Univ. of Oregon Library EUQSME, OREGON per cemi" boost mv state wortws proposed WEATHER Mostly cloudy or foggy through Wednesday; highs 42-4!; lows 31-43. 60th Year Bi-partisan approach in House sought SALEM (UPI) A call for a "bi-partisan approach" to House leadership based on "experience and ability" was voiced today by House Minority Leader F. F. Montgomery, R-Eugene. Montgomery said Republican House members caucused here Monday night to reiterate their plea for "statesmanship" on the part of House Speaker-designate Clarence Barton, D - Coquille, in appointment of committees in the House. Montgomery also announced that Republicans selected Rep. Victor Atiyeh, R-Portland, and Robert Smith, R-Burns, as minor ity floor leaders. John R. Dellenback, R-Medford, was named liaison officer to the governor's office; Ken Maher, R Portland, liaison to the secretary of state; and Joe Rogers, R-In-dependence, liaison to the Repub lican State Central Committee. Democrats hold a slim 31-29 lead in the House. Montgomery said "the change of 1,000 votes could have given the Republicans leadership. "We want what is best for the people of Oregon. It is our belief they want a bi-partisan ap proach." Montgomery said "we have call ed upon the Democrats in the House for a show of statesman ship and concern for the real wel fare of Oregon" in committee ap pointments. "To data we have waited in Vain for such statesmanship to become evident. We have offered eur party's full support in helping to measure up to the level of leadership and . performance the people of Oregon rightfully expect of their legislature. "To date that offer has been rejected," Montgomery charged. Montgomery said both parties have an obligation to the people of Oregon. He explained the 19R3 session will be a crucial one with key decisions to be made, and said neither party has a monopoly on experience. He charged "The House should not be organized on a partisan po litical basis, but rather at this crucial time the most able people In both parties should be called upon to share the load of leader ship." When Barton was chosen speaker-designate at a Democratic cau cus last month, he said he was appointing a "committee on com mittees" to set up committee as signments. Jaycees sponsor free show for Bend youngsters Jaycees of Bend will sponsor a special matinee at the Tower Theater Saturday afternoon as a treat for youngsters of Bend. This will be a free movie. The Saturday matinee will be a two hour show starting at 1 p.m., with doors to open at 12:45. Frank Stcnkamp is chairman of this event for the Jaycees. "Comanche Station" will be the featured film. It will be followed by three shorts, "Knitzy Knight," "Three Big Bears" and "Grape Knutty." This will be the Jaycees' final scheduled event of the holiday season. Earlier, the Jaycees assisted with the erection and lighting of the community tree and arranged the "Hello, Santa" program and the "Santa at the Tree" feature. Vern Robinson was general chairman of the 1962 program for the Jaycees. Roads in good winter shape Cascade roads were in good early winter shape today, but there were some slick spots, Ore gon State Police reported. Icy spots were on plateau roads as well as mountain highways, and motorists were cautioned to exercise extreme csro in driving. Forecasts call for cloudy con ditions and possibly fog and driz zle in the Deschutes country in the next 24 hours. There will be little channe in temperature. Stores in Bend open nightly THE BEND Ten Pages Bend stores open each night till 9 Christmas is just a week away. Bend retail merchants noted this fact today as they prepared to serve the public through lengthened hours. Stores will remain open until 9 p.m. through the remainder of the week. This pre-Christmas sched ule, announced earlier in the sea son, will continue through Satur day evening. A number of stores will also be open on Sunday, to provide service for last-minute shoppers. Christmas falls on Tuesday this year. Merchants reported heavy shop ping this past week, as residents of the area took advantage of the ideal weather to make ready for the coming of Santa. - Just a year ago, it is recalled, Bend suffered a severe storm about a week before Christmas. Ten inches of snow piled into drifts, slowing travel over rural roads and forcing some detours on Bend streets. Earlier in December, 1961, Bend recorded a low of -8. So far this season, no zero temperature has been recorded. That bad pre-yule weather of a year ago made a dent in Christ mas shopping. Character actor Thomas Mitchell dead of cancer BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (UPI) Thomas Mitchell, one of