The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, December 17, 1962, Page 1, Image 1

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Univ. of Oragoa Library
Occasional rain through Tues
day; high 42-47; lows 33-3.
High yetterday, 4e degrees. Low
last night, 36 degrees. Sunset
today, 4:21. SunriM tomorrow,
60th Year
Eight Pages
Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, Monday, December 17, 1962
Ten Cents
No. 10
Battle with
cancer lost
by Laughton
winning actor Charles Laughton
is dead.
The rotund, 63-year-old actor
lost his long battle with cancer
Saturday night.
Actress Elsa Lanchester, his
wife since 1929, was at his bed
side when Laughton died in his
The film and stage star's broth
er, Frank Laughton, said Sunday
funeral arrangements were pend
ing because Miss Lanchester, who
had kept up a cheerful front dur
ing the long illness, was "taking
the death quite hard."
Laughton had been fighting the
losing battle with cancer for
nearly a year. He entered Cedars
of Lebanon Hospital July 30 but
on Nov. 30 was granted his last
wish to die at home.
Feh No Pain
A family spokesman said
Laughton was "feeling no pain
toward the end. He had been in
a coma for several hours and was
Testing quietly under sedation be
fore that"
Laughton was mourned by his
friends as a great talent and a
great friend!
'"Charles was a great grizzly
bear and ha vainly tried to hide
his big, pink plush heart," said
actress Agnes Moorehead when
she learned of his death.
"I doubt if Mr. Laughton had
any foes," actress Joan Crawford
said. "He always frightened me
and other people in our industry,
but only by his great talent."
"Laughton was an actor who
dared," commented Kirk Douglas
who appeared in "Spartacus"
with Laughton in I960. "The mod-
am trend in acting is to under
play and, as a result, many ac
tors come up doing nothing. But
when Laughton was on the stage
or screen, you knew it
Baeom U.S. Citizens
"A director couldn't hope to di
rect Laughton picture," said
Lewis Milestone, director of
Lauzhton in "Jamaica Inn"
1938. "The best ha could hope for
was to referee."
Laughton and his wife became
United States citizens in 1950.
Ws have been wanting to very
much for a long time," he said,
-f took the stop with the deep
est, religious convictions that this
is what I want to do."
Tha actor had no illusion about
himself. The son of an innkeeper
at Scarborough, England, where
ha was bom July 1, 1899, Laugh
ton asked for the character roles
in which ha became famous.
"On the screen I generally
have been cast, mostly by my
choice, as a wicked, blustering or
untidy character. Now I am
ready to admit that in real life
Charles Laughton is all of those
"I often bluster. I find it gets
me my own way. I am notorious
ly wicked especially to bores.
Mountain Home
Rapid pickup
of economy
seen in 1964
SANTA VISITS BEND Old Saint Nick visited Band Saturday afternoon and long lines of
local youngsters expressed their wishes to the old gentleman. Scott Noakes, 18 month old son
of Norman Noakes from The Dalles, was not sure he liked the attention of Bob "Santa" Gard
ner but the story did have a happy ending when Scott was presented with a bag of candy
from the Jaycees.
(UPD The eight day military
hearing for murder suspect Ger
ald Anderson ended today with a
plea from his attorney for a fast
and fair trial if a trial is neces
sary. Defense Atty. Robert McLaugh
lin, Mountain Home, also recom
mended more cooperation between
the Air Force and civilian defense
counsel In future felony interroga
tions and investigations affecting
Following final arguments by
counsel. Maj. James Goddard,
hearing officer, took the proceed
ings under advisement. He will
make a preliminary recommenda
tion on the testimony to 15th Air
Force headquarters at March
AFB, Calif., and there a final de
cision will be made.
Anderson, 25, San Diego Calif..
Is accused by the Air Force of
premeditated murder in the knife
slavines last April 9 here of Mrs.
Nancy Joy Johnson, 22. and her
son, Daniel, 2'i. Anderson just
last month was freed of a first
degree murder charge in Mrs.
Johnson's death by civil court aft
er another man. Theodore Thomas
Dickie, 22. Boise, confessed the
crimes. However, the Air Force
re-arrested Anderson and on the
following day charged him with
the murders.
Commodore Geoffrey Wild, mas
ter of the liner Canberra, said to
day a plump fellow named Fred
Haywood. 29, has been arrested
at sea as a stowaway and put in
the brig.
