The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, August 29, 1962, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 The Bend Bulletin, Wed., August 29, 1962
Agency strives to inform
public on mental illness
By :i LtBlame
Bulletin Staff Wrlttr
Almost three out of every thou
sand Oregonians are being hos
pitalized in a mental institution
at this very moment
And one person in every ten
will be hospitalize! with mental
illness sometime during his life
time, according to statistics com
piled by the Mental Health As
sociation of Oregon.
The ratio Is shocking, especial
ly in view of the fact that mental
sickness can be prevented.
The Mental Health Association
of Oregon, one of the 25 separate
Deschutes United Fund members,
is the only voluntary agency in
the state devoted exclusively to
promoting mental health and aid
ing the mentally ill.
To carry out its aims, it strives
to educate the public to the reJ
facts concerning mental illness
Visitor reports
theft of $200
Mrs. Emil Gramm, a visitor to
Bend, told police Tuesday that
$200 currency was in a billfold
stolen from the front seat of her
car which was parked in front of
the Pine Tree Motel.
Police said a boy later found
the billfold, emptied of its con
tents, near the Scott Street For
est Service building.
Hotel evicts
'Nazi' Rockwell
BOSTON (UPD American Nazi
leader George Lincoln Rockwell
returned to the United States In
a rainstorm today after his evic
tion from a hotel in Montreal as
"an undesirable person."
Four Massachusetts state troop
ers were on hand when Rockwell
alighted from a Northeast Airlines
plane at Logan Airport. One of
the troopers escorted him from the
plane through customs.
Rockwell said he was taking the
next plane to Washington.
Rockwell went to Montreal
Tuesday to boost his party's for
tunes in that country.
Another brush fire broke out
Tuesday at the 900 block between
Saginaw and Trenton. Fire crews
extinguished the blaze and no
damage was reported.
Delicious PICKLES
BOTTLES! (No deposit; no return)
Get lllitz-Woinhnrd beer in the new space-saver
bottles. Try a six-jiak and you'll agree it's
the handiest way to enjoy the Time-Perfected
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Ulitz-Weinhard's Time-Perfected flavor.
And remember, no other brewery in the West can
match lilitz-Weinhard's years of skill and expe
rience at blending nature's finest ingredients into
a perfect beer. Get I?litz-Veinhard beer today I
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l"2 BUU-V'Mr.nJ Company, Portland, G'toa
and to work toward needed legis
lation. It also attempts to rehabil
itate patients by interpreting their
needs to management.
The Association has initiated a
program known as "half - way
house," which they define as a
transition point for discharged pa
tients in aiding in their re-orientation
into the community.
As another step towards pre
venting the illness, the Associa
tion has for the past four years
helped to sponsor a special con
ference which offers counseling
instruction to ministers dealing
with mentally disturbed parishion
ers. Statistics Released
In an effort to enlist Uie aid of
more individuals in its programs,
the Mental Health Association has
recently released numerous sta
tistics which point towards the
need for better patient care fa
cilities and more qualified medi
cally trained workers. .
According to their figures, in
Oregon's mental hospitals there
are only slightly more than three
professional patient-care person
nel per 100 patients. This number
includes physicians, registered
nurses, social workers, psycholo
gists and therapists.
Another startling fact is that
there is just one public mental
health physician per 100 resident
patients, meaning that few of our
mentally ill receive active treat
ment And in Oregon the average
daily expenditure per mental hos
pital patient is just $4.61, includ
ing physicians, salaries and nurs
ing care. The Association hopes
that these expenditures will be
doubled within the next five years
and tripled In the next ten.
Community Clinic Program
Confident that mental illness
can be prevented, the Association
has long stressed the need of a
community clinic program for
mentally disturbed Individuals.
Those clinics, which are to be set
up throughout the state in the
near future, will make it possible
to help patients receive their
treatment at home among friends
and family.
Mental Health Association ad
ministrators are urging all local
residents to help them in their
programs by contributing to the
1952 Deschutes United Fund
Drive. This year the organization
is to receive $468 of the $34,700
total UF goal.
