fhe Bend Bulletin, Saturday, April 21, 1962 3 r If yV " V. :V WXr i V if1 iiii in Tf it n ii iiim iii i ii a i tin itimn n COMPARE FISH Successful anglers in Mirror Pond this morning were Jim Barnert, 9, left, comparing his 7'2-inch rainbow with 10-year-old Donald Ivy's 9y-inch rainbow. Looking on Is older brother Robert, center. Thousands of fishermen were out for Oregon opener. Pokes edge Lakeview 3-way track meet won by Prineville Special le The Bulletin PRINEVTLLE The Prineville Cowboys edged Lakeview 75li to 65 in a three-way meet here Fri day. John Day finished third with 10' j points. There were a number of out standing efforts, despite a cold spring day. One of Uie best was a 21-foot 2 inch broad jump by Lakeview's Charles Cossey, best broad jump in Central Oregon Uiis season. Brian Kincaid, non - letterman Prineville senior, got a career besl shot put of 47 feet, and Ama cker of Lakeview went 11 feet in Uie pole vault. The Prineville cause was help ed considerably when junior Jack Bishop won the mile ran in 4:59.9 and doubled back to win Uie 880 in 2:11.2. OUicr winners for Prineville Nichols, 26, tops Houston golf classic HOUSTON a'PD Youth and stamina was the order of the day as young Bobby Nichols held a one-stroke lead over the field to day going into the Ulird round of the $50.imo Houston Classic golf tournament. Nichols, 2B. was one of eight youngsters joining the tour in tho past few years who was counted among the top 11 players follow ing Friday's second round. He carded a 6B-H3 137 for the lead through the halfway mark. It was Tommv Boll, one of the tour's best known veterans, who prenicien nn opening aay inai ; would Idhf tt "Uiri;. siii'M nmci to win this year's tournament. Jay Heberl. the defending champion from Lafayette, La., was the only "old-timer" on the tour to place in the lop five. He was lied at 1M with four other! relative newcomers. All included in this group with Heberl were I George Knudson. 24-year-old To ronto pro whose 66 led on opening day: Biucc Crampton. Sidney, Australia, who had successive 69s, and Jack Nicklaus, Tucson. Ariz., who shot a par 70 Friday to go with his 68 on opening day. Nichols, former Texas A & M golfer now playing his third year on the professional tour, credited his putting Friday for his sub-par scoring that netted him three strokes over Uie opening day lead er. He had six one-putt holes, and four of them w ere needed for par. A miss on any one would have dropped him into a five-way tie for Uie leadership. bring your MACHINE & WELDING WORK to the best equipped shop in Central Oregon! -sV Specializing in industrial plant and sawmill maintenance and repair k Gears and Sprockets made to order Well-drill tools manufactured and repaired BENNETT'S MACHINE SHOP 1114 Roosevelt Ave. Phone E V 2-3762 p o Two blocks west of Skyline Drive In were Bill Quant in Uie high jump, sophomore Martin Boy sen in the high hurdles, sophomore Russell Shroyer in the 440 and Jerry Bernard in the low hurdles. Next action for Prineville is a dual meet Monday at Redmond starting at p.m. High jump 1. Quant (P); 2. four-way Ue for second between Boyson and Congleton P), Springer (JD) and Vargas tL. Height 54. Shot put 1. Kincaid (P); 2. Baldwin (L); 3. Williams (L); 4. Sintay (JD), Distance 47-0. Broad jump 1. Cossey (L) ; 2. Vargas L); 3. Gilbert (L); 4. Dunn (P). Distance 21-2. 100-yard dash 1. Griener (L); 2. Leavitt (L); 3. Kirkpatnck (P); 4. Larkin (JD). Time :10.5. 120-yard high hiirrllns 1. Boy sen P); 2. Ackerman (D: 3. Quant P: 4. Warren L). Time : 18.6. Mile run 1. Bishop (P): 2. Sprouffskc (JDi; 3. Olson (P): 4. Delemarter (P). Time 4:59.9. 440-vard dash 1. Shroyer P); 2. Taylor L; 3. Kicks (P); 4. Austin (P). Time :55.1. Javelin 1. Williams iL; 2. Cossey (L); 3. Chase (P); 4. Dunn (PI. Distance 164-4. 180-yard low hurdles 1. Jerry Bernard (P); 2. Boysen (P); 3. tic between Ackermui ID and Bos tcr (P). Time :22.9. 220-yard dash 1. Griener (L); 2. Kirkpatnck IP); 3. Cossey (L); 4. Hicks (P). Time :24. 