SPRING IS HERE! To Sell or Rent It, Advertise Here! . PHONE EV 2-1811 - Sell Those Dust Gathering Unneeded Items Quickly And For Cash - PHONE EV 2-1811 The Bend Bulletin, Saturday, April 28, 1962 7 PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIEDS RATES SUBSCRIPTIONS By Carrier One Month $1.50 Six Uonlhi S9.U0 Una Year Sltf.UO By Mail One Month $1.50 Three Months $4.00 Six Months $7.50 One Vear $14.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Redmond LI 8-4261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens, HI 7-7730. In Bend The Bend Bulletin EV 2-1811 Member, Audit Bureau of Circulation The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1031. The bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1918 Published Every Afternoon except Sun days and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin Inc. 738-738 Wall St., Bend, Oregon. 1 -Legal Notice Notice of Annual School Election and Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with see. 331.010, ORS, to the legal voters of School District No. 17J. of Jef. ferson County, State of Oregon. that the ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING of said district will be held at Gateway School; to begin at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m. on the first Monday of May. being the 7th day of May, A.D. 1962, for the purpose of transaction of business usual at such meeting; and vote on the budget for the 1962-63 school year and to elect two directors. Dated this 20th day of May, 1962. Warren Priday, Chairman Board of Directors Attest: SERVICE DIRECTORY A CLASSIFIED LISTING OF SPECIAL SERVICES To Have Your Services Listed PHONE EV 2-1811 AUTO PARTS A & R MOTOR SUPPLY 129 E. Greenwood EV 2-6941 AUTO WRECKING B it B AUTO WRECKING CO. 24 Hour Wrecker Service E. Highway 20 EV 2-3825 BEAUTY SHOPS THELMA'S BEAUTY SHOP Evenings by appointment EV 2-2210 401'4 Lava DRESSMAKING JEAN KNUDSEN DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS Pick-up, delivery. EV 2-3396 ALTERATIONS Experienced Men & Women's Pat Taylor EV 2-2338 EDNA'S TOGS Alterations & Dressmaking Edna Rives EV 2-3592 Laundry & Dry Cleaners BEND TROY LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS 2 Hour Dry Cleaning 4 Hour Shirt Service EV 2-4511 60 Kansas MISCELLANEOUS Janitor Supplies It Equip. VYCO PRODUCTS 20 Minn. EV 2-6981 TRANSIT HOMES INC. Nationwide transporters of mo bile homes. LV 2-.bl, HOME PLANNING SERVICE Let us plan your remodeling. Structural decorating EV 2-33116. HEALTHWAY Specialty Shop "Naturally the best." 624 Franklin Ave. EV 3-0564 BEND RUBBER STAMP SHOP Stamps tor home, business. 1434 Davenport EV 2-2S76 TUPPERWARE DEALER Lucile Chaney EV 2-HS4 RL 2 Box 38 Berd EXPERIENCED SOIL TESTER Fertilize according to needs Tast Service EV 2-1634 WYLIE Monuments & Markers Markers priced for every budget Bill Mayer EV 2-45S9 549 E. Cay BULLDOZING-Dump Truck Wrk Tod Soil Cinders r ill Emerv E. Leisure EV 2-2443 TREE SERVICE Topping, Trimming, P.emovinj Tree Estates Insured WILEY ELLIS, Sr. 153 Jefferson Place EV 2-1C01 J. Ronald Vibbert, District Clerk. 116-122-C Notice of School Election Up on Question of Increasing Tax Levy Over Amount Limited by Section 11, Article XI, State Constitution. