OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE 'nTJ, BOV.' A CATCHER TOO Ton, HE AIN'T OUR CATCHEH--J . ' ' """" N""-!!Hi tcf?? ij Jf HJJZ ft 5Sr ZVoJilZI Yi flESSOMAWETHUIK) ( ARELY KNOW HIM -"-AND THEM, JZ?, XSCV 1lTiw. V HE'SAIMli' UK"6 A 0LOOMIMS CHUMP,! T6LL ) .7, 1,. VlTT ., S, ATU5 r-j HI4MCAMSETTH6SPE6DIMS "S3ftM F)ym J.7?,T:'M I t AS T AM A GOOD FRlEMD OF Jl' ( tpee j cif TitifJ r 'Ti rrnTTvivV' 1 I iTik TTTLXr what possessbdt-V s nr -S5 2w. 2- V'A ttril I- v y Somethings ""gSS. -he woggywAgr ftyrtr" 1 V lWL.r-. BOTHEgiKS HIM. STEVE CANYON 1 1 1 1 1 LEjJI'jjlJ sAA'asa t 1) r BUT JUST A VOOR STATE-V SOAKS "1 FdoN Y TET TO KIP USEVEN WTTH BIT IT IS THE FEAR OP AMCEHTAIW POLKS STATIONS WNATONAL- THESE COLONEL! AN ENBM MAXIMOA 41 THIS ONE COUNTEK-BLOW . VOL) TELL THAT NO ONE HERE GUAep ABMOB164 AKB STKA- AU44ILS AAU4T HAVE THIS TOWtf WAENINe, AN MM EACH SITE , PIUS THE i I 'EWMISS COLONELt WISHES TO TE3ICALLy PLACEP ABOUT BASES, ZEKOEP IM ALgEAPy ENTIRE BATTEgy I STZATEaiC Alg gWMANP, KUNBj J WONT PIE-FOB ANY THE MAP.. .TO PROTECT . dSPEKSEU' Ik- , COULD f IKE NO I THAT KEEPS CERTAIN IKlrv Jknow beason; . ths eeeATEST numbek -A l . moke than fingers oitof one pie; II 1-1 ItlnTT WHAT, , S few Of PEOPLE... vteaBlr 1 Nl V ONE COMTEK- IF WE EVEK HAVE TO USE eJt TICK TRACY !ND DRIVES DIRECTLV TOTrlE LOSES HIS TRUCK AMONGST THE OTHERS FttRKED THERE, I I BRUSH DOESN'T, I Ije NOTES THE LAUNDRVS rrrs FAikvJ it will r i LniJ "tcS- LTL ABNER OSOe.'- -piAcc rr N --BUTJAH DIDSTTSTEALMOTHIN'.'rS -SOTWEV 6AVE. X YO'HAS MOTONW N TMEV'SMADEA i ( TUIEV TUItJlik I AH EXPLAINED TOTH'WEIGHBORS, ME TH' STUFF, M 1 INHERITED VORE LI'U CROOK, y3-s Tj.tZ, uhTL, VTH'SCRAGGSVWULD SHOOT VP,' r- AH PROMISEDTO k DA1D PAPPVS outa vo'- r7f?'rS f f EFAH DIDM'T BRJNG t PAV em BACK, f LATE honest ) " r- rJJr'P J I SUMPTHIN' HOME J I WHEN AH GOT A BUT ALSO HIS l REX MORGAN. M.D. lU.A6R.eE TO HER OOINOTOAREST HOME.. .BUT NOT A PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL, LARKY , tiOTT7?- wyES, WNE...NfT I I I THE t)UN6 WlfE f EANWHTU. f"'"'"' " r; .MICT JUST AS OTLLVj IS MENTALLY , lr-f WD YOU MAKE THAT); " ' - VjWT HAVE. MADE IT'j MOTHER REFUSES TO LET fj DONT YOU UNDERSTANOfN. . . I 'TI Z.' I I mini. J , - j , . . CAPTAIN EASY nMif norvsri sne'p know we CftH'T raise I sHro balk r thati ever 7 mow knows VrHAT KIWCA POU6H.,0NLES5 YOU SI6 WITH SINCB YOU GOT THIS- SCIENCE WftT SCIENCE A6 60,1 f0R 1HAr 20'00 ITCH, SHE'S SNOOTEP W SCOlir MEANS TO ME I ?f WBiTAil H IKTWIfl WH0'5 BEeN AFTER V0U 6IWCB 1 WE wow'r TELL IT'S LUCK NOW I PlA-lFP FOU EXERCISE AT TECH! PITCHES ATWOWTTER FCICA. AND GOT THREE MV5ELF-J, A NOTE RONNIE LEFT VOL), WRKtP PRIVATE" fafa- 1 twj T HH. Int. TM. Ufc fn. '' fljM MARY WORTH 3 CAM I HHP VDU FINClS"1 NOT UNltW WU KWOW J( what yam ioohna 1 WHrRi to kvau a living l. iVWR.MM RAEBURN ? A i'ATUE WITH A N(P TAN, ) '.-tNi'. 13 H'RL'i THE CUINT'I MktTCH FOR A 50FT DRINK COAWtRCIAL lL.i AiCtNtJi v1 I HAVE NO PfRtOCHtR Flit WHO IS THAT "BEAUTIFULLY MdxLEP . UtH YdlUb DONT 6R0W ON TREL5! mm J 11 iWiTT . pN W"0 k.S0ws? iTIFUlLY)-VAV ,MtV, ' 14 MEN W IN T"' I ' CAll V". IF ANY . ATE MEN SHOW T jA UP TODAY! SI till" wrr.