The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, December 22, 1962, Page 1, Image 1

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    Univ. of Oregon Library
Air shuttle of POWs to Miami to start Monday
See ttory, Col. 5
High yesterday, 54 degrees. Lew "
latt night, 24 degrees. Sunxt
today, 4:27. Sunrise tomorrow, "
Mottly fair through Sunday;
high 50-55; lowi 25-31.
60th Year
Ten Pages
Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, Saturday, December 22, 1962
Ten Cents
No. 15
CRUMPLED METAL Drivers luckily escaped serious injuries
in three-car crash Friday night on S. Third Street Highway. This
north-bound station wagon lost nearly all its windows and had
Man arrested
following 3-car
collision here
A three-car accident on the S.
Third Highway Friday night re
sulted in two badly damaged cars
and the arrest of one motorist on
a drunk charge. ;
Cited "for driving -while under
the influence of intoxicating liquor
was Harold Gene Urban, 27, of
S24 Davis. Witnesses said his
southbound pickup truck sideswip
ed the car ahead of him, then
veered across the highway and
crashed into an oncoming station
Drivers of the two cars most
severely damaged suffered only
facial cuts and refused hospital
treatment, police said.
Lcland C. Landers of 1110 Union
helped officers reconstruct the ac
cident. Landers said he was tra
veling in the left lane in advance
of Urban and was slowing for a
left turn when the Urban car
moved up on his left and struck a
glancing blow. Urban then veered
far over in the opposite lanes and
slammed into the left side of the
oncoming station wagon driven
by Michael Kcll Sesock of Star
Boute, Highway 97, The cars
came to rest in the center of the
highway just north of the McKin
ley intersection.
Officers noted the force of im
pact peeled off the outer shell of
Sesock's right front door and
welded it to the center of the car.
Nearly all of the station wagon
windows were smashed and the
right side was crumpled like pa
per. One front wheel was torn
completely off the pickup truck.
Green, D-Ore., filed for divorce
from her husband, Arthur, in
Multnomah County Circuit Court
here Friday.
cu :
lumping wuitvciHCllbc
Will Be
A Wonderful Selection
Christmas Gifts For
Everyone On Your List!
S&H Green Stamps
l rail' CSR I
U xj
Holiday for some
open here
Bend on Monday, December 24,
will observe a sort of semi-holiday
. a. day sandwiched between
Sunday and Christmas day.
However, in downtown Bend,
virtually all stores will be open,
as will other service institutions.
including the First National and
U.S. National Banks and Equit
able Savings & Loan.
To provide service on the
Christmas Eve holiday, the Post
Office will also be open, with de
liveries of yule packages to be
made on schedule. There will al
so be deliveries on Christmas day.
Brooks-Scanlon operations will
be closed on Monday, and work
in the woods will be down for
the entire Christmas week.
Around town, many offices, in
Freeman appeal to high court may
hinge on Hatfield reaction to plea
SALEM (UPI) An appeal to
the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf
of condemned child slayer Jean
nace June Freeman may depend
on how Gov. Mark Hatfield reacts
to her plea for commutation to
life imprisonment. United Press
International learned today.
It also was learned the Ameri
can Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
would not take her case to the
high court.
Miss Freeman. 21, is scheduled
to die in the gas chamber Jan. 29.
She was convicted of throwing
a six-year-old boy to his death in
the Crooked River Gorge last
r : -v-
- 8 P.lA.j0r
Ph. EV 2-6162
right side demolished. Only facial cuts resulted from collision
which brought drunk arrest for one motorist. Accident occurred
near McKinley intersection.
all stores
on Monday
cluding those of most of the in
surance companies, will be
closed Monday.
In keeping with a presidential
order, all federal offices, with the
exception of the Post Office, will
be dosed for the long holiday
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
Actually, the holiday started to
day for most of Uiose concerned.
In the Oregon State Highway
Department building just north of
town, most state offices will he
open Monday, with limited stalfs
in charge.
All Oregon State Police will be
on duty for one of their most criti
cal weekends of the season.
The long holiday for Deschutes
National Forest Service person
nel started today.
The governor's office announced
Dec. 8 that Miss Freeman was go
ing to formally ask Hatfield to
commute her death sentence.
Appeal to the high court prob
ably would be delayed pending a
decision on commutation by Hat
field. Hatfield was not available for
However, his office said Hatfield
had indicated earlier he would
take no action as long as an ap
peal were possible or pending.
