o OUT OUR VAY TH- VX.D FUJWBRS LOOKi'P in PK6TVV ORCWJ' IN Tr.6 r .-i .: .7. .... .. TAKJN I n:: vi r. m DICK TRACY BEX MORGAN. M.D. CAPTAIN EASY mm MARY WORTH If --.--...nuTl.r VfPrL PAP AS5JTrT..ft.' ' K. 1 . .. eniiTi -. '-II I 1 B .1 k 'J'- '1 'iClifeOf DAT ,W A WOKfc MAY- ," StEM.'rvt M-ItN mcmko. - WjSS ",',, l l I CHEAP M 86 WB SlrOOtD WEACWV CateCTORS - JJ-fffrl-i I 1 i I1:. '' ; -')MK EM SI HA-JE A lITTLETTrfAPFECT ELABORATE T5IS- -r , I I-!1: ! ij -i . WALLiMefoeDiieiTOFSRosyjK guises to ejargaim jrsa Twg woinptf wart A'ST I )&xplna,tio II! i IV STEVE CANYON mi IRr""'""'"" what ijTthe name T any I Meanwhile .im one howe ih mvM.7 Ianp in "-X'ln- JJ t! c rLI TV 'a5?'?JJ 7x7 M we p pth rwr I av pisacree, leave tmi4TcwnW swETiiiya .. IN THE PBNTASON. k H0PA6 jt rill ,Ath'S IL tiIIHO? 7 BUT THEy WILL NOT -NOTHIN' EVER tA AAAy BREAK.' I BOAEO FOB A CEBj- i I Tv OPPOSITION SA" OUR CONSCIENCES1 I .7 . . ! j j ' fTS' HnT IcUDDENUV A T1NV FLICKER 5?HEN A FULU-FLEOCED ' j. f 1 Cf' t OF FLAME- BLAZE. AS THE TRIO ' iA JB' ftt ChltmTilbuM -. . y Tl " LI'L ABNER , Z'-SO HCW KIN WE VIT'sAjTSARTINU"! IT'S MORE'N FLESH AN' 7" fTHET TOMBSTONE REST, ANOTHER VOREJ NOT.'.' BLOOD KIN STAKJD.'.'- i MIGHT BE FO'i-JV ' J A MlNUTE.UMTIUWE J PROPPlTV,K LET V WE GOTTA , p Mnii-,aii V f REMOVE THE Kl'M HUNORY, "O07 WELL YOU TELLMtTi I SUSIE'S BEEN ) I CANOP JUNE DR. REX Z EXACTLY WHAT YOU 1 M0VINO...AN0 . rf' , ' rr rZJ'if MT' SWEETHEART. SwB fJliL 5 JSJ?' VB. TOO BAD VOU HADN'T ttMTEPi THt I I WHAT PAPER Y MOT WOW. HE LEFT TO Pj TRL , JM-OIO '-!'" Tff TVCOOM-m McKEt- WAS FIXIN' TO CAN VOU FINP DRIVE WH. RUIHWfORP M RUTHERFORP HAVE A WHIT AH WAS W SOLE I A3N0l'A pay YOU PLENTY TO SIGN A PAPERiJJ OUT HOW MUCHI HOME. 8UT I JUOStDW TT- Kg uVuAH OWWEO A . u 1-4 ruiiAun n m 1 MY-WV AABY-5 FATHtR- 1 MtET .. . ..-V ; AUNT Lmi!.uwM IP .lam IHt lMrt'''"-'" Vl" h T0 ORLY AIRPORT T I ALLEY OOP Y IVNT SUPPOSE OK. f ...HE CERTAINLY WCCKWH, I I , v IT'S "N I 09 A LCTT OF WELL.TM OF NO er tPE plan'J 10 L-.-e y why cantps Irxv, we why a inhuman, things them's wind to let a OOP IN ONE OF THt'SE: I NOT? WANTIPA3 HIM CAN'T CANT ) THAT'S . NO LEGAL WW l6Al TECHNICALJTV BIZATO6 LABORATORY Xy FOR HIS rK LET THAT WEf A WMYI f TO PREVENT.' J 6TAN0 IN THE WAY EXPERIMENTS OF 1 V BRAIN3 V HAPPEN V. " OF AN OLD FUlEND'3 HIS, DO YOU? J I S V fM ( WELFARE JrQ Q, ,Gy f7 Uferr- I -.TMS WBP TO - F'-r;. FA" ?JT 1 r.alKC re7kCi?f.iTLlCAI ' ' r WU, AS THE TH.NM yXHl BTOI WIWAN ' C TfE f.TiAL T: I. Ak ' MfcK WMI feKCOU"-?. WJ LT500R.' I wiTM'iv." ,: ) of :5U A NESS DEALS IS -..1 f h 1 . P I ...I Ifl'jbllU.- HLWW3JtJi.n " l int f.c J kL!0t rAFCWlET IS iVX CERTAIN IETTER FROM HERE, lilt l ll IN ' m - . ... I l i mi I J iwfc.r. t mi uu WAV I OUR BOARDING HOUSE U V l nujwwiK, rum. I ' . ... f-7K with MAJOR HOOPLE V V.OlcO.THE'ic KfrV'JRS' AR6 ,',0TH:M6 ?-T H06CES ILL SrtOvJ TH5M WE DOOR 66AO, VtAYB&U Titov assures UN for everybody in NEW YOItK (UPD Soviet cos monaut Gherman Titov, 27, as sured the United Nations Monday there is enough room in outer space for everybody. Titov was honor guest at a re ception given by Acting Secretory General Thant and attended by members of the U.N. Committee on Outer Space and delegates to the Security Council. He toasted Thant in champagne, gave the Burmese diplomat a book of Soviet space exploits, au tographed by him and Yuri Ga garin, the first man in space, and exchanged quips w ith U.S. Ambas sador Adlai E. Stevenson. Stevenson welcomed Titov at Thant's reception "on behalf of and to my country." He remarked that the Russian would have much to discuss with Lt. Col. Jolin Glenn when they meet in Wash ington at a session of the Com mittee on Space Research of the International Council of Scientific Unions for which the Russian made the trip from Moscow. Stevenson jokingly asked Titov if it would