The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, December 29, 1962, Page 1, Image 1

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Decision due
at meeting
on January 2
Possibility of a new trailer
plant operation in Bend was re
vealed at the Friday noon lunch
eon meeting of the Bend Cham
ber of Commerce.
Manager Marion Cady told di
rectors that negotiations are cur
rently underway for lease of the
building built originally for Hens
lee Mobile Homes and more re
cently used by Alpine Industries.
According to Cady, a California
trailer manufacturing firm has in
dicated an interest in locating a
plant in Bend. The company has
three plants already in operation.
Officials of the company. Cady
said, report that a final decision
on whether to locate in Bend
probably will be made at a meet
ing of directors on January 2. At
that time they will meet with rep
resentatives of Oregon Mutual
Savings Bank, owners of the va
cant building here.
Approximately 60 Men
It has been indicated that the
plant would employ approximate
ly 60 men and would produce an
average of two trailers a day.
Local efforts to obtain the in
dustry for Bend have been hand
led by the Chamber and its in
dustrial development committee.
In other business at the board
meeting, directors approved an
operating budget for 13 of $27,
82S. In discussing the proposal
with the board members, Maurice
Shelton, chamber treasurer, em
phasized the importance of dues
collections in assuring adequate
financing of chamber activities in
the coming year.
Directors also discussed cham
ber participation in an effort at
the state legislature to obtain for
the state department of education
a consultant in conservation and
outdoor education.
Proposal Explained
Gunster Arends, representing
the Mid-State Soil Conservation
District, attended the meeting to
explain various phases of the pro
posal. He emphasized the im
portance of beginning such a pro
gram at early levels of educa
tion. Arends noted that Rep. Kessler
Cannon has given strong backing
in the program and is interested
in obtaining expressions of local
support which he can take with
him to the legislature in January.
Gordon Randall, chamber presi
dent, read a draft of a proposed
resolution and following discus
sion of the resolution it was de
cided to delay final action until a
further study of the situation could
be made.
Trailways Extension
William Niskanen, general man
ager of Pacific Trailways, report
ed to the board that his company
is currently seeking to extend its
service to Corvallis and Newport
and to establish a run between
Corvallis and Eugene. Hearings
by the Public Utilities Commis
sion will be held in the near fu
ture. He asked the board for its
help in making a presentation be
fore the PUC.
Directors indicated favorable
interest in the extension of Trail
ways service and will draft a res
olution in support of the move.
The board also agreed to under
take a study of the possibility of
extending fire protection to areas
in the Tumalo district. The ac
tion was prompted by a recent
letter appearing in The Bulletin.
Abductor sought
at Springfield
threw up a cordon around a sec
tion of Springfield today in a hunt
for a man wanted in the abduc
tion of one officer and the wound
ing of another last night.
The wanted man was Edward
Dean Riley. Police said he was
a parole violator. He was be
lieved cornered north of Spring
field. The violence started when off
duty officer James Cornell of
Cottage Grove, his wife, and a
friend spotted Riley and a woman
companion last night. Although he
was not working, Cornell stopped
Riley's car to arrest the man on
the parole violation warrant.
Police said Cornell lost his re
volver and he. his wife and friend
era abducted. They were left
south of Eugene.
Officers said Riley and his com
panion. Shirley Mae Peterson,
were next seen in Junction City
where they were stopped by of
ficer Dale Kolln.
Kolln was wounded by a bullet
that creased his forehead.
condition today was good. Officers
said houn s gun and patrol car ;
were taken to Springfield. The
car was abandoned north of
Springfield and the woman was
Scattered showers; highs near
K; lews 21-U.
50th Year
nniiiii iinnim -ruminli hi fttrinBrnsSMii TnesSiiSlijiuiaijejii I
'EN GARDE' Two giant cranes appear to be engaged in a duel in thus picture taken at the
location of the new U.S. Bank building in Bend, as construction crews work on the steel frame
work. The original building was built in 1912. Tha $250,000 ona story structure will open early
in 1963. (Nate Bull photo)
Funeral home
sale reported
Otto W. Hcider, Jr., owner
manager of Hcidcr's Bend Funer
al Home, has announced the sale
of the mortuary to Eugene and
Marge Tabor of Portland.
