The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, April 27, 1962, Page 6, Image 6

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    Welfare costs
show decrease
Public welfare in Deschutes
county cost $38,584 In March,
about $2O0 less than the preced
ing month. This was reported by
Miss Olive Jameson, administra
tor, at the monthly meeting of
the commission Wednesday.
Total expenditures were about
the Fame, in spite of the fact that
general assistance cost $3,256 last
month, an increase of $800 from
February. Old age assistance, at
$8442, and old age assistance med
ical, at $11,081, both showed $500
The general assistance case
load is tapering off, with an in
crease in employment, and the
f2IM budget for April will be
adequate, Miss Jameson said. For
May, $2511 has been allowed.
Since the beginning of the fis
cal year, the old age assistance
case load has dropped from 204
cases to 192 cases, and aid to de
rwnHpnt ,-hillrpn has increased
from 45 cases to 64 cases. Aid to
the disabled dropped from 57
cases last July to 52 cases in
Aid in Hemmdent children cost
$82fl9 last month, plus $957 for
medical care. Aia to nisamea
came to $2951, plus $1838 medi
cal. Other costs last monlh were
$877 medical for general assist
ance cases. $794 for foster home
care and $88 for aid to the dis
abled. Present at the meeting were
commissioners Kenneth Munkres,
Mrs. B. A. Stover, Folmer Bodt
ker and Cliff Goodwin, and coun
ty court members George Baker
and Fred Shepard.
Women to attend
session at OSU
Sixteen Deschutes county wom
en will be attending the 30th an
nual State Home Economics
Council meeting, May 1-3 at Ore
gon State University.
Mrs. Floyd Starkey, Bend, is
district director. Others, attending
will be Mrs. Vic Schroeder, home
extension agent, and the follow
ing from Bend: Mrs. Leslie
Krlbs, Mrs. John Mellott. Mrs.
Charles Bigelow, Mrs. Irving Wal
ters, Mrs. Albert Bartolat, Mrs.
Don Hanks, Mrs. Claude Gant,
Mrs. Allen Bolton. Mrs. Tom Wal
lace and Mrs. John Prentice.
Attending from Redmond will
be Mrs. Forrest Yeoman. Mrs.
Paul Halter. Mrs. II. II. Malick
and Mis. Jack Mitchell.
Cap is received
by Miss Mellin
Miss Mary Alice Mellin of Bend,
student nurse at Emanuel Hos-
ipital School of Nursing, Port
land, received her cap in tradi
tional ceremonies recently. She
lis the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Mellin, 540 E. Revere Ave
nue. The capping ceremony was held
at the Central Lutheran Church in
Portland. Miss Esther Jacobson,
director of nursing at the hospital,
presented the caps.
Attending from Bend were Miss
Mellin's parents, her grandmoth
er, Mrs. Ixo Carver, and her
brother, Don. Her aunt, Mrs. Val
Cook, formerly of Bend and now
of Portland, was also present.
Timber bloc
being formed
PORTLAND (UPI) - A timber
bloc is forming in Congress, a
spokesman for the National Lum
ber Manufacturers Association
said Thursday.
Its purpose will be to cooperate
on issues needed to keep the lum
ber industry healthy, NLMA chief
forester Ralph D. Hodges Jr. said.
Addressing the annual meeting
of the Industrial Forestry Associ
ation, Hodges said the timber
bloc will be similar to presently
existing cotton and peanut blocs.
He said formation of a timber
bloc was started at a meeting of
61 representatives from states
with substantial forest industries
three weeks ago.
The IFA elected Werner Mary
of Grays Harbor, Wash., presi
dent; Robert Conklin of Eugene,
vico president: Rae Johnson of
Portland, secretary; and Gene
Knudscn of Dallas, treasurer.
U.S., Russians
exchange fire
at Geneva meet
GENEVA (UPI) The Soviet
Union accused the United States
today of trying to sneak war prop
aganda Into Communist countries.
The United States, in turn,
charged that the Soviet Union is
using the discussion here on the
banning of war propaganda to
make propaganda of its own.
