SPRING IS HERE! To Sell or Rent it, Advertise Here! PHONE EV 2-1811 - Sell Those Dust Gathering Unneeded Items Quickly And For Cash - PHONE EV 2-1811 The Bend Bulletin, Friday, May 11, 1962 11 39-Livestock Wanted WANTED: Fat catUe and hamburger cows. Highest cash price. Will pick ud. EV 2-0458. 41iLivestock, Horses YEAR OLD stud colt. Palo rrtino, hall thoroughbred. EV 2-5348. HORSES FOR SALE: Mares with colts, yearlings, Palamino tud. 549-2305, Sisters. FOR SALE: Several register ed Quarter horses, yearling colts and a three year oid regis tered Gelding. Good prospects tor that 4-H youngster. Priced reasonable. EV 2-2990 evenings. SADDLES Selection of lightweight commercials, and hand made. Reed's Saddle Shop, 1142 Galveston. EV 2-0646. PERMANENT REGISTERED Palomino Quarterhorse Stud Ser vice by Cokey Joe of Leo and Waggoner breeding. Reasonable rates. EV 2-3164. . SADDLES. Bona Allen saddles $33.00 to $75.00. Other equipment. Horse Shoe Ranch EV 2-3163. FOR SALE: Well trained bay mare, with saddle and bridle. EV 2-5649. 42-Poultry, Rabbits BEND EGG & POULTRY WHOLESALE Eggs, chickens, turkeys. Custom poultry killing. Poultry received Monday through Friday. 740 E. First EV 2-1042 43-Dogs, Pets. Etc. ENGLISH SPRINGER Span iel pups. Can be registered. 2 months old, now, Just right for field this fall. 475-2054. TO GIVE .away, Labrador pups, 6 weeks old, EV 2-5187. BOARDING AND CLIPPING SERVICE Poodle Stud Service. Toy Pood les, Pekes & Terriers for sale. EV 2-3634 RANCH PET KENNELS REGISTERED Labrador pup pies. Seen at 1445 W. 4th. Satur day only. Phone EV 2-0536. 44-Boats & Motors 12 ft. Aluminum boat & trail er with 5 horsepower Evinrude. All three for only J199.00. Noth ing down, $10 per month OAC. Ken Cale Hardware. . PLYWOOD boat and trailer. $89 00 complete. Ken Cale Hardware. WANTED ELECTRIC trolling motor. Call Redmond 548-3239 before 3 p. nr. 1957 40 horsepower Mercury Mark 55, complete with con trols.. Nothing. down, $17.50 per meRlh-OAC. Ken Cale Hardware. 17'A FOOT Glasspar boat. Two 40 h p. Evinrudes. Trailer and all accessories. S3200. EV 2-5131. THREE BOATS: One 14 foot, new. One 14 foot, used. One 16 foot, new." Would trade 16 foot for pickup. 1707 W. 1st., EV 2-3170. 45-Sportsmen's Column MR. FISHERMAN: Got a broken rod, need rewrapping, re finishing, rebuilding? Can do it. AU work professionally guaran teed. Mac's Rod Shop, 317 New port. 1.4 tYlHT Vaftnrv tinilni hS- sis, complete. Electric brakes, whte) housing, floor. 12 gauge shot gun, camp cot, other camp ing equipment, twa i-oruunu CHAMPION SABER 12 foot boat, 30 h p. Mercury motor. Complete ski outfit. EV 2-0556. sThOUR BAIT SERVICE All Types of Bait KEN CALE HARDWARE SALE OR trade, Burchcraft boat, 12 ft., excellent condition. Trade .or deer rifle. 174 E. Franklin. 47-Wanted to Buy PROPANE CAS tanks. Ideal Gas Jr Appliance, Box 706. Bend, EV 2-3823. . 