The Tabors will assume owner
ship effective Tuesday, January 1.
Mr. Tabor has been employed
at Mikeworth's Peninsula Funeral
Home in north Portland for sev
eral years. He was graduated in
1950 from the California College
of Mortuary Science ir. Los An
geles. The Tabors are parents of four
children with ages ranging from
6 months to 12',i years. The fam
ily is in the process of moving
their property to Bend today. They
will reside in the upstairs portion
of the funeral home.
According to Heider, the new
owner was about to be installed
as president of the Peninsula Ki
wanis Club of Portland. Because
of the sale, he has transferred
his membership to the local Ki
wanis Club.
The Tabors are members of the
Catholic Church and will enroll
their children in the parochial
school here.
Heider moved to Bend and as
sumed ownership of the funeral
home eight years ago. He will
continue to live in Bend during the
next two months, and then move
to Portland.
erly love cost Jerry L. Tones $100
Tones was fined when the judge
learned he was falsely represent
ing an attorney to defend his
brother. Robert L. Tones, 32, on
a burglary charge.
JFK tells invaders U. S.
MIAMI. Fla. IT1 President
Kennedy vowed before a wildlv
-.hnorino r,llv f T.iKan invaH.-r.
looav tnat th"e VnAe st win
and behind efforts to free their
Kennedy's Spanish-speaking wife
Jacqueline, added the woman's
touch to the dramatic proceedings
by calling the invaders "the brav
est men in the world."
Amid cries of "viva." Kennedy
told 50.0(10 Cuban refugees and
other spectators in the Orange
firm may locate trailer
Eight Pages
Financial institutions fear
woes over new IRC ruling
Officials at Bend's three larg
est financial institutions foresee
lots of trouble when a new In
ternal Revenue Code ruling goes
into effect starting the first of the
Right now they are bracing
themselves for some expected
harsh customer reactions to the
law adopted by Congress last
year which requires all hold
ers of savings accounts and stock
holders to submit their social se
curity numbers at their bank or
loan company.
Congress enacted the measure
to quash cheating on income tax
statements. Anyone who draws
more than $10 a year in savings
account dividends must furnish
the bank with either a social se
curity number or identifying num
ber supplied by the Internal Rev
enue Service. Then, at the end of
the calendar year, the bank must
list these numbers with their re
ports to the IRS.
The process sounds simple
enough, but it won't be. Bankers
requesting numbers from their
customers have already encount
ered confusion, reluctance and
even outright opposition to the
Facing charges
trict Court Judge Robert Kerr
Thursday bound Jerry Richard
Haines of Klamath Falls over to
a county grand jury on a murder
The grand jury is scheduled to
meet here Jan. 3 and 4.
Haines is accused of the fatal
shooting of his wife, Christine, at
their home earlier this month.
Mrs. Haines was exnectinc twins
I in about three months.
Bowl Stadium he is confident that
all over Cuba there are men who
hold their faith in freedom and
"are determined to restore that
freedom so that the Cuban people
mav once more
govern them-1
The President spoke after re- i
viewing some 1.200 khaki-clad sur-1 portunity to demonstrate once
vivors of Brigade 2306, which un-: again that all men who fight for
successfully invejl Cuba in 1951. liberty are our brothers and shall
He said their effort, though a be until Cuba and all other sub
failure, was proof that Castro and I jugntcd countries are free."
other dictators "may destroy the Kennedy hailed the efforts of ne
Bend, Deschutes
law. Robert Libby of U.S. Nation
al described how one lady, in a
phone conversation with the bank,
expressed fear that her dividends
would be withheld until the bank
had her number. Others have
stated they see no reason for giv
ing a number and are reluctant
to furnish one. But most of the
trouble, bankers say, will stem
from customer lethargy.
In backing up the new law the
Government will impose a $5 fine
on any account holder who fails
to furnish the bank with a num
ber. Banks and loan companies
will be assessed $10 fines for each
number not reported to the IRS.
Much Red Tape
Libby told The Bulletin that the
new system would amount to con
siderable red tape. He added it
would probably necessitate the
hiring of additional help near the
end of 1963 and in each year fol
lowing. Maurice Shelton, manager
of First National, and Walter Peak
of Equitable Savings & Loan,
were not so pessimistic. Both
agreed that the law would prove
a cumbersome process, but neither
sees a need for hiring additional
The bulk of expenses will come
when the banks mail out thou
sands of requests for numbers.
