The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 12, 1962, Page 1, Image 1

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    Univ. of Oregon Library
loyalist army flee into
See story, column 4
Mostly tunny Sunday; highs S
70; lews 30-35.
High yesterday, 5S degrees. Lew
last night, 24 degrees. Stmwt
today, 7:21. Sunrise tomorrow,
59th Year
Eight Pages
Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, Saturday, May 12, 1962
Ten Cents
No. 134
COME TO THE MARD1 SRAS All ready for he Third Annual Mardi Gras May 30 at Bachelor
Butte are, from left, Johnny Gould (sitting). Tommy Guyer and Charlie Gould. Theme of this
year's ski funfest is "Fairy Tales," and is climax of five-day ski season windup.
Malraux honored
Gala Kennedy party
held for Frenchman
sampling of America's theater and
literary greats joined President
and Mrs. Kennedy at the White
House Friday night to honor visit
ing French Minister of Culture
Andre Malraux.
Kennedy quipped that the execu
tive mansion was "becoming a
sort of eating place for artists."
The gathering also included Col.
Charles A. Lindbergh, who on
May 11, 1927, made the first solo
flight across the Atlantic.
The brilliant affair ended today
at 1:20 a.m. setting a record as
the latest formal party held at the
White House since the coming of
the New Frontier.
The President circulated freely
among the artists. He impressed
many of them with his knowledge
of their latest book or play. Mrs.
Kennedy spent considerable time
chatting in fluent French with
The French minister, who is a
distinguished author and scholar
in his own right, said he was in
this country to present "the real
image of France."
Earlier in the day he said his
government would have no objec
tion to loaning Leonardo da Vin
ci's "Mona Lisa" to the National
Art Gallery here.
Friday night's party was simi
lar in tone to the affair given re
cently by the Kennedys for West
ern Hemisphere winners of the
Nobel Prize. While that party fea
tured mostly scientists, the guest
lirt for this one contained the
names of celebrated writers and
members of the performing arts.
Actresses Geraldine Page, Jiilie
Harris and Susan Strasberg ad
mitted frankly that tney
Similar sentiments were echoed
hy playwrights Arthur Miller and
Paddy Chayefsky and author Ir-
Wiley named
to C of C board
Bend Chamber of Commerce di
rectors holding their weekly con
ference Friday at the Banty
Shanty named to the board G. E.
Wilev. Pacific Telephone & Tele-
iraoh Company manager in'
Wilev fills the vacancy created
b the recent resignation of A. L.
liollowell. who Is moving to Port-
land. Wiley will serve for the re -
msinder of the vpar. with the va-
cancy to be filled at the Chamber
election in November.
win Shaw.
Violinist Isaac Stern, who per
formed for the Malraux dinner
with cellist Leonard Rose and
pianist Eugene Istomirt, said "to
play in the White House means
something more than just play
The toasts at the dinner ran the
gamut from polities to art. But
Malraux, who speaks little Eng
lish, felt at a disadvantage. When
he raised his glass to reply to
Kennedy's toast, which apparently
had not been interpreted for him,
he said in French:
"I believe I am the first guest
yov have received here who will
have to reply to your speech with
out knowing what you have said."
Adams picture
to be published
in national ads
Spectacular lava formations of
Central Oregon will be featured
in a picture that will appear in
national publications, including
the Saturday Evening Post and
Life Magazine.
To obtain this picture, a Young
and Rubicam, Inc., team from
California spent several days in
this area earlier In the week, vis
iting formations in the Bend area
and in the volcanic country to the
Photographer for the work in
this area was the noted Ansel
Adams of Carmel. Calif., recog
nized as the dean of scenic photo
graphers on the West Coast.
Others In the party were Rob
ert R. Tompkins, business mana
ger of the art department of
Young and Rubicam, Inc., Los
Angeles, and Dennis Purcell, a
Harvard University senior.
Working with the team locally
were representatives of the Bend
Chamber of Commerce. Providing
"life" for the pictures token In
the area were Mike Metke and
Dave Cavanatieh.