50-Fuel, Coal. Wood, Oil . WASHED UTAH COAL - Lump Nut Stoker PRES-TO-LOGS CITY FUEL CO. 539 E. First EV 2-6961 DRY 3LAB wood - lump and toker coal. Green slab $9 and $17 per load. Robert Davenport, EV 2-i.vjv. 57-Apartments Furnished ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment. EV 2-1498. TWO BEDROOM, real nice. Washer, dryer and TV hookup. $85. EV 2-3372. 80-Real Estate For Sale SB-Houses tor Rent THREE BEDROOM house, garage and basement. EV 2-4476. S9-Houses Furnished CLEAN ONE bedroom com pletely furnished. EV 2-5564, 1417 Kingston. 60-Trailer Space The Quiet Hour TRAILER COURT SOUTH HIGHWAY 220 & 1 10 Service TV Cable Each Unit It's New It's Nice Large Spaces Reasonable Rates INEZ & BILL SHELLEY. Owners Phone EV 2-0783 Bend, Oregon 62-Insurance GILBERT'S INSURANCE AGCY 1015 Wall EV 2-3752 70-Business Opportunities BUILDING FOR SALE The St. Charles Hospital An nex is offered for sale. To be moved from its present location by purchaser. Make offer to Sister M. Madeline, Administra tor, in writing before May 25, 1962. Building can be examined by contacting W. L. Stollmack, budiness manager, EV 2-4321. 75-Resort Property VACATION HOMESITES ON MOUNTAIN STREAM. Nine miles on pavement from Bend. $20. to $50. down. . .low month ly terms. See W. C. Covner, 830 WaU, Bend. Call EV 2-5571 or EV 2-3660. 78-Farms & Acreages SMALL ACREAGE in good lo cation. Quality built home with basement. City and COI water. Priced to sell. EV 2-2935. APPROXIMATELY 6 acres, 3 or more water. Two or more building sites. Desirable close in location. Sacrifice for cash. EV 2-2389. 30 ACRES, three bedroom home. $2000 down. $9300 bal ance. EV 2-6968 after ' p.m. 158 ACRES, 39 Swalley water. Good three bedroom house. spud cellar. Equipment and sprinkler system. 4 miles north of Bend. t.v z-azuo: - CENTRAL OREGON Ranch, 160 acres, 140 irrigated grass and alfalfa. 250 yearling capa city. Very nice ten room home. Also modern three bedroom ten ant house. Box 812, Redmond, Oregon. trrp CAT. it. nr tradp. AcreiiCO. Three bedroom modern home. Close in. By owner. EV 2-2780 or EV 2-1920. 80-Real Estate tor Sale EXCHANGE 320 A., 110 W., equip., bldgs. 3 br mod. home it tenant hse. 70 A. past., 60 A. alf. $60,000. Consider paper or mod. home. MOTEL: US 97. 9 lots. 7 units. 4 lots to be resold. $47,500. 15 yr. tms & good paper. EAST SIDE: 3 br, fireplace, covered patio, bath & Vi, built in oven & range. Trade down for 2 br home. ACREAGE: $12,500. 8.24 A.. 5 W. Paved rd., 2 br mod. home, outbldgs. Trade down for city 2 br. STATE ST: 3 b'r, bsmt. State GI. $7,250, $500 down. Bend Realty, Ins. 620 Franklin Seaton H. Smith Ph. EV 2-3721 REALTOR Branch Office Powell Butte H. H. Musick HI 7-7213 BY OWNER, attractive near ly new, three bedroom home. Fireplace and forced air fur nace, li baths, dishwasher, two car garage, storage, fenced back yard, corner lot. 608 E. Lafayette. EV 2-2725. BY OWNER: 4 bedroom house with 3 lots, adjoining Juniper Park. 14 baths, fireplace, forc ed air furnace. Excellent loca tion for children. Will sell be low FHA appraisal of $16,200. 74t E. Irving EV 2-2509. 57-Apartments Furnished FIVE RCOM duplex, gas and TV cable. 