be possible to transport the U.N. Security Council to the moon. "It may not be too difficult to arrange in the future," Titov re- I: CO-Hank Weaver New 6:10 Paul Harvey Nwi fi-15110 Music Time 6:30 -H Club program 6 45 Alex Drier Nevi 6:55 News T.ffK-bend Musical Patrol g: siv New 8:35 BHiidsland Music, Nws fl:00 Alex Drier. Good News B: 10 This Evening's Favor! tea 9 : M HI U Owen's Sports File 9 '2b Tliis Evening's Favorites 9:30 Edward P. Morgan 9:4ft ThlK Evening's Favorites. News 10;00 Bandstand Music. News 6:00 T. N. T. 6:30 Nt-ws 6:45 Farm Reporter 7:00 Frank Hemingway T: 15 Morning Melodies Newa 7:30 Morning Runduo 8:00 Don Allen with the newa 8:10 Northwest News 8:15 Honor Roll of Music. Newa 8.30 Memo from Mary 8:35 Honor llnll of Music S;00 Bulletin Board 9:30 Song and the Star 9 -45 Top Tunes 10:00 Music Time 10:30 Local News 10:35 Music Time U:15 Tello Test 11:30 Music Time. Newa 15:00 Noontime Melodies 12:10 Today's Classifieds i2: 15 Sports Review 12:20 Noontime Melodies 12:30 Noon News 12:45 Farmers Hour 1:1)0 Magic In Mule, Newa 2:00 Five Golden Mlnuiea 2:05 Magic In Music. Newa 4.00 Frank Hemingway Newa 4.05 Magic In MukIc 4:15 Paul Harvey Newa 4:25 Northwest News 4:30 Magic In Music 4:45 Speaking of Sports 4:50-Stortes of Pacific Power land 5:00 Tune Vendors 6-15 Parade of Plattera 5:25 Local News 5:30 Parade of Plattera rm3 I IMIW IB 1MB I 6 KT7 12 KPTV 8 KTGVW " TU1-PV t ZZZ'.. S"" mm 6 30 Kingdom ol Ui Se F.NCO R-portcr VoaBui Show 6 S ABC New, 7:00 Kins ol DlAmondA World ol GlmU w11!. ElrB 7:30 Marshal Dillon Buss Bunny Laraml, Hi " raword Bachelor Father "t S-.30 Dobl. GllUa Th.Nw Breed Alfred Hitchcock 8:S " S l Ked Skellon DlckoweU Sta. S 30 lenabod and Ma Voura tor a Son! "( : " Hi: ill Gary Moor, show Alcoa Premier, CaliVa Hundred 1":1S " 1". 11:30 ., 10:46 " II 00 MghUcen Newa A Weather Niiht Beat IV lj Movl, 13 " 11:30 Border Patrol " Tonlsht Show 11: S " CENTRAL OREGON ,35 e.. MONUMENTS ( Com. .ho.,, from 1$ EV 2 "4' our complet. diiplay of pollih.d Rock ofAgM granite. WKIINKMIAY rryir A llMim fi m Cont; M.UiemaUta 5.15 . , American Government General Pychliiry 7. no Culloe ol Tlia Air !! To'.' ?;53 Car.'- Tim. .rW rundhoua. lib 8:00 Carltui Kajuaroo S'i'u. Ci"i . H 1& Ricky & HI. r rtendj J JJ - Romrr rlrura l.lescui ' ,. Calendu - -Ju, " jj J il I Lov. Lucy Homlnt Movta p-y YouI HuneB 9 " 10 M Video VlUaw. Z Pnc. U Rliht 10 15 " " 10 30 Clear Uorlirtl OoncentritJon 10 45 11.00 U n-e ol Ut. trn;,' '"1 shl,w Your Bm Inipreuion U l stearrh n.r TVmomr Yl,u Tra'h or Coniequtncci 11 45 Gul.ilna LlgM " 1.' (XI 111. Neighbor Canvmllag, j.n Murra Sliow i;'jo Al lh World Tumi Wln.Vw Shopr4ni Lorttti Vouni Show 1J 45 " 1 00 KOIN Kitchen Courl Voung Dr. Malon. 130 Houj. Party Burnt - Allan Ou, ,lv, dmgntcni 1 45 ' :w In. MlMonalra JanV.)nn Anllxiny Danny Tnumaa Snow JO v.rdlcl U Youra Seven Kan mre'i UoUywuo. i 45 m Kiimr i-y 8uf.'' " rk. u- ,isrjri"n. w--r-t, : I 45 "4 on Oarvxi Clivua BanJ'AM J l"- " 0 Har-g 4 41 Tm T ; J JJ Z P":T.,, Coon, Sk-ic t 45 tTew.ce. a 1 I Su:. Ne tet 15 Waller Oonldte. N 1 " llur-: Hnnley Ne a i wmitaih I TV' ner.-.-.r outxx Spuruman 45 '' fhl to mad ap fr-nt thtwn fialton Mcmncr wmm m ru-ram a a to there's room outer space plied. "But first, why don't you settle the problems on earth. Titov left the reception in That's 38th floor offices for a brief tour of U.N. Headquarters. He entered the Economic and Social Council Chamber, crowded with newsmen and visitors, to loud applause which he returned in the Soviet fashion. In brief remarks in Russian, he said his 17-orbit flight into space last August was "successfully ful filled with no mistake or defect. "Outer space is an enormous area, but there is enough there for everybody. Our delegation will work with COSBAR and will in- troduce some clarity, perhaps to bring our