But. Wild said. Haywood dieted
for three weeks and when the
ship docked in Naples he wricded
through a 16-inch porthole and
Four boys admit
vandalism, theft
charges here
Four Bend boys, ages 11 and 12,
are being placed in detention and
will be turned over to juvenile
authorities to face a variety of
charges dealing with burglary,
larceny and vandalism.
Included in a list of crimes ad
mitted separately by the boys are
the theft of $45 and two hunting
One boy admitted he stole $43
several weeks ago from the librar
ian's purse at Kenwood School.
He told police he later broke into
the school building with two oth
er boys and took $1.75 from a
teacher's desk.
Three of the boys also confess
ed that on Thursday night, De
cember 13, they stole several col
ored light bulbs from a Christ
mas tree on uraice Koao, ana
from the large merchants' tree
at Oregon and Wall. The boys re
lated how they broke some of the
bulbs by flinging them at passing
cars, and one said he broke a
window in the Westminster Pres
byterian Church on Newport with
a bulb. Some of the bulbs were
taken from the Christmas tree at
Kenwood School.
Police also recovered two rifles
stolen a week ago by two of the
bovs from a garage at the resi
dence of Delbert Lammers, 1101
Newport. They concealed one in a
woodshed nearby and the other in
a woodpile.
Another boy admitted his guilt
in the theft of two water pistols
taken from the 88c Store on Wall,
as well as a candy sucker from
a drug store. One youth told offi
cers he had snapped at least three
radio antennas from cars parked
at west side residences. City po
lice have had extra reserve offi
cers cn dutv in that area during a
ra?h of antenna-breaking activi
ties in recent weeks.
Deer blamed
for accident
A deer was blamed for an acci
dent on the Cascade Lakes High
way west of Bend at about 4:30
p.m. Saturday when a car turned
over and landed on its top.
John V. Copren. San Francis
co, was owner and operator oi a
Increasing volume of maiL
keeps P. O. workers busy
Bend Post Office workers were
active on two fronts this morn
ing, in an effort to keep on top of
the ever - increasing volume of
Christmas mail.
To handle incoming packages,
an auxiliary station was set up at
the Oregon National Guard arm
ory. There early today, vans and
trucks laden with incoming pack
ages were unloaded, and lorn
Larson, in charge of the distribu
tion station, and his crew faced a
mountainous task.
At the armory, packages are
being sorted for distribution to
5-day forecast
indicates more
rain for area
The five-day forecast calls for
heavy precipitation, mainly be
fore Friday, and, with tempera
tures expected to drop, there will
be more snow in the Cascades.
However, Central Oregon will
enjoy above normal temperatures
up until Thursday, with marks
expected to fall below normal aft
er that date, the forecast indi
Rain fell in Bend all last night,
but it was light. Only 0.25 ot an
inch was measured from the mild
storm that boosted the area's an
nual precipitation well above the
long time normal. This morning,
the total moisture for the year
was measured at 12.40 inches.
The normal is 12.15 inches.
Bend enjoyed a mild 48 degree
temperature Sunday. Four conse
cutive frostless nights have been
recorded since the series of high
storms started moving in from
the Pacific.
Light snow fell in the Cascades
above the 5.500 foot level Sunday.
The line of new snow at Bache
lor Butte was on the divide at
Dutchman Flat Sunday. Light
snow fell on the butte Sunday.
All mountain roads were in
good condition this morning.
rural, star route and city car
riers. Patrons with box numbers
will receive their packages at the
Post Office.
The main office was also a busy
scene this morning and hundreds
of local residents who apparently
spent Sunday wrapping gifts took
those packages to the Post Office
to be mailed. Two lines slowly
moved toward the package-mailing
through the morning hours.
The volume of outgoing mail is
expected to increase, with its
peak due tomorrow or the follow
ing day. Incoming mail will at
tain its peak about December 20
or 21, Postmaster Farley J. El
liott estimates.
There is another Sunday on the
calendar before Christmas, but it
will do package mailers little
good: Christmas will come only
two days later and packages mail
ed on the coming Sunday may
not reach their destination by
Christmas morning.
The Bend Post Office windows
will be open on Saturday, how
ever. Education budget
said inadequate
SALEM (UPI)-The Oregon Col
lege of Education student legisla
tive information committee said
today the proposed biennial budg
et for higher education is inade
quate to "support quality educa
tion in Oregon."