75 Gilchrist Avenue. FOR SALE by owner, two bedroom partly furnished. New birch kitchen, large utility, pa tio, double garage. Natural gas furnace, corner lot. 155 Dela ware. EV 2-0568. CLEAN TWO room semi basement. Utilities included, ex cent electricity. No children or rets. 623 hui street OWNER TRANSFERRED: 3 bedroom, basement, TV cable, dryer, dishwasher, automatic oil heat, fireplace, sprinkler sys tem, double garage. State Gl loan. 1175 Harmon. EV 2-4301, 30 Miscellaneous for Sale SINGER'S MAY CLEARANCE Portables Reduced To ' 9-95 Consoles Reduced To M9-95 - - A select number of Portables, Cabinets, many one of a kind. PLUS This Bonus Repossessed SLANT-0-MATIC Take over payments on a new contract after small down payment. SINGER Sewing Center HOMESITES: River lots, view lots or acreages. Call Joe Iver son, EV 2-6239. WANT TO buy three bedroom home from owner. East side. Reasonably priced. Write care The Bend Bulletin Box 509A. KERR REALTY, INC. 734 E. Greenwood EV 2-2521 Did Kerr, Broker 60 ACRES, most in cultivation. 41 A. water, 3 stock ponds, barn, corrals, sheds, 3 bdrm house, farm machinery & 1962 crop if sold before June I. Price $18,500 $4,000 dn. 3 bdrm home. Paved street. Dbl lot. Buy this equity & as sume payments of $52.00 on this Gl loan. Price $6,750. 2 bdrm home, excellent east side location. Will F.H.A. Price $10,750. Ray Cronin EV 2-5656 Clent King EV 2-5452 Waif KiHredge EV 2-4492 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor FULL BASEMENT California owner wants to sell this 4 bedroom home on St. Helens, Large garage, built-in oven and range, formal dining room, play area in basement, lots of room. $14,250. E. 3rd BRANCH OFFICE 345 E. Third EV 2-6453 Jim Arntz EV 2-5243 Buck Davis Ranches EV 2-6914 CHRISTMAS VALLEY BRANCH OFFICE For acreage and town site lots in Christmas Valley, see Hap Taylor at the Christmas Valley Lodge Office. 80-Real Estate For Sale ONE BEDROOM semi-remodeled house, full basement, new plumbing, bath, modern kitch en. Reasonable for cash. 1320 Hartford. Midstate Realty Harold Phillips, Realtor 103 Minnesota Ave. EV 2-1871 Extra good 2 bedroom home, basement, wood furnace, gar age, small lawn. A buy at $6, 800. 3 3 bedroom homes Priced from $11,000 to $13,000. Good 40 A. with 38 Acres COI water, house about 1 1 years old. Needs finishing on inside Price $11,000. Phillips 2-0571 Hogan 2-3274 A 2 B.R. CUTIE priced at only $5950 with only $350 down. Will dicker for cash. I have a 2 BR rental property with 2 large lots - near high school. Only $5300 with terms to suit you. Let it pay for itself. DREAM HOUSE near high school. Appointment only. 4 B. R. Priced right, VERN LARSON AGENCY Real Estate Appraiser EV 2-5297 1498 Quincy Ave. GILBERT'S DEAL OF THE DAY 1015 Wall St. EV 2-3752 Want a really comfortable 2 bed room in a fine location? Then see this new listing at Gilberts. A really roomy living room opening into a covered patio, dining room, ceramic tiled kit chen cabinets, utility room. El ectric heat, attached garage, and fenced back yard. Full price $10,500 and there is an existing G.I. loan that can