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in School District No. 17J of Jefferson County, State of Oregon, from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on May 7, 1962, at Gateway Grade School, in said school district, for the purpose of submitting to the le gal voters of said district the question of raising the tax levy for the fiscal year 1962-1963 over the amount limited by section 11, article XI, oi the Constitu tion of Oregon. The reasons for raising such levy are: To operate and main tain the Gateway Grade School and to provide transportation, also to provide transportation and tuition for high school stu dents living In 13J portion of the Gateway District. The full amount of the budget must be raised since the district has no tax base. The amount of tax. proposed to be levied for said fiscal year is $17,363.50. Dated this 20th day of April, 1962. Warren Friday, Chairman Board of Directors Attest: J. Ronald Vibbert, District Clerk. 11MZ2-C 5-Card oi Thanks OUR HEARTFELT thanks for the kindnesses shown to us dur ing our recent bereavement. Mrs. Jessie Ann Dallas Mr. & Mrs. Al C. DaUas Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dallas Mr. k Mrs. Jack Dallas Mr. & Mrs. Howard Reece Mr. & Mrs. Einor Jensen 8-Special Notices RUMMAGE SALE: LADIES AUXILIARY. VETERANS OF WORLD WAR I. APRIL 26TH 1:30 to 5 P.M. APRIL 27TH 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. EXCEP TIONALLY CLEAN SELECT CLOTHING, HOUSE & GAR DEN PLANTS, BOOKS, ETC. HUNNELL BLDG. BOND STREET. WIDEST SELECTION of But tons & Notions In Central Ore gon. Singer Sewing Center. 126 Minnesota. EV 2-3882. MISCELLANEOUS SCOTT'S CLEANING SERVICE Complete commercial & ResidentiaL Free estimates RUG UPHOLSTERY Pickup & delivery 1417 S. 3rd. EV 2-3983 EXTERIOR & INTERIOR PAINTING HARPER EV 2-4692 Central Oregon MONUMENTS Save by buying local end be protected. Every stone end foundation fully guaranteed in writing. ROCK OF AGES EV 2-3949 933 E. Greenwood RAY REID Taking over Houl-Van Allen on Lawn Mower Service Smell Engine Repair FAST SERVICE 413 Hill EV 2-1474 MALONE'S GROCERY NOW Selling Gas & Oil Open 7 A.M. until Midnite 223 Hill EV 2-9970 FULLER BRUSH DEALER Bob Welsmann EV 2-1831 Rt. 1 Box 21)2 INVISIBLE REWEAV1NG Free Estimates, Fair Prices 675 Innes Lane EV 2-1946 SALADMASTE Stainless Steel Wateriest Coekwew CuUery Christine Markee EV 2-5655 1500 E. k'k radio tt man A-l TV & Honest Guaranteed Service Close Out Sale One Tki Recorder All TV & rVio Sets 642 Franklin oEV 2-4571 PERSONALS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS For Info Call EV 2-4780 U t-3606; 4:5-3111; Hi J-J2 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything, But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend EV 2-2151 I8-Help Wanted Male EXPERIENCED Service Sla tion attendant. Write stating age and experience. P. O. Box 362, Bend. MAN WANTED for drilling and septic tank work. Expcri- enced or willing to learn. Call Mathers, EV 2-4814. HAVE OPENING for married man with responsibilities. Must be hard worker, and not satis fied with ess than $123.00 per week. Applications held strictly confidential. Write care The Bend Bulletin Box 428A. WE HAVE IT IT'S NEW COME AND SEE You can earn more money than you ever thought possible. Steady dignified work, with a tremendous future. Apply Room 17. O'Kane Bldg. between 9 & 10 a.m. 20-Service Directory PAINTING KITCHEN 545. Liv- Ine Room $45. Bedroom $35. Bath $20. Exterior Painting, Also CommerciaL Harper EV 2-4892 CHET MACMILLAN PLUMBING Repairs as Remodeling Residential Commercial Industrial 120 Thurston EV 2-2833 24-Sltuatlons Wtd. Male SKILLED Sheet metal man furnace installer, 16 years ex perience wants permanent Job in Bend or Redmond. Write Box 427A, care The Bend Bulletin 28-Money Wanted WANTED: $3,000 for one to three years. 