The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 04, 1962, Page 1, Image 1

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Univ. of Oragon Library
rair tonight; increasing clouds
with chine few ihowtrs Satur
dy night; highs 60-W; low li
High yesterday, 57 degrees. Low
last night, Jl degrees. Sunset
today, 7:11. Sunrise tomorrow,
59th Year
Board firms
three county
budget items
By lla S. Grant
Bulletin Staff Writer
The Deschutes county budget
committee firmed the budgets for
civil defense, welfare and the as
sessor's office, at a meeting last
night. This followed a conference
on Deschutes County Library fi
nancing, at which the court was
asked to put in writing its pro
posal that the division of respon
sibility be continued this year die
same as last
This would mean that the coun
ty would bear 60 per cent of the
cost of operating the library; the
City of Bend, 40 per cent. The pro
posal will be discussed when the
city budget committee begins
work in about three weeks.
Present at the library study
meeting were Judge D. L. Pen
hollow, County Commissioners
Fred Shepard and George Baker,
City Commissioner T. D. Sexton,
Maurice Shelton of the city bud
get committee and John Sten
kamp, chairman of the county
budget group.
Approval Given
Later the county budget group
approved a budget of $M0O for
civil defense, $1,875 less than the
The county's share of the $478,
873 welfare budget will be $73,811.
The assessor's budget is $73,160.
Representatives of the health
department presented firm fig
ures on anticipated receipts, and
final action on this section of the
budget will be taken at a Liter
James McAlister, county exten
sion agent and secretary of the
County Planning Commission, was
present to explain the program of
federal matching money for coun
ty planning. He also discussed the
accomplishments of the agricul
tural experiment station in Red
mond, for which an Hem of $1200
has been tentatively allowed.
No Final Action
Final action was not taken on
either the county planning or ex
periment station items. The orig
inal asking for county planning
was $1,000.
Present were county court
members and budget committee
members Stenkamp, Priday
Holmes and Robert Whittier.
The county planners will meet
next time on Thursday. May 17,
skipping next week. It is antici
pated that there will be several
more meetings.
The decision to hold the budget
within the six per cent limitation,
eliminating the necessity of hold
ing an election, gives plenty of
time to complete the figuring
before the June 1 deadline that
has been adopted.
Carnival set
by PTA, 1-9
on Safurday
The annual Kenwood - Kingston
carnival, sponsored by the PTA
of the two schools, will be Satur
day, May 5, from 1 to 9 p.m. in
the Kenwood gymnasium. The
theme will be "Century 22," with
decorations to include spacemen
from "outer space." Two large
robots, from out of tins world,
will guard the big doors of the
A new item tlu's year will be
the Outer Space Inn, in the cafe
teria, with tinkling piano, vocals
and dancing to entertain patrons
while they partake ot collee,
punch, desserts and hot dogs.
Booths will feature some un
usual gifts and prizes, such as
"space needle hats. There win
be many of the old favorite:!, such
as a cake-walk, ring toss and hsh
ronds. among the 13 games.
There will be many prizes and
surprises, including the giving
away of purple poodles and other
Mrs. Don Goodwin is chairman
for this year's carnival. Other
committee heads are as follows:
Mrs. Kay Thompson, decorations;
Mrs. Don llalligan, coffee bar;
Mrs. Kenneth Oakley, entertain
ment; Mrs. Don McAfee, ticket
sales: J ': Ensworth. cake walk
Maurice Olson, booth building;
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hampson.
games; Dr. David Spence, prizes,
and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown,
Hoodoo open
only on Sunday
Hoodoo Bowl will be open for
skung on Sunday only this week
end. Snow depth al the area is 66
Inches, with a May 13 final ski
ins dale planned.
No report was available today
on weekend conditions at Bache
lor Butio,
Ten Pages
f" ii wiipwwiww a whhiiwi ai
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YD'S DECORATE CONVENTION SITE Bend Young Democrats were busy this morning
putting the final touches on decorations for the state YD convention. Shown here, placing
pictures of President Kennedy and Vice President Johnson and arranging other decorations are
from left, Verda Bloke, Mike Salo, Jr., Linda Syverson, secretary-treasurer of the Bend chapter,
and John McDonald, a state vice president of the organization.