880-yard run 1. Bishop (P; 2. Shroyer ip: 3. Taylor ID; 4. Gerke IP). Time 2:11.2. Pole vault 1. Amacker L); 2. lie between Quant and Martin iT': 4. lie hohven Revis and Rcdiooff ipi. Height 10. Discus 1. Reynolds IL); 2. Sintay (JD1: 3. Kincaid iP: 4. Springer !JD). Distance 130-9. 880-rclay 1. Lakeview (Grien er, Levitt. Gilbert and Cossey); Prineville; 3. John Day. Time 1:38.9. DAVIS ACCEPTS BID BUFFALO, N.Y. (L'PD-Emie Davis, two-lime AU-American halfback from Syracuse, has be come the first player to accept a bid to play in Uie second annual All-American Bowl game here June 29. BILLS ACQUIRE TWO BUFFALO. N.Y. it'PD - The Buffalo Bills of the American Football League have purchased Uie contracts of linebacker Fred Sauer and halfback Jim Small from Uie Grand Rapids Sham rocks of the United Football League. v. r. ; l!-C1 iri'i--'. v F v ''Si FISH ON THE ROCKS Mickey Curtis, 12, goes after the big ones on rocks in Deschutes River near Sawyer Park. Host of local youngsters were out early this morning, hoping to win one of the Jaycee fish derby trophies for three biggest fish brought in to Chamber of Commerce office by 5 this afternoon. Bend Jayvee nine has 2-3 record for season Tlie Bend High Jayvee baseball team, coarheH hv Larry Clark. has a 2-3 record this season. Tlie Bahy Bruins won its open er wilh Bums fi-5. lost 8-3 to Bums, lost to Redmond 13-8. drop ped a game to Uie John Day var sity 9-2 and bounced back lo beat John Day last Saturday 7-2. Tlie box scores: Burns 000 til 115 II 5 Bend 200 002 02 6 9 4 Ijirson and Womack; Hcbert and Kemple. Top hitters Bend: Tadcvic 3 sin gles, WeUe 2 singles. Burns 332 00-8 3 1 Bend 101 103 0 6 Smith and Brinkley; Matson, Cook 14) and Moye. Bend 010 130 3 8 4 S OPS-BLUE SHIELD stretches your health protection dollar to fit your need This physician-designed coverage keeps em goinc after other plans stop! Even in catastrophic eases, st pays most medical and surgical bills in fuO . . . includes the hospital "extras" you snay equally. 'V. Knuckler fools Wilhelm By Frtd Down UPI Staff Writer lloyt Wilhelm can't make the baseball invisible but his Balti - more Oriole teammates are con- vmced tliat the knuckleballs he throws are the next best thing. 'It takes practically no effort to throw it." says the 38 year-old na tive of Huntersville, N.C. "All the effort is in hitting it." "The easiest thing is to just stand there and look a' it," say the batters. "At any moment it would develop into a wild pitch." Jokes aside, the fact is that the veteran reliever is baffling all hit ters with a butterfly pitch that batters would be lucky to catch in a net. He's been the "saver" in the last two Baltimore victor ies and in his 11th major league season is still recognized as the No. 1 "desperate situation" re liever in baseball. Chokes Nat Uprising Wilhelm demonstrated his un canny ability to pitch out of a jam again Friday night when he choked off a ninth-inning rally to preserve the Orioles' 5-4 victory over Uie Washington Senators. Wilhelm entered with Uie Ori oles leading. 5-3. in the ninth in ning and the bases filled. He threw a comeback potential dou ble play ball to Chuck Hinton only to have catcher Gus Triandos throw wild to first base after Uie force at home. Then he took mat ters into his own hands by strik- -V 4. J ' " .-ts e - .Ja: -V Redmond .... 122 125 x 13 6 fi Matson, Cook (4, Jackson (61 and Moye. Koho (4); Duncan. Mc Allister 6I and McDonald. Top hitters Bend: Koho 2 sin gles. Redmond: Duncan, double and triple. Bend nno 200 02 1 6 John Day . 020 151 x 9 2 2 Cook, McKinney and Lewis; Jackson and West. Bend 007 007 7 8 John Day 211 105 2 1 Matson and Bond; Juave and Griffith. Top hitters Bend: Tadevic 2 sin gles. FIND YOUR SPUING CLEAN-UP NEEDS IN BULLETIN CLASSI FIED ADS. need . . . protects ad family members And yea can eonUmie OPS Blue beyond age 65! Find out today. , o 'em still tossing 'butterfly pitch' inc. out Danny O'Counell to end the panic. Tlie implacable right hander .liad turned in an euuallv sensa- j lional performance Wei nesdav , night, pitching through the heart I of the Yankee batting order with uie bases tilled to save a 10 win for Mill PmrnsK Jim