Loren Hicks, Hatfield's legal
counsel, pointed out the stay of
Miss Freeman's execution date
from Dec. 6 to Jan. 29 was grant
ed to provide time for an appeal.
ACLU Not Involved
Holmes told UPI "I definitely
know the ACLU docs not plan to
appeal the case."
Holmes said "an appeal might
be announced after the first of
the year, but I have nothing def
inite to say at this time."
Hicks had talked with Portland
attorney Carl Niel about the Free
man case, and said "Niel became
quite interested."
Niel told UPI the ACLU was not
now involved. "They feel her case
is being adequately handled, and
there is no need for them to get
into it because she does have a
good attorney."
Niel also mentioned that Salem
attorney Steve Anderson had
checked the transcript of the case
for the ACLU.
Niel explained that many attor
neys who were active in the ACLU
had become interested in the case,
and were still studying it although
the ACLU planned no action.
He said "A Portland attorney is
looking over the matter now, but
no decision 'whether to appeal)
has vet been announced."
Niel said "nobody wants to base
an appeal on frivolous grounds.
We certainly don't want to prolong
the agony" for Miss Freeman.
Bend TV Cable
sale announced
by purchasers
Bend Community Antenna Co.,
a group of investors including Ed
ward M. Thurston of Bend and
others in Eugene and Toledo, to
day announced- die purdiase of
uend iv Cable, Inc. Exact
amount of the consideration was
not disclosed, except that it is in
excess of half a million dollars.
Ray F. Siegentlialer, president
of the new group, was one of the
organizers of Abar TV Company
In Eugene, which was begun in
1933 and sold in 1960 to Tele
PrompTer Corporation. William
D. Elkins, another Abar founder,
will be available to Bend TV Ca
ble as technical consultant.
Siegentlialer and Elkins have
been in partnership for 10 years.
They are also major owners of
TV systems in Toledo and New
The organization is composed
of 10 stockholders, three of them
partnerships. Identity of the stock
holders was not disclosed.
The Bend TV Cable, establish
ed seven years ago, is the fifth
largest in the state. Former own
ers are J. Everett Rambo, George
W. McCormack, Lloyd E. Robi
deaux. Dr. George M. Blinn, Fred
I. Hartmann. Dr. J. C. Vandevert
and A. E. Schuman.
Rambo, McCormack and Hart
mann have served at various
times as president. Robideaux
served as secretary and BUnn as
treasurer since the company was
No changes in personnel are
contemplated, according to Uie
new group. However, an engineer
ing study has already been start
ed, to determine the best way to
improve the local service. Abar
was the first large cable system
to use five adjacent channels.
Seven years of experience in de
livering good five-channel service
will therefore be concentrated on
improving the pictures here, Sie
gentlialer said.
Elkins indicated that Uie cable
system is well constructed, but
that about 15,000 feet of old feed
er line has deteriorated to the
point that it should be replaced.
About 90 amplifiers will be replac
ed over the next several months,
with ones that are better adapt
ed to carrying five adjacent chan
nels. Soviets launch
new 'Cosmos'
MOSCOW (UPI) The Soviet
Union today launched the 12th in
a series of unmanned "Cosmos"
satellites designed to prepare the
way for further space flights by
men. the official Soviet news agen
cy Tass reported.
Tass said the satellite, named
"Cosmos XII," was sending tele
metric data back to earth and
that all its equipment was "work
ing normally."
The "Cosmos" series is de
signed to explore the hazards of
radiation in outer space, the ef
fects of meteor particles on space
ships and other problems of
manned flight. j
on exchange
is announced
MIAMI (UPI) - A Havana-to-Miami
air shuttle will begin de
livering the 1,113 Cubans captured
in last year's ill-fated invasion to
nearby Homestead airbase on
Monday, the Cuban Families Com
mittee said today.
Members of the committee
telephoned James B. Donovan,
negotiator in the prisoner ex
exchange, in Havana this morn
ing. The New York attorney con
firmed earlier reports from Cuban
government sources that the air
lift could not begin until Monday.
First announcements from U.S.
sources said the prisoners would
begin arriving Sunday, and pre
parations were being made here
on that basis.
Donovan reported to the com
mittee that all the prisoners had
been notified of their impending
release. He said he had been able
to telephone the Isle of Pines pris
on and talk to one of the Pig's
Bay Invasion captives held there.
Other prisoners are being held in
jails near Havana.
. Agreement Reached
Donovan had announced in Ha
vana Friday night that Premier
Fidel Castro agreed to exchange
the captives for an estimated $62
million worth of medicines, medi
cal supplies and baby food.