Bend extends
By Bill Thompson
Bulletin Staff Writer
Subdividers within a six mile
radius of the Bend city limits are
now under the jurisdiction of the
Bend City Planning Commission
after action this week by the Bend
City Commission.
Commissioners, in a 6-0 vote
Wednesday, okaved the second
reading of the subdivision ordi
nance amended this week to
include hearings before the Plan
ning Commission when variances
are sought in extraordinary hard
ship situations.
The standards and require
ments of these regulations may
also be modified by the Planning
Commission in the case of a plan
and program for a new town, a
complete community or a neigh
borhood unit.
The ordinance contains an em
ergency clause that has placed it
into effect immediately.
Standards Listed
Among the general require
ments and minimum standards
are (a) conformity to the compre
hensive city plan, (b) a minimum
width for minor streets of 60 feet,
(d street improvement require
ments in accordance with FHA
standards and d pavement
wearing surface in accordance
with established F11A data sheets.
Other sections cover dead-end
streets, alleys, street curves, al
leys, easements, blocks, lots,
building lines.
Subdividers in this six-mile area
must obtain final approval from
the Planning Commission.
Web Loy, a former commission
er, asked why the central govern,
ment wants to get all the auth
ority to tell the people w hat to do.
and charged the Commission with
selling local cilizcns down the riv
er. Enough Trouble
"You've got enough trouble to
handle right here in the cily with
out telling people in the country
Dr. Flemming outlines new UO admissions plan
By Phil F. Brogan
Bulletin Stiff Writer
Details of a new University of
Orecon admissions policy recom
mended by the faculty earlier this
week were outlined here Thursday
night by Dr. Arthur S. Flemming.
University president.
The faculty recommendation is
that students be admitted to the
University whose combined tush
school records and college en
trance tests indicate they have a
00-50 chance of achieving a "C"
average in their first year in
"1 am in complete agreement
what to do," Loy said. "Why do
you want to take on more trouble?
Sometimes you fellows go too
Paul Reynolds, a Planning Com
mission member, said some sub
division plats not meeting state
standards have already been ap
proved by the county within this
six-mile radius.
Meanwhile, there was still noth
ing new on the Commission's 6-0
vote to ask City Manager Walter
T. Thompson to reconsider his
April 4 resignation. Thompson
said he would give his answer
May 16.
Attorney Gottlieb J. Baer rep
resents the unidentified citizens
group that pushed petitions (700
signers) asking the Commission to
ask Thompson to reconsider his
Prior to the Commission's 6-0
vote asking Thompson to recon
sider, Baer told the commission
ers that "other action" might be
taken should the Commission ig
nore the petitioners.
Question Asked
"Just what would you do?" ask
ed Commissioner E. L. Nielsen.
"Is this a threat?"
"This is not a threat," Baer
answered. "Some people just feel
there are other ways to resolve
In other business, the Commis
sion acted as follows:
1. Set 9 a.m. standard time
'10 a.m. fast time) as beginning
time for parking meter ticketing.
This ticketing will continue
through 6 p.m. daylight time;
2. Appointed Arthur A. Rixe to
replace Fred King on board of
3. Instructed city engineer John
Eaton to obtain cost estimates on
three paving jobs Kearney be
tween 4th and 5th. an alley in
Wiestnria addition and E. Lafay
ette from 7th to 10th;
4. Set 180 feet as length of
bridge to be designed by State
Highway Department
vrilh the philosophy presented In
these recommendations," Dr.
flemming said, adding: "I would
say this ill come about in an
evolutionary manner. I think we
can move In this direction in the
next few years."
The motion approved by the U.
of O (acuity this week is a recom
mendation to Dr. Flemming for
his consideration in making rec
ommendations on admissions pol
icy to the State Board of Higlier
Dr. Flemming was speaker in
Bend at an alumni meeting, at the
Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, Friday, May 4, 1962
Young Demos
are arriving
Delegates to the Oregon State
Young Democrats convention that
is being held in Bend today and
Saturday have begun arriving in
the city.
Registration for the conclave
opened at 2 this afternoon at the
Pilot Butte Inn, convention head
quarters. Two 8 1 a t e olficials will be
among the honored guests at the
convention and will take part in
tlie proceedings. One of them.
