CUT oun WAY I I tMECE AIU'TMUCH WHOP Y CM, BV ALL MEANS.' WE II 1 "V ' 1,1 ( xJS-Wioccn ITMID useth1sfam..jwaJU6t)waMth,mto p-fepTid oIyunapp V TtH-UU MIM TO LEToO GO UP WITH H."-'-Vl . ' A VOLI CANl J 4fj HUNSRV V CF TH' kite AS SOOKI VC. IT.' rtV-' A M0NUW6MTAL WASTe 0PTIM6.' gL)T 5" 7 rW I ASI7URUTHISCW J V-4 MM IE HOOPLE-S NEED Ar4 OCCASIONAL m ?7T 1k1 ) ruTi I Is- r . . -II ''flfi C -50URM6THEALTO REFURBISH OU H HQ?5 INV ctf-riSr ' I F A 1 ',b;ii! taste FORThe FiNEK TMiN&io ,a,v,iAirpfvVvorr T 1 ! N "SQ DELICACY BBOEUF tojRGUJOeOX JiL f ,'," A LA HOQPLE WE'LL. TOP ITOCc WITH, r STEVE CANYON DICK