Heading the local chapter of the
Association in Bend this year is
I Dr. J. E. Hyatt, 424 Columbia.
O "7
Robert Hewitt leaves Thurs
day after spending an 1 1-day
leave at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd
Hewitt. He has completed 8
weeks of basic training at
Fort Ord, Calif. He will be
flown to Fort Sill, Okla.,
where he will be enrolled in
a school for track vehicle
Ribbons given
for needlework
Special to The Bulletin
was a large exhibit at the Crook
County Fair last weekend and
many blue ribbons were placed
against white linens and embroid
eries. In table linens, the coveted
blues were won by Mrs. Sandra
Pedley, Evelyn Jones, Mrs. Joe
Mohan, Eva Welch, Mrs. Grover
Kooton, Delia Brant, Mrs. Floyd
Dodson, Mrs. R. V. Weiscr and
Edytli Taylor. In pillowcases, win
ners were Delia Brandt, Eleanor
Blue ribbons in the towel divi
sion went to Evelyn Jones, Elea
nor Kincaid, and in bedspreads to
Mrs. E. J. Howell, Delia Brant,
Mrs. Helen Peterson and Betsy
Quilts, Mrs. Vernon Thomas,
Gladys Burson; nigs, Mrs. Floyd
Dodson, Mable Bird and Naomi
Hershey; knitting, Mrs. Helen Pe
terson, Mrs. Winifred Hoffman,
Mrs. Anita Endicott, Mrs. Naomi
Say, Mrs. Robert Powell.
In embroidered pictures and
needle point, firsts wont to Nellie
Brccso, Mable Bird and Lulu Sly.
In sewing, winning dresses wore
entered by Doral Kircher, aprons
by Mrs. Lacey Ward, a suit by
Ramona Romino. In children's
clothes, Mrs. Hoffman, Liz Heinz,
Mrs. Ralph Gilchrist, Airs. Nor
man Jones and Mrs. Robert Dah
len were winners.
Doral Kircher won a first with
a man's shirt Eva Welch won
blues with her textile paintings.
In doilies, first place winners
were Evelyn Jones, Mrs. Lois
Wye, Edith Miller; in hand
weaving the first place wont to
Sam Alderman.
Buy or rent your house through
Bulletin Classifieds.
Sophia Lor en
named fop
world beauty
NEW YORK (UPI) - Sophia
Loren was picked as the most
beautiful woman in the world to
day by the Caricaturists Society
of America. Mrs. Jacqueline Ken
nedy placed fourth, behind Bri
gitte Bardot and Grace Kelly.
The Caricaturists Society is a
group of artists which feel that
a woman with a beautiful face
does not necessarily need a fig
ure to match, although it helps.
Joseph Kaliff, president of the
group, said a woman's beauty
"has to be in her face, rather
than in her legs or arms. . .or
any other part of her figure.
"It's entirely possible for a
woman with a beautiful face to
also have a beautiful figure. But
it's rare that a caricaturist both
ers to notice anything about a
beautiful woman except her
Here is the list of the artist's 10
most beautiful women and why
they were selected:
Sophia Loren "In addition to
everything else, she has what
must be the most beautiful eyes
in the world."
Brigitte Bardot "First, you
see her arresting chin, then you
notice the rest of her face is
equally irresistible."
Grace Kelly "If ever a woman
has more perfect ears, we've yet
to meet her."
Jacqueline Kennedy "Her mag
nificent head of hair must be a
hairdresser's delight. It supplies
frame for a magnificent face.
Audrey Hepburn "Her neck is
so fragile, so lovely."
Julia Meade Hers Is a per
fectly shaped, delicate nose."
Shirley Maclaine Her lips are
the most inviting any artist could
ever recall seeing."
Kim Novak "She has perfect
cheekbone structure."
Princess Margaret "She has a
classically beautiful forehead,
from which the rest of a most
beautiful face flows."