Gentile led the Orioles' 10-' three hits and Norm Siebern's 1 score in the seventh. Dick Stig hit attack with three hits, includ-, homer and single driving in four man. the fourth Minnesota pitch ing one in the eighth inning when runs. Juan Pizarro. who wasler, was the winner, while Art Baltimore scored two runs to take I tagged for five nins in 4 1-3 in-1 Fowler, the fourth of five Los An a 5-3 lead. Dick Hall received 1 nings. was dealt his first defeat ! gcles pitchers was the loser credit for Uie victory while Marty after two triumphs. j There were no other games Kutyna suffered the loss for the Bob Allison's double and Earl scheduled. rr Major league standings By United Press International National League W. L. Pet. CB Pittsburgh 8 0 1.000 St. Louis 6 0 1.000 1 San Francisco 7 3 .700 2 Houston S 3 .625 3 Los Angeles 6 4 .600 3 Philadelphia 3 4 .429 4': Cincinnati 4 6 .400 S Milwaukee 2 7 .222 6'i Chicago 1 8 .111 7',i New York 0 7 .000 Friday's Games (No games scheduled'. Saturday's Probable Pitchers New York at Pittsburgh Miller (0-0) vs Friend (2-0). San Francisco at Cincinnati O'Dell (2-0) vs Purkey (2-0). Los Angeles at Milwaukee Podres (0-1) vs Hendley (l-O). Chicago at St. Louis Hobble (0-H vs Simmons (1-0). Philadelphia at HousUm (night) McLish (0-0) vs Johnson (0-1). Sunday's Games New York at Pittsburgh San Francisco at Cincinnati Los Angeles at Milwaukee Chicago at St. Louis (2) Philadelphia at Houston American League W. L. Pet. CB Chicago New York Los Angeles Cleveland Baltimore Detroit Boston Kansas City Minnesota 6 3 .667 .667 .625 .600 .500 .500 .429 6 .400 6 .333 Washington 4 .333 2'.i Friday's Results Kansas Cltv 7 Chicago 4, night Baltimore 5 Washington 4, night Minnesota 9 Los Angeles 7, 10 in nings, night Saturday's Probable Pitchers Kansas City at Chicago Rakow (1-1) vs. Wynn (0-0). Baltimore at Washington Quirk (0-O) vs. Burnsidc (1-0). Cleveland at New York Lat man (0-1) vs. Ford (04)). Detroit at Boston Lary d-0) vs. Schwall (0-2). Minnesota at Los Angeles (night) Pascual (1-1) vs. Mc Bride (1-D. Sunday's Games Detroit at Boston Baltimore at Washingtoi Minnesota at Los Angeles Cleveland at New York (2) Kansas City at Chicago (2) Soap box derby meeting Monday A soap box derby meeting for all interested boys 11 to 15 is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Monday in the city recreation office. Bend City Hall. Boys who wish lo build a mo lorless hot rod and enter Uie an nual competition on Revere hill this summer are akcd to attend the meeting. Roto TILLERS You can rent most anything at BEND RENTS HIGHWAY 97 SOUTH Across from Bob's Truck Service THE LAND MART INSURANCE AGENCY Ill Wall Ph. IV 2-5121 EVAN PIERCE, AGENT Shield eoverag Senators. Walker Wins Second Jerry Walker went scen in- iiiml's In iii.-k nn hi .,,,,,.1 ' straicht win nf the srvitmi n ih. Kansas City A's beat the Chicago White Sox. 7-4. Danny McDevilt finished for the A's. whose 12-hit .it.- . 1-1 v... i . .. Hu unir L.UUUK.-3 Ten pin i Alley Fifth Nighlers Leagc W Pine Tavern 3J L 1!) 19 Young Equipment M Rose Pharmacy 30 Monre s hliocs Rock 'n Wood McCulloch Chain Saw 27 1 i ;4U . 24'i 27'.3 22 ao . 21 31 . 17 35 Pine Tav- Westward-Ho Molol Cinderella Salon This week's games em 4, Cinderella Beauty Salon 0: Moore s 4, Rock n Wood 0: Young Equipment 2, McCulloch C h a i n Westward Ho 3, Hoso Pharm acy 1. Team leaders: Young Equip ment, 893 game and 24M series. High scorers: Mary Lou Ander son, 225 game; Vivien Wiser, 5W1 scries. Other 500s: Mary lxu An- Portland State whips EOC 9-4 By United Press International Defending champion Portland State opened its Oregon Collegi ate Conference baseball season with a 9-4 victory over Eastern Oregon at La Grande Friday. At Monmouth, Oregon College of Education scored a 12-4 win against Oregon Tech. Southern Oregon was idle. OREGON COLLEGE BASEBALL RESULTS Oregon State 4 Oregon 2 Washington State 18 Portland S Portland State 9 Eastern Oregon 4 Oregon College 12 Oregon Tech 4 ARGOS SIGN HALL TORONTO (UPI I Boyd Hull, a former star back at Arizona State College and Idaho State, has signed for the IIH',2 season with the Toronto Argonauls of tlie Canadian Football League. A message fmrn the Treasury f "fii:iii:f7 AJ you iwri to open a freedom account in $18.75 and some old fflHhioned patriotism. The $18.75 buy a VS. Savings Bond that'll be worth $25.00 later on. But money ia only part of what you get. The dollars you put into U.S. Savings Bonds give oot ,VeTJ Utmmht 7 A4mrtmt U'llnl'L .