Norman O. Nilsen, state commis
sioner of labor, lias already ar
rived in Bend. The other is Attor
ney General Robert Y. Thornton,
who has been endorsed by the
state YD's in his bid for the Dem
ocratic nomination for governor.
He will introduce Saturday
night's banquet speaker, U.S. Sen
ator E. L. I Bob) Bartlett if Alas
ka when he addresses the Y D's
and their guests at a $3 per plate
dinner at the Pilot Butte Inn.
Sen. Bartlett is flying from
Washington, D.C. to Portland and
will arrive Saturday morning and
be driven to Bend for his conven
tion speech.
MC Named
Stale Senator Vernon Cook of
Troutdale will be master of cere
monies for the Saturday night
banquet. Top state (.arty officials
of the senior Democratic party
will also be on hand, including
Ed Spencer, chairman and Arthur
Bone, treasurer.
Dan Marsh, state president of
the YD's is due to arrive in Bend
in mid-afternoon today. He will
preside over the convention when
it opens at 9 a.m. Saturday.
Marsh has announced that he will
not seek reelection. Richard W.
Boctger, Portland, is a candidate
for the president's job.
Committees will meet tonight
to begin hammering out a plat
form, setting rules for the con
vention and checking credentials
of the delegates who will be here
from over the state.
By United Press International
Dow Jones final stuck averages
30 industrials 671.20 off 4.2!t: 20
rails 140.68, off 1.24; 15 utilities
124 77 up 008; 6i stocks 231.20
oft 1 23.
Sales today were about 301
million shares as compared with
3.32 million shares Thursday.
Bob Thomas, local University
alumni representative. Rep. Kess
ler Cannon introduced Flemming.
The University president, sec
retary of Health, Education and
Welfare In the Eisenhower ad
ministration, lauded tlie commun
ity college move in'Oregon and
commended Bend for its pioneer
work in this field.
He said Bend Is receiving full
credit for the present commun
ity college development in Ore
gon. He praised Don Pence, Cen
tral Oregon College president, for
his efforts. "I am delighted we
are moving in this direction," Dr,
Union blasts
wage action
by JFK board
official today denounced as "de
plorable" a presidential board's j
recommendation ot a 10.2 cent an
hour wage increase for half a mil
lion non-operating railroad em
ployes. George E. Leightv, chairman of
the negotiating committee for the
It non-operating rail unions, said
the board's report "fails complete
ly to deal realistically with the is
sues" in the dispute.
Leighty said the railroad em
ployes had had no real wage in
crease since 1958 and their pur
chasing power had decreased
while the wage for all other
groups of American workers had
"Grave Inequity"
"In failing to make any reduc
tion in this grave inequity," he
said, "the board report departs
from all recognized standards of
justice in wage determination."
Leighty said the report "will be
of no assistance whatever in ar
riving at a settlement of the dis
President Kennedy hailed the
report, issued Thursday night, as
gratifying, and called on both
sides "to negotiate a responsible
and non-inflationary settlement in
their own and in the public in
But a spokesman for the 11 non-
operating railroad unions quickly
expressed distaste for the emer
gency board's proposals and the
railroads, judging from past
statements, seemed just as likely
to oppose them.
Under the Railway Labor Act,
the board's report automatically
prevents a strike for 30 days. But
the unions will be free to strike
any time after June 2, as they
have threatened to do.
Here are the board's recom
mendations compared to the po
sition taken by the unions and
the railroads:
Board Recommended a four-
cent an hour increase retroactive
to last Feb. 1 plus a 2'4 per cent
increase May 1. Government offi
cials said this would amount to
an average 10.4 cents an hour as
of May 1.
Union Demanded 25-cent an
hour increase and contends such
a boost would be well within the
President's guidelines for nonin
flationary settlements because of
rapid productivity gains.
Railroads Proposed a 20 per
cent pay reduction for 39 groups
of middle and lower range em
ployes, a flat $1.25 hourly rate
for employes serving food or
Board Recommended five
working days advance notice for
employes whose jobs would be
Unions Asked that the rail
roads be required to give six
months notice to any employe
who was to be '. Jd off or whose
job was to be abolished. The
board rejected this request, call
ing it tantamount to a "job
Railroads Proposed abolition
of rules requiring more than 25
hours advance notice for fur
loughs or job elimination.