be assumed, or refinanced. N. E. Gilbert Broker Realtor Larry Keown Assoc. Broker EV 2-2395 32-Musical Instruments 1?J5 Minnesota Ave. j Open Friday Evcninjs U 9 EV 2-MS2 80-Real Estate For Sale NEW RIVERSIDE two bed room sparkler. Joe lverson, EV 2-62:S9. THREE ROOM modern, oil heat, wired for range and dry- garage. Or trade tor trailer. Nice home for retired couple. EV 2-1527. BY OWNER, three bedroom honv East side location, fire place, wall to wall carpet, tile kitchen, built-in stove, fenced rd. EV 2-056S. "BOOM" New and Used Musical Instrument SALE GUITARS by Grefsch, Fender, Gibson, Martin, Harmony & Kay Reg. $24.95 to $364 Reduced To '18.50 to $210 ORGANS Save Money Reduction BIG BARGAINS PIANOS from $125 to M045 CLEARANCE ATTENTION BAND STUDENTS! New Professional Band Instruments $SAVE$SAVE$SAVE$ Selmer Conn Olds UKES Reg. '10.95 -NOW ONLY 7.95 BONGOS - (miniature) Reg. $5.95-NOW ONLY $2.95 HOLLYWOOD LUDWIG DRUM SET Reg. $628 Now '528 Come in Saturday for The Bargains of the Year! AMERICAN MUSIC CO. 029 Wall St. EV 2-1393 LAND! I acres bordered on one side by Squaw Creel other by paved road. 2 miles from Sil ten. $1,250.00, $300.00 down, $30.00 a month on balance. CITY WATER 5 acres with 5 acres water. Beautiful view of moun tains. On paved road 3 miles from Bend. $5,000.. 00 with $1,500.00 down, $35.00 a month on bal ance. Timbered land 7 miles from Bend, Secluded and pri vate. Excellent deer hunt ing. Can be bought in 10 to 40 acre parcels. $100.00 an acre. 10 acre tracts in Juniper and pine just south of Bend. $2,690.00 with $200.00 down, $35.00 a month on balance. The Land Mart 811 Wall St. EV 2-5121 Arleiflh Black Broker Jim Lance EV 2-5756 Joe Tilden EV 2-Z766 Bob Lilienthal EV 2-6363 80-Real Estate for Sale HEDUCfcD PRICE (or cash. 2 bedroom with nursery, fur nished or unfurnished. See at 5 Kansas or call EV 2-5610 or EV 2-28J7. 100-Autos tor Sale Midstate Realty Harold Phillips. Realtor Brunch Office 230 E. Third Phone EV 2-3867 Close in, good 1 bedroom home, with nice small apt, rental. Gas furnace, garage. $7,500, equity out. Here is a 2 bedroom that neods some work, good foundation and location. Paved it. Price $3,500, equity out. SEE US for good stock ranches from 50 to 1000 head. Evenings Bill Franck EV 2-1273 OWNER'S COZY 2 bedroom. View property. 232 Wilmington, Bend. Russell's Realty Bud Russell, Realtor 283 Oregon Ave. EV 2-3031 THE BEAUTY SPOT on the Big Deschutes. Approx imately 20 acres, over 1500 ft. of river frontage, wooded with stately pines, rull price $17,500, $5,000 down, easy terms on balance. Mablc Foster Kieth Ramsay EV 2-5324 EV Z-3104 Bud Russell EV 2-4G99 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor AWBREY ROAD owners leav- ing for Washington, have pric ed this family home for quick sale. A large fully carpeted liv ing room. Family kitchen with built in refrigerator. Two bed rooms with big closets. fin ished basement. Forced air, auto-motor oil furnace. Patio with rock fireplace for outdoor living. Double garage and guest room. New roof, new drill hole. Underground sprinkler system. 