8 per cent Interest Secured by f i r s t mortgage. Write Box 425A, Bend Bulletin. 29-MiscelIaneous for Rent Tools and Equipment FOR RENT BEND RENTS Hiway 97 South 30-MlgeeIlaneous (or Sale 16 FOOT Cruisette boat with cabin, 1961 40 h.p. Mercury mo- ior. water skis, tow rope, irau- er, $995. 8-inch tilting arbor ta ble saw. metal stana, motor $65. See at 1224 E. 10th Street, EV 2-4229. Now Open CHAMNESS GLASS Bend Branch Dwalne Miller, local mgr. All Types of Glass 124 Greenwood EV 2-3887 WESTSIDE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston EV 2-2425 Used Furn. & Misc, Daily 8:30 to 6 Sunday 9:30 to VISIT DARRELL'S during the big Clearance SALE of excess stock and shop-worn record al bums, all reduced $1.00. Dar- rell's House of Music, Wall at Oregon. Quality NEW and USED Furniture Dinette Sots Bedroom Sots Occasional Chairs Linoleum Rugs Chests-Vanities Refrigerators-Freezers Washers-Dryers Ranges-Gas or Elcc. Tools-Supplies Antiques & Old Pieces Lots of Parking Space We buy, sell or trade J & M Furniture 1854 N. 1st. (N. Hiway) EV 2-2202 Open Fri. eve 'til 9 Wool, Nylon it Cotton CARPET Now available at DICK'S Linoleum & Tile 826 Wall St. Be Complete Line of Nationally pro ven appliances (or your home . . . Kitchen Aid, Norge, Preway, Tappan and others. Low prices . . . Easy fuiancing. SEE t'S TODAY BILL'S ELECTRIC 9(2 HiU SI. EV 2-1 KELVINATOR refrigerator in good condition. Full price $39.95. 'lermv Ken Cale Hardware. SO LITTLE in pay. . .try it Uwlay. B!,ie L'islre Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner. Masterson- St. Clair lldw. PORK PRICES down, t-p 75 Ib.-H hog 35c lb., cut to order. Get that Freezer now. New 21 ft. upright, 10 year warranty, nnlv $229. Midst. Meat 37 Greenwood GUARANTEED USED relrig crntors and ranges. AU in ex cellent condition. All types of fi nancing with minimum down. O Oregon Lqunent Company, ltv5 East Greenwood. TOP SOIL. Fill dirt, dump truck, tractor loader wosk, exca vations. EV 2-ol6L O O 30-Miscelloneout for Sale LAWN MOWER SHARPEN ING Hand and power We use the best precision grinder. 30 years of "know-how . Carl Austin, Bond & Greenwood. USED GAS range, good con dition. 150. EV 2-4448. SATURDAY ONLY English Bike tires $1.49 Carl Austin Bond It Greenwood A REAL Roto-Tiller. Make a seed bed in one operation. Pow- driven wheels, & speeds for- ard. Price $150 or will trade for livestock. EV 2-1707. ONE UNBRELLA tent 9x11. EV 2-2859. LEAVING CITY Monday. Must close out, five rooms of furniture, like new. Bedroom sets, chairs, sectional, dinette, desk, television, miscellaneous. 623 Congress, EV 2-1770. 1-Appliances. Furniture APPLIANCE REPAIR WASHERS, DRYERS, FREEZ ERS, REFERS. WATER HEAT ERS. FURNACES. All makes. MIKES ELECTRIC EV 2-5312 32-MusicaI Instruments STUDENT CLARINET in good condition, $65. EV 2-1707. 39-Livestock Wanted WANTED: Fat cattle and hamburger cows. Highest cash price. Will pick up. EV 2-0458. 40-Farmers Column GOOD GUERNSEY milk cow, Just fresh. V 2-2780 alter p.m. ONE GUERNSEY cow, just fresh and two Holstein, milking. EV Z-034Z. 41-Llvestock, Horses HORSESHOEING and Horse Breaking, EV 2-6094. PERMANENT REGISTERED Quarterhorse Stud Service by Cokev Joe of Leo and waggon er breeding. Reasonable rates. EV 2-3164. 