The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 17, 1962, Page 12, Image 12

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12 The Bend Bulletin, Thursday, May 17, 1962
Recipe files raided
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AAUW's good cooks preparing
treats for bake sale at mart
STRICTLY FROM SCRATCH Prepared mixef ere outlawed, for the AAUW bate sale to be
held In connection with antiques sale and mart. Mrs. R. B. Zimmerman, last year's general
chairman, and her successor, Mrs. Gary Cruilihank, get the point across with wild fling.
Cheese blintzes fine dessert
to refrigerate until needed
Cheese Blintzes arc an elegant
dessert sort of a variation on
Crepes Suzcttc. A fine ending to a
meal of chicken curry on fluffy
rice, assorted condiments, green
beans, mixed green salad with
Russian dressing and a choice of
k cup sifted flour
Vi teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons sugar
2 eggs
1H cups milk
2 tablespoons melted butter
Sift flour once, measure, add
salt and sugar and sift again. Deal
eggs, add milk and butler and
blend. Add sifted dry ingredients
and beat until smooth. Refriger
ate at least Vi hour.
To cook, melt butler in a heavy
( or 7 inch skillet, add about 2
tablespoons bnttcr. Tilt pan to
spread. Cook over moderate heat
until the top is set and bottom
lightly browned. Turn to brown
second side. Lift out onto unglaz
ed paper.
Continue until all crepes are
made. Refrigerate until ready to
use. Makes 16 crepes.
3 cups dry cottage cheese (2 12
ouncc cartons)
2 egg yolks, beaten
1 tablespoon melted butter
Vj teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar
Vi teaspoon cinnamon
Kruit preserves
Sour cream, sweetened, if de
sired Combine collage cheese, egg
yolks, butter, salt, sugar and cin
namon and blend well. Place 2 ta
blespoons of this mixture on each
Dairy sour cream may be sea
soned to make a variety o quick
and easy salad dressings. It is low
In calories too 30 calories per
tahicsooit coniwred to 112 cal
ories for an equal amount of
crepe. Turn ends in and roll.
Store in refrigerator until ready
to use. Just before serving, melt
small amount of butter in a
chafing dish or skillet, add blint
zes and heat to serving tempera
ture. Serve hot with preserves and
sour cream.
Chicken dish
2ndday freat
easily made
Stewed chicken with dumplings!
Wonderful! And if you cook a gen
erous amount of chicken, you'll
havo another delicious meal an
other day. Like Creamed Chicken
wilh Vegetables, to servo over
steamed rice. A salod, buttered
rolls and raspberry tarts with Ice
cream complete a feast fit for a
Creamed Chicken with Vegetables
Vi cup butter (1 stick)
1 tablespoon minced onion
V cup flour
2 cups milk
2 chicken Ixniiilon cubes
!i cup diced, cooked carrots
li cup diced, cooked celery
li cup cooked peas
l'i cups diced, cooked chicken
Salt and pepper
Melt butter in saucepan over
low heat, add minced onion and
cook until transparent, do not
brown. Add flour and blend.
Dissolve chicken bouillon cubes
in one cup of hot milk. Combino
with 1 cup cold milk. Add milk
to butter-flour mixture and cook.
stirring constantly until sauce is
smooth nnd thickened.
Add vegetables and chicken and
season to taste. Servo hot over
steamed rice, cooked noodles or
baked polatocs. Makes 4 to 6 servings.
School lunch
menus given
Five casserole main dishes are
on the menu for the school lunch
program in the Bend Public
Schools next week.
Monday: Italian spaghetti, let
tuce wedge, cornbread with but
ter, peaches, milk.
Tuesday: Barbecued hash, cole
slaw, yeast roll with butter, choc
olate cake, milk.
Wednesday: Chicken noodle
casserole, buttered green beans,
peanut butter muffin with butter,
fruit cocktail, milk.
Thursday: Baked beans and
ham, buttered carrots, combina
tion salad, cracked wheat roll
with butter, spice cake, milk.
Friday: Macaroni and cheese,
buttered spinach, celery sticks,
buttered cinnamon roll, apple
sauce, milk.
By 111 $. Grant
Bulletin Staff Writer
Good cooks of the Bend branch,
American Association of Univer
sity Women, will take home-made
pastries out of the ovens tomor
row morning, just In time to put
on the finishing touches and take
them to the bake sale at the Pilot
Butte Inn. The sale is held in con
junction with the annual antiques
mart and sale, in the Gold Room.
Hours for the sale, as well as
the mart, are 12 noon to 9 p.m.
Friday, and 10 a.m. to S p.m.