-!., I.. .......I I 11.. .. "b' iMuuiiii-u uii; nun - pin of victory as the Minnesota I'wins heal the Los Angeles An- : K 9-7. in 10 innings. Earlier lum-' rims by Harmon Killebrcw 1 and rookie Bcrnie Allen slaked the Twins lo a 7.S l.iH nftr n-.. u.7 ,. . , ".t ..." luuuiKS oui uie A11CC1S IHH !IU dorson, 535; Sharon Edwards, 529. Building Trades League W L McCulloch Chain Saw 33 21 Soulligate Union 34 22 ' Gateway Motel 33' 22'i Con. Ore. Welders 32 24 Dyer's Auto Serv 27'a 28V Musterson St. Clair 26 30 Metro Barbers 22 34 Ponderosa 14 42 This week's games: Masteison- St. Clair lldw. 4, Ponderosa 0 Central Oregon Welders 1, Dyers 3; Gateway Mold 3, McCulloch Chain 1; Sotithgalc Union 3, Met ro Barbers 1. i earn leaders: Dyer s Auto Service. !C3 game: Gateway Mo- tel 2b24 series. High scorers: Don Blcvcns, 221 game and 559 series. Mtrchanls Laague (Final ,second half) W L Eagles 37'i 18'i Jim s Flying A 31 25 Claypool Furniture 30 26 Oregon Trunk 3B 27'.i Metro Barlxrs 27 29 Hufstader & Wallan .... 26 30 Sisters Merchants 24 32 N.W. Ind. Laundry 20 36 This week's games: Eagles 4, N.W. Industrial Laundry 0: Ore gon Trunk 4, Jim's Flying A 0; Claypool Furniture 3, Sisters Mer chants 1; Metro Barbers 3, Huf stader and Wallan 1. Team leaders: Metro Barters, !H1I game; Claypool Furniture, 2768 scries. High scorers: Bill Rolieck, 226 game; and John Englebretscn, 552 series. Plavoff: League championship playoff scheduled Wednesday, April 25 at 9 p.m. between Sis ters Merchants, first-half winner, and Eagles, second-half champs, i of ft a fret people 1 How to open a freedom account .W am JklkUVVX LISO U.S. Savings Bonds Owned nd lAu nMMfMspcr fm Umr patriotm mMri. Roads fo fishing, areas said good Recent warm and sunny weath er has melted much of the snow I ... . . 1 on uie lower elevations of the Deschutes National Forest, U.S. l'oi-est Service nf.'i. ials said in. dav. I And although a heavy blanket ! of snow covers the higher eleva- i .:.. ;..i i....u rj "no many f roads to good fishing areas open for the first day of the sea son. Here is the rundown on the Bend district: All campgrounds along Des chutes River open and snow-free except for few isolated drifts. Roads on east side of Deschutes River open and only few soft spots remain. With exception of camp ground access rwils. roads on west sido of river mostly closed. Main roads to Wickiup Reser voir in good shape and north campground and boat launching site almost entirely snow free. Crane Prairie road is open on north and east sides, and camp ground partially free of snow. Three Trappers Road which leads to Cultus Lake plowed open one-lane with no turnouts. Only four-wheel drive vehicles are rec ommended and campers should not bring trailers. Roads leading lo higher elevations on district are all snowed in. In Crescent district, Uie Cres cent Lake resort and Odcll Lake resort are open and ready to ac commodate fishermen. Road around Crescent Lake and camp grounds on lake closed due lo snow. Sunset Cove campground at Odcll Lake is open. 8,750 AT PM OPENING PORTLAND (UPH-A crowd of 8,720 persons turned out as PorU land Meadows oiened ils 19H2 horse racing season here Friday night. . The mutual handle for Uie opeo ing night was $200,743. ODEM MEDO REDMOND, ORE. FRI. SAT. SUN. KIRK DOUGLAS IN COLOR "THE RACERS" PLUS IN COLOR "MYSTERIOUS ISLAND" ODEM "RING OF FIRE" "ATLANTIS THE LOST CONTINENT" in Washington, D.& Government the extra mtnrle ft needa to preserve freedom for the future the freedom that Jeffetv son, Taine, and Franklin helped to buDd for us. You 11 find your freedom account number on every U.S. Savings Bond you buy. How about opening your account today? Rstf Meeoat yo Men nk