42-Poultry. Rabbits BEND EGG & POULTRY WHOLESALE Eggs, chickens, turkeys. Custom poultry killing. Poultry received Monday through Friday. 740 E. First EV 2-1042 44-Boats & Motors TWELVE FOOT wooden lake boat, with 3 horse Evinrude mo tor. Total price $98.50. Ken Cale Hardware. FOR SALE 12 ft. metal boat, trailer and 5 horse motor. Call EV 2-2776. 45. Sportsmen's Column BOAT. MOTOR and trailer, readv to eo for opening day. Al so station wagon Carter Car pac. G. E. Cleveland, Route 1, Box 489, evenings, .v z-jjuj. MR. FISHERMAN: Got a broken rod, need rewrapping, re finishing, rebuilding? Can do it. All work professionally guaran teed. Mac s Rod Shop, 31 New port. " 48-Swap Column LAWREY HERITAGE elec tric organ for a 14' to 18' clean camper trailer. Write or see Lloyd N. Anderson, Box i, lu pine. Ore. 47-Wanted to Buy PROPANE GAS tanks. Ideal Gas & Appliance, Box 706, Bend. EV 2-3823. 50-Fuel, Coal, Wood, Oil GREEN SLAB Wood $17.00 a load, approx. 2 cords. Washed Oil Treated Stoker. Washed Lump Coal. Robert Davenport, EV 2-1599. WASHED UTAH COAL Lump Nut Stoker PRES-TO-LOGS CITY FUEL CO. 539 E. First EV 2-6961 51-Wanted To Rent WANTED TWO bedroom home, furnished. Good refer ences. EV 2-1811. COUPLE WISHES one bed room home furnished, immedi ately. No children, no pets. Good references. EV 2-6224. S4-Rooms for Rent DESIRABLE ROOM for man, kitchen, bath. EV 2-0710. 57-Apartments Furnished SMALL MODERN furnished apartment, 314 Delaware. MODERN THREE rooms, quire 40 Irving, EV 2-5142. In- FRESHLY CLEANED two room semi - basement, utilities included save electricity. 623 Hill Street. S8-Houses ior Rent FOUR BEDROOM house Hookup for washer and dryer, IB15 W. 5th. TWO BEDROOM home, dou ble garage, EV 2-6584. THREE ROOM house Georgia. EV 2-0780. 59-Houses Furnished SMALL ONE bedroom, West side, garage. lf. EV 2-0971 CLEAN TWO bedroom home, $75 per month, EV 2-33ZO. CLEAN REDECORATED, rooms, fireplace. EV 2-1949. 62-Insurance GILBERT'S INSURANCE AGCY 1015 Wall EV 2-3752 70-Business Opportunities i'OTLL AND Trailer Court. Nine units plus living quarter Eleven suae on U.S. 97. I city limits. $45.0H0. Western A Motel, Redmond. FOR LEASE, up to 3')0 f liiahwdv frontage. 1'orlh Greenwood A. c. in Redmond EV 2-2033. i 70-Business Opportunities 10 Per Cent Interest 10 Per Cent Interest. If you are receiving less than 10 per cent on your money contact me. I have the ranch, the water and the know-how. Need private money for young livestock. Sell this fall. You hold mortgage un til sold. Any amount up to $20, 000. Repeat yearly if desired. Write care The Bend Bulletin Box 420B. MAJOR OIL Company in Burns, Oregon for Lease. Excel lent volume, small Investment. Service Station paid training program available. Call Burns 4461 lor additional information STANDARD OIL CO. To lease Chevron Station, ex cellent down town location, low inventory. Contact F. A. Thomp son. EV 2-9919 EV 2-2795 OWNER WILL TAKE $5,000 to $15,000 down on 35- unit Motor Lodge. Top down town Bend location on Hwy. 97 & 20. Good touristrcommercial- ski business. $75,000 for quick sale or will consider cash otter for $53,000 equity. Phone owner EV 2-4451 or write 14SU B. ara 75'Resort Property VACATION HOMES ITES ON MOUNTAIN STREAM. Nine miles on rjavement from Bend 520. to $50. down. . .low month ly terms. See W. C. Coyner, 830 wall, Bena. tau v or EV Z-3660. 