Saturday. More of the goodies will
be available in individual serv
ings, with tea or coffee, in the
tea shop.
Recipes for some of the special
ties the women will be making
were collected by Mrs. Harvey
Watt, who said that if she had
kept on calling, it could have been
the beginning for a new "I Hate
to Bake" cookbook. Although the
results are very worthwhile, the
recipes were chosen partly for
their ease of preparation, which
makes thorn especially appropri
ate for today's busy homemakers.
Una's Rolls
A favorite meal at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Al Westfall is fre
quently accompanied by home
made rolls. Una, who works part
time besides managing her home,
finds time to make dinner rolls,
cinnamon rolls, or sweet rolls
from this basic recipe which can
be mixed one day, stored in the
refrigerator, shaped and baked as
needed. The dough does not need
to be kneaded, as an additional
time saver.
Basic dough:
Vi cup sugar
1 tablespoon salt
2 tablespoons shortening
Mix with 2 cups boiling water
and set aside to cool.
Soften 2 yeast cakes in Vt cup
lukewarm water. Add to cooled
mixture. Add 2 beaten eggs. Add
8 cups of flour 4 cups at a
Mix well. Brush top with but
ter, store in refrigerator if desir
ed. Form Into rolls, let raise, and
bake at 425 degrees for IS to 20
minutes. Makes 3 to 4 dozen rolls.
Cinnamon rolls may be made
by rolling out a portion of the
dough, adding a sugar and cinna
mon mixture, rolling up, and slic
ing off pieces. Bake in pan with
butter and brown sugar on the
Polly's Cookies
A cookie recipe that was a fa
vorite of Mrs. Don Waddeil's chil
dren now has her grandchildren
reaching for the cookie jar when
they come to visit. It Is simple
to make and has nutritious in
gredients for growing children.
1 cup brown sugar
Vi cup shortening
li teaspoon salt
-3g Br Sake Baker
America has some de
licious foods, but so
many of these foods have
strange, almost unappe
tizing names. Some of
these appellations are
humorous, while others
would make you refrain
from ever sampling their
real and succulent de
lights. One name that
readily comes to mind is
Shoo Fly Tie. This is ac
tually a gingerbread-flavored
pie made with mo
lasses. There is Utah's
Lumpy Dick, which odd
ly enough is a rich dump
ling soup. Another
strange food is New Eng
land's Red Flannel Hash,
a combination of beef,
beets, potatoes, and on
ions well browned in a
frying pan. Still another
eccentric New England
name is Rlueberry
Slump, a type of dessert.
The South has given us
Hoppin' John which is
chicken with hot biscuits
and gravy.
Knjoy an evening ot dining and dancing out tonight at THE
MOSPHERE in which to enjoy a DELICIOUS MEAL
STEAKS are our specially . . Also featuring SEAFOOD and
Highway to serve ynu Phone LI HHLMH, Herimnnd, Oregon.
Prices Effective Thursday, Friday & Saturday
Good Steer
By Popular Demand
Chopped Sirloin MOO
Steaks R u
933 Wall
Ph. EV 2-1301
1 egg
Vi teaspoon vanilla
1 cup flour
Vt teaspoon soda
Vi teaspoon baking powder
1 cup rolled oats
Vi cup corn flakes
cup peanuts with skins
(can be omitted)
Cream shortening with sugar.
Add egg. Add sifted dry ingredi
ents, then cereals and peanuts.
Bake on greased cookie sheet for
10 minutes at 375 degrees.
Virginia's Cake
Mrs. Eugene White inherited a
recipe for a cherry chocolate cake
from her husband's mother. It
now helps Virginia satisfy her
children's requests for "some
thing good for dessert, please."
Vi cup shortening
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 square melted chocolate
1 small bottle maraschino cher
ries with juice, making Vi cup
1 cup sour milk or buttermilk
1 teaspoon soda
iy cups flour
Vi teaspoon salt
Vi cup chopped walnuts
Cream shortening with sugar,
Add egg and chocolate. Add dry
ingredients, sifted together, alter
nately wilh milk and cherries.
Bake at 350 degrees for 35 min
utes in a sheet cake pan about
12"x8". Frost with chocolate frost
Holiday Banana Bread
Mrs. Eugene Bucknam is well-
known in Bend as an excellent
cook. She has been asked many
times to prepare this recipe for
bake sales, or to provide the
recipe so that her friends can pre
pare it at home. It is for a banana
bread that has a special seasonal
touch, but can be enjoyed all year
Hi cups sifted all purpose flour
2Vi teaspoons baking powder
Vi teaspoon salt
Vi cup chopped nuts
13 cup shortening
23 cup sugar
2 slightly beaten eggs
1 cup mashed bananas (3 or 4)
1 cup mixed candied fruits
Vi cup raisins
Sift together flour, baking pow
der, and salt. Add nuts and blend.
