The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, December 26, 1962, Page 1, Image 1

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    its 1i
Fair tonight; cloudy Thursday;
high 13.J8; lows 10-15.
0th Year
FUN ON THE ICE Bend youngsters enjoy their first taste
of winter time (feting thij morning on the new Rotary Club
athletic area In Juniper Park. The 85 by 185-foot slab has
been completely flooded, with early-morning temperatures
5 saved from
burning auto on
Tuesday night
By Phil F. Brogsn
Bullttln Staff Wrlt.r
Details of a near Christmas
r-cjing tragedy involving iive
persons trapped under an over
turned burning car were revealed
in an Oregon State Police report
here today.
Members of the Albany patrol
in their radioed report said a car
operated by Jerry Grover, 23,
Bend, skidded on the new Clear
Lake cutoff as it approaciied the
Santiam junction, moving north.
The car rolled over on the curve
and went into a ditch, trapping all
Three suffer
slight hurfs
in accidents
Two aulo accidents at intersec
tions in Bend Monday resulted in
slight injuries to three persons.
Taken to St. Charles Memorial
Hospital and later released were
Mamie Ellis, 51, of 153 Jefferson
Place. She suffered minor abra
sions &, a passenger in a car dri
ven by Wiley Ellis, 19, same ad
dress, which collided with a panel
truck at the corner of W. 14th
and Galveston. Ellis's car was
headed west on Galveston when
the small truck lunged out beyond
the stop sign at 14th. Truck dri
ver Donald Joseph Ries, 36, of 743
Harmon, told officers he was
lighting a cigarette and failed to
stop in time.
Anne Moody, 18, and Kathryn
Moody, 15, daughters of Dr. E.
Albert Moody of 1451 E. 12th, were
treated at the Bend Memorial
Clinic and then released following
their involvement in an accident
at 11th and Norton. Anne was the
driver of a vehiclo which collided
with another at the intersection
Monday. Other passengers in her
car were Marie and Margaret
Moody. Doctors said Anne suffer
ed a chin cut and Kathryn a
small cut on the leg.
Edward A. Davis. 29. of 1925 W.
Second- driver c-f the second car,
was not injured.
is resumed
ALBANY (LTD A search
was resumed this morning for
Herbert Knippel. 40. Lebanon,
whose auto was discovered in the
South Santiam River near Sweet
Home Sunday.
The Linn County Sheriff's office
here said the search started Mon -
day and was halted Christmas
Deputies said there were no
plans to drag the river "because
the river is running so swiftly."
Knippel was last seen Dec. 14.
Last Saturday he was reported
missing bv his wife, and the next
day Knippel's auto was fcxind per-
tiaily submerges! in the river.
Ten Cents
"s -si'4
occupants. Fire then broke out. In
me car with Grover were Mrs.
Charlene Wales, Redmond; her
children, Virginia,' 5, and Tony
Wales, 2: Donna Scliell, 14, Red
mond, and Nancy Christensen, 14,
About 7:30
The Santiam accident occurred
about 7:30 p.m. Christmas Day.
Directly behind the Redmond
bound car were the Ken Pearcy
family of PrineviUe and the Jim
Young family of Redmond. They
worked swiftly to remove the trap
ped passengers as tho flames rap
idly spread. All were removed
without suffering major burns.
The Grover car was completely
The five who were trapped in
the car were taken to the Red
mond hospital. Their condition
this morning was reported fair or
Mrs. Wales is the wife ot the
Redmond hospital X-ray technic
ian. Donna Schccl is the daugh
ter of Mrs. Helen M. Sclieel, a
nurse in the Redmond hospital.
The Santiam accident was one
of two serious smashups reported
on Central Oregon roads on
Christmas Day.
North of Bridge
The other accident was just
north of the Crooked River
Bridge, on Highway 97, and it in
volved a truck operated by Rob
ert Lane Bells, address not list
ed, with Andrew H. Pryor, of the
USS Bennington, Bremerton,
Wash., as a passenger, and a car
occupied by Gene Yates, 32,
Klamath Falls, and his wife,
Yates, formerly manager of the
Bend - Portland Truck terminal
in Redmond and now head of the
terminal in Klamath Falls, and
Mrs. Yates were brought to the
Redmond hospital. They appar
ently were not seriously hurt
Neither Bells or Pryor were in-1
jured. Details of the two-vehicle
accident were not available. The
accident occurred about 4:30 p.m.
on Tuesday.