countries together and perhaps to bring all countries to gether in the exploration of outer space." Titov, who achieved internation al fame last summer when he orbited the globe 17 times, ar rived here Sunday night. He said he expected to have a chance to meet Glenn during the space symposium which begins Wednesday, Then, smiling broad ly, he added "We will have quite a lot to talk about." Eichmann gets visit from wife TEL. AVfV. Israel (UPD -Adolf Eichmann's wife. Vera, vis ited him in his jail cell where he is awaiting execution for the mur der of six million Jews and left still convinced of his innocence, authorities disclosed today. "Auf wiedersehen," sho said to Eichmann at the end of their meeting in Ramie Prison Sunday night. "When will you be coming home?" His reply was unknown, offi cials said. The former Nazi officei is await ing a supreme court decision on his appeal from the death sen tence. No date has been set for handing down the decision. Mrs. Eichmann saw her hus band after arriving at Lydda Air port from Zurich. Their meeting was the first since he was seized in Argentina and hustled off to Israel for trial two years ago. ABOUT FACE FORT WAYNE, Ind. (UPD -Violent storms which raked the Midwest Monday moved Die weather vane atop the Allen County Courthouse for the first time in three years. The weather vane had been pointing northeasL After the storms it was facing in the oppo site direction fornthiNl bj lelettkko utoaa rr mm The Bend Bulletin, Tuesday, May 1, 1962 CARNIVAL PJ f g-f eteni-lltAIW.TJW.Ihg.P.a.Pel.fJ "1 thought you said an education was worth money, Pop! it sura isn't worth anything at Smitty' Candyiandl- U.S. working fo reach tesf accord LONDON (UPD Secretary of State Dean Rusk Monday told the ministers of the Central Treaty Organization the United States will do everything possible to end nuclear testing. Rusk spoke at the opening ses sion of the five-nation conference, the first of three important West ern defense meetings he is attend ing abroad. He told the meeting that the nuclear testing on Christmas Island is "fully consonant with the collective security of the Free World." But he added: "It remains a prime obective of U.S. policy to end all nuclear weapons testing permanently and as quickly as possible." Rusk said "we firmly believe that negotiations on this matter must go forward and we will do our best to see that the nego tiations are continued until test ing is ended." British Foreign Secretary Lord Home told the ministers "our al liance is a test of endurance" be cause of the permanence of the Communist challenge. He said the West must be at once firm and conciliatory, and said Berlin was an example of this technique. The Russians, he said, are be ginning to understand that the West will not permit free peoples' being over-run. Rusk made it clear on arrival Sunday that the talks with Brit ain, Turkey, Pakistan, and Iran would range far beyond CENTO'S borders to take in other areas of Allied cold war strategy, with Berlin in the forefront. But regional problems also have an important part in the two-day agenda. Chief among them is the question of stronger U.S. and British contingents in the Middle East, Rusk's conference tour next takes him to Athens for the NATO council meeting May 3 to 6 and then to Caberra, Australia, for a meeting of the Anzus Pact nations Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. Plans reported to send more Negroes north NEW ORLEANS (UPD - The Greater New Orleans Citizens .Council scheduled "freedom buses north" to New York. Chicaco and ! Los Angeles today in a chips-down test against charges that its cam- paign is a hoax. United Press International learned that the council also was planning to send some Negroes to Hvannis Port. Mass.. President Kennedy's summer home. George Singelmann. director