-. ALLEY OOP EUNICE r LAOV. tV NOLI AlWAN'S NS. I'PUALIV CACCV CHKESB. (SHE6A HAICO AkLXINLT rOk WOCKINKi LAOV. see? she s piaHT ON THE iOB,Llk6 CHASlNo THATS TCCHT.' CATS iVHATES'E'W AS CKJLV A ,0U6E CCVLD ) V &- V I vr- ttt o Iwimi.lHimn. Successful fire school is held PRLVEVILLE A fire school for firemen of Central Oregon fire departments, which climaxed Sun day with the burning of an early day house at the edge of Prine ville, was termed a "great suc cess" by Ted Adamson, Prinevil le fire chief. Fire departments from Madras, Redmond and Bend joined with Prineville's volunteer fire fighters in studying new methods of fight ing fire. One new technique, that of using a water-wall alongside a burning building to prevent spread of fire, was studied with great in terest, Adamson said. Working in teams, firemen un der the direction of trained in structors spent Sunday putting out fires set in various parts of the old house, known locally as the EJllyde home. In mid-afternoon, when the interior of the building had been burned out, the shell was burned to the ground under careful supervision. The building had been con structed, it was estimated, in the lPJW's. Some time ago, the house had been condemned as unfit for habitation. In May, 1961, foreclo sure proceedings were begun by county officials due to some $340 owned in back taxes. Foreclosure was effected early this month. The house, located at the point where the early-day wagon and stagecoach road entered Prinevil le from the north, was at one time the home of Dr. E. 0. Hyde, early-day physician. The Bend Bulletin, Tuesday, May 22, 1962 I mm m m I koin j 2 KPTV 8 KGW TUEMMV 6:00 Newicene Love That Bob News Beat 6: 15 Walter Cronkite. Newi Huntley-lirlnkley Mewi 6:30 Kingdom ol the Sea Newi Central Yogi Bear Show 6:45 ' ABC News " 7:00 King of Dl&mondj World ol Cianu Wyatt Earn 7:15 " " , ", 7:30 Manhal Dillon Bms Bunny Laramie f:45 " " 8:00 Password Bachelor ITather " 8:15 " " " 8:30 Doble CUllt The New Breed Alfred Hitchcock 8:45 " j i Ked Skellon " Dick PoweU Show 9:15 9:30 Ichabod and Me Yours lor a Soni 9:45 " " 10:00 Gary Moore Show Alcoa Premiere 196:' Emmy Awards 10:15 10:30 " Close-Up " 10:45 " " 11:00 Nlshtscene ABC News Final 11:15 " KPTV News Final " 11:30 Border Patrol Movie 12 Night Beat 11:45 " 1 Tonight Show CENTRAL OREGON ftQrC 935 e. MONUMENTS ( nr )God Cm, choc from EV "'4' our complete display of polished Rock of Ages granites ' WEUXKSDAY Player & Hymn gl((0 Cont. MalhemaUcs t.vi . . American Government General Psyrhology 7:00 College ol The Air " TodSv 7!m Cartoon Time fnt Pr"'"" " 7:45 8 00 Caolaln Kangaroo Charlie's Itoundhouse Cartooner'i Club o.uu w.ajn miuhuou ., & rrttndj gin Romper Hoora Telescope 8:45 " " 9:M Calendar Jlu:l!, show " 9' 15 " " 9- 30 X Love Lucy Morning Movie play Your Hunch 9:45 " " 10:00 Video Vlllaga " Price U Right 10:15 10:30 Oear Horizon Concentration 10:45 " 11:00 Love ol Life KtIlle t'c,I"d shl,w Your First Impression 11:15 " " " U:30 Search lor Tomorrow Yours For a Song Truth or Consequence! 