The exact date on which the
exchange will begin remained in
some doubt. Donovan s official an
nouncement said only that the
prisoners would be set free "be
fore Christmas.
In New York, Robert A. Morse,
an associate of Donovan's in the
ransom negotiations, said the at
torney had told him by telephone
that the first prisoners would be
released Sunday. The American
Rod Cross announced the same
date In Washington.
Havana Announces Date
Radio Havana, however, in Its
first announcement of the impend
ing release of the prisoners, said
early today they will be set free
The freighter African Pilot, un
der charter to the Red Cross, will
carry the largest single shipment
of goods to Cuba.
A fleet of air freighters, each
capable of carrying 15 to 17 tons
of supplies, will help to shift the
mountain of supplies that has
piled up here this week. More
than 2,500 tons of good has been
sent in by plane, truck and train.
E. Roland Harriman, national
chairman of the American Red
Cross, which is organizing the
shipments, praised the Americans
who made the exchange possible.
"The successful conclusion of
the Cuban prisoners' negotiations
is a glowing example of how the
people of this nation will over
come seemingly insurmountable
obstacles to help people in trouble
and need," Harriman said.
Will Relieve Suffering
Harriman added that the sup
plies will "help relieve the suf
fering" of the people of shortage
plagued Cuba.
Refugee relatives of the prison
ers here expressed joy at their
release mingled with sadness for
thousands of other political prison
ers of the Castro regime for whom
no such arrangement can be
"Thank God for the miracle he
has wrought!" said Mrs. Jose Miro
Cardona, wife of one of the princ
ipal Cuban refugee leaders and
mother of one of the prisoners.
Manuel A. de Varona, Castro's
predecessor as premier, said he
was "overcome with emotion" at
the idea of once again seeing his
son, his brother, a nephew and
"many friends" among the prison
ers. First holiday
victim claimed
By United Pratt International
Oregon recorded Its first Christ
mas holiday traffic death Friday
The victim was Alice Thompson,
26, Eugene. She was killed in a
one-car accident on U.S. Highway
20 14 miles west of Burns.
State police said her car went
out of control and turned over
after hitting Ice on the highway.
The accident occurred at 9:15
The holiday weekend began at
S p.m. Friday and ends at 12:01
a m. Wednesday.
Kenneth Beach, 20, Dayton, died
at a McMinnville hospital today
from injuries suffered in a traffic
accident Friday. He will not be
included as a holiday fatality be
cause the accident occurred at
2:45 p.m.
kybolt missile..'"
ringing sunless
(n n i l "4 r
GAVEL PRESENTED Don Conner, left, retiring president of
the Bend Chamber of Commerce, presents the new president,
Gordon H. Randall, with gavel. Ceremony tool place at Friday
noon luncheon meeting of the chamber's board of directors.
Don Conner hands Chamber
reins to Gordon H. Randall
Don Conner, outgoing Bend
Chamber of Commerce president,
handed over Uie gavel to 1903
President Gordon H. Randall at
the weekly luncheon meeting of
the chamber board on Friday.
Oilier new officers who will
serve with Randall are: R. G. Mc
Farland, first vice president;
Harvey Watt, second vice - presi
dent; and Maurice Shelton, treas
In taking over the chamlxr
reins from Conner, Randall said
he faces a particularly difficult
task because of the outstanding
manner in which Conner has
handled the presidency. Other
members of the board voiced sim
ilar compliments to the retiring
A plaque was presented to Con-
Bombs exploded
in Klamath Falls
bombs exploded in downtown
Klamath Falls Friday night, one
against the city police station and
the other at a principal intersec
tion. No injuries were reported.
City police said Uie bombs ap
parently were Uirown from a car.
ITicy were an incendiary type of
ten ased in military war games
and were constructed of card
board, powder and a 15 to 20
sccond fuse.
Police said they were dangerous
up to a range of 15 yards. One
blast rocked the city police station
at 7:35 p.m. The second explosion
came about 9 p.m. at Uie inter
section of 9th and Main Streets.
Another apparently went off
early Friday morning in Uie park
ing lot at Uie rear of Uie police
station, but officers did not real
ize what it was at Uie time. That
blast resulted in one temporary
hungry wolves attacked the vil
lage of Basihuyuk in eastern Tur
key Friday, but police said it was
driven off by residents who killed
34 of them. The wolves apparently
became desperate because of a
ncr in appreciation of his "de
voted service and aggressive
leadership to the Bend Chamber
of Commerce. The presentaUon
was made by George Short, a
member of the board.