Russia triggers
new detonations
Soviet Union triggered a "num
ber" of nuclear detonations over
the Christmas holidays, the Atom
ic Energy Commission said today.
The AEC said the devices were
. fired in the period from Dec. 23-
j 25.
I The size of the blasts varied
' from the low range yield up to
a few megatons, the agency said.
jThe largest on Dec. 24 was re-
' ported as about 20 megatons, the
: announcement said.
The tests, conducted at the Rus-
1 sian testing grounds at Novaya
Zemlya. followed the AEC's an-
nouncement Saturdav reporting
the 36th announced test in the
j current Russian series.
dipping to 18 above today. The
for night skating, and even the
(Note left of picture).
Bend's new
ice rink
placed in use
Bend's new ice rink was placed
in use this morning for the first
time, following the Monday night
chill of 2 above zero and last
night's 18-degree temperature.
The rink, in Juniper Park of
east-side Bend, is part of the multi-purpose
area constructed by the
Rotary Club as a community
project. This past season, a con
crete slab 85 by 185 feet was con
structed, and this forms the base
of tho big outdoor ice rink.
ine rinK was placed in use
shortly after 8 a.m. today, and
scores of youngsters tried out the
new ice.
Vince Genna, Bend recreation
director, said the rink would have
been available on Christmas day
if youngsters had remained off the
still "green" ice.
Disregarding warnings, some
youngsters walked over the still-
mushy ice in its formation stage,
roughing the surface. Reflooding
was necessary.
The rink will continue in use as
long as weather conditions per
mit, Genna said.
Spud warehouse
hit by blaze
Special to Tho Bulletin
PRINEVILLE - Fire of unde
termined origin last night partial
ly destroyed a potato warehouse
on LaMonta Road.
Firemen were called out at
three minutes past midnight and
fought the blaze until 4 a.m. A
flareup recalled the firemen and
it was nearing dawn before the
fire was completely extinguished
The building was owned by R.
P. Sinclair and W. A. Martin. Sin
clair, manager of the PrineviUe
branch, Pacific Fruit Co., stated
that the warehouse was approxi
mately two-thirds full of unsorted
potatoes in the bulk. Some pota
toes owned by another grower,
Dale Craic. were also stored
there. The building had a capac-
ity of approximately 1.200 tons of
potatoes. The structure was some
50 by 150 feet in size and was lo
cated alongside the City of Prine
viUe railway.
Sinclair said this morning that
no authorized person was work
ing in the building. He said an
investigation wiU be held as to the
cause of the fire.
Loss had not yet been estimated
this morning. Both potatoes and
building are covered by insur
ance. The extreme cold hampered
the firemen,
Blaze probed
in Portland
vestigators today were probing a
case in which a quantity of fuel
oil was tossed on the exterior of
j the home of Jehovah Cherry and
j ignited.
! The blaze was discovered about
midnight by a neighbor. Damage
l was estimated at about (100.
Deschutes County, Oregon,
area hat two large floodlights
dogs are getting into the act.
Bourguiba says
miracle saved
him from death
TUNIS (UPI) Tunisian Presi
dent Habib Bourguiba, 59, said
today an officer in his bodyguard
led a plot to assassinate him in
bed a few days ago. ',, .
"I owe my life to a veritable
miracle," he said.
The pro - Western strongman,
who has ruled for the past five
years, said that while he was
"preoccupied with the interests of
the people treason was all
around me."
In officially confirming for the
first time that a government-disclosed
plot against the state in
volved a plan to kill him, Bour
guiba indentified the bodyguard
involved as Kebair Mehrezi.
With knowledge of the pass
word, Mehrezi was prepared to
lead the assassins to his bedside,
the president charged.
Bourguiba addressed the third
congress of the Tunisian Women's
Union while vactioning in
Le Kef.
Bourguiba did not explain how
the plot was uncovered or what
happened to the plotters.
Informed sources said 30 to 100
persons are under arrest and po
lice are attempting to track down
another 30 civilians and military
Bourguiba said "I know the Tu
nisian people are in consternation
and moved by the plot that has
just been discovered. I cannot
fail to mention this now, so as
to put minds at ease. The plot
was directed at my person. It
was discovered and the worst
was avoided."
He said Foreign Minister Bahi
Ladgham will reveal the main
lines of the plot at the appro
priate time.
Most of the plotters were be
lieved to be young officers or
students who belong to an exiled
opposition movement.
gene Moneymaker, 35, hopes to
day he can live up to his name
and fast.