78-Farms & Acreages SMALL ACREAGE ill good lo cation. Quality built home with basement. City and COI water. Priced to sell. EV i-zvM. FOR SALE by owner, 90 acres, 60 water, i nree pearooin modern home, iii.iw. Jv -1801. BY OWNER 8 acres, 5 acres water, Vi miles from city 11m- Its. 3 bedroom moaern nome, plumbed and wired for dryer and washer. Large cistern. Terms. EV 2-2780 or EV 2-1920. FALL RIVER, approximately 800 ft. river frontage. 5Vi wood ed acres. View of mountains, beautiful setting. Inquire Hoff man's River Resort, star nouie, Bend, Ore., EV 2-5131. FOR SALE 40 acres. 20 acres water rights, EV 2-0342. 80-Real Estate For Sale r.nnn BUY for cash, to settle estate. Nice two bedroom fur nished or unfurnished, hee at Kansas or caU EV 2-2827 or EV 2-5610. rnn QUICK sale bv owner, in tourist commercial zone. Three h.Hmnm house, sas range and heater included. New street nr.n,fln( nnrt Plirb is Daid. $6, 000. with $500 down, to reliable buyer. EV 2-2148. nWNF.n TRANSFERED ur..t unit Havliffht basement, ght rooms. IVi baths, reversed an, double garage, lovely view Any reasonaoie oner wu sidered. EV 2-2951. NEW LISTINGS FIRST TIME OFFERED riM THTT. -RIVER. 2 BR. up, ! BR. down, full basement. Big l.nAlt., n n llVlnff rOOm Qinuifi room, nice kitchen, plumbed and wired for laundry, dishwasher. Now this is an older home but ovtreme V well Kepi. A sural i $13,050 with low FHA down pay ment. nn RF.AUTY on W. side, mn iiuin mom. knotty pine kit- rhn with dining space, built-tn n Xr oven, lame masirr on . . . n n 2 more up. FAMILY MAN'S DREAM for only $11,900. Pay his equity, assume GI at $72.95 per mo. Incl. Ux it Ins. TH1S wun LAST. VERN LARSON AGENCY Real Estate Appraiser EV 2-5297 1496 Quincy Midstate Realty Harold Phillios. Realtor 103 Minnesota Ave. EV 2-1871 Eastside $13,000 3 bedroom, paved st. Fenced beck yard. Eastside $13,000 3 bedroom & family room, fireplace, paved st. Eastside $12,750 2 bedroom fireplace, fenced baek yard nice. Westside $3,0002 bedroom, value. Phillips 24571 Hogan 2-3274 BY OWNfcR: Three bedroom hnma F.asUida location, r ir place, wall to wall carpet throughout, tile kitchen, built In stove, fenced back yard. 5 per cent loan. EV 2-0566. HAP TAYLOR, Realtor NICE NEAT STUCCO HOME ON LAFAYETTE 1 bedroom home with big living room, breakfast nook, and utility room. Fenced yard, paved street. $6,650. 2 bedroom home en Delaware. Basement, new forced air oil furnace. FHA appraised, will sell for $7,500. E. 3rd BRANCH OFFICE 345 E. Third EV 2-A453 Jim ArnU EV 2-5243 Buck Davis Ranches EV 2-6914 CHRISTMAS VALLEY BRANCH OFFICE For acreage and town site lots In Christmas ViUey.sce Hap Tavlor at the Chrittmas I Valky Lodge Ollice. 80-Real Estate For Sale Attention Please This is a good small business showing a nice profit: located right. Store and service station plus nice 2 bedroom living quar ters on 100 x 140 ft. lot. Total price inc. stock, $10,500. Good terms. ALMOST 2 ACRES City water year around. 14 acres irrigation water, smau barn, underground sprinkler system. 3 bedroom home in like new condition, carport. $12,750, FHA terms. See Us For Hiway Frontage, River Frontage and Bare Acre ages. ART SHOLES Real Estate & Insurance 444 So. Third EV 2-2743 Roy EV 2-4818 Bob EV 2-3990 Emily EV 2-1086 Jess EV 2-4317 TWO BEDROOM modern heme. t4 basement. Good gar den spot. EV 2-2080 or inquire at 630 E. Cjuimby. Russell's Realty Bud Russell, Realtor 283 Oregon Ave. EV 2-3031 THE BEAUTY SPOT on the Big Deschutes. Approx imately 20 acres, over 1500 ft. of river frontage, wooded with stately pines. Full price SI 7,500, $5,000 down, easy terms on balance. ACREAGE. Borders City Limits. 