11:45 Guiding Light " " 1:00 UL Neighbor Camoullage Jan Murray Show 12:15 " " 12:30 Al the World Tumi Window Shopping Lore lis Young Snow 12:45 " " 1:00 KOIN Kitchen Day In Court Young Dr. Matone 1:30 House Party Burn" Allen Our Klvo Daughteri 1:45 - 2:00 The Millionaire Jn Wyman AWhology Danny Thumas Show !:15 2:30 Verdict Is Yourg Seven Keys Here- Hollywood 2:45 - 8:00 Brighter Day Queen lor a Day The MaUnce 3:15 Secret Storm S:30 Edge ol Night Who do you ITustT 9:45 " 4.00 Cartoon Circus American Ben.lsland , 4:15 Early Show " " 4:30 " Casper Cartoons Heck Harper 4 45 " " I 5110 Three Stooges i si 30 Popeye Cartoons silent Service j 5:45 Newscene " " 1 6 00 " Love That Bob w B-t 6:15 Walter Cronkite. Nea " Huntley nnnkley News 6 30 Whiplash News Central Outdoor Sportsman 6 45 " ABC Nes This log Is nutda up from Information tumlshp,! hy Television Stations and Its m-oiirnrT rnnnm he ensrsnteed he The Rend Hnllelln. Boyeson to head forester group Georgo Boyeson, district rang er on the Ochoco National For est, was named chairman of the Central Oregon chapter of Socie ty of American Foresters, at a banquet meeting Saturday night at the Thunderbird. Ted Yarosh, of the Ochoco National Forest timber staff, is the new vice chairman. Both are Prineville res idents. Some 80 persons were present, members and their wives. A pro gram included skits by the Coni fer Club, women's social group. (Daily) Est 1916 Published Every Afternoon except Sun days and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin Inc. 736-738 Wall St., Bend, Oregon. FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Redmond Li 84261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens, HI 7-7730. In Bend The Bend Bulletin EV 2-1811 Member, Audit Bureau ol Circulations 1-LegaI Notice PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIEDS Adi received belore 4:30 p.m. will appear tn the louowlng day'i paper. The Bend Bulletin wlU not be responsible for more than one incorrect Insertion. Low. low rates lor monthly ads. 2 lines for 1 time only $1.00 2 lines for 4 times only $1.50 4 lines for 1 time only $1.50 2 lines for 8 times only $2.75 4 lines for 4 times only $2.50 4 lines for 8 times only $4.50 6 lines for 1 time only $2.00 6 lines for 4 times only $3.50 6 lines for 8 times only $6.25 SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carritr One Month $1.50 Six Months $9.00 One Year $18.00 By Mail One Month $1.50 Three Months $4.00 Six Months $7.50 Ono Year $14.50 The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1931. The bend Bulletin IOM(lHl" dtoliitasL) 6 00 Hnnk Weaver News 6:10 Paul Harvey News 6:15110 Music Time 6:30 l-H Club Program 6:45 Alex Drier News 6:5i News 7 no K Bcnd Musical Patrol 8:30 Neivs 8:35 Bandstand Music. News 9:0i-Ale.K Drier. Good News 9: 10 This Evening's Favorites 9:-iJ Bill Owen's Sports File 9 L'5 This Evening's Favorites 9:30 Edward P. Morgan 9:45 This Evening's Favorites. News 10:00 Bandstand Music. News WEDNESDAY 6:110 