Early national surveys of banks
indicate that of persons requested
by mail to furnish numbers, only
40 to 60 per cent have complied.
If this response is pretty much
standard, the banks will then have
to choose between mailing out sec
ond requests at great expense
or depending on customers to
furnish numbers when they make
their deposits. But it is doubtful
that bank officials will have all
the numbers required when the
calendar year closes.
exercise of liberty but they can
not eliminate the determination to
be free."
Battle tor Liberty
He said that bv helping to liber-
ate members of the brigade from
Cuba prisons this week "the L'nit-
ed States has been civen the od-
County, Oregon, Saturday,
UN forces
move swiftly
in Katanga
(UPI) United Nations forces at
tacked on the ground and in the
air today in an apparently success
ful drive to end the latest fight
ing in Katanga.
U.N. ground troops were report
ed mopping up lessening resist
ance in the outskirts of Elisabeth
ville as U.N. jet fighters bombed
and strafed tha main Katangese
air base at Kolwezi, 150 miles to
the west.
Simultaneously, Britain demand
ed an immediate cease-fire and
ordered its permanent delegate to
the United Nations to see Secre
tary General Thant to urge an
end to the fighting and the start
of compromise talks on the Congo.
U.N. troops captured the govern
ment palace in ElisabethviUe but
found that Katanga President
Moise Tshombe had fled. There
was no word on where he was,
but an earlier report said he had
escaped to the mining town of
Kipushi on the northern Rhodesian
Call to Arms
Katanga radio broadcasts moni
tored at Brazzaville, in the former
French Congo, quoted Katanga
Foreign Minister Evarlste Kimba
as calling on all Katangese "men,
women and children" to take up
arms and drive back the "enemy"
U.N. forces. Kimba said they were
"in the service of American im
In Brussels, three members of
the Belgian Parliament said that
for 24 hours, the United Nations
"covered by the U.S. State De
partment," had been shelling Ka
tangese and Belgians "in an or
derly, peaceful and Industrious
"Belgium has the right to ex
pect from her government an en
ergetic and immediate reaction,"
the parliamentarians said in a
message to Foreign Minister Paul
Reports reaching U.N. Head
quarters here from ElisabethviUe,
1.000 miles away to the southeast,
said U.N. troops were advancing
swiftly and clearing melting Ka
tangese resistance from the out
skirts of the Katanga capital.
U N. reports said all Katangese
roadblocks to Simba Hill on the
outskirts of ElisabethviUe had
been removed by U.N. forces and
the hill itself taken. Simba Hill
is a nickname given to a location
on the road to Kipushi and takes
its name from ElisabethviUe s
best-known beer. The 4th Ethiopi
an Battalion captured It.
Hilgers named
bank contractor
George Hilgers, a Bend con
tractor, was the low bidder for
construction of the Bend branch
of Bank of Central Oregon. Con
struction is scheduled to start
January 7, on the site of the for
mer Hunnell Building on Bond
Amount of the bid was not dis
closed, pending completion of
negotiations and signing of con
tracts. Paper work is expected to
be finished next Wednesday, ac
cording to Robert C. Mention of
the firm of Stearns 4 Mention,
Other bidders were Ernest E.
Steinlicht and Lcagjeld Construc
tion Co., both of Bend, and Marsh
Construction Co., Grants Pass.
Bids were opened last night.
is wmm iQ)
to mufll
backs free Cuba efforts
gotiator James B. Donovan, the
Cuban Families Committee, and
others who took part in saving the
Cuban invaders "from Castro's
The stadium was a scene of bed
lam through much of the 80-min-ute
The Cuban exiles at times shout
ed "guerra," the Spanish word for
war. and at one point rocked the
stands with a resounding roar of
"guerra, libertad."
December 29, 1962
u u
Spectacular chase
Boy escapes, leads
pursuers to river
By Gerald Drapeau
Bulletin Staff Writer
A spectacular jail break and
pursuit ended in the freezing wa
ters of the Deschutes River ear
ly yesterday evening after Brian
Hall, 15-year-old Bend youth held
for auto theft, broke out of the
city jail.
