The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 05, 1962, Page 2, Image 2

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    Cepeda, Mays star
to grab 212
By Norman Miller
UPI Staff Writer
It's been whispered that tliere
Is more than just a little profes
sional rivalry between Willie
Mays and Orlando Cepeda of the
San Francisco Giants, but the
only ones suffering from 11 are
tiie opposing pitchers.
As the Giants streak away to
a great start that now lias pm
duced 10 straight victories, it ap
pears as though these two power
ful right-handed hitters are stag
ing a private battle for the Most
Valuable Player award.
It was Cepeda's turn to be Uie
hero Friday. He drove in five
runs with a homer, double and
single as the Giants drub'ied the
Chicago Cubs, 11-6.
The Boston Red Sox struck Uie
loudest thunder tn the American
League when they scored 12 rims
in the fifth inning to drub Uie
Chicago White Sox, 13-6.
During Uie Giants' 10-game win
ning streak which lias opened a
2'i-game lead in the National
league race, either Cepeda or
Mays has hit a home run or driv
en in the key runs in every game
except one.
And during Uiat tear, Cepeda
has baited an even .400, hit five
homers and two double and driv
A n - . . , V
V V ' . i
7 ' ''V
"i '
DEEP KNEE BEND Fred Raycraft,
deep knee bend at he prepares
Week May 6-12 in recent PE class.
Major league
Maor League Results
By United Press International
National League
San Fran 013 300 010 It 14 0
Chicago 100 000 302 6 12 1
Pierce, Larsen (7) and Bailey.
Ellsworth, Bulsamo (3), Hiewer
(51, Kchultz (61, llobbie (8) and
Thacker, Bertell (h. Winner
Tierce (4-0). Iiser Ellsworth
(2-31. Hits Williams, Cepeda.
Los Angeles 000 000 (I'll 4 R 1
Pittsburgh 2(10 020 001 5 13 1
Pwlres, Roebuck (51, L. Sherry
(m Mueller (9), Pernuioskl (11)
and N. Sherry, Camilll 7.
Friend. Olivo (81, Face () and
McFarlane. Winner Face (1-0).
Iiser Mueller (l-3.
St. IOiiis 000 (KM) 011 2 5 1
Cincinnati 011 1(10 OOx 3 5 0
Jackson, Feiraiese liib Baula
(8) and Liver. U'Tralc 12 3) and
Edwards. Loser Jackson (321.
Hits Robinson, rinson, Oliver.
New York 301 001 000 5 11 1
Philadelphia 401 001 O0x G 8 1
Craig. Jones (P, MacKenzie (6)
llillman (8) nml S. Taylor.
Owens, Green (3) and Dnlryniple.
Winner Green (1-0). Uiser
MaiKeiiie (O P. lilts Thorn
a.., Savage.
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"Quality Our Motto Only Tlj Best"
132S Wilson Ave. Phone EV 2-2191
run streak
en 16 runs on 16 hits. Mays has
hit .3.13 with four homers (one a
grand slam), a triple and a dou
ble, and 12 RBI on 12 hits.
Larson Relieves Pierce
A San Francisco starter needed
relief for Uie first time in eight
games when Don Larsen was
summoned from Uie bullpen to
take over for Bill Pierce In the
seventh. Pierce, however, re
ceived credit for his fourth win
without a defeat. Cepeda's homer
was his eighth. Billy Williams hit
a homer and triple for Chicago.
In other National League
games, the Cincinnati Reds edged
the St Louis Cardinals, 3-2: the
Pittsburgh Pirates snapped a
four-game losing streak by beat
ing the Los Angeles Dodgers, 5-4;
the Philadelphia Phils nipped the
New York Mets, 6-5, and the
Houston Colts defeated the Mil
waukee Braves, 7-4.