2 acres. 3 bedroom modern home, large living room, separate dining room, utility plumbed & wired for laundry, New aluminum siding. Full price 1 1 ,500, terms. Mable Foster Kieth Ramsay EV 2-5321 EV 2-3105 Bud Russell EV 2-4699 TWO YEARS old, three bed room. Patio, built-in oven ana range. Owner moving, must sell. EV 2-1206. Midstate Realty Harold Phillips. Realtor Branch Office 230 E. Third Phone EV 2-3867 Eastside good 2 bedroom home $9,500. 312 DreVe Rd. 3 bedroom, firepleee, oil furnace, basement $11,250. - Ranch 144 A. with 101 A. Swalley water, all permanent pasture, 3 stock ponds, till term implements, 2 bedroom home, guest hse 7 m i I e I to Bend. Price $40.000 $12,000 dwn. Ranch 135 A. with 33 acres C.O.I. A value. $17,000. Evenings Bill Franck EV M273 KERR REALTY, INC. 734 E. Greenwood EV 2-2521 Dick Kerr, Broker $ 1 1,750 Just completed this 3 bedroom home In new sub division, well insulated, elec tric heat, large attached ga rage. $13, ECO Choice Eastside loca tion. 2 large bedrooms, baths, raised hearth fireplace, built-in oven and range, patio with sliding glass doors. Walt Klttredge EV 2-4492 Ray Cronin EV 2-5656 Clent King EV 2-5452 HURRY ON THESEI 5 ROOM HOME, nicely furnish, pH. nn larzc lot. East side. Price ineludins furniture. $6,150. Good terms. GRADE A DAIRY, fully equip ped, including dairy herd and quota. 8 room home. All build ings in A-l condition. Price $01 000. $3,600. PUTS YOU In a well-pay ing cafe. Excellent location. ALSO HAVE SMORGASBORD and bakery for sale. Mae Hunter. Res. Ph. EV 2-5168 Strout Realty, Rt. I. Box 194 Docs Someone Want What You Don't? SUREI But the best way to find out Is to advertise it right here, Uie Classified WAY. The only way to sell those don't want Items. Try It TO-DAY. The Cost Is Tiny LV 2-1811 THE BEND BULLETIN 80-Real Estate For Sale TWO BEDROOM, good east side location. Completely re modeled, new foundation, new wiring, electric heat, wall to wbII carpeting in living room. Price $5,500. Terms. EV 2-1707. BY OWNER: Three bedroom, newly redecorated. Wall to wall carpet. Two lots, garage. EV 2 1839. See to appreciate. RANCH STYLE 3 bedroom. Two tile baths, wall to wall car riots, draoes. automatic sprink- ers, dishwasher, disposal, ure- place, dining room, nook, large utility, plastered double garage. Fenced yard ana patio, i-riceo below $21,000 FHA appraisal. 655 E. 11th, EV 2-3856. TRADE FOR ACREAGES PLANNED FOR IMPORTANT PEOPLE Quality construction home on attractively landscaped lot. In the beautifully dec orated interior is an 1 8x24 foot living room with fire place, thermopane windows and wall to wall carpeting. 3 bedrooms, perty room in basement, double garage, economic electric heat, In sulated & storm windows. A real masterpiece for $26,500. BEAUTIFUL INSIDE & OUT Well built family home. Only 3 yrs old S located in a district of fine homes. Street level entrance with finished full daylight base ment. