixth and final camp at the 27,800
foot level. They reached the peak
Wednesday but word ot the feat
submitted I wa delayed until today by
IWA recesses
employer talks
ern Regional Council of the Inter
national Woodworkers of America,
AFL-CIO, said today it had re
cessed meetings with employer
No further meetings were sched
uled at present In their series of
wage talks for a new contract.
Tho IWA council met Tuesday
with six employers. Results of the
talks were not announced. The un
ion has asked for a 40 cent wage
hike in a three-year contract.
Richard Nixon reveals he's moving to New York
NEW YORK (UPD-Richard M.
Nixon announced today that he is
moving to New York and will be
come a general partner in a law
firm, working mainly on affairs in
Washington and Paris.
The former vice president and
California native, who missed
being elected president in 1960 by
a f,, Th errand the narrowest of margins, an-
trl the indictment on nounced his move here from Los
the more serious charge.
j Angeles in a brief written state
He did not meet with reporters,
but sent an aide from his 40th
floor suite in the Waldorf-Astoria
Towers to the lobby to hand out
the statement.
The aide said: "This is purely
a legal matter and there will be
no interview."
After Nixon's defeat last year
Nixon announced he was leaving
politics and criticized the press for
what he said was bias against him.
The former vice president has
been acting as consultant to a Los
Angeles law firm.
The Nixon statement, handed
out by Ned Sullivan, a friend,
"On June 1, 1963, I shall move
in the caluornia gubernatorial my resiacnce to rsew lorn i-ny
race by Gov. Edmund G. Brown, and shall become counsel to the
firm of Mudge, Stern, Baldwin,
& Todd. After I have met the
six-morths residence requirement
of the New York Uw I slwll apply
for admission to the New York
Bar. When admitted to the bar
I shall become a general partner
in the firm. Pending my admis
sion to the New York Bar, 1 shall
engage principally in matters re
lating to the Washington and Paris
offices of the firm."
It had been rumored that a real
ty firm here had been asked re
cently to help locate a new home
for the Nixon family. His wife and
two teen-aged daughters were re
ported planning to visit Europe
with him this summer prior to the
move to New York.
Nixon's announcement of the
move from the state which he rep
resented for years in Congress as
both a representative and senator
came just 16 years after his dra
matic maneuvering of Alger Hiss
and Whitaker Chambers, the for
mer Communist underground
agent, into the same hotel room
in a move that sparked Nixon's
rise to national prominence.
That confrontation, during which
Hiss, the former State Department
"brieht young man." said he
had known Chambers, was held
at the Commodore Hotel, seven
blocks south of the scene of to
day's announcement.
washout of radio communication.
A spokesman top th expedition
said the weather was fine In the
morning when the men started
but turned bad during the after
noon. Final Thousand Feet
He said the final thousand feet
of altitude should be climbed in
about four or five hours under
favorable weather conditions. In
order to climb a thousand feet
vertically the men had to traverse
four or five times that distance
in a zigzag route to the summit.
Winds up to 150 miles an hour.
extreme cold, snow and mists are
a constant peril at the "roof of
the world" in the Himalaya
Mountains between Nepal and
Communist-held Tibet.
Lack of oxygen in the rarefied
air is known to bring on head
aches, nausea, dizziness, extreme
fatigue and mental disorientation.
A second assault team of tour
men waited at camp five to try
for the summit if the first team
failed. A two-man party was sta
tioned at camp four to go to the
aid of either of the other teams.
The expedition, which left Kat
mandu in February, hoped to
place the first American on the
summit of Mt. Everest.
Two Other Teams
Only two other teams have ever
scaled the mountain. A British
expedition led by Sir Edmund
Hillary accomplished the feat in
1953 and a Swiss team made it In
The American expedition if
sponsored by the National Geo
graphic Society, the State Depart
ment, the National Science Foun
dation and the armed services.
Leader Norman Dyhrenfurth,
an explorer and movie producer
from Santa Monica, Calif.,
planned the expedition with tho
thoroughness of a military oper
An overland march of five
weeks was necessary merely to
reach the foot of Everest from
The expedition also plans to
climb Everest's two sister peaks,
27.890-foot Lhotse and 25.850-foot
Nuptse, following this attempt
Shfers rodeo
court selected
Specie! to The Bulletin
SISTERS Six girls have been
selected for the queen's court of
the 1963 Sisters rodeo, to be held
on June 22 and 23.
The girls are Colleen Campbell,
Bend: Sue Ivory. Redmond: Pat
ty Hammack. Sisters; Myra Al
dous, Terrebonne; Ronalie Hun
king, Sisters, and Vonna Seale,
Vonna was judged top rider and
received a 50 point advantage In
the contest.
Points will be earned by the
girls In ticket sales for the rodeo,
with the top three ruling as rodeo
queen and princesses.