Besides the Red Sox' victory
over Uie White Sox In Uie Ameri
can League, Uie Cleveland Indi
ans edged Uie Kansas City Athl
letlcs, 6-5; Uie Los Angeles An
gels beat Uie Baltimore Orioles,
5-4, and the Minnesota Twins
topped the Detroit Tigers, 4-2, in
a day game. The New York Yan
kees and Washington Senators
were Idle.
Bend High sophomore, does
for National Youth Fitness
line scores
Houston 002 020 201 7 10 1
Milwaukee 400 000 000 4 7 2
Woodeschick, Bruce (1), Far
roll (9) and SmiUi. llendley, Not
t:oart (7), BuUcr (8) and Cran
dall. Winner Bruce (1-0). Los
er -Hendley (2-2). HRs-S m 1 1 h,
American League
Detroit 010 000 010 2 7 1
Minnesota 000 000 202 4 10 0
Regan, Kline (7) and Brown.
Ic, Bonlkowski (8) and Battey.
Winner Bonlkowski (2-1). Los
er Kline (1-1). Hits McAuliffc.
Chicago 010 3 0 1 100 6 10 0
Boston 000 0 12 0 10013 13 1
Herbert, Peters (5, Znnnl 5,
Fisher C, Bauninnn (5, Score
(6, DeBiisschere (8) and Car
reon. Schwall. Fnrnleles (4,
Nichols ((1) and Pagliaronl. Win
ner Fnrnleles (10'. loser
Peters (0-1). IRs Carreon,
Cleveland 000 100 050 6 5 1
Kansas City 050 000 000 5 11 0
Donovan. Funk (2 McDowell
(.'', Uilnian (8i and Romano.
I'flsler, Wickeisham (8, Wyatt
(!l) and Sullivan. Winner Mc-
lVwell 13 1). Loser Plister lu
ll1, lilts Romano 2.
game margin
Lefty Jim CVToole pitched a
five-hitter and Frank Robinson,
Leo Cardenas and Vada Pinson
hit Cincinnati homers off the Car
dinals' Larry Jackson. O'Toole re
tired 17 straight batters at one
stretch. Gene Oliver homered in
Uie ninth for St. Louis.
Skinner! Single Wins
Pinch-hitter Bob Skinner drove
in Uie Pirates' winning run with
a bases-loaded single in Uie ninth
inning against Uie Dodgers. The
Dodgers, trailing 4-0, knocked out
Bob Friend with three runs in the
eighth and Ued Uie score in the
ninth on Lee Walls' sacrifice fly.
Young Joe Moeller loaded Uie
bases in Uie last of the ninth and
gave way to Ron Perranoski, who
yielded Skinner's game-winning
hit. Roy Face was credited with
his first victory.
At Philadelphia, Dallas Green
pitched his way out of a bases
loaded, no-out jam in Uie ninth to
gain Uie win over the Mots. Gil
Hodges grounded into a game
ending double play. Frank Thom
as hit his eighth homer for Uie
Mets and Ted Savage connected
for the PhUs. Reliever Ken Mac-
Kenzle was Uie loser as the Phils
won their fourth straight.
Hal Smith and Jim Pendleton
each hit a homer and combined
Major league
By United Press International
National League '
W. L. Pet. GB
San Francisco 19 5 .792 .....
St. Louis 14 5 .737 2'4
Pittsburgh 14 8 .636 4
Los Angeles 14 10 .583 5
Philadelphia 10 9 .526 6',i
CincinnaU 10 11 .476 714
Houston 8 11 .421 S'.-t
Milwaukee 8 13 .381 9'j
Chicago 5 18 .217 13Vi
New York 3 15 .167 13
Friday's Results
San Francisco 11 Chicago 6
Philadelphia 6 New York 5, night
Pittsburgh S Los Angeles 4, night
Cincinnati 3 St. Louis 2, night
Houston 7 Milwaukee 4, night
Saturday's Probable Pitchers ..
New York at Philadelphia
Jackson (1-2) vs. McLish (2-0).
Los Angeles at PitLiburgh
Drysdale (3-1) vs. Mlzell (1-1).