2 lots. Can be purchased fur nished, partially furnished or without furnishing. $ 1 1 ,000 without the furniture. Quick possession. 822 Wall St. Nites Jim 2-35M EV 2-1761 Arnie 2-4475 Harvey 2-4686 ART SH0LES Real Estate & Insurance 444 So. Third EV 2-2743 Bob EV 2-3990 Jess EV 2-4317 Roy EV 2-4816 Emily EV 2-1086 3 bedroom on large lot. Lots of storage space, double garage plus workshop. $9,500, terms, 2 bedroom with dining room. West Side. Appraised price 54, 750, terms. 80 Acres, 45 Water, some per manent pasture. Modern 2 bed room home, ample outbuildings. $2,000 down, full price $21,000. THREE BEDROOM with fam. ily room. An ideal family house with lots of floor space. $100 down. EV 2-2731. 91 -Farm Machinery ATTENTION HAY GROWERS SAVE MONEY TIME LABOR with our used and reconditioned W1NDROWERS, $1500. to $2885. delivered Harvesting & Tillage Hdq. Junction City Implement Co. Junction City, Oregon WY 8-2331 ONE OWNER, 1950 ."oiltiac 4 door. Lots of extras. EV 2-5718. QUALITY USED CAR 1955 Pontiac V8 4 dr. sdn. DYER'S AUTO SERVICE Next Ore. Equip, on Greenwood 100-Autos for Sale A-l USED CAR 1959 Ford 2 door Ranch Wagon. 6 cyl. Standard transmission. Excellent overall condition. Only $1299. R0BBERS0N FORD 100-Autos For Sola FULL PRICE $195 1955 Ford Station Wagon 1953 Ford Station Wagon 1953 Ford 2 door 1953 Dodge 4 door 1953 Packard 4 door 1952 Chevrolet 2 door 1952 Pontiac 2 door hardtop 1952 Ford 2 door 1951 Pontiac 4 door .1951 Chevrolet 2 door 1951 Oldsmobile 2 door 1950 Studebaker 2 door 1949 Chevrolet 2 door Call or see these Salesmen on a or Used Car or Truck! Pel Eecleston LI 8-38S5 Ivan (Red) Farr EV 2-1727 New- Types of Financing Available! Jo i -i I rsc at 5th & Giveaway In jeamona LI 8-2141 All Ben Chevy Gity 94-Mobile Homes WESTERNER TRAVEL trail er, 15 ft., 1957 model. Gas and electric. Good condition. EV 2 3838 after 6 p.m. 1954 45x8 foot two bedroom Liberty. $1900. See at Southgatc union. PALACE TRAILER house, 10x46 ft., 1 bedroom. $200 equity EV 2-1976. - 1959 30-foot KenskiU trailer with awning and jacks. 536-2255, LaPine. THE BEST 95-Trucks, Trailers 1955 2 ton Chevrolet truck, long wheel base. EV 2-3823. DODGE Power wagon, armv 1912. Excellent condition. $500. EV 2-1976. lOU-Autos lor Sale 1956 MERCURY Monterey, good condition, pink and white, $590. Call 548-3716 Redmond. 951 H1LLMAN four door. 8000 miles on rebuilt engine. Valves just ground. Excellent condition. $150. EV 2-4587 evenings. I960 FORD 9 passenger Coun try Squire. Excellent condition. Take older car for my equity. Sec at 1325 Harmon. 1958 ISETTA two-door sedan, excellent condition, low mileage, $350. 