Clifford L. Cook, chairman, said
the committee issued a three page
report to the students and faculty
which claimed the higher educa
tion budget was short by $32.5
million. The committee said that
suggested tuition increases might
endanger students' financial posi
tion, and could deny admission
for students of low income fami
A report is being prepared
which will be presented to each
legislator in January, Cook said.
SALEM (LTD A modest
growth in Oregon's economy dur
ing 1963, and a more rapid pickup
in 1964, were forecast today by
Oregon Tax Commission Chair
man Charles H. Mack.
Mack made the forecast as the
three-day legislative fiscal orienta
tion conference got under way
Members of the 1963 Legislature
gathered here for a comprehen
sive briefing of proposed revenue
and expenditure programs for the
1963-65 biennium.
Sen. Alfred H. Corbett, D-Port-
land, opened the meeting. He is
chairman of the Legislative Fiscal
Mack said "in looking at the
prospects for Oregon in 1963 we
are forced to conclude that there
is no evidence in sight of any
unusual gain."
He predicted an economic
growth of from one to two per
cent next year, and about five
per cent during 1964.
He said if the growth next year
is larger than expected, a smaller
upswing would take place in 1964,
For the period beyond 1904,
Mack predicted Oregon's economy
"will at least be able to keep up
with tile national pattern.
He said "our gain in 1953 will
come from economic activities
other than lumber and wood prod
ucts and agriculture.
"We expect gains to be recorded
in wages paid by most other kinds
of manufacturers, service enter
prises, trade businesses ana gov
"Many non-wage types of per
sonal income will also increase,"
he said.
In reviewing business during
this year. Mack pointed out "con
sumer spending has not come up
to expectations.
He said there were reports that
Oregon's personal income in
creased 8.2 per cent through Sep
tember of this year. He explained
this is a larger gain tnan in Can
fornia or Washington, and was
well above the national average
of 6.3 per cent.
"" "This year, by the usual indica
tors, is a better year than 1961,
but is not as good as the council
of economic advisers anticipated
last January, he said.
2 men mmfiliwei
after sct
away from odr
Rusk reports
on N. Atlantic
Council meet
No decision
made on appeal
ST. HELENS (UPD Columbia
County Sheriff Spencer Younce
said today that "no decision" has
been made on whether an appeal
will be made of a ruling which
will cost him his job.
Circuit Judges -J. S. Bohannan
and Glen Hiebcr ruled here Fri
day that Republican Roy S. Wil
burn defeated Younce, a Demo
crat, for the sheriff's office in tlie
general election last month.
"I have not discussed the ruling
as yet with my attorneys,"
Younce said. "We plan to get to
gether either this week or next
The judges declared that a re
count of votes in the sheriff's race
was void. They agreed with charg
es by Wilburn that the ballots
were tampered with between the
count after the Nov. 6 election
and the recount Nov. 26.
Car 'borrowed'
comes back with
extra gasoline
A 1962 model compact car was
"borrowed" late Saturday night
from a Central Oregon College
student. Dick Longercar.
The car was taken from the
garage at the 42 Greeley resi
dence where he is staying. When
the vehicle was returned, the tank
contained more gas than when
it was taken.
Longqrear did not hear the ve
hide return. He said no property
was missing.
Small mud footprints on the
floorboard indicated the car was
taken by comparatively young
dent Kennedy and members of
the Executive Committee of the
National Security Council today
heard a report from Secretary of
State Dean Rusk on his recent
meeting with the North Atlantic
Council in Paris.
Rusk returned Sunday and made
his first . report at the White
House today as Kennedy prepared
to leave Tuesday lor nign-ievei
talks in the Bahamas with British
Prime Minister Harold Macmil-lan.
Macmillan, who left London to
day for Nassau, will greet the
President on arrival. The two
leaders will go to their separate
quarters on Lyford Cay. They will
not begin their tormai taucs unui
Wednesday morning.
The President will appear on
nation-wide television twice today.
Shortly after 2 p.m. PST he ap
pears at the lighting ot the na
tional Christmas tree ana again
at 3:30 p.m. PST over the three
major television networks in a
one-hour review of his first two
years in office.
The review was taped Sunday
in the President's office where he
was interviewed by White House
correspondents for the National
Broadcasting Company, the Amer
ican Broadcasting Co. and the
Columbia Broadcasting System.
ABC and CBS will carry the show
at 3:30 p.m. and NBC will tele
vise (he program at 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday Kennedy will fly to
Nassau in the Bahamas for two
days of conferences with British
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan
on Anglo-American relations.