St Louis at CincinnaU Brog-
Uo (1-0) vs. Purkey (4-0).
Houston at Mdwaukee Stone
(2-1) vs. Shaw (2-1).
San Francisco at Chicago
Perry (2-0) vs. Koonco (1-0).
Sunday's Games
New York at Philadelphia (2)
I .os Angeles at Pittsburgh
St. Louis at Cincinnati (2)
Houston at Milwaukee 2)
San Francisco at Chicago
American League
W. L. Pet. GB
New York 12 6 .667
Cleveland 10 7 .588 l'i
Chicago 12 10 .545 2
Minnesota 12 10 .545 2
Baltimore 10 10 . 500 3
Detroit 9 9 .500 3
Los Angoles 9 9 .500 3
Kansas City It 12 .478 3'i
Boston 9 10 .474 3 j
Washington 3 14 .176 8'i
Friday's Results
Minnesota 4 Detroit 2
Boston 13 Chicago 6, night
Cleveland 8 Kansas City 4, nlghl
Los Angeles 5 Baltimore 4, night
(Only games scheduled)
Saturday's Probable Pitchers
Washington at New York
Daniels (1-3) vs. Sheldon l-0
Detroit at Minnesota Bun
nlng (0) vs. Slango (00).
Chicago at Boston W y n n
(10) vs. Cisco (2-1).
Cleveland at Kansas City '2.
twi-nlght) Taylor (t-U and Ra
mos (0-D vs. Walker (3-1) and
Dilmnr (0-1).
Baltimore at Los Angeles
(night) Barber (3 0) vs. Bclin
sky (30'.
Sunday's Games
Washington at New York (2)
Cleveland nt Kansas City
Detroit nt Minnesota
Chicago nt Boston (2)
Baltimore at Los Angeles
to 1
to drive in five Houston runs
against Milwaukee. Bob Bruce,
who pitched 7 1-3 shutout relief
innings, was the winner and Bob
llendley the loser.
In the American League, the
Red Sox sent 16 men to bat in
the filth inning against the White
Sox. Eight singles and five walks
produced the 12 runs, Carl Yas
trzemski hitting safely twice in
that inning and driving in four
runs. Homers by Jim Landis and
Camilio Carreon had given Uie
White Sox a 4-0 lead. Mike For
nixes entered the game as a re
liever in time to pick up his first
Hits Two Homers
Johnny Romano's second homer
of the game climaxed a five-run
eighth-i n n i n g Cleveland rally
against Kansas City. Rookie Dan
Plister of the A's struck out 11
batters, gave up only one hit and
led 5-1 until the roof fell in at
the start of the eighth. Tito Fran-
cona's two-run single and Ro
mano's two homers were the big
hits that earned rookie Sam Mc
Dowell the victory in relief.
The Angels pushed across two
runs in the seventh inning on sin
gles by Albie Pearson, Steve Bil-
ko and Earl Averiil to beat re
liever Hoyt Wilhelm and Uie Ori
oles. Leon Wagner of Los Angeles
hit his seventh homer in Uie last
eight games. Dean Chance was
credited with Uie win.
Rookie Rich Rollins' two-run
homer with two out In Uie ninth
off Ronnie Kline broke a 2-2 Ue
and enabled Minnesota to beat
Detroit. Reliever Joe Bonlkowski
was Uie winner. Dick McAuliffe
hit a Detroit homer.
Prineville golf
five victorious
Special to The Bulletin
High School golfers found Uie
home Prineville course to their
liking Friday as they bested Bend,
Madras and The Dalles in the last
of four four-team golf matches
this season.
The Cowboys' five-man squad
fashioned a 377 aggregate score
on the par 65 course, Uiird man
Dave Erickson leading the way
with a 71 top score of the day.
Three golfers were runners-up
with 74s Bend's Jeff Van Lan
duyt, Prineville's Alan Hudspeth
and Madras' Al Strumers.
Others on the Bend squad were
Dennis Kerr 78. Owen Panner Jr.