the few character actors to achieve top stardom and winner of top acting awards in nearly every medium, died of cancer Monday at his home. He was 70. The veteran actor, whose career spanned 50 years, had been ill since last March. Although he had devoted most of his time in recent years to tel evision, he achieved his greatest success in motion pictures, win ning an Academy Award in 1939 for his portrayal of a whiskey soaked doctor in "Stagecoach." Mitchell was the second famed character actor to die of cancer within two days. Charles Laughton succumbed Saturday night at his Hollywood home. The two ap peared together in the 1939 film version of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame." Wife, Daughter Present Mitchell's wife, Susan, and daughter, Mrs. Anne M. Lange, were at his bedside when he died. Mitchell was best known to mod ern audiences for his roles in the "Mayor of the Town" and "Glen cannon" television series and as host and star of "The O. Henry Theater" series. He was last featured on tele vision in singer Perry Como's spe cial Thanksgiving television show filmed last Summer. He portrayed various roles from a train con ductor to the "Home Town" may or. His last motion picture was a co-starring role in "Pocket Full of Miracles" with Bette Davis and Glenn Ford. Scarlett O'Hara's Father Mitchell, uncle of former U.S. Labor Secretary James Mitchell in the Eisenhower cabinet, was born in Elizabeth, N.J., July 11, 1892. The robust actor was one of seven children of James and Mary Mitchell, both of whom were born in Ireland. He first appeared in Hollywood in the 1934 movie "Cloudy with Showers." His career really be gan to take shape in 1936 when he plaved a character role in "Lost Horizons." His best known pictures of that erea were "The Hurricane," "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" and Scarlett O'Hara's father in "Gone with the Wind." Mitchell, who said he was most fond of the stage, won his greatest critical acclaim on Broadway for his role in "Hazel Flagg" in 1953, The year before he won an Emmy as the best television actor of the year and a Peabody Award for radi acting had come earlier. TEMPERATURES High yesterday, 49 degrees. Lew last night, 31 degrees. Sunset today, 4:28. Sunrise tomorrow, 7:35. Bend, Deschutes vote pleases commission By Gerald Drapeau Bulletin Staff Writer Friday's Portland Avenue bridge bond election was a happy topic of discussion among city commissioners and department heads who lunched Monday at West's Coffee Shop. Bend's city manager Hal Puddy told the board he was pleased that voters approved the $90,000 construction money with such overwhelming endorsement. Offic ial final tabulation, Puddy said, showed 626 voters favoring, 121 opposed. The manager then recit ed a preliminary bond sale sched ule designating January 5 and 12 as bond-advertising dates and January 24 as bid-opening day. The City's soon-to-be-enacted dance hall ordinance, which fixes curfew hours and requires adult chaperoning for young people, may undergo further revision or additions on its final draft. Commissioner William E. Mil ler advised inserting a provision that requires the presence of a uniformed police officer on dance hall premises only when the chief of police deems it necessary. This arrangement, Miller explain ed, would free an officer for other night duties. Asked of his feelings, Chief Emil Moen backed Miller's sug gestion, explaining that his offi cers patrol all public teenage dances with periodic checks any way. But the idea met opposition from at least one commissioner. Richard Carlson said several par ents have told him they feel se cure when a policeman is on duty the dances then children at tend. Otherwise, the commission er added, many parents would keep their youngsters away. At the next regular commission meeting this phase of the ordi nance will receive further debate. In other business, the manager commended the efforts of vari ous work parties engaged in con struction of the multi-purpose Jun iper Park slab and its facilities. He also noted that the hooking up of water lines to furnish Ice and feed rcstrooms was financed joint ly by the park, recreation, and water departments of the City. Puddy told commissioners of a Pacific Northwest Bell company proposal to install two separate phone units in the city hall office and police headquarters. Right now all calls are received through headquarters. The City will com pensate the added expense, with profit, by laying off one full-time police secretarial employe and having the recreation department secretary assume some of these duties at a higher salary rate. DOW JONES AVERAGES