Only one of the various pictures
in Central Prceon will be
used, m color, in the national ad-
vertisements, and it is believed
j the one selected will be of the
;Lava Butte vent, where molten
! rock centuries ago poured from
the southern base of the volcano.
jto spread las a over thousands of,
'acres. I
V - f
Plans made
for annua!
Mardi Gras
Plans for the Bachelor Butte
Mardi Gras May 30 were in the
"swinging stage" today as volun
teer committees continued to pol
ish up details on the ski funfest
only 18 days away.
Hie Mardi Gras will climax five
days of skiing at Bachelor, with
the area operating May 26-30 in a
big windup of a big season.
Theme of this year's Third An
nual Mardi Gras is "Fairy
Tales," with the "Parade of Cos
tumes" the main event on the pro
gram. ,
Coordinator for this event is
Mrs. Les Snyder, with the grand
piize of a free season lift ticket
at Bachelor Butte going to the top
In addition there will be four
separate divisions with $50 mer
chandise certificates going to
first-prize winners in the individ
ual and group tor family) cate
gories, and season passes to the
Tower Theater in Bend going to
winners in the boys 12-and-under
and girls 12-and-under divisions.
Costumes must be in the gen
eral Fairy Tale theme and will
be judged on originality, etc.
All contestants must be prepar
ed to ski with judging on the rope
tow hill 1 p.m. May 30.
All of the entries in any of the
four categories will be eligible for
the grand prize.
Prizes will be awarded immedi
a'elv after the parade, leaving the
rest of the day for a last fling at
skiing until next winte..
Other prizes and committee
members will be published again
Missouri plan
gets approval
SALEM (UPI The so-called
Missouri plan whereby all judges
would be appointed by the gov
ernor instead of elected by the
people was approved here late
Friday by the Oregon Constitu
tional Revision Commission.
The vote was 9-0, a bars ma
The 17 member commission is
rewriting Oregon's 104-year-old
consitution, making It more lean
and austere. It is now considered
a crazy quilt document by con
stitutional law experts, packed
with fatty and archaic material
If the new document the com
mission comes up with gets
through the 13 Legislatun
with a two-thirds vote in eiHt
houM- required it will go on th
14 ballot.
Northern half
of Laos lost
to Commies
Laotian field commander and 2,000
of his troops have fled into Thai
land after abandoning Ban Houei
Sai to advancing Communist forc
es, U.S. military advisers said
The American sources said a
U.S. Army captain and six enlist
ed men assigned as advisers to
the Laotian forces also crossed j
the Mekong River into Thailand
with the retreating government
troops in order not to lose con
tact with them.
The Laotians who fled into Thai
land were the remnants of the
garrison driven more than 100
miles from Nam Tha near the
Communist China border into Ban
Houei Sai in a crushing Red of
fensive that started more than a
week ago. They were commanded
by Brig. Gen. La Pathamavong.
who joined the flight across the
river. All are interned in Thai
land. Reds In Control
The loss of Ban Houei Sai
marked the complete collapse of
the royal army in northwestern
Laos and effectively gave the
Communists full control of at least
half the country.
The American sources said the
U.S. advisers had remained in Ban
Houei Sai until all responsible
Laotian officers had fled into
The Americans apparently had
stayed behind until the last min
ute in an effort to rally the flee
ing government troops, although
this could not be confirmed.
Laotian commanders were re
ported to have told their Ameri
can advisers Uiey were pushed so
hard by the pursuing Communists
that they had no time to stop arid
make an effective defensive stand
in their 100-mile withdrawal from
Nam Tha.
Newt Confirmed
(A Communist New China news
agency broadcast heard in Tokyo
confirmed that Ban Houei Sai had
been occupied by pro-Red forces
after government troops had
abandoned the city.")
The American military advisers
account of the evacuation of Ban
Houei Sai came on the heels of
a royal government declaration in
Vientiane earlier in the day ol a
state of siege throughout the
Home show here
to end tonight
The Bend Lions Club Home
Show, successful even beyond an
ticipations of the sponsoring club
men, was attended last night by
1,624 persons, Maurice F. Shelton,
general chairman of the event,
reported today.
Tne show is being held at the
Oregon National Guard Armory.