Place shortening in mixing
bowl, beat until creamy and glos
sy. Gradually add sugar, beating
after each addition. Add eggs.
Beat until thick and pale lemon
in color.
Add flour mixture and bananas
alternately. Fold in fruits and rai-
Teen-age boy hosts like recipes
to simplify party preparations
Teen-ace boys as well as girls
like to play host to their friends.
They like short-cut convenience
foods. Such favorites as peanut
butter, chocolate, coconut and ba
nanas frequently appear at their
party "feeds."
Milk in quantity vies with soft
drinks when the boys gather. The
three "p's" of teen-age parties
are pretzels, popcorn and pizzas.
They favor frozen pizzas which
require only baking.
Often they top off the menu
with no-cook dessert concoctions,
such as Toasted Coconut Banana
to which U cup flour has : s U and a p, butter-coconut
been added. Turn batter into 5x8x3
loaf pan. Bake at 350 degrees GO
to 70 minutes or until done. Let
cool partly before turning onto
Barbara's Cookies
With school lunch boxes to keep
filled, plus the Cub Scout and Blue
Bird box to fill at the last minute,
Mrs. Harvey Watt finds this cook
ie recipe the handiest one in her
file as the ingredients used are
those that are always on hand in
the cupboards, and no special
shopping trip is required.
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
1 cup margarine
2 eggs
2 teaspoons soda
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
2'.i cups flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
Pinch salt
Cream sugars with margarine.
Add eggs and dry ingredients sift
ed together. Chill for a while. Roll
into balls. Press with fork. Bake
10 minutes at 350 degrees.
Cranberry Oranga Bread
Mrs. Gene Sele has found a var
iation for fruit breads that is es
pecially pretty and suitable to
serve at holiday time. But Donna
will be preparing it for the bake
sale, as it is delicious any time.
2 cups sifted flour
'i cup sugar
Vi teaspoon soda
l'i teaspoons baking powder
1 beaten egg
'i cup orange juice
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup coarsely cut cranberries
Vi cup chopped nuts
1 teaspoon grated orange peel
2 tablespoons melted shortening
Sift together dry ingredients.
Stir in cranberries, nuts and
orange peel. Combine egg, orange
juice and shortening. Add to mix
ture. Stir just until moistened.
Bake in greased loaf pan 914x5
x3" 50 minutes at 350 degrees.
Toasted Coconut Banana Split
2 cups cold milk
1 package toasted coconut in
stant pudding
2 bananas, split and halved
!i cup whipped cream
4 maraschino cherries
Chopped nuts
Pour milk into mixing bowl.
Add pudding and beat with egg
beater until well blended (about 1
minute). Let set for 5 minutes.
Meanwhile place 2 sections of ba
nana in the bottom or on the
sides of each individual serving
dish. Spoon in pudding. Garnish
with whipped cream, cherry and
chopped nuts. (Makes 4 servings.)
Coconut Twist Candy
1 package toasted coconut in
stant pudding
1 pound confectioners' sugar
Vi cup soft margarine
1 egg white
2 to 3 tablespoons milk
Two cups diced processed
cheese, plus 13 cup of milk, melt
ed in a double boiler, makes a
tasty and speedy sauce for vegetables.
'i cup chunky peanut butter
Combine pudding, confection
ers' sugar, margarine, egg whit
and enough milk to bind the mix
ture. Beat until very well blend
ed, about 5 minutes. Divide In
half, pat each half to a 6x4-inch
Spread each half with peanut
butter. Fold each section in
thirds and roll on a board, lightly
sprinkled with confectioners sug
ar to 20 inches. Slice into 1-inch
pieces. (Makes 80 candies.)
Milk is outstanding as a source
of calcium, protein, vitamin A
and riboflavin. In addition there
are many other nutrienti la
smaller amounts.
more meat,
ttorc flavors
Friday & Saturday Specials At The Retail Store
With Cherry Nut Icing
i r
T""'"'" " - : jTT i. y j& ,
Mr f fmr fM m A : ; v
ice ,:)-Pi:
CREAM fflteJil N-i
New way to enjoy oldlime treat! Here's a baitana split in a package
banana-nut ice cream, strawberry and chocolate. This is the flavor com
bination that has delighted generations of children and launched a million
ice cream parlor romances... brought to you in a new delicious form by
Meadow Gold. Hurry to your favorite store for a half gallon right awayl
Available At Your Favorite Grocery
Store In Central Oregon