Among the subjects to be taken
up at the Kcnnedy-Macmillan con
ference is British resentment at
U.S. plans to scrap the SkyDoii
missile on which Britain has de
pended for Its primary nuclear de
Kennedy plans to fly directly
from Nassau to Palm Beach
Thursday to join his wife and two
children for the holidays.
Great Britain,
Europe battered
by elements
LONDON (UPI) - Winter
floods, snows and winds up to 117
miles on hour caused heavy dam-
ago and loss of life to parts of
Britain and the European conti
nent Sunday.
Weather forecasters predicted
more of the same today for the
southeast coast of England.
The hurricane-force winds which
whipped across Great Britain
Sunday, caused at least $2.8 mil
lion damage.
At least 43 persons were be
lieved killed.
Twenty-three crow members of
the German freighter Nautilus
were dead or missing after the
ship sank off the Dutch coast
early Sunday.
Another 10 persons died in Brit
ain in car acidents or when
chimneys and roofs collapsed. Ten
more were killed in Bavaria,
where snow and ice turned roads
into paths of death.
Weather forecasters preaicieu
moderating winds today, except
on the south-east coast of Eng
land, where more gales were ex
pected to whip the English Chan
nel to flood tide. .
The winds riDoed up trees,
smashed road signs to the
grounds, twisted television aerials
and toppled cnimneys ana wuus.
record again
is tarnished
N.Y. newspaper
talks to resume
York Publishers Association and
the striking printers union meet
Tuesday in their first direct con
frontation in almost a week in
the 10-day old newspaper strike.
Federal mediators, however,
held little hope for a quick set
tlement of the stalemate which
has closed nine metropolitan area
Bertram S. Powers, president ot
Local 67 of the International Ty
pographical Union, issued a cau
tious statement Sunday In which
he insisted that his union was
"flexible and willing to negotiate
with an open mind."
But Powers dimmed hopes for
progress in tho bogged-down ne
gotiations until the publishers do
"So far," he said, "they have
indicated theirs is a fixed posi
tion. "They want to see how long
we can hold out. Well, they arc
not going to put out a paper until
they start to negotiate."
Warm Springs
man included
among victims
By United Prtsi International
Four persons lost their lives in
Oregon traffic accidents during
Burnell Ernest Ober, 34, Port
land, died shortly before midnight
whon his pickup truck overturned
east of the Portland city limits.
He was pronounced dead on ar
rival at Gresham General Hospi
tal. Kenneth Qucahpama, 23, of
Warm Springs, was killed Sunday
when he was hit by a car on U.S.
Highway 26 two miles southeast
of Warm Springs. He was struck
by a car driven by Wynema
Squimpen, 20, Warm Srpings.
A 17-year-old girl was killed In
a one -car accident on the Colum
bia River Scenic Highway 1V4
miles east of Bridal Veil Satur
day. She was Donna Lee Oney,
a senior at Marshall High School.
The driver of the vehicle, Law
rence Cordano, 18, Portland, was
arrested by Multnomah County
sheriff's deputies and charged
with negligent homicide. His car
skidded off the road and over a
12-foot embankment.
Demil Hoover, 52, Taft, was fa
tally Injured Friday night when
his pickup truck collided with a
car on U.S. Highway 30 near
Rooster Rock State Park.
In addition, Louis Parker, 48,
Hood River, died in a Washington
hospital Sunday of injuries suffer
ed Oct. 9 when the car in which
he was riding failed to negotiate
a curve and rolled over IS miles
north of Orondo, Wash.
By Unlttd Press International
Dow Jones final stock averages:
30 industrials 645.49, off 2.60; 20
railroads 137.47, off 0.17; 15 utili
ties 128.12, up 0.56, and 65 stocks
226.45, off 0.34.
Sales today were about 3.59 mil
lion shares compared with 3.28
million shares Friday.
Donovan seeks final POW agreement
myth of "invincible Alcatraz," tar
nished six months ago when three
inmates disappeared from the is
land prison in San Francisco Bay,
was shattered a second time
Sunday night when two convicts
escaped from "The Rock." ,
Both men were captured in a
matter of hours.
John Paul Scott, 35, a Ken
tucky bank robber, floated and
swam three miles through the
churning, rain-swept bay and land
ed on a rock under the Golden
Gate Bridge. -
Scott and another bank robber.
D. Lee Parker of Canton, Ohio,
escaped from "The Rock" around
5:47 p.m. PST, when their ab
sence was discovered.