Crowds that wiu bring total at
tendance to around 5,000 for the
three-day show were expected this
afternoon and tonight
The clubmen were holding their
first afternoon show this after
noon, with doors opened at 2 p.m.
The show will continue until 11
D.m. It onened on showery Thurs
day evening with an attendance of
There is no admission charge
to the show, first of its kind ever
held here. Displays center around
the home, from the time land is
acquired to build untd the new
home is fully equipped.
Exhibits are displayed in 43
booths, with outside space, just
across the street, used for the dis
play of Bend-made trailer units.
Attendants are on hand to show
visitors through units, most of
them modern residences on
Assisting with the show are vir
tually all members of the Lions
Club, who are also sponsoring a
refi-eshments booth.
Theft, beating
charges faced
here Friday night arrested a 24-year-old
Portland man and
charged him with the robbery and
beating of a woman tavern owner.
The man. Paid R. Kidwell, was
hooked at the city jail on a charge
of assault and robbery
while armed with a dangerous
weapon. Police said he surrender
ed His bail was set at .000.
nil ill III Hi i(p Fsiis upl"
OAS gunman
kills official
in Algeria
ALGIERS, Algeria tUPD Gun
men killed the chief government
information officer at Bone today.
The slaying of Raymond Vignal
occurred while police imposed
daytime curfews and conducted
house-to-house searches here and
at Bone in an effort to smash
terrorism by the Secret Army Or
Bone police said Vignal was shot
to death in Die city center. He
had just stepped from his car
when five bullets struck him
By 3 p.m. terrorists had killed
10 persons and w ounded 12, bring
ing the year's totals to at least
4,517 dead and 8.490 wounded.
Following a new administration
plan to fight the OAS, police and
military units today clamped sur
prise blockades around Algiers
suburban European residential
areas, and the Oran quarters of
Cite Perret and Gambetta.
High speed auto
chase brings
death to boyr 19
By United Press International
A 19-year-old boy was killed and
two other youths were injured in
a high-speed sports car crash at
Delake Friday night.
The victim was William Ray
Knight of Otis.
State policeman Joe Malmson
said he was chasing the car when
the accident occurred. The vehicle
left the road and turned over
several times.
Injured were Burt Brown, 18,
Occantake, who was taken to a
Newport hospital, and Dee
Adams, 17, Glcneden Beach, who
was taken to a Portland hospital.
Both were reported in good con
Malmson said he started the
chase when he spotted the car
"dragging" with another car on
U.S. Highway 101 near Delake.
He said the vehicle was driven
by Brown.
The car was borrowed by
Brown from Fred Thiele, the son
of Portland and Oceanlake res
taurant owner Henry Thiele,
Malmson said. He said he would
file a report with the Lincoln
County district attorney's office.
Mrs. Ethel Lucy Lockhart, 4S,
Myrtle Creek, was killed in a two
car crash on a Douglas County
road one mile south of Myrtle
Creek Friday.
She was driving one of the cars.
Louis H. Kimmel, 58, president of
the Pioneer Iron and Metal Co.,
was found guilty Friday of kick
ing a deputy sheriff in the pants
when he was served with an or
der concerning the wage of an
May 16 June 6
Jaycees of Bend have completed
arrangements for the 1962 obser
vance in Bend of clean up and
paint up days, set for May 16-
June 8.
Homes making the best show
ing in the contest will receive
special recognition, Robert Dun
lap, general chairman of the com
mittee in charge for the Jaycees,
Last year, as an additional ac
tivity in connection with the ob
servance of the week, the young
clubmen painted the Bend Swim
ming Pool.
In the city-wide contest this
year, there will be three mer
chandise prizes. The first prize
will be a redwood folding picnic
table set. Second prize w ill con -
sist of three pieces of lawn furni-
JFK studies
possible U.S.
show of force
dent Kennedy met with his top
military and diplomatic advisers
today to consider U.S. moves, in
cluding a possible show of military
force, to convince the Commu
nists they cannot gobble up Laos.
The serious implications of the
crumbling of Royal Lao defenses
in northern Laos were reviewed
in a meeting of Kennedy, Secre
tary of State Dean Rusk. Defense
Secretary Robert S. McNamara
and others.