Chilling weather
returns to area
Chilling woalher last night re
turned to Central Oregon, to con
found forecasters who predicted
a low for the night of 33 to 38 in
the Bend-Redmond area.
In Redmond last night, the mer
cury dropped to 16 degrees. It
was the coldest reporting spot in
the country. Bend turned in a low
of 21 degrees, recorded at sunrise
this morning.
Even in Salem, west of tlie Cas
cades, the temper aim e dropped
to 31 degrees as skies cleared
following a showery day. On the
Oregon coast, at Newport, tlie low
for the night was 33 degrees.
Forecasts for lows in tlie five
day period set the minimum for
the area at 32 degrees.
Flemming said, noting tlie growth
of the community college concept
in tlie stale.
He presented anticipated Uni
versity enrollment figures, based
on the assumption that commun
ity colleges will relieve the Uni
versity of some of its undergrad
uate load.
He said the University, with a
present eiuuiiment of about 8,850,
anticipates a registration of
around 9,600 next fall and, he
said, tlie total may go over 10,
000. But the University president
hopes to hold the 12 fall enroll
ment to 9,000.
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BULLETIN TROPHIES Bend high track coach Hoot Moore,
meet director for the third Bend Bulletin Invitational track
meet I p.m. daylight time Saturday at new Bend tract, poses
with trophies to be awarded top iquads. Soma 10 teams ara
entered, including several of the top prep competitors in Ore
gon. A unique feature will be the uie of "Olympic" metric
distances in the running events.
Set for Monday
School vote to be
on standard time
Standard time hours will be ob
served next Monday as voters in
Deschutes School District No. 1 go
to tlie polls to ballot on a 10C2-63
budget proposal and pick two di
rectors. Polling places will be open from
2 to 8 p.m., standard time (3 to
9 p.m., daylight time).
In Bend votes will be cast at
three places, the junior high, Ken-
Tariff plea
made by JFK
Kennedy, in a dramatic plea
for his tariff - cutting program,
said today that tins nation has
reached tlie point at which it must
trade or fade.
Kennedy spoke at Ihc dedica
tion of a new $12 million wharf
in the Mississippi River, Tlie Mis
sissippi River is New Orleans'
link with the nearby Gulf of Mex
ico and a lucrative world trade.
The President predicted a joint
economy o( more than a trillion
dollars if the United States enters
a genuine partnership with the
European Common Market. He
said that a genuine partnership
depends upon tariff adjustments.
Police superintendent Joseph
Giarusso estimated thai 100,0(10
persons lined the 12 miles from
Moisant International Airport to
tlie wharf to see Kennedy.
By 1!V, an enrollment of 12,
000 is anticipated, and by I'.iTO the
total is expected to be well over
the I6.OU0 mark.
Problems Hie University faces
as it prepares for this "explosion"
were noted by Dr. Flemming.
Ho mentioned remarkable gains
In graduate student enrollment at
the University, and predicted
much greater Increases. Attract
ing these students, Dr. Flemming
noted, is a strong faculty, scholar
ships and challenges on Uie new
frontier of science. He said worthy
students at present are receiving
some $(100,000 in aid, mostly schol
arslups. 0
Ten Cents
wood and Allen schools. Polls will
also be set up at Young and La
Pine. At slake will be the amount of
the budget in excess of the six
per cent limitation. This is a fig
ure of $816,077.12. The total budget
is $2,008,547.14.
School officials have estimated
that the increase In the new bud
get will be less than one mill.
There are only two candidates,
Bert Hagen and Ralph Boose, for
tlie two vacancies on the board.
Both are incumbents.
Following is a list of polling
places, precincts groupings, and
members of tlie boards:
Junior High, Precincts No. 1,
2, 3, 4. 5. 10, 13, 28. Members of
board: Mrs. A. W. Westfall, Mrs.
Jack Halbrook, Mrs. Harry Mack
ey, Mrs. Walter Kremers and
Mrs. Karley Elliott.
Allen Grado School: Precincla
Nos. 2, 9. 21, 21 A, 23. 25, 32, 32A
and 33. Board members: Mrs.
Mildred Gelbrich, Mm. Clarence
Rapor, Mrs. Dave Wilson, Mrs.
Mel Munkers, Mrs. Les Snyder.