Hall was finally subdued bv po
lice officers in Drake Park after
making a vain attempt to swim
the cold river. He was turned
over to the county sheriff and
lodged in the county jail.
Hall is the youth who overturn
ed a pickup truck he had stolen
Wednesday after a wild police
chase through the west side dis
trict. The arresting policemen had
to subdue the boy with handcuffs
after he pulled a knife on the of
ficer. He is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Taber F. Hall of 1215 Jack
Hall managed his escape about
5:15 when officer Jack Perry
went upstairs to feed the prison
er. Perry saw Hall's empty food
box placed at the end of the cell
block. He was picking it up when
he heard the cell block door slam
and lock behind him, and sighted
Hall climbing up the bars outside
the block to a four-foot space be
tween the cell top and the roof.
The prisoner immediately made
his way to a narrow air vent and
squirmed through it to reach the
roof. The officer's shouts for help
brought two more officers to the
Death toll
low at start
of weekend
By United Press International
The death toll on the nation's
highways was low today at the
start of the long New Year's
weekend holiday.
At 9 a.m. PST United Press
International counted 19 traffic fa
talities since the start of the 102-
hour weekend at 6 p.m. Friday.
The holiday death breakdown:
Traffic 19
Fires 1
Miscellaneous 8
Total 28
By contrast, the traffic toll stood
at 82 at the end of the first 18
hours of last weekend's Christmas
holiday. The holiday ended with
854 traffic fatalities, the second
highest total on record.
The National Safety Council had
estimated that from 420 to 480
persons could die In traffic acci
dents during the New Year's holi
day. This would set an all-time
record for New Year's traffic
By United Prese International
A Portland woman became Ore
gon's first fatality of the long hol
iday weekend today when she was
fatally injured in a head-on crash
south of Dayton.
Agda Jean Johnson, 21, died in
the crash. Police said her car
swerved into the path of an on
coming car. Two young women in
the other car, Judy M. Powell of
Yamhill and Viola Hodney of
Carlton, were seriously injured.
They were hospitalized at Mc
Minnville. The holiday weekend began Fri
day at 8 p.m. and runs through
midnight Tuesday.
Welcoming the brigade veterans
to the United States and urging
them to be seated on the turf
where they were lined In front of
him from one end of the stadium
to the other, Kennedy offered
them "my nation's respect for
your courage and for your cause."
After Kennedy spoke, his wife,
Jacqueline, whose arrival with the
President touched off gigantic
cheers, said:
"It is an honor for me to be
"nv. of n
Ten Cents
milk sitota
block. Perry was released and
the three policemen used the fire
escape passageway to get to the
roof. They chased Hall along the
rooftops toward The Bulletin
building until he leaped to the al
ley pavement and sprinted In the
direction of Franklin Street.
Halllgan Joint Chase
Donald Halllgan of 1324 W.
Sixth, who watched Hall speed
past him near the post office on
Franklin, chased him after seeing
the officers in pursuit.
Halligan was not far behind
when Hall turned up the Broad
way alley and headed for the riv
er. When he and the officers ar
rived, the escapee was standing
waist deep in the water about 20
feet from shore. Police who tried
to coax him out of the river said
he was "screaming and shout
Hall then swam a few strokes
toward the opposite bank; finally
gave up the effort, and waded
ashore. Officers took nun into cus
tody and gave him change of
Explanation Given
The apparent ease with which
Hall made his escape from the
jail was later explained by po
lice. Because the youth was the
jail's only prisoner, he had been
given complete freedom of move
ment in the cell block. When Per
ry entered tho block, Hall had
concealed himself beneath the
bunk of the first and darkest cell.
Perry believed him to be sleep
ing in a cell further down. The
lock on the door was broken and
Hull fled through it after the offi
cer had moved down the corridor.
Police could not explain how
the prisoner was aware that the
roof had a ventilator. Most of
them said they did not know of it
Most businesses
open as usual
here on Monday
It will be business as usual in
Bend on Monday, New Year's
With only a few exceptions, all
places of business and most of
fices will be open as the old year
fades and residents of the area
prepare to greet the New Year.
This will be in contrast with
the local observance of Christmas
Eve, also a Monday that was
sandwiched between a weekend
and a holiday. Last Monday,
many offices were closed.