By United Press International Dow Jones final stock aver ages: 30 industrials 640.14, off 5.35; 20 railroads 137.17, off 0.30 15 utilities 127.34, off 0.78, and 65 stocks 224.97, off 1.48. Sales today were about 3.62 mil lion .shares compared with 3.59 million shares Monday. Annual treat Junior High sets program Friday Junior High School musicians on Friday at 1:30 p.m. in their auditorium will present the school's annual Christmas pro gram featuring both religious and secular music. The varied program to last about an hour, will be themed on the yule holidays, with Kessler Cannon to serve as narrator for one of the numbers, "The Nativity According to St. Luke." This will be presented by the advanced choir, with a portion of the mu sic by Earl Roarig. Bonnie Graves and Joe Haugen will assist with the program, in which some 250 youngsters will take part. This will be the school's annual treat to the community, and all will be welcome. The pro gram follows: "Christmas Holiday." Edward Anderson: Christmas Fugue," Robert Brown, by advanced or CENTRAL OREGON'S County, Oregon, Tuesday, JFK in with British prime minister USELESS NOW Large aim free in Drake Perk which recently caused death of young Bend motorist wet besieged by youngsters with an axe during the midnight hour this morning, Boys scattered when police officers arrived, end made their escape. Police Sgt. Dean Hunt end passerby, Phil Hensley, inspect what remains of trunk. Tree choppers flee from police Police officers in two patrol cars chased a band of youngsters through Drake Park early this morning after receiving a c a 1 1 that the boys were chopping down a large elm tree just off River side. The call came in a little past midnight from Jim Hall of 8B4 Riverside. He told police the gang "had kids staked out all over the area" as watchmen while the chopping was in process. After phoning, Hall and a housemate, Kenneth Trowt, took out in pur suit of the boys. Police converged on the scene from both directions but the youths disappeared in the direction of the footbridge. One boy was seen carrying an axe. An officer said the group had no time to cross the footbridge before their arrival, or come out at the north end of the park. He added he hoped they did not try to swim the river. The boys had chopped a deep knotch in the big tree complete ly around its butt. Police said the tree would be felled. Ironically, an officer noted, it was the same tree that caused the death of LeRoy Davis and injur ies to three other youths when Davis' car crashed into it re cently at a high speed. chestra; "A Christmas Folk Song," traditional, by the Chor dettes; "Now Bright and Still," Williams, advanced choir; "Star of Bethlehem," Rozsa, by the Vo calettes; "Christmas Bells," El liott, by the Harmonettes. "The Nativity," advanced choir, with Kessler Cannon as narrator. "The First Noel," Old Eng lish; "O Little Town of Bethle hem," Brooks, Redner; "White Christmas," Irving Berlin: audi ence and choirs, directed by Deb bie Peterson, student director. This is the place in the program where Santa Clans will appear. "Waltzing Cat," Anderson, by the Harmonettes: "Christmas Medley," traditional, by the Chor- dettes; "Novelty (a secret!, by Eighth Grade Choir. "Jingle Bells Travelog," Gerhart, ad vanced choir. BULLETIN DAILY NEWSPAPER December 18, 1962 Bahamas for talks Public invited BSHS yule program is due on Thursday Bend Senior High School will present its 27th annual free Christmas program for the com munity Thursday, December 20, at 8 p.m. in the auditorium. The choir, orchestra, Mclodiers and brass ensemble will take part The orchestra will be under the baton of Don R. Goodwin, and Norman K. Whitney will direct the choir. The program will open with the Yuletide Festival" overture ar ranged by Warrington. Later the orchestra will play a Bach air ar ranged by Luck, and the first movement of Vavaldi's. Violin Concerto. The choir will join the orchestra for the Waring arrangement of " 'Twas the Night Before Christ mas." Incidental solos will be sung by Dave Gassner, baritone, and Bob Klawtttcr and Paul Wardlaw, tenors. Incidental char acters are Jon Hunnell, father; Timmie Swearingcn and Anne Brandis, mother, and Janet Noel and Sue Conner, children. Daryl Billadcau plays Santa Claus, and other speaking parts are taken by Ramona Adams, Marilyn Crawford, Pat Mitchell, Timmie Swearingcn, Sandie An derson, Tamsin Boardman and Anne Brandis. The Melodiers, girls' vocal en semble, will sing the following numbers: "Yes, There is a Santa Claus," Spielman-Warrick; "Jolly Old St. Nicholas," arranged by K.F. man t faces charges murder KLAMATH FALLS (UPD-A 24-year-old man