of the cam- paign to send unhappy southern rsegroes north, said the Hvannis i ua.v nigiu. Port schedule was not ready for I Hospitalized were Harry Uye- announcement. !SUS'' M Bnd n's w'fe. Chyio, 80. Sinqelmann said five Negroes1 The explosion blew out one wall uni.M ,-k: ...j.... ! U'C 2'- storv frame home. nn rnnlinont-,1 Trail, . a... on Continental Trailwavs. He said at least inn would hoard a IT-as n m irrvr K,,c in New York. Another 25 Nmim, Including 15 children from two families, would hoard a 10 p.m.. EDT train to lxs Angeles, he added. Singelntann said train was be ing used in the California trip be cause it was too long a bus ride for children. "I've got a long hit of applica tions." Singelmann said. "If th want to go, all they hate to o? is show up at the station. We'll count them there " I'p to today the Citirens Council ciaimcn n n.ia sent no .cgrncs to New York and Chicago. But only 13 had been identified and some Negro critics of the prngr.ij accused the segregationist group ol a hoax. Black Muslims fo face charges LOS ANGELES (UPD-Twenty-two members of the extremist Black Muslim cult were to be ar raigned Wednesday on charges stemming from a blazing gun battle with police last weekend in which one man was killed and 13 injured. Seven police officers were injured, one by gunfire, and six members of the cult were shot. Four of the six were critically wounded. Dead was Robert Stokes. 28, Los Angeles, identified by police as one of the black suited cultists. About SO Muslims, all Negroes, and an equal number of police were involved in the street battle by the time it reached a climax shortly after midnight Saturday morning. Most of the 22 Muslims arrested were booked on charges of assault with intent to commit murder. The battle erupted after two policemen stopped to question two men involved in sell big suits near the local headquarters of the Muslim group. Patrolman Frank Tomlinson said one of the men be came belligerant and bystanders joined the altercation which fol lowed. By the time police restored order after the one-hour battle, a crowd of nearly 200 spectators had gathered. Tomlinson and two other police officers were hospitalized and were reported in satisfactory con dition today. The other four police men were treated and released. Minor fire hits UO dormitory EUGENE (UPD-Damage was estimated at $4,000 Monday from a fire which caused evacuation of a woman's dormitory on the Uni versity of Oregon campus and burned some coed's formal dresses. The blaze was discovered about 5:20 p.m. The 97 coeds in Hen dricks Hall were evacuated safely in less than two minutes. The blaze was confined mainly to the closet where the formal dresses were kept. The rest of the wing of the building in which the closet was located was damaged by smoke and water. Two firemen, Capt. Dick Small and Ronald Coleman, suffered mi nor burns. Cause of the fire was not im mediately determined. R I c ie UlamoJ j Dll3ST 15 DlalTiea on escaping gas PORTLAND UPD- Escaping 'Cas was blamed today for an ex- I P'os'on and fire that demolished a "ome and seriously burned an ' eWcrly Japanese couple here Sat- I Damag amagc from the blast and fire was set at $12.non. A fire investigator said a length i o( '''P0 s'iinS ' into a base ment fruit closet had been re moved, opening up a stopped-ofl gas pipe and letting gas seep throtich the hoiie. He said the pipe probably was opened up un wittingly, since gas had not been used in the house for many years. PLUMBER NEtDtO LONDON' (UPD Millions ol Britons watched television ?tyi- day night to find out which way baih water spq -fan it down the drain. A BBC television program had a namiun in me sturlio tor(ioo( strate (lie way water wh!tis i.O different .hemisplu taj. Whence pro.'r.im ondM th water was still :n the tub The Idrauj was dogged, o o o C3