Next Monday, Bend banks, the
postoffice, the city hall and coun
ty and city offices will be open.
However, it is expected at the
Oregon State Highway Depart
ment building north of town, lo
cation of a number of state of
fices, skeleton crews only will be
on the job.
All federal offices in Bend. In
cluding those of the U.S. Forest
Service, will be open on the sand
wiched non-holiday, Monday.
Nasholl, Portland, was elected
"Congressman of the Year for
1962 by members of the Oregon
Building Congress.
A formal presentation was
scheduled for Jan. 8 at the Me
morial Coliseum.
among a group of the bravest men
in the world.
Speaks of Brv9ry
"I am proud that my son 'John
Jr.) too, has met your officers.
He is still too young to know what
has happened here, but I will take
care to tell him the history of
your bravery.
"It is my hope that he will
someday be a man at least half
as brave as have been the mem-
bers of the 2503 Brigade,
High yesterday, ! degrees. Lew
lest night, 2o degrees. Sunset
today, 4:15. Sunrise torn raw,
No. 20
Sawyer says
dairy plans
cut in price
SALEM tUPl) One dairy's
plans to cut milk prices, and a
dairymens' association meeting to
consider a final draft of a milk
marketing law, were revealed to
day just two days before tha
present milk stabilization law ex
pires at midnight Dec. 31.
Kenneth Sawyer, chief of tha
milk audit and stabilization divis
ion of the State Department of
Agriculture, confirmed the price
cut notice had been filed.
It would reduce the price of
milk about 2-cents a quart, from
the present $5.86 per 100 pounds
to $4.90.
Sawyer said the reduction would
gu iiiw eiiei-b tioii. i, uie aay uio)
present stabilization law expires.
The meeting to consider a draft
of a proposed new stabilization
law will be held hero Jan. 7, ac
cording to Frank Rood of North
.... M . t . .1 j .i
Bend, president ofthe Oregon
Dairymens' Association, and
chairman of an industry . wide
committee which is seeking a so
lution to the industry's problem.
Rood said an association com
mittee "has been working for
some time on the problem." and
has drafted a proposed market
ing law.
If approved It will be submit
ted to the legislature, he said. '
Conference Set
The committee meeting will
highlight a Jan. 7-9 meeting of
the association to be held here.
Sawyer said the state milk audit
law requires dealers to file with
the state copies of their con tracts
with producers.
Sawyer refused to identify tha
dealer. Ho said only that it was
not a Portland or Salem firm.
but "an average size Willamette
Valley dealer."
Sawyer said ne expected more
such price cuts "during January."
The announcement whipped up
more concern in tha already
worried dairy Industry.
Producers hopefully pleaded
against price cuts.
Distributors indicated the
wanted to hold the line, but would
slash prices If forced to do so.
Grocers wore unsure what they
should do.
A spokesman for the Portland
Dairy Co-op said "No drop In
price at present is warranted.
If any major distributor cuts
the price, we all will have to do
tlie same," he added.
Another distributor said "Tha
grocers are getting worried, they
don't know what to do. They
don't know what to expect."
Hugh Galllgher, manager of tha
Carnation Company in Portland
and a member of the Legislative
Committee of the Oregon Dairy
industries, admitted he was cur
ious "about rumors of pending
price cuts."
Sawyer Accused
I don't see how the industry
will be any different next week
than it is this week," he com
mented. He said his firm had no plan
to cut pricas.
Gordon Hofstotter of Curley i
Dairy in Salem said his firm has
no plans to cut the price of milk.
He charged Sawyer was "trying
to stir up a stink, trying to cause
turmoil so the legislature will pass
another stabilization law.
'Sawnr is trying to perpetuate
himself into a job. This law has
hurt us all. Milk is being brought
in from out of state because of
Producer Clarence Chapman of
Oregon City, president of the In
dependent Milk Producers, said
he had heard rumors that a price
drop was planned at Bend, but
hoped if it developed it would not
A price war would and could
bankrupt many producers," he
"It Is my plea that anyone con
nected with the industry will hold
the present price level and give
the industry time to come up with
Bob Fish of Echo Springs Dairy
in Eugene said his firm had no
plans to drop milk prices.