He lost his wallet the day be
fore Christmas and it contained
$400 earmarked for gifts.
Columbus did it better, but Nina II
lands safely after 97-day sea trip
(UPI i The Nina II, replica of the
smallest ship used in Christopher
Columbus's discovery of the New
World 470 years ago, today com
pleted a similar voyage 97 days
after sailing from Palos. Spain.
Columbus did it better. His ships,
the Nina. Pinta and Santa Maria,
reached San Salvador in 70 days,
27 days faster than the Nina If.
Columbus sailed from Palos on
Aug. 3. 1492, whUe the Nina II
sailed from the same port last
Sept. 19.
The Nina II crossed the Atlantic
safely, despite fears it had foun-
dered. become lost in a hurricane
j or sunk, and the crew planned to
Wednesday, December 26,
State holiday
accident toll
set at twelve
By United Press International
Twelve persons died in acci
dents in Oregon during the long
Christmas holiday weekend. The
weekend began Friday at 6 p.m.
and ended today at 12:01 a.m.
Traffic accidents claimed seven
lives, three persons were killed in
a plane crash, one was hit by a
train and one died in an acciden
tal shooting.
The burned bodies of a Lake
creek cattle rancher, his wife and
small daughter were recovered
from the wreckage of a liglu
plane two miles south of Ashland
Tuesday night. The wreckage was
sighted from the air earlier in
the day.
The single-engine aircraft crash
ed and burned Sunday after tak
ing off from Ashland on a flight
to Fresno, Calif.
Killed in the crash were Regi
nald Imporatrice, 34; Ids wife,
Jane. 31, and the couple's daugh
ter, Mary, 10. A ground party re
covered the bodies and took them
to Ashland.
Mrs. Regina Hcleniak, 76, Vale,
was killed when the car in which
she was riding struck a telephone
pole at Vale Tuesday night. Her
husband was driving the car.
John Fager, 23, Salem, and his
sister-in-law, Mrs. Lynne Kofford,
25, Portland, were killed when
their car crashed into a tree off
Union County road 214 miles
southeast of La Grande Tuesday.
Mary Sakacli, 17, Klamath
Falls, died at a Klamath FaUs
hospital Tuesday from injuries
suffered in a one - car accident
Monday night. Airman 1-C Gerald
KendaU, 23, Yelm, Wash., also
lost his life in the crash when the
car went off a Klamath County
road and flipped over two miles
west of Klamath Falls. He was
stationed at Kingsley Air Force
Base at Klamath Falls.
An expectant mother died in an
other one-car accident near Klam
ath Falls Monday night. Mrs.
Rosemary Williams, 19, Seattle,
drowned when a car driven by
her husband plunged Into a water-
filled irrigation canal off U.S.
Highway 97 12 mUes south of
Klamath Falls.
William Kneale. 37, Gervais,
was struck and killed by a South
ern Pacific switch train one-half
mile north of Gervais Monday.
Clarence Tye, 20, Cottage Grove,
accidentally shot and killed him
self when he dropped his rifle at
Dorena Sunday. He had been tar
get shooting.
Alice Thompson, 26, a Eugene
school teacher, was killed in a
one-car accident on U.S. Highway
20 some 14 miles west of Burns
Friday night.
By United Press International
The last hours of the 102-hour
Cliristmas holiday proved to be
the deadliest arid the total of
highway deaths during the 1 o n g
weekend passed 650, late reports
showed today.
The final surge of fatality re
ports made the experts look trag
ically correct. Tho National Safe
ty Council had estimated that
from 650 to 750 persons would
die in holiday traffic accidents.
When the first hours of the holi
day passed with a comparatively
low death rate, the council
revised its estimate to 550 deaths.
But the hopeful second thought
did not hold up.
The United Press International
count from 6 p.m. Friday until
midnight Christmas showed 652
traffic deaths.
The holiday death breakdown:
Traffic 6i2
Fires 102
Planes 14
MiseeUaneous 73
An average of six persons died
every hour in traffic during the
re-enact later today Columbus's
landing on this Bahamian Island
almost five centuries ago.
The vessel, a liny, round-bottomed
square-rigger which is a
replica of Columbus's smallest
ship, anchored off San Salvador
late Tuesday night.
The crew came ashore and was
greeted by an impromptu Baham
ian celebration, including a brass
band and dancing on the beach.
Navigator Robert Marks, the
only American aboard, said the
ship did not overshoot San Sal
vador as originally indicated.