Found at Fort Point
Parker was captured 28 min
utes later as he shivered on a
rock outcropping known as "LIU
tie Alcatraz, only 100 yards oft
the main island. .
But Scott, using a makeshift
set of water wings including an
inflated shirt and several pair ot
surgical gloves, made it to Fort
Point, a Civil War fortress direct
ly under the bridge on the San
Franciaoo aide.
He was seen there by two un
identified teen-age boys who called
the military police at the Presidio
of San Francisco. A team of
MP's and firemen captured tha
shivering, speechless convict at
about 7:30 p.m. A spokesman at
Letterman Army Hospital, where)
he was treated for exposure, said
he had been in the water at least
an hour and a half.
It was the first instance of a
convict actually negotiating tha
cold, fast-moving bay and reach
ing shore in the 28 years Alca
traz has been a federal civilian
'Wish I Had Made If
On June 11, three bank robbers
from tho South Frank Morris,
John Anglin and his brother
Clarence disappeared off tha
northeast edge of Alcatraz and
have not been seen of heard trora
since The FBI and federal prison
authorities presume they drowned,
but their bodies have not been
Late Sunday night Scott waa
transferred from the hospital to
a Coast Guard launch which re
turned him to Alcatraz, about six
hours after he left it
"I wish I could have made ft,"
Scott yelled to reporters as ha
was loaded onto the launch.
Federal authorities declined to
speculate on how Scott and Park
er got out of their cells. The only
clue came from a doctor who
treated Scott. He said the convict
disclosed he had used cleanser to
smooth the bars, but would not
say whether he sawed through
them and if so, what Implement
he used.
A prison spokesman said there
was "some indication" the two
men escaped from the basement
of their eating unit through a
Parker Is serving a 50-year
term for bank robbery, attempted
escape and kidnaping. Scott was
sentenced to 30 years for bank
robbery and possession of unreg
istered firearms.
Alcatraz has been ordered
"phased out" by the Justice De
partment, with the closing date
scheduled for some time in the
next three years. The order came
after the June escape, when the
three convicts burrowed out of
their cells with sharpened kitchen
By United Prtn International
James B. Donovan, chief nego
tiator for the release of the 1,113
prisoners captured during the Bay
car that struck a deer, one mile of Pigs invasion, left New York
west of Bend. Copren applied his I suddenly Sunday night for Cuba
brakes when, on rounding a . to try to complete tinai arrange-
i curve, he sighted the deer. He
lost control of the car. which
skidded before rolling over.
A possonser. John Brans. San
Francisco, also escaped senous
j injury.
ments for the captive s release
before Christmas.
Donovan was accompanied by
Alvaro Sanchez Jr., national chair
man of the Cuban Families Com
I mittee for the Liberation of Pris
oners of War. and Mrs. Berta Bar
reto, committee co-ordinator in
The three were reported in Mi
ami waiting final word of an ap
pointment with Cuban Premier
Fidel Castro.
A committee spokesman said
Donovan received a phone call
instructing him to leave for Cuba
Sunday night.
"We are very hopeful this whole
situation can be cleared up in
the next few days." a committee
spokesman said. "We're back in
a cliff hanging situation."
In Washington, a State Depart
ment oflicial said Donovan's pass
port has been validated for a trip
to Cuba
Donovan, a key figure in the
efforts to raise 62 million worth
of medicine, food and other sup
plies which Castro has demanded
as "fines" for the prisoners, said
Sunday in New York he could not
comment on the status of the ne
gotiations "for the time being."
A spokesman for the American
Red Cross said the Farrell Lines
freighter African Pilot was
standing by in Baltimore harbor
to carry supplies to Cuba for the
barter "when and if needed."
A Farrell Lines spokesman in
dicated the ship would sail today
but declined to give its destina
tion. A call went out for a sail
ing crew to report.
The Baltimore Sun said the
ship tentatively was scheduled to
sail for Miami today to pick up
$13 million worth of medicines
and food and then sail to Havana.
It said the prisoners would be
flown back.
In Havana, a usually reliable
informant said the deal was near
completion, with only details re
maining, such as which prisoners
will be released first and how the
exchange will be coordinated.
Tools stolen
at junior high
A prowler or prowlers broke in
to the bus garage at the junior
high school over the weekend
and made off with a considerable
assortment of mechanic's tools.
Bus driver Lewis Mitchell re
ported the theft this morning.
City police were still investi
gating a, press time.