T. N. T. 6.311-News 6:45 Farm Reporter 7:00 Frank Hemingway 7: 1A Morning Melodies News 7:30 Morning Roundup 8:00 Don Allen with the news 8:10 Northwest News 8: 15 Honor Hotl ot Music News 8.30 Memo trom Mary 8:35 Honor Roll of Music tf.OO BulleUn Board 9:30 Sons and Ui Star 9 45 Top Tunes 10 00 Music Tlma 10 SO Local News 10:35 Music Time 11:15 Telio Test 11:30 Music Time. News 12 00 Nounume Melodies 12: 10 Today's L'lassineds 12: 15 Siiorts Heview 12:20 NoonUme Melodies 12:30 Noon News 12 45 Fulmars Houi 1:00 Mnirtc In Music. News 2:00 Five Golden Minutes 2.115 Magic tn Music. News 4 00 Frank Hemingway News 4 05 Magic in Music 4.15 Paul Harvey News 4:25 Nurlhwest News 4 30 Magic In Music 4 45 Speaking ot Si.irts 4:50 srones ot Pacific Pouerland 5:00 Tune Vendors 5 15 Psiade ol Platters 5:25 Local Netta 5:30 Parade ot Platters NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE BY VIRTUE of an Execution in Foreclosure, duly 'ssued out of and under the seal of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Ore gon, in and for the County of Deschutes, to me directed and dated the 11th day of May, 1962, in a certain action therein, wherein Equitable Savings & Loan Association, a corporation, as plaintiff, recovered judgment against Doyle R. Powell and Frances B. Powell, husband and wife, for the sum of $19,248.59 with interest thereon at the rate of 6Vs per cent per annum from the 10th day of November. 1961 until paid, with costs and dis bursements taxed at $32.10, the further sum of $22.50 for title search, and the further sum of $1200.00 attorneys' fees, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's office of said Cot'rt in said County on the 11th day of May. 1962. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to the terms of the said Execution, I will, on the 15th day of June, 1962, at 2:30 p.m. on the Courthouse steps in Bend, Deschutes Coun ty, Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said Judgment, together with the costs of this sale, the following described real property: The South Eighty (S 80') feet of Lot Four (4) in Block Two (2) of Ellis Subdivi sion. City of Bend, Des chutes County, Oregon said sale to be subject to unpaid real property taxes. DATED this 11th day of May, 1962. F. C. Sholes, Sheriff of Deschutes County, Oregon 136-142-148-153-C INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids will be received by the Clerk of School District No. 1, Deschutes County, Ore gon, at the District Business Of fice, 221 Kansas, Bend, Oregon for 2 USED TRANSIT TYPE SCHOOL BUSES Bids will be received on or be fore 4:00 o'clock P.M. Standard Time, June 11, 1962. Bids will be opened at 7:00 o'clock P.M. Standard Time at the Junior High School Library and will be publicly read aloud. Specifications may be obtain ed from the office of the Super- j intonaent, 54V wau street, Bend, I Oregon. ! Each bid shall be sealed and addressed to the Clerk of the i School District and plainly i marked. ! The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and waive any informali- ties. No