The exchange of charges came
as the 17-nation Disarmament
Conference delegates met as a
committee of the whole this after
noon to consider an article on
propaganda to be included in a
treaty draft that may be present
ed to the United Nations in New
York by June 1.
Chief U.S. delegate Arthur H.
Dean said any move to try to
include in the U.N. Constitution
any provision barring war propa
gandaas previously proposed by
the Russians would violate basic
American freedom of expression.
"The answer to war propaganda
is more information within and
across international frontiers.
more contact between citizens of
different countries, increased un
derstanding and larger areas of
freedom for all " he said.
Zorin replied at length. He con
fined himself to the question of
war propaganda, and did not men
tion the resumption of American
nucloar testing. His presence to
day and agreement to discuss
new item when the conference
reconvenes next week indicate the
Russians plan to slay on here de
spite threats to walk out over the
new American tests.
Zorin derided Dean's proposals
for more exchanges of publica
tions, and radio and television
"If the United States refuses to
prohibit war propaganda," Zorin
went on, "where is the guarantee
that these foreign publications
and broadcasts would not be filled
with war propaganda? There is
no such guarantee."
(UPI 1 The Army today fired a
Pershing missile on a planned
short-range test flight across the
Atlantic Ocean.
The shot appeared to be per
fectthe 30th success in 35 flights
of the solid-fueled Pershing.
The missile vindicated itself fol
lowing a mishap of last Tuesday
in which a similar rocket veered
off course and had to be destroyed.
6 The Bend Bulletin, Friday, April 27 ,1962
Foreign sfudenfs to talk
at meeting of Sisters PTA
Special to Tht Bulletin
SISTERS The regular meet
ing of the Sisters PTA will be
held on Tuesday, May 1 in the
multi-purpose room of the Sisters
school, at 8 p.m. Program for the
evening will include two foreign
students, Wilma Burgos from
Honduras and Marjono Ali Putra
from Indonesia, who are students
at Bend High SchooL Elia Pineda
of Honduras, who is attending
Redmond High School has also
been invited io speak at the meet
ing but may not be able to be
present. Everyone interested is
invited to attend.
The meeting will include the In
stallation of officers for die com
ing year.
Dinner guests Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Ray were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ger
king of Tumalo and Mrs. Lillian
Dudding. Other visitors for the
day were Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Eveleth and family of Albany.
Johnny Shaw, student at the Pa
cific University at Forest Grove
spent the weekend visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Edenfield
and family of Toledo spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Jacobsen. They
all enjoyed a visit to the new
Round Butte damsite on Sunday
Mrs. Sue Haines returned last
week from a two and a half
months visit to the home of her
daughter in Washington, D.C.
Jimmy Meyers has won a trip
to the World's Fair In Seattle,
Wash., and to Canada in a car
rier contest. The trip, which will
take five days will be made in
the middle of June.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lynam of
Winston and their grandaugliter,
Donna Lundgren visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Ray and other
friends on Monday.
Den mothers of Cub Scout Pack
39 took the members of their dens
to the Shrine Circus in Bend on
Tuesday afternoon. The den moth
ers are Mrs. George Meyers,
Mrs. Don Baker, Mrs. Maurice
Hunking and Mrs. Howard Trow
bridge. Mrs. George Sproat and
Mrs. Bennie Thorp also assisted
with transportation.
Mrs. Marie Mehlenbeck of Mad
ras was a guest this week at the
home of Mrs. Sue Haines from
Monday until Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearson
and family were dinner guests
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Shaw.
Rev. Earl Downing, minister of
the Christian Church in Spring
field and Mrs. Downing were call
ers Monday at the homes of Mrs.
Harold Jacobsen and Mrs. John
A special meeting of the Sisters
VFW Auxiliary was held Tuesday
evening at the VFW Hall for the
officers who had not been present
for the installation ceremonies in
Bend. Those taking office are:
Mrs. Thelma Lundy, secretary;
Mrs. Milton Hammack, senior
vice; Mrs. Bob Bell, junior vice;
colorbearers Mrs. Leonard Bow
ers, Mrs. James Glover and Mrs.
Dale Elkin: and patriot instruc
tor, Mrs. Mark Winkle. Mrs. Roy
Davis was the installing officer.