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 3 fireplaces S hot water baseboard heat. Priced be low appraisal at $25,000. The Land Mart 811 Wall St. EV 2-5121 Ariclgh Black Broker Joe Tilden EV 2-27 Jim Lance EV 2-5756 Bob Lilienthal EV 2-6383 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor TOP investment property. rental units, located on 2 acres, just outside city limits. City we ter, city fire protection, county taxes of $300. Units include a furnished 2 bed room home. Potential annual gross income $3,000. Plenty of room for additional units. Price reduced to $15,000 for quick tale. 822 Wall St. Nitcs Jim 2-3594 EV 2-1761 Arnie 2-4473 Harvey 2-4686 CHRISTMAS VALLEY BRANCH OFFICE For acreage and town site lots in Christmas Valley, see Hap Taylor at the Christmas Vallev Lodge Office. 91 -Farm Machinery frr CAT IT r.Dcnnahln nii- ver 80 tractor. John Deer pick up cnopper, Diuwer miu pia. T... nUnnn.J knw uia nnnm QAf 1 Wl V HUl-rv -.1 lias " u m, - Chevrolet pickup, ono Hog feed er, ilv ;-i;mw. 94-Mobile Homes FOR SALE: 35 foot Shult trailer house. Also 2 wheel trail EV 2-3305, 1311 MUwauKee, K W Mobile Homes S. Hiway Used Trailers for Rent, on permanent location CAMP TRAILER 15 ft,, one vear old, extra Dunlins. uu, EV 2-2009. 95-Trucki. Trailers 1955 2 ton Chevrolet t r u a k . long wheel base. EV 2-3823. TANDEM TRAILER 4x10. EV 2-8293. $60 100-Autos For Sale THIS Get in on the fabulous discount prices on Buicks, Pontiacs, Tempests and Buick Spec ials NOW at Murray and Holt. $400 OFF on New Pontiacs & Buicks $250 OFF on New Tempests & Buick Specials BUY NOW While prices are at their lowest! Today thru Monday Come on out belay and make the deal of a lifetime at Murray & Holt Motors, Inc. Wrecker Service EV 95-Truckj. Trailers FOR SALE: Two short Log Trailers. One D-B Cat and one 371 GMC truck. How i Trow bridge, Sisters, Ore. 100-Autos tor Sale 1961 Greenbrier Wagon $2295 A real clean wagon Ben Jacques Redmond Chevy City LI 8-2141 1960 4-door Catalina Pontiac. Full power, radio and heater, two-lone, very sharp. $2150. EV 2743 days, EV 2-3990 niglils. 1954 CHEVROLET 210 4-door sedan. 49,000 actual miles. Can be seen at C k C Richfield, Red mond. Phone 548-27:4 after m. No Saturday calls. 1950 CHRYSLER coupe. Good condition. Must sell, make of fer. 1134 Albany, EV 2-3094. COMPACT CAR only 29.000 miles. '53 Willys coupe in amaz ing condition, $295 or beat offer. EV Z-385IS. EQUITY IN 1956 Mercury sta tion wagon. 1454 Davenport NEW C0RVAIR CONVERTIBLE NOW! BOB THOMAS Chevrolet-Cadillac 709 Wall Bend OUALITY USED CAR 1956 Mercury Montclair 4 dr. se dan. Full power. Good mechanic ally and good rubber. DYER'S AUTO SERVICE Next Ore. Equip, on Greenwood 1952 DeSOTO 9 passenger se dan. Like new Inside and out. Motor runs good. Need tires. Excellent commuter car for Round Butte Dam workers. See at Farlclgh Auto Sales, Red mond, SACRIFICE EQUITY In '57 Mercury Monterey 4 door se dan. This automoDue now is bi solutely perfect condition. Will tnko down to $150 riflo and you take over payments of $61. Phone EV 2-2744 after 8 p.m. ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS E. Second 4t B'ranklln PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? I need '5? & '60 model used cars. Will trade older car for your equity. DON'S USED CARS 1 Blk. So. of Greenwood on 3rd. A-l USED PICKUP 1961 Ford F-350 ono ton stock body. Custom equipment and a wonderful bargain at only $2599. R0BBERS0N FORD $25 DELIVERS ANY USED CAR IN STOCK :; (on approval of credit) ! BOB THOMAS Chevrolet-Cadillac . 235 E. Greenwood EV 2-6131 Arrows from Wagner's IS IT! 2-3216 E. Second i Franklin EV 2-2222