He said the 40-foot saili.. ship
came along the southern tip of
the island on Christmas Eve. But
make simmmlm
escape to Weill
Relatives of
POWs await
trip to U.S.
HAVANA (UPI)- Relatives of
Cuban invasion prisoners lined
up by the hundreds today along
Havana's waterfront, preparing to
board the freighter African Pilot
for Port Everglades, Fla., and
The first 600 of the 1,000 chil
dren, women and men waiting to
join their fathers, husbands, sons
and brothers waited patiently
alongside the ship's dock.
American and Cuban Red
Cross representatives worked fe
verishly to install 500 cots and
1.000 blankets flown In for use by
tne relatives on their overnight,
12-nour trip.
It was expected the ship would
be able to sail by dusk.
An American Red Cross-char
tered plane landed in Havana to
day from Miami carrying a medi
cal team and supplies for the
prisoners' relatives scheduled to
leave aboard the African Pilot.
A doctor, seven nurses and a
"co-ordinator" were aboard the
aircraft as well as 500 cots, 1,000
blankets and odd supplies. The
plane's cargo was unloaded im
mediately ty American am. Cu
ban Red Cross representatives.
Western diplomats here specu
lated that Premier Fidel Castro
may follow up the release of tho
1,113 invaders captured last year
by freeing ail of his foreign po
litical prisoners and some Cubans
as well.
New York attorney James B.
Donovan, who negotiated the re
lease of the invaders, announced
in Miami Monday that Castro had
promised to free Americans im
prisoned in Cuba for "anti-state
Only 22 Americans
Although no full list of the
American prisoners has been
made public, sources here said
there actually are only 22 Ameri
cans in Castro's prisons.
Swiss Embassy sources said it
probably would be at least 48
hours before there is any further
development in negotiations for
the release of the Americans.
One Western diplomat speculat
ed that the foreign prisoners
might be released this week and
that a number of Cubans might
be pardoned later perhaps next
Wednesday, when Castro cele
brates the fourth anniversary of
his overthrow of ex-President
Fulgcncio Batista.
The African Pilot has only 12
passengers cabins, which prob
ably will be reserved for infants,
the ailing and the aged.
Crewmen of the freighter, un
der the supervision of Capt. Al
fred Bocrum and his officers,
were installing temporary lights
and wooden benches in between
deck spaces and other sheltered
areas to accommodate tho rela
Water district officials have an
nounced that domestic water in
the Central Oregon Irrigalion
Canal wiU bo started on Wednes
day, January 2, provided weath
er permits. The water wiU flow
for a limited period.
because it was after dark the
crew planned to dock for the night
off the community of Cockburn on
the lower west shore.
This was done because landing
ceremonies were set for Christmas
But, since Uie crew was unable
to attract attention from shore by
waving lights, the vessel was
driven west by a strong east
They did not have charts for
the waters to the west, Marks
said, so they decided to ask for
a tow when an interisland airliner
sighted the II about 16 miles
west of San Salvador.
n rc eonse to their signal, the
ot Oregon Library
Twelve Pages
iasf ferrous
Mercury drops
io low marks
Central Oregon was chilled by
the coolest temperatures of the
season on Christmas morning as
the mercury dropped to zero and
near-zero temperatures.
Bend's low, recorded about sun
rise Christmas, was 2 above zero.
From that Christmas morning
low, the mercury climbed to a
high of 30, as all Central Oregon
enjoyed crisp, clear yule weather
through the day.
The region "warmed up" last
night, with Bend recording a low
ot 18 degrees.
The five day forecast calls for
below-normal temperatures and
notes a possibility of some snow
on Thursday or Friday.
Record, volume
of mail handled
by Post Office
Christmas, 1962, brought the
Bend Post Office its heaviest vol
ume of mail In history yet the
handling of that mail was tne eas
iest task that faced members of
the staff in any yule season in
Postmaster Farley J. . Elliott
noted this fact today in reporting
Lie cleanup of the last of Uie
Christmas mail, and in reviewing
figures which indicate that Uie
Bend Post Office will end the cal
endar year with record revenues
in the sale of stamps and in other
The 1962 Christmas mail reve
nue exceeded that of 1961, de
spite a slow start this season in
stamp sales and meter receipts.
This apparently indicates that the
season just ended was tops for
Christmas in the long history of
the Bend Post Office.
Despite the increased volume,
mail this year was handled
without trouble, and with a con
siderable saving in time and in
money, EUiott pointed out. One of
the major fuctors in expediting
the handling of mail was the use
of auxiliary quarters in the Ore
gon National Guard Armory here.
