6 The Bend Bulletin, Wednesday, April 25, 1962 Theme for 1962 Homemaker Festival, May 10, selected Sp.cl.1 to Tht Bull.lln REDMOND An old sampler sentiment, "Home is Where the Heart Is," has been chosen theme of the 1962 Deschutes County Homemakers festival, to be held Thursday, May 10, in the Red mond Grange Hall. Registration for this 31st annual festival of women of County Home Extension Units will begin at 11 a.m. and luncheon will be served at 11:45 by women of the Red mond Grange Home Economics Club. The Festival Is held alter nately in Bend and Redmond. Deadline for purchasing lunch eon tickets from Extension Unit members or county committee of ficers is May 4, according to Mrs. John Mellott of Bend, county com mittee chairman. Invitations to attend have been extended to units in Crook, Harney, Lake, Klamath, Wasco and Jefferson counties, as well as to Gordon Hood and Mary Abbott, state ex tension agents, Corvallis. . Principal speaker will be Walt er C. Lunsford of San Mateo, Caiif. Lunsford is regional repre sentative of Auto Industries High way Safety Committee Inc. lie wad tlie unanimous choice for pro gram speaker of county women who heard him talk at a state Homemakers' Festival last year In Corvallis, rqwrts Mrs. Jane Schroeder, county extension agent, home economics. Festival plans were made by Mrs. Mellott and her committee members: Mrs. Jack Mitchell, Redmond, vice chairman: Mrs. John C. Williams, Redmond, sec retary: Mrs. Claudo Gant, Bend, treasurer; Mrs. Tom Wallace, Al falfa; Mrs. Willard Cyrus, Clover dale, and Mrs. Jolin Prentice, Bend. Cascade and Nite-Away units are in charge of installation; Pleasant Valley, registration; Tumbleweek, table decorations; Leva and Pleasant Ridge, nut cups and place cards; Sage and Sand, programs; Tumalo, Tall Pines and Pine Cone, hostesses, and Alfalfa, a skit on safety. New county committee officers and unit officers will be installed in a candlelight ceremony. Thero also will be music during the pro gram. Mrs. Cvrus and Mrs. Wallace are in charge of window displays, depicting unit projects during the past year. The displays will be ready for Festival week. Bend units and the displays they are preparing are: Boyd Acres, patio cookery; Bend, color for you; Eastern Star, civil defense; Glen Vista, exploring the spice and sea soning shelf; Manzanita, safety; Six Corners, cleaning rugs and upholstery, and Town and Coun try, care of the hair. In a LaPine store window, the LaPinc unit will show dried floral arrangements. Brooks . Scanlon will carry out the project of spice and seasoning shelf in a Sisters window. Four windows in Red mond will show cleaning rugs and upholstery, by Cinder Butte unit; paljo cookery, Cloverdale; color for you, Redmond, and soaps and detergents, Terrebonne. Bend students due at meet Business students from Bend senior high school will take part May 11 and 12 in State Future Business Leaders of America meetings at Oregon State University. Thirty Oregon high schools now have FBLA chapters and all are expected to be represented at the state conference. More than 225 students are expected to attend. Highlights of this year's meet ing will be selection of the state's outstanding high school business boy and girl, presentation of a $100 college scholarship to an out standing senior, speech and spell ing contests, and reports on ca reer opportunities in the business field. Miss Carol Triplett is adviser for the Bend high school chapter. Linda Garvik of Bend is state FBLA secretary. Family gathers after funeral Sp.cLI to Tht Bulletin SISTERS A family gathering was held at the Robert Hewitt, Jr., home in Redmond on Wed nesday afternoon, April 22, follow ing the funeral services for Rob ert E. Hewitt. Sr. Those present were Mrs. R. E Hewitt, Sr., and her six children and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Olen llcwi't of Crannell, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hewitt, of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moyer of Powell Butte, Mr. and Mrs. Al- Gulistan Carpeting Ih mily Performance Kiilfl i-nnx-l for .taiitlmd or heavy line. W.ml. &11I Nylrm or Tweed lor Mandard ur teavy line. Lee's Cust. Upholstery 2 Lafayette. EV 2-1192 Markets PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND (UPI)-(USDA) - Livestock: Cuttle 3fX): eood-clioice 1023 lb steers 28, few good out at 27; scattered steers 26-27.75; one lot ci.