was being held on a charge of murder in the Klam ath County jail today following the fatal snooting of his expectant wife. Jerry Richard Haines, a Klam ath Falls carpenter, was taken in to custody Monday night. His wife, Christine, died at a hospital here alter undergoing surgery for a bullet wound in her stomach. Ponce said the shooting oc curred at the couple's home dur ing a domestic argument Haines was picked up at a cafe about 25 miles from the city after having a friend phone officers. He had a gunshot wound in his foot. He was treatol at a hospital. Ten Cents I Adcs, and "Silver Bells," Living ston Evans - Ados. Members of the group are Nan cy Waller, Jessie Hoover, Pat Sherman and Judi King, first so pranos; Ramona Adams, Bonnita Thomas, Janet Noel and Linda Ohrling, second sopranos, and Timmie Swearingen, Tamsin Boardman, Vickie White and Anne Brandis, altos. Glcnda Alford is accompanist. The brass ensemble will play a group of Christmas carols, with the audience joining in singing. The program will end with The Song of Christmas," Ringwald, and the "Hallelujah Chorus," by the choir and orchestra. Jon Hun nell will be narrator. Myrl Arth ur, David Thompson and Paul Philbrook will be Wise Men, and other soloists will be Delvan John ston, Julie Pease, Sharon Warren, Austin Creson, Linda M i r i c h , Carol Rukaveno, Nancy Waller and Diane Huettl. The stagecraft and art classes are assisting with staging and decorations. John Howbrook, Cliff Blake and Lee Fisher are in charge of lighting and the public address system. Machen gets out of hand at hospital NAPA, Calif. (UPI)-Boxer Ed die Machen of Portland got "out of hand" in the state hospital last night and battled seven attendants before being subdued. As a result, Dr. Theo K. Miller, superintendent of me hospital, said today that Machen needs "continued care." Miller made the statement be fore a hearing slated for 1:30 this afternoon, was to be held to de termine the boxer's condition "He (Machen) was in a disturb ed condition all day yesterday, said Dr. Miller. "Sometime he's better, sometimes worse. We be lieve he needs continued care.' At the session today staff doc tors and others were to testify before Judge Philip Lynch of So lano County Superior Court. Financial problems have been blamed by Machen's friends for the fighters despondency. for Yule shopping No. 11 Leaders hope to resolve differences NASSAU, Bahamas (UPI) President Kennedy arrived in the sunny Bahamas today for talks with Prime Minister Harold Mac millan that will seek to ease Brit ish-American differences over nu clear missile policy. Macmillan, who arrived Monday night, warmly greeted the Presi dent when his plane from Wash ington landed here under almost cloudless skies In a brightly tropi cal setting. The prime minister said he hoped this conference with Ken nedytheir sixth would be all the more fruitful because ot the delightful surroundings in which it was being held. Kennedy replied that "it is fair to say that we do much better in warmer climates." A Warm Greeting Macmillan and Kennedy shook hands warmly when the President disembarked, and chatted animat edly for a few minutes at the bottom of the plane ramp. Then they went through the welcomins ceremonies at Windsor Airport about throe miles west of Nassau. Since both Macmillan and Ken nedy had flown in from areas of cold and fog, they were openly de lighted with the weather. Both men appeared in hign spirits. The warmth of their greet ing gave no indication of the thorny problems they must work out here or of the recent differ ences between their countries. Kennedy left the airport first in limousine with Bahamas' Gov, Sir Robert Stapledon, and Macmil lan followed about a minute later. The motorcade headed west ward toward Lyford Cay at the western tip of the island where the two will occupy adjoining es tates. Study Global Issues In addition to seeking a solution to the problem of the future of the U.S. Skybolt missile, the two leaders plan a survey of global items. They will assess the pos sibility of new allied diplomatic moves in the wake of Soviet Pre mier Nikita Khrushchev's military backdown in Cuba. Their first business session is scheduled for Wednosday morn ing. The talks are expected to wind up late Thursday afternoon when Kennedy will fly to Palm Beach, Fla., to spend the Christ mas holidays with his family. Both Kennedy and Macmillan were accompanied by their de fense secretaries Robert S. Mc Namara of the United States and Peter Thorneycroft of Britain. The presence of the defense chiefs symbolized the importance of Skybolt, the ballistic nuclear warhead missile designed to be launched