McNamara and Rusk both re
turned Friday night from trips to
Others seen entering the White
House for the top-level meeting
were Vice President Lyndon B.
Johnson, Undersecretary of State
George Ball, Assistant Secretary
of State for Far Eastern Altairs
W. Averell Harriman, and Gen.
Maxwell Taylor, tiie President's
military adviser.
Possible Sweep
U.S. efforts to prevent the Com
munist action against the north
ern provincial capital of Nam Tha
from growing into a possible Com
munist sweep appeared to be !ol
lowing three simultaneous lines:
To continue diplomatic pres
sure on Russia to cooperate in re-
storying the cease-fire. The State
Department said Friday the So
viet Union was capable of calling
off the local Communists if it
wanted to.
To press for resumed negoti
ations between the rival, right
wing, neutralist and Communist
princes of Laos to transfer their
dispute from the military to the
political arena and to seek to
form a coalition government.
Consideration of what the
United States might have to do,
in the event that Gen. Phoumi
Nosavan's central government
forces continue to deteriorate, to
prevent this sudden "vacuum"
from being an open invitation to
the Communists to take over the
whole country.
Standing By
In December, I960, during an
earlier flareup of the Laos crisis,
former President Eisenhower had
naval units and battle ready Ma
rines patroling the sea off south
east Asia as a show of force.
President Kennedy took similar
action a year ago before a cease
fire was reached. At those times
dispatch of U.S. troops to coun
tries bordering Laos was also
considered but rejected.
stable Elmer Beale said there's
nothing wrong with a boy and girl
holding hands while driving aa
long as they're to the same car,
Beale ticketed George Kauff
man, 19, for holding hands with
his girlfriend while she was driv
ing alongside his ear on the street.
lure a lounge and two chairs.
Third prize will b two lawn
The prizes are to be displayed
in the Newberry windows on Wall
As a "kickoff for their 1962
paint up, clean up program, the
Jaycees this year are to paint
the house of some deserving fam
ily, with the paint to be provided
by Ken Cale.
Registration for the general
contest can be made by filling out
coupons which will appear m a
tabloid that will appear in The
Bend Bulletin on Wednesday.
All homes entered In tha eon-
test will be Inspected by Jaycee
1 judges after June and awards
will be made.
cials said today that President
Kennedy has sant a task force
of tha 7th Fleet, with battle
group of 1,000 Marines aboard.
Into Southeast Asian waters be
cause of tha crisis In Laos.
Tha task force was said to
havs left Subic Bay in the Phil
ippines Friday en route to tha
South China Sea and tha Gulf of
Siam area near the landbiocked
Laotian kingdom.
Word of the power move came
as Kennedy held a White House
meeting of his top military and
diplomatic adviser to consider
further U.S. moves In tha light
of virtual collapse of the royal
government forces In northern
N. California
projects shut
down by strike
struction halted today on J3.S bit-
lion worth of projects in 46 North
ern California counties.
Northern California building con
tractors, hit by scattered strikes
since several union contracts ex
pired May U Friday ordered the
mass shutdown in retaliation.
The shutdown will Immediately
idle more than 120.000 other con
struction workers and probably
throw other thousands of men out
of work in related industries such
as lumber, steel and petroleum
should the dispute continue.
Contracts with laborers, carpen
ters, cement masons and construc
tion teamsters expired May 1. All
the unions are affiliated with the
AFL-CIO except for the independ
ent teamsters.
Unions applying the "no con
tract, no work" policy already had
shut down about 20 per cent of
the construction projects.
William H. Baldwin, chairman
of the employers negotiating com
mittee, said Friday's move came
only after "long and serious de
Hopes for Settlement
He said It was hoped that the
industry's action "will result in
some reasonable attitudes by un
ion officials which will conclude
these negotiations on an equitable
and realistic basis."
Bruce Dillishaw, chief negotia
tor for the cement masons, im
mediately issued an angry state
ment which said: "This move by
the employers will alter our de
mands. We are going to raise our
demands five cents an hour for
every week they shut down."