-inrlarrl Hnlstein 23.50: heifers standard-good 26; cutter cows 12.50-15. Calves 25; standard-good 225-315 lb 26-33. Hogs 100; no early sales. Sheep 25; small lot good-choice shorn No 2 pelt Iambs 13. POTATO MARKET PORTLAND (UPI) - Potato market: Ore. local Russets No 1A 100 lb 3.25-3.50; Deschutes Russets No IA 3.80 -4.00; 6-14 oz 4.25-4.50; bakers 2.65; Idaho Russets No 1 1.90-2.00. it Pays t to have k a nesti, e99 Pi- bert Demai is, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Hewitt of Sisters and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hewitt, Jr. Other out of town relatives were Mrs. Lena Burdette of Wallula, Wash., her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burdette and three sons of Portland; her daugh ters, Mrs. Nadine Wade of Wallu la, and Mrs. Noreen Anderson and two children of Walla Walla, Wash.; Mrs. Edna Pugh, Mrs. Dean Barney and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Mills of Richfield, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Sid Edwards of Dietrich, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dennison of Payette; and Os car O. Hewitt of Richmond, Va. Mrs. Edith Taylor of Powell Butte; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Demar is of Sisters; Mrs. Jack Neel and daughter, Peggy; Mrs. Gene Moy er, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shelby and family of Redmond also at tended. Seventy persons were in attendance at the family gathering. RUHS band sets concert Special to The Bulletin REDMOND The annual band concert at Redmond Union High School will be held Friday at 8 p.m. with Band Director Clyde W. Moore in charge. A special advance ticket sale for reserve seats was held to raise funds for the Band Booster Club's "on to Seattle" project to raise funds for sending the band to Seattle in June, where they will be featured "band for a day" at the World's Fair. Such was the success of the ticket sale, reports Gene Strana han. Band Booster president, that the band seems assured of enough money to make the trip. Figures will not be definite, however, un til after the concert Friday and the Band Booster meeting May 3 "We have had wonderful suc cess with our attempts to raise money for the band," says Stran ahan, "thanks to response of the community and hard work of the committee." Annual awards to outstanding band members will be presented at Friday's affair. DAIRY MARKET PORTLAND (UPI) - Dairy market: Eggs To retailers: AA extra large 45-47c; AA large 42-16c; A large 41-44c; AA medium 38-41c; AA small 25 33c; cartons l-3c higher. Butter To retailers: AA and A prints 67e; cartons lc higher; E prints 66c. Cheese (medium cured) To retailers: 471 48ljc: processed American 5-lb loaf, 45-t6'jC. CARS COLLIDE Cars driven by Wayne B. John son, Route 1, Box 643 and Roy Richard Kirkpatrick, 605 East Franklin, collided at Division and Greenwood streets Tuesday at about 12:50 p.m. There were no injuries and damage to each car was minor. f THE BIG BIRD is on I its way... and man, I what a baby in tow! J Shop and Save with Bend Bulletin Classified Bargains Moore s is having an AFTER- DON'T MISS THESE VALUES! New Spring Coats, Suits, Blouses and Shoes DRASTICALLY REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE Vf?' SAVINGS 0fflc In Oregon Wtihingtoa iujj wall Slrnt, Bend tV.raro 2-1151 MORE BIG BUYS! Symons Bros. K PEARL PFNDANTS 4 lovely styles 4.95 197 Values B I iiWjl.i.MimMHfc Aurora Bor.alit PENDANT & EARRING SETS Val 7.95 J47 alue m 1 Group Asst. ARTIFICAL FRUIT Values to 2.95 4? I lnlW i in ' Uhli Men's & Ladies' BILLFOLDS Top Grain Leather 187 1 Community 4-Pc. SILVER PLATE COFFEE SET Reg. 49.95 2347 ,,HU,'ll..! English 55-Pc. EARTHENWARE DINNER SET Famous Brands Including Elgin Graduation WATCHES UP TO 70 OFF Rag. 175.00 Va Carat DIAMOND RING SET 95.47 Rtg. 350.00 1 Carat Total Wt. DIAMOND RING SET 179.47 Rag. 39.95 LADIES' RUBY RING 9.47 With Diamond Rag. 24.75 IADSES ONYX RING 11.47 Reg. 3.75 MEN'S SIGNET RING 1.47 Seth Thomas 35.00 WALL CLOCK 24.47 W.jtclon Electric 12.95 ALARM CLOCK 5.47 Wtstclox 6 Transistor fK CLOCK RADIO I Complete with cast. I5 tar phones, batteries. , 4915 V COLORED GLASSWARE Vases, sugar A cream sets, pitchers, candy dishes, etc. 25 OFF 1 Rhinestone BRACELET & EARRING SET Reg. i47 12.00 fcfr Rhln.ttortt Necklace, Bracelet & Earring Set Reg. 30.00 1347 A Ex SILVER CANDELABRUM 4995 JiJ47 OPEN FRIDAYS 7IL 9 P.M. BROS. JEWELERS 947 Wall St. SYMONS Values to $39.95 PLAY? GliDL CLEARANCE SPECIAL 99 EX Values to $10.95 and 5 rtfiM MiiaafiT-'"-" " BIG SHOE VALUES, TOO! n Women's SHOES DRESS AIR STEP LIFE STRIDE Lots of Styles and Colors Values to $14.99 c (I CORDUROY I VA nvmnnc fill Women's SPORTS and CASUALS NOW GLAMOUR DEBS SKOOTERS SMARTAIRES Ties & Slip-Ons Values to $9.99 J90 SMARTAIBE E?ESS SHOES 90 New Styles and Colors Values to $10.99 CLEARANCE Children's shoes 90 Oxfords and straps White, patents, red and black Values to $7.95 3 LnfiiooirPs shoes and togs 3 921 WALL EV 2-1092