87, Dennis Slimkosky 80 and Fred
Raycraft 91.
Bend coach Dick Gescr took
along the rest of the squad and
non-starter Alan Stipe liked the
course so well ho came in with
a 78 best score he had ever
Stipe had birdies on the fust
md 101 li holes.
In the four matches between
the four schools this spring. Bend
won two and Prineville won two.
Prineville, The Dalles and Bend
will be among teams competing
in the intermotintain-Conference
district meet at Pendleton next
Saturday. Tee-off time is 7 a.m.
standard time, with each entrant
scheduled to shoot 18 holes.
Yesterday's match was played
in fine weather with Oeser prais
ing the host rrlneville school for
a fine Job.
Oregon College Baseball Results
By United Press International
Oregon State 10 Washington 0
SoiKh. Oregon 3 East. Oregon 1
Portland Stale 14 Oregon Tech 1
Ore. 8 Ore. Stale Rooks 4
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The Bend Bulletin, Saturday, May 5, 1962
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If- .- - ft. V.T ?
FVf ... '
IN INVITATIONAL Bill Hutton, left, and 8ob Cannon survey
high jump height as they prepare for today's Bend Bulletin
Invitational track meet at new Bend High field. Ten squads are
entered, with running races to be measured in meters. Prelims
start at I p.m., finals at 2:30.
Field of 15 ready
Injury retires Derby
favorite Sir Gaykrd
horses, survivors of vigorous
training which only Friday
knocked out the pre-race favor
ite, prance to the post at Church
ill Downs today for the 88th run
ning of the Kentucky Derby.
Every horseman throughout Uie
country dreams of winning Uie
Kentucky Derby, the greatest rac
ing spectacle In America. But in
the last few days three owners
had those dreams cruelly shat
tered. Injuries first knocked out
Doc Jocoy, then Donut King, and
finally Sir Gaylord, the early fa
vorite who fractured a bone in his
foot in his final workout for the
mile and one-quarter race for
gold and glory.
Sir Gaylord Scratched
Sir Gaylord, winner of four
straight races this year, was
scratched Friday by owner Chris
topher T. Chenery after Uie colt
fractured a scssamoid bone which
acts as a shock absorber be
tween shin and ankle. He has
been retired from racing, leaving
Mrs. Moody Jolley s Ridan as fa
vorite for the first of the triplo
crown classics.
Ridan, unbeaten as a 2-year-old
in 19tU when he won seven
straight races, was expected to
be the favorite of the huge throng
which jams this ancient race
course annually. Fiery Manny
Ycaza of Panama rides Uie hand
some bright chestnut colt.
Field Listed
Also in that lineup of high
strung Thoroughbreds and anx
ious jockeys will be Townsend B.
Martins Sunrise County with
jockey Willie Shoemaker riding;
Fred W. Turner's Sir Ribot with
Ray York in the saddle; Fred W.
Hooper's Admiral's Voyage with
Braulio Baeza. another Panaman
ian, up: El Peco Stable's Decid
edly with Bill Hartack; T. Alie
Grissom's Roman Line, with Jim
Combesl; Mrs. Joe W. Brown's
Green Hornet with Johnny Long-
- r I.
f m: ft.
den; Crimson King Farm's Crim
son Satan with Billy Phelps; Rev
erie Knoll Farm's Sharp Count
with Eugene Curry; J. V. P, Sta
ble's Leo Town with Willie Car
stens; Neil S. McCarthy's Royal
Attack with Eddie Burns; Golden
Triangle Stable's Mister Pitt;
with Willie Harmatz: Harold Es
topinal and Adrian Amaud's
Touch Bar with John Rivera:
F4B Stable's Good Fight with
I Ray Broussard; and Robert Leh
man s Prego with Larry Adams.
Ridan's toughest competition Is
expected to come from Sunrise
County. Sir Ribot. Admiral's Voy
age and Decidedly. The chances
of the others are considered slim
and a victory by one of Uie out
siders is considered unlikely.