This left crowded space in the
main office available for other
Mail sorted at the Armory was
dispatched with possibly only a
third of the handling and manpow
er of former years.
Weather was also a factor in
the comparatively easy handling
of the 12 mail in Bend, Elliott
mentioned. Carriers made their
appointed rounds without the
handicap of snow, drifts or sUck
Work of an efficient staff, vir
tually all experienced in the
handling of mail, was an import
ant factor in getting all mail
quickly delivered, Elliott said.
By United Press International
Dow Jones final stock averages:
30 industrials 651.64, up 3.93; 20
railroads 140.60, up 1.34; 15 utili
ties 128.34, up 0.80, and 65 stocks
228.80, up 1.56.
Sides today were about 3 37
million shares compared with 3.18
million shares Monday.
U.S. Navy sent a 26-foot launch
to tow In the Nina II.
But the wind continued so strong
tliat the tiny vessel could make
no better than two knots even
with the tow as it edged along
to the opening in the beautiful but
treacherous coral reef offshore of
the point where Columbus first set
foot in the New Yorld.
Actually the Nina II was
sighted Monday afternoon by a
resident of the isolated community
of Lynden Hill on Die east shore.
But Dy Uie time his report was
relayed Tuesday morning, the
Nina II was far out of sight and
this report was considered a false
High yesterday, M degrees. Law
last night, IS degrees. Sunset
today, 5:11. SunriM tomorrow,
No. 17
Armored bus
rams through
3 barricades
BERLIN (UPI) Eight East
Germans rammed an armor
plated bus through Communist
barricades and a fusillade of gun
fire today in a spectacular es
cape to freedom In West Berlin.
t our small children were
among the refugees, who were
members of two families. One of
the two men was the owner of
the bus and the other was his
Eight machine pistol bullets
fired by Communist guards fait
the bus, but the only injury was
glass spunter cut received by
Uie driver.
The escape was so carefully
planned that the families brought
along their belongings, including
living room clock, five sola
cushions and a doll carriage.
The bus smashed through three)
barriers on the main highway to
Berlin and made it safely to fhe
U.S. Army checkpoint on the edge
of the western sector of the city.
At a West Berlin refugee camp
later, Uie escapers said they had
planned to flee on Christmas Eva
but had to defer the venture be
cause the radiator on the bus
froze. They said they stayed up
aU night to thaw the radiator.
Sign Misled Police
As part of the plan, the refu
gees placed on the rear of the 30
seat bus a sign reading "repair
shop car" to make police think
it was underway to a repair
They said the Communists' vigi
lance apparently was relaxed
over the holiday because the only
time they were challenged in
their 150-mile ride was just out
side Berlin. Usually the Reds
check travelers at several points
on highways leading to the city.
We threw ourselves on the
floor to evade the bullets but one
grazed my hair," one of the
women said. "I was lucky.. We
armor-plated the bus, but the bul
lets came in anyway."
The bus belonged to the owner
of a transport firm In the town
of Neugersdorf, District of Sach
scn, near Locbau on the Czech
border. The other man worked
as a driver tor the owner.
"Wo were not controlled once
on the long trip from our home
town, the wife of the bus owners
said. "Wo hit the first control at
the Berlin border."
The children, ranging from 2 to
10 years, were not told of the
escape plan. They were not aware
anything unusual was happening
until they were told to lie down
on the bus floor as the vehicle
approached the Communist check
point. As the vehicle neared the divioV
ed city, Communist border guards
controUing holiday traffic to and
from West Berlin opened fire with
machine pistols.
liullots broke tho windsmeld.
Others bounced off steel plates
the refugees had attached to the
sides of the vehiclo for protection,
A glass splinter from the wind
shield cut the thumb of the
driver, but that was the only in
The bus crashed through three
red - and - white customs poles
placed across the highway by the
Communists to prevent escapes
from East Germany.
Tlie refugees remained In the
bus after reaching the U.S. check
point, and drove the vehicle to a
west Berlin refugee camp.
George Durham
taken by death
Clark Durham, veteran Portland
attorney, died Sunday. He was 88.
Durham had lived at Cannon
Beach since his retirement 12
years ago.
He spent most of his life in
Portland. He was the grandson of
Rev. HarB" Clark, Forest Grove,
a missionary to the Indians and
one of the founders of Pacific
University. His other grandfather
was Albert Alonzo Durham, found
er of the community of Oswego.