Teaching post's
filled for year
MADRAS All positions on the
58 member teaching staff of the
Jefferson county school district
No. 509-C have been filled for the
1962-63 school year, it was an
nounced this week by Gerald
Newton, district superintendent.
Seven new positions were crea
ted for the next year to meet in
creased enrollments in the dis
trict. Ten new teachers are join-
j ing the staff to fill the seven new
spots and to replace three teach
ers of the system who will not
return next year.
The district serves the Warm
Springs and Madras grade schools
and the Madras Junior high
Cubs to collect
bottles Monday
REDMOND Annua bottle col
lection campaign of Pack 26, Cub
Scouts, will be held in Redmond
Monday, April 30, from 4 until 6
p.m., standard time.
Bottles are collected each year
by the pack as a money-making
project Residents of the city and
surrounding area are asked to co
operate in the project when mem
bers call. Funds are used to meet
expenses of the group.
Court finds
Cook guilty
James Anthonv Conic. Rpnil
was found Plliltv nf n haip 1-11I0.
violation, in a district court trial
before Judge Joe Thalhofer
Thursday. Cook had been nabbed
in the radar net April 19, and
entered a not guilty plea. He was
fined $10.
Milo Alton DeWitt. Culver, was
fined $10 Thursday for an inade
quate muffler, and John Bovee
Parton. Bend. fnrfpitsH ta hail fnr
no operator's license.
Fines were paid Wednesday by
the following: Clarence Edwin
Gilman, Spokane, basic rule vio
lation, radar, $30; Thomas Lynn
Rosen. Raymond. Calif . failllrA
to drive to the right side of the
highway, $15: Wilham Franklin
McWilliams, Bend, basic rule
violation, radar, $15.
Bud Frank Lacey. Bend, for
feited $15 bail for obstructed rear
LONDON (UPI) - Earl (Clem
ent) Attlee spent a "very com
fortable day" Thursday in King
Edward VII Hospital, according
to a spokesman here. The 79
year old former prime minister is
recovering from a stomach operation.
Officers named
by Madras Elks
Special to Tht Bullttln
MADRAS Floyd Chestnut
was installed as exalted ruler of
the Madras Elks Lodge No. 2017
in recent ceremonies held at the
Elks temple in Madras.
Chestnut succeeds Alvin Crock
er as head of the lodge here.
Other officers installed were:
Louis Hodges, leading knight;
Jack Pegg, loyal knight; Oscar
Nissen. tyler; Jim Bonner, lectur
ing knight; Lloyd Vincent, chap
lain; Herb Graybael, treasurer;
Les Yaw, inner guard and Art
Grubbs, Warren Hodges and Gra
ver Findley, trustees.
Without habit-forming drugs
A new technique combinei hundreds ot
Uny beads of medicntlon In a capsule.
Half of these dissolve io Induce sleep
quickly. The other tali U gradually
released to sustAln and deepen your
natural sleep. Take Nile-Rest tonight for
iafe, uninterrupted kleep. Wako up ra
Irethed tomorrow.
You aleep soundly or tnoner back.
bring your
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Specializing in industrial
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Gears and Sprockets
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1114 Roosevelt Ave. Phone E V 2-3762
Two blacks west of Skyline Drive In
announce the location of their
effective Tuesday, May 1st
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"Stere-O-Malic" 4-speed automatic record changer plays all records, sereo or monaural, automatically
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Come in today end SEE-HEAR for yourself.
Portable Models from 82.95
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You Can Be Sure ... If It's
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110 lb. Frost-Free Freeier never reeds de
frosting Frost-Free Cold Injector keeps food fresh
Full Width Crisper keept vegetables dewy
fresh 2-Position Shelf even holds gallon milk ugt
Built-in Quality meant you can be sure . . .
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Upright Freezer
725 lb. Capacity
Air-Sweep Shelves for fast, efficient freezing
Swing-out Storage in 70-lb. basket
Multiple-use Door Shelves for all sixes of
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Mangnetic Door Seal keeps cfeld In . . .
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Plus Built-in Lock, "Dry Wall" construe,
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After Small Down Payment
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Phone EV 2-5241