Kenwood Grado School: Pre
cincts Nos. 8, 7, 8. It, 1IA, 20 and
27. Board members: Mrs. Ray
IicBlanc, Mrs. Byron Benson,
Mrs. Phil F. Brogan, Mrs. Dick
Assrln and Mrs. Lowell llirtzel.
Mcmliers of tlie Young School
board, Precinct No. 12, are Mrs.
Walter Smead. Mrs. Bruce Dyer
and Mrs. Bcrtil Nelson.
At LaPine, Precinct No. 24,
board members are Mrs. Roy
Ijirson, Mrs. David Adrian and
Mrs. Arlow W. Dunbar.
Growth in research work al the
University was reviewed.
Speakers at Uie Pine Tavern
dinner meeting Included Steve
Belko, head basketball coach at
tlie University who reported on
athletic activities, with special
mention of the University's great
I9K2 track team: Ken Metzlcr,
editor of "Old Oregon," and Bill
Landers, alumni secretary.
Dr. Flemming was accompany
led here by his wife. He will at
tend the dedication of the new
regional Primate Center at Bea-
verton this weekend.
(See picture en page 4.)
No. 127
Rebels seek
CARACAS (UPD The 1.000-
man garrison of Venezuela a sec
ond largest naval base at Cam-
pano revolted against the govern
ment today and seized tlie city.
The rebels broadcast a procla
mation demanding the immediate
resignation of President Romulo
Betancourt. They claimed total
control of the city.
"The armed forces want to re
establish a really democratic
Venezuela," a rebel cot.imuruque
said. It. said triumph of the up
rising was assured.
Bloody fighting appeared Immi
nent The government mobilized
sea, land and air forces to move
against the eastern port city to
the east of Caracas.
There was no Immediate word
of the fate of the small national
guard detachment at Carupano.
A four-stripe line officer, CapL
Jose Tcodoro Molina, was report
ed leading tlie revolt The rebels
seized the town's only radio sta
tion, radio Carupano.
Defense Minister Antonio Brice
no Linares said troops were being
embarked at Cum arm. 60 miles
west of Carupano and the nearest
major city, and at La Guaira,
I Uie port city for Caracas.
It was Uie biggest military
movement against Uie govern
ment in two years. However, of
ficials described it as an isolated
The rebels were reported to have
no major warships under their
control but to be operaUng small,
fast patrol craft. .
AU communications were cut
with the area, which lies about
350 miles east of Caracas. But
the government issued a com
munique confirming Uie uprising
and saying its forces were in ac
It added Uiat President Romulo
Betancourt had taken prompt
measures to bring Uie rebels to
Band concert
due tonight
The annual spring concert pre
sented by Uie Bend elementary
schools wiu be tonight at 8 o clock
daylight time in tho Bend High
School auditorium.
Groups appearing will Include
Uie Allen Kenwood fifth and sixth
grade orchestras, . Uie Kenwood
chorus and fifth and sixth grade
bands and Uie Allen fifth and
sixth grade vocal groups, ensem
ble, fifth and sixth grade bands
and combined bands. The finale
wUl be "America Uie Beautiful,"
by the combined groups.
The program wiU open with a
Mavpole dance, directed by Rita
Welch, with Pamela Alford as ac
companist. OUier accompanists will include
Kay Nuchols, HeaUier Jenner,
CaUiy Christian, Douglas Brown.
Shirley Ramsey and Dean Cart
miU. Soiobls will Include Brenda Jo
Butcher, vocal; Eric Nashlund,
saxophone: Don Hampson, cornet,
and Pamela Alford. piano.
Directors will be Mane Brostcr-
hous, Kenwood bands and chorus;
Sam McCoy, Kenwood orchestras
and Allen orchestras and chorus,
and Joe Haugen, Allen bands.
Russians set
visit to dam
Russian hydroelectric power spe
cialists will visit Pacific Power
Ii Light Company's Swift hydi-o-electric
project on Uie Lewis Riv
er May 11.
Tlie visit will be part of their
tour of Uiis country.
D. R. MeCliuig. PP&L presi
dent, said Uie delegation was in
terested In Swift Dam because of
its magnitude as Uie world's sec
ond highest earthfill structure and
Uie engineering and technical as
pects of the southwest Washington