Sunrise County's chances in a
race worth a total of $Ifi2.150
with 13 starters, are rated at 7
tn 2 while Sir Ribot is 6 to 1.
The winner of this first of the tri
ple crown classics to be followed
by the Preakness Stakes in two
weeks and the Belmont Stakes in
June, gets $119,650. Second place
is worth $25,000 with M2.5O0 to
third and $5,000 to fourth.
MOSCOW. Idaho (UPI) - The ,
Idaho Vandals defeated Eastern !
Washington 4-3 and 14-2 in a dou
blehcader here Friday. i
The wins gave Uie Vandals a
15-7 season record. Idaho resumes
NorUiern Division play with Mon
day and Tuesday games against;
Washington State.
plan your trip!
Coast loop
Pacific Coast League
W L Pct.GB
Salt Lake 14 5 .737
Seattle 11 6 .647 2
Tacoma J 7 .503 4
Hawaii 8 8 .500 4'i
PorUand 8 9 .471 5
San Diego 7 9 .438 5'i
Spokane 5 10 .333 2
Vancouver S 12 .204 8
Friday's Results
Taeoma 1 Seattle 0
Hawaii 5 Spokane 3
PorUand 4 Salt Lake 3
Vancouver 1 San Diego 0
Saturday's Probable Pitchers
Taeoma (Thomas 2-1) at Seattle
(Morehead 0-0)
Hawaii (Gatewood (0-0) at Spo
kane (Scott 1-1)
Salt Lake (Unannounced) at Port
land (Unannounced)
D'Amato fops,
says Patterson
(UPI) Floyd Patterson told Uie
world today Uiat manager Cus
d'Amato is his top man.
The heavyweight champion an
nounced that only D'Amato is
empowered to negotiate a site for
the big September title fight with
Sonny Liston.
D'Amato had almost been for
gotten In the rash of stories from
a dozen or so cities as everyone
seemed to be trying to get into
the negotiating act.
Patterson not only declared
flatly Uiat D'Amato is his only
site-negotiator but he warned Uiat
cities which attempt to negotiate
with other persons will be auto
matically removed from the pos
sible list."
What cities has D'Amato been
negotiating with?
I know of four," Floyd an
swered. "Kansas City, Baltimore.
Houston and Washington, D.C.
There may be one or two more.
Cus and I will sit down early
next week and choose the city
that seems best for the fight.
Sunday Dinner Feature at the Thunderbird
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ALSO AVAILABLE: Femlly Benus Books)
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For complete Information cell
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Luis Rodriguez
sub in TV bout
NEW YORK (UPI) - Welter,
weight contender Luis Rodriguez
gc-es in as a substitute tonight for
a return television bout with mid
dleweight Yama Bahama but he
will be fighting for a shot at the
welter crown.
Their 10-rounder at St. Nicholas
Arena will be televised nationally
by ABC. Little St. Nick's Is Uie
fight sito because Madison Square
Garden is occupied by a circus.
Cuban Luis replaces middle
weight Farid Salim, who unex
pectedly returned to Argentina
last week on a honeymoon.
Matchmaker Teddy Brenner
said today 25-year-old Rodriguei
"has a good chance" for a Utle
fight with welterweight champion
Emile Griffith in September if he
again beats West Indian Bahama
impressively tonighL
Rodriguez is favored at 13-5 be
cause he outpointed Bahama
handily at Miami Beach, Nov. 16,
Yama has won 70 of 85 bouts.
His 12 defeats include one stop by
Bob Hoffman in 1954. Ho had
three draws. A fair right-handed
puncher, he scored 23 knockouts.
Rodriguez suffered but two de
feats in his 46 fights, both on de ,
cisions. He has scored 17 knock- ' '
SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Heavyweights
Eddie Machen and
Roger Rischer will meet in a 10
round bout at Uie San Francisco
Cow Palace on May 28, accord
ing to promoter Lou Tlwmas. -
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