from a jet bomber in flight. The British had envisioned Skybolt as the backbone of their nuclear striking force. Kennedy in a television inter view Monday night, however, made it clear that this country had decided to pull out of the Skybolt development program which has been conducted for more than a year by U.S. and British personnel at F.glin Air Force Base, Fla. The United States has put up all of the de velopment money, S350 million, so far. Charges dropped PORTLAND (UPI) The Mult- nomah County District Attorney's office dropped charges Monday against Lawrence Cordano, 18, driver of a car in which a high school girl died Saturday. Dist. Atty. George Van Hoomis sen said investigation showed the accident was not caused by negli gence. Van Hoomisscn said he was dropping the charge of negli gent homicide on which Cordano had been booked. Civil Service leader offers salary plan SALEM (UPD-A 3.3 per cent salary increase for classified state employes July 1, 1963, was recom mended today by Melvin H. Cleve land, State Civil Service Comis sion director. Cleveland addressed the second- day opening session of the three day legislative fiscal orientation conference here for members of the 1963 Legislature. An additional 1.7 per cent sal ary hike is recommended for July 1, 1964, Cleveland explained. The increases in pay would cost an estimated $7,686,859. Of this $4,073,006 or 53 per cent would come from the general fund, and the balance from other sources. Cleveland explained the proposal would give 67 per cent of the clas sified employes a pay raise during 1963. Some Excluded He said 6,278 employes would get no increase, 9,896 would get a one-step increase, 2,548 would got a two-step pay raise, 23 would receive a three - step raise, and two employes would be raised four salary steps. A warning not to expect more than $3 million in reversions dur ing the 1963-65 bienniura was sounded to legislators by Kenneth N. Bragg, legislative fiscal officer. Bragg voiced his comments on Gov. Mark Hatfield's proposed $405.3 million 1963-65 biennium budget at Monday's sessions of the conference. Bragg's view contrasts sharply with Hatfield's claim that $7 mil lion in reversions could be ex pected. Hatfield proposes a $405. 3 mu- lion general fund budget but call ed for tax collections of only $398 million $7 million less than need ed. The governor reasoned that (lie S7 million would be made up through savings in various depart ments of state government. In other words, more money would be budgeted than was available. , . This budget-it- even-though- you-haven't-got-lt proposal was what spurred State Rep. Richard Ey mann, D-Mohawk, chairman of the House Taxation Committee, to charge Dec. 7, "for the first time in history a governor has asked the legislature to deliberately run the state into the red and violate the state constitution." Critical Of Proposals Bragg is hired by the. legisla ture to research monetary mat ters, and is more critical of budg et proposals than are members of the Finance and Administration Department who work for Hat field's administration. Bragg cautioned "it would ap pear prudent not to count on more than S3 million of rever sions. "In case revenues collected in 1963-65 are less than estimated or enrollments (in schools) higher than estimated, a planned $7 mil lion reversion could leave the state in a critical financial posi tion." West rejects Russian plan for moratorium GENEVA (UPI) The Soviet Union called on the world's nu clear powers today to declare a moratorium on all nuclear testing from Jan. 1. Western spokesmen promptly said such an uncontrolled mora torium was as unacceptable as ever. The West is prepared to stop testing, they said, only if it has adequate safeguards against Russian cheating. Soviet negotiator Semyon K. Tsarapkin renewed the Soviet call for a moratorium at today's 50th session of the three-nation test ban subcommittee of the 17-nation Disarmament Conference. The three nations are Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union. He said testing everywhere should stop on Jan. 1 in line with last month's U.N. General Assem bly resolution, even though the talks here are hopelessly dead locked on the question of inter national inspection of suspected underground blasts. American Ambassador Arthur H. Dean mado no comment in the meeting of Tsarapkin's call. But Western spokesmen said later it appeared to be merely another at tempt to pressure the West Into an uncontrolled moratorium in the new year, and was therefore un acceptable. The Wtem negotiators have made It clear that their countries' will stop testing only when a fool proof ban has been agreed on.