Before relinquishing Uie presi
dency, Conner outlined briefly
some of Uie objectives which had
been set by the Chamber for Uie
past year and noted that most of
History again
repeats itself
It was a "repeat perform
ance" when Don Conner hand
ed the Chamber gavel to Gor
don H. Randall on Friday.
The men agreed that thera
wat tomething very familiar
about the ceremony.
They recall that tome ten
years ago Randall ' succeeded
Conner at president of the Bend
Kiwanit Club. At that time The
Bulletin printed a picture of the
gavel exchange similar to the
one appearing today.
these had been achieved. Ho said
he was especially grateful for the
work of the various committee
chairmen who had served with
An attendance prize was award
ed to Director Short, who, it was
noted, had missed only one of Uto
38 board meetings held during Uie
Conner also read a letter from
Hid Puddy, Bend city manager,
in which he thanked the chamber
for its support in Uie recent Port
land Avenue bridge bond election.
Puddy said Hint the sizable mar
gin of victory was in large mea
sure the result of the active sup
port given by the chamber.
Before adjourning Uie meeting,
Randall discussed briefly a feur
of his plans for the new year. It
was decided to devote Uie next
several meetings of the board to
more detailed discussions of
Chamber objectives for 1963.
Directors decided to ml neat
Friday noon.
Board members also approved
closing of Uie Chamber office on
the Mondays before Christmas
and New Year's to give staff
members bonus holidays in rec
ognition for tlieir work during Uie
ib tesfi
tosible new
ight to save
weapon seen
The U.S Air Force today launched
as controversial Skybolt missile
from a high-flying jet bomber and
scored a ringing success that may
have paved the way for a con
gressional fight to save the pro
gram from extinction.
The five-ton missile, which
President Kennedy is bidding to
kill as a major weapons system.
roared .' 900 miles across the
AUanUc Ocean today to its first
success. i
The Air Force, in a master
piece of understatement, said lit
tle more than that the Skybolt
"completed a successful test flight
The missile went to the Siring
line under the wing of a B-M
bomber flown out of Eglln Air.
Force Base. Fla. ; i-w,.-.. ii...i
The four-engine jet shot past
Cape Canaveral at better than 400
miles per hour and dropped the
39-foot Skybolt from an altitude
of more than 40,000 feet at 9:15
a.m. EST.
White Vapor Trail
Less than five seconds later Uie
missile's solid-f u e 1 e d engines
roared into life and snot toward
Uie brink of space ahead of a
brilliant white vapor trail.
The two-stage missile gained its
first success after five failures
the record that played a part in
Uie Kennedy adminlstraUon's de
cision to condemn the air
launched missile as too costly and
The shot was delayed twice
earlier this week on orders from
Washington while President Ken
nedy and British Prime Minister
Harold Macmiilan met in Nassau,
Bahamas, to debate the future of
Skybolt. -
The test today was viewed hi
some quarters as Uie opening shot
In a powerful behind-the-scenes
move to save Skybolt from ex
tinction by carrying the fight, if
necessary, before Congress when
it reconvenes next month.
LONDON (UPI) A Defense
Ministry source said today ha
believed (he American-made Sky
bolt missile was still "out" as far
as Uie ministry was concerned
despite Uie first successful test-
firing of the air-to-surface weapon
at Cape Canaveral.
As far as Uie Ministry is con
cerned, we suppose Uie Skybolt
is out," Uie source said.
Defense Minister Peter Thorney-
croft returned from Uie Nassaj
talks earlier in the day and said
Uie new U.S.-British nuclear
agreement is "very advantageous
. a first-class arrangement
British newspapers, denounced
the agreement as "nuclear folly,"
sell-out or "surrender."
"I don't apologize for this ar
rangement at all," Thorncycroft
told newsmen at London airport
I think it is a first-class arrange
ment, both for Britain and the
western alliance. I am prepared
to defend it in every parUcular."
The Defense Minister said the
plan for joint Anglo-American
control of nuclear weapons and
means of delivery was Britain's
Incoming mail
here drops off
There was a considerable drop
in incoming mail today as Bend
Post Office personnel marked as
virtually ended Uie Christmas"
season of 1962.
However, good-sized shipments
of incoming mail are expected
this evening from Portland, and
also tomorrow morning. Christ--mas
parcel post mail will be de
livered tomorrow, Sunday.
Post Office mailing windows re
mained open this afternoon, for
the convenience of patrons.