1907 W. 5th. 1951 PACKARD. A-l car in A-l condition. Real buy. Inquire at 1446 E. 9th. 1949 GMC Pickup. $395. Good condition. Phone EV 2-1227 or EV 2-9919. CHRISTMAS VALLEY BRANCH OFFICE For acreage and town site lota In Christmas Valley, see Hap Tavlor at the Christmas Valley Ixige Office. PAYMENTS TOO HIGH I need '59, "60 & '61 Premium Used Cars. Will give cash or an older car for your equity. DON'S USED CARS 1 Hlk. So. of Greenwood on 3rd. 45-Sportsmen'g Column EVANS FLY CO. Presents The Weekly Fishing Report as reported by the Oregon State Game Commission BLUE LAKE: Good for Rainbow & few Kokanee being caught SUTTLE LAKE: Fair to good for Kokanee and Rainbow en Bait. WICKIUP RESERVOIR: Fair on Kokanee on Bait or troll. CRANE PRAIRIE RESERVOIR: Fair to good for Rainbow and Koknnee on bait or small lures In Cultui and Deschutes River Channels. PRINEVILLE RESERVOIR: Good for Rainbow on Bait. METOL H'S RIVER: Fair: wet fly.i producing best catches. DESCHUTES RIVER BELOW BEND: Fair to good on flies nr bait. ABOVE BEND: Fair on troll or bait. FALL RIVER: Fair to good in upper section of stream. Tliis Week's SPECIALS This Tremendous Buy! U.S. Rubber Fishing BOOTS Were $18 95 Now Only M5.95 Weekend Special! AIR MATTRESS With Built In Pump Easy for Anyone! 9.95 Shop the Complete Sportsmen's Headquarters Watch this column every weekend for fishing report EVANS FLY CO. In Central Oregon 1961 Ford 4 dr. Galaxie $2495 1900 Buick 4 dr-. Wagon $2595 I960 Pontiac 2 dr. hardtop. Bonneville $2595 19(50 Buick Invicta 2 dr. hardtop $2195 I960 Buick 4 dr. LeSabre $2195 19(50 Pontiac 2 dr $2095 I960 Pontiac 4 dr - $2095 1959 Pontiac 4 dr - $1795 1958 Pontiac 4 dr. hardtop . $1395 1957 Buick 4 dr. Hardtop $1195 Come See These & Many More! Liberal DISCOUNT with No Trade! MURRAY & HOLT Motors, Inc. AAA Wreclcer Service EV 2-3216 E. Second & Franklin EV 2-2222 I 732 So. Third Bend EV 2-5741 "OK" USED CARS 1961 Greenbrier, heater, 3 speed 1961 Corvair. Radio, heater, powerglidc 1961 Falcon 2 door. Radio, heater 1961 Cadillac 6 window sedan. Full pwr. 19(51 Volkswagen 2 door, heater 19(50 Corvair. Radio, heater, powerglide 19(50 Chev. Radio, heater, powerglide 1960 Ford 4 door, V8. R&H, Fordomatic 1960 Pontiac 4 dr. Hardtop. R&H, power 1959 Rambler 6 4 dr. Radio, heater, OD 1959 Chev 6 2 dr. Heater 1959 Chevrolet Parkwood, R&H , Powerglide 1958 Ford 6 Country Sedan. R&H, OD 1958 Buick Super. R&H. pwr. steer. & brakes 1957 Chev 210 V8. R&H, powerglide 1957 Lincoln hardtop Coupe. Full pwr. 1957 Ford Country Squire. V8, R&H 1957 Ford 6 4 dr. Heater 1956 Ford 8 cyl. Coupe. R&H 1956 Cadillac Coupe. Full pwr. 1956 Cadillac "60 Special." Full pwr. 1956 Chev V8. Heater, OD 1956 Pontiac 4 dr. hardtop. R&H 1956 Buick, Full power 1956 Plymouth V8 wagon. R&H, auto. 1955 Chev V8. R&H, powerglide 1955 Chev V8, R&H, powerglide 1955 Chev Spt. Coupe. V8, R&H, PC. 1954 Plymouth 6 sedan, heater 1953 Pontiac Catalina Cpc. R&H, hydra 1953 Ford V8, 4 dr. Radio, heater 1953 Chev. Radio, heater, powerglide 1953 Chev 210 2 dr. Radio & heater 1950 Buick Super Sedan. R&H, hydra. $25 CASH DELIVERS ANY USED CAR (on approved credit) -r-vr hpt ir AO Chevrolet DUD iriWlVl0 Cadiac 235 K. Greenwood EV 2-6131 Across from Wanner' I $2295 $2195 $1795 $4995 $1695 $1595 $1795 $1695 $2595 $1295 $1395 $1895 $1145 $1595 $ 995 $1395 $1195 $ 895 $ 695 $1495 $1595 $ 805 $ 895 $ 895 $ 895 S (595 S 795 $ 895 $ 195 $295 $ 295 $ 395 $ 445 $ 443