Doris Day "Whoever said
freckles detract from beauty
didn't see Doris. Every woman
should have her freckles and fa
cial beauty."
Amnesia victim
is identifed
PORTLAND (UPI)-A man suf
fering from amnesia who wander
ed into police headquarters here
Tuesday has been identified.
He is Lloyd Raymond Austin,
28, of Ilialeah, Fla.
Austin said his memory slowly
returned late Tuesday. Ho said he
could remember his homo town,
his name and the fact that he is
married and the father of two
small children.
His last clojir memory, he said,
is vacationing with his family
July 1-10. He dimly recalls a train
How he got to Portland remain
ed a mystery to him.
Ho was released from the police
emergency hospital and said he
planned to contact his wife.
Mrs. Kennedy
scores triumph 0
at village rites
RAVELLO, Italy (UPD Mfs.
Jacqueline Kennedy, frevh from a
personal triumph in which Rave'lo
made her an honorary citizen, left
nearby Amalfi by boat today for
a brief visit to the fabled Isle of
With her were her sister, Prin
cess Lee Radziwill, French photog
rapher Gilbert Graziani and his
wife, and Italian fashion designer
Princess Irene Galitzine. Caroline
Kennedy, 4, stayed behind.
The group was expected to stay
at Princess Gaiitzine's Capri villa
and to return to Ravello by this
Tuesday night, firecrackers re
placed a 21-gun salute and the
village band played "The Marine
Hymn" instead of "The Star
Spangled Banner" as Ravello got
its point across in a special fiesta
that it thought Mrs. Kennedy was
Mrs. Kennedy, nearing the end
of her vacation in this Mediter
ranean resort, accepted a two-foot
scrool making her an honorary
citizen and told a cheering crowd
in perfect Italian she felt "almost
an obligation" to return.
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Soviet proposal
GENEVA (UPI) The Soviet
Union said today it is willing to
accept Jan. 1 as a cut-off date
for all nuclear tests pending
agreement on a foolproof nuclear
test ban treaty. Western sources
said the plan was unacceptable.
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Vassili Kuznetsov apparently
made a slip of the tongue when
he first told the 17-nation Disar
mament Conference that Russia
would accept Nov. 1 as a cut-off
He told newsmen after the 76th
nlontv CAecinn that ha harl
used the word November. He said
he had been referring to an ear
lier Mexican proposal that Jan.
1 be set as a cut-off date.
But Russian speaking members
of Western delegations said they
distinctly heard the words "around
November first," and the official
United Nations translators also
interpreted Kuznetsov's words that
While admitting that Kuznetsov
The American first lady dreosed
Caroline in a colorful native 1
antclla costume for the farewell !
party. Mrs. Kennedy, who arrived
here Aug. 8, is expected to return
to Washington Friday.
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Safety mi-WiHUr It CinrTrtut 91 Rgntln Kitton-wttii
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119,220 Prizes -6
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You're automatically ere
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tered ear.
is unacceptable
tongue may have slipped, West
ern sources noted that the current
series of Soviet nuclear tests end
around Nov. 1. But they added
that the whole question of a cut
off remains academic since the
West will not accept one without
iron-clad controls against cheating.
SALEM (UPD-State Highway
Engineer Forrest Cooper said to
day that preliminary studies are
underway to Iind out u a route
(r Interstate Highway 205 cross-
ine the Columbia River east of
the Portland International Airport
is feasible.
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f2 sli
ghtly hurt
in accident
Oregon Slate Police on Tuesday
investigated an accident about a
half mile east of Redmond, on
the Northwest Redmond Market
Road, in which two persons were
slightly injured.
Taken to the Redmond District
Hospital, treated, then released,
were Barbara June Yoast, 23,
Redmond, and Mary Lou Booth,
18, also of Redmond.
The second vehicle was oper
ated by James E. Penhollow, 16,
Redmond. The vehicles met on a
curve. Both suffered considerable
over Labor Day j
with M
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