The shutdown is expected to
have a tremendous impact on the
It will halt work on public build
ings, schools, state colleges, hos
pitals, bridges, highways, homes
and dams, including the massive
Feather River Project.
Moreover, the shutdown could
spread to Southern California's 4
billion Industry. Contracts there
expired May 1, but a 15-day cool
ing off period extended the dead
line to next Tuesday.
Oregon's booth
af World's Fair
is big success
SALEM (UPn-Oregon'a booth
at the Seattle World's Fair Is a
big success, State Highway Engi
neer Forrest Cooper said Friday,
The exhibit la on the theme of
the state's scenic beauty, and in
cludes water fountains, decora
tions of flora, and other features.
The booth is operated by the
Oregon Highway Department and
is the state's official exhibit.
Cooper said more than 7.000 per
sons have already signed the
guest book in the exhibit area.
In addition to numerous favor
able comments from Seattle visi
tors. Cooper said Sunset and
House Ir Garden magazines have
indicated they'll carry background
on the booth m fortheommg is
sues. Also, Progressive Architec
ture magazine has chosen the
booth as one of two at the fair
to feature in a Jun photo layout.
Couldn't live
on $20,000
annual salary
ant Labor Secretary Jerry R. Hof
icman, who could not live on his
S2O.00O a year salary, resigned
Friday night because he hid ac
cepted Texas financier B 1 1 1 1
Sol Estes' offer to "help roe out."
Holieman said Estes gave him
a "personal gift" of St.OOO last
January when he complained at
lunch that he w as unable to "meet
the demands I think my offiea
places on me with my salary."
He said in a statement that he
took the money to pay for per
fsonaf expenses, including a
number of social evenings" to
his home for "his staff, associates
and so forth."
He said he never did Estes any
official favors in return. A Labor
Department spokesman said an
investigation had so far support
ed Holleman's contention.
Holieman returned repeatedly
.ras slalemenl " Pb
LLVU, CAmia "lUVll 1.
found it impossible to keep up
It was the first time the Estes
case here has reached outside the
Agriculture Department, where
one official has quit, another has
been fired and several more
transferred because of ft.
Indicted For Fraud
Esles, whom Holieman said he
had known for 10 years, is under
indictment in Texas on fraud
charges revolving around the gov
ernment's feed grain storage pro
gram. The Agriculture Department
has also ordered him to pay $554,
162 for violating cotton planting
Labor Secretary Arthur J. Gold
berg said Holleman's involvement
was "regrettable" and that Hol
leman's resignation was the
proper course of action." The
White House had no comment.
Sen. Karl E. Mundt, R-S. D., a
member of the Senate investiga
tions committee looking into the
Estes case, said "our investiga
tion already has crossed the path
of Mr. Holieman a number of
In a letter to President Kenne
dy, released late Friday night.
Holieman said his resignation was
"entirely my own decision.
Claims No Wrongdoing
He said he took the gift before
he knew anything about Estes
"involvements, and he still fed
it was "all right." But he said
"the circumstances which have
developed make it inevitable that
this incident will be misunder
stood and that it will be embar
rassing to me personally.
"I am not going to let any of
this embarrassment affect any
one else, particularly you (Ken
nedy) and Secretary Goldberg.-
Holieman, an electrician and
former president of the Texas
AFL-CIO, was Goldberg's assist
ant for manpower. As such, tha
department said, Estes and other
southwestern farmers c a m e to
Holieman to discuss the govern
ment's bracero migrant Mexi
can workers program.
In general, the department said
the farmer representative were
opposed to the course of action
which was being lollowea ty hoi
leman in connection with the bra
cero program."
It said "there is no evidence
that any change tn position more
favorable to the farmers was tak
en by Holieman as a result of
these meetings."
In fact, it said. Holieman hat
"on two occasions taken admin
istrative action which appears to
be directly contrary to Estes' in
Mercury drops
to 24 in night
Bend experienced a dulling 2
degree May temperature last
night as clouds temporarily clear
ed. Friday's high was 55 degrees.
Forecasts call for considerable
cloudiness tonight, wtth the
chance of some showers.
Mostly sunny weather Is fore
cast for western Oregon Sunday.