bidder may withdraw j his bid after the hour set for opening thereof unless award I ing of the bids is delayed ex ceeding mirty (aui days. Mrs. Irene Cothrell, District Clerk. School District No. 1, Bend, Oregon 142-148-C FREE 10-POINT SAFETY-CHECK Js your car safe for summer driving? Find out free, at Kddie's! Tomorrow and Thursday spetlal Chrvslcr service rep resentatives will be here to safety-cheek your car. regard less of its make or year. Plaii.to get this "vital free inspee- o - ! pjj: - i nun o a. in. to o p.m. at cAiuic s; Wed. and Thurs., May 23-24 EDDIE'S saie?e Wall at Greenwood EV 2-3561 IMPERIAL CHRYSLER DODGE LANCER NOTICE OF FILING APPLICATION FOR A CHANGE IN PLACE OF USE AND POINT OF DIVERSION ON WATER Notice is given hereby that Steven L, Steidl has filed an ap plication for the approval of a change in place of use and point of diversion of water from Des chutes River. Certificate of water right is sued to Steven L. Steidl and re corded tit page 17154, Volume 14. State Record of Water Rieht Certificates, confirms a right to the use of the waters of Deschutes River for the ir rigation of 1.2 acres in the SW'i SEi4, Sec. 20 and 18 0 acres in the NE'4 NE'4. 13.3 acres in the NW'i NE'4, 0.9 aLre in the SWi, NE'4, 4.6 acres in the SE'4 NE'i. Sec. 29. T. 17 S., R. 12 E.. W.M.. with a date of rrionty of October 10, 1903. These lands are irrigated thru the Steidl ditch, the point of di version of said ditch being lo rated S. 35 degrees 30' W. 2400 ft. from the NE corner of Sec. 29. and being within the SW'i NE'i, said Sec. 29, T. 17 S.. R. 12 E W.M. The applicant herein, owner of 23 acres of the land above described, to-wit: 1.2 acres in the Stt'U SE'4. Sec. 2 and 10 acres in the NE'4 NE',, 6.3 acres in the NW'4 NE'4. 0 9 acre in tin SW'( NE'4 and 4 6 acres in the SE's NE'4. Sec. 29, proposes to transfer the wa ter right therefrom without loss of pnoritv to 3.5 acres in the NE', NEL4, Sec. 24, T. 17 S., R. 11 E., W.M. and to 11.5 acres in the RWij SE'4 and 4.5 acres in the SE'4 SE'4. Sec. 18 and 3 5 acres in the NW'4 NW' j, Sec. 19, T. 17 S., R. 12 E., W.M., and to irrigate these lands by means of a pumping plant, the point of diversion of said pump ing plant to be located No. 48 degrees E. 1920 ft. from the SW corner of Sec. 18. and being within the SE'4 SW',. said Sec. 18. T. 17 S., R. 12 E., W.M. All persons interested are not ified hereby that a hearing will be held at the county court house at Bend. Oregoni on Julv 1". 1962. at 9:30 a.m. All ob lections to the proposed change, if any there are. will be heard at said time and place. Any ob-jc-tions shall be pp pared in writing, one copy to be served on Steven L. Steidl, P.O. Box 10(19. Bend. Oregon, and one copy Mod with the State Engi neer, S.ilom, Oregon, together with a $2 filing fee. at least 10 days prior to the dale set for hci.r.ng If no objections are filed, the application mxv be atvnned by lhe State Eng:nrer wth'Mit a hearing. Dated at Salem. Orego... this 8th day of May, I9fi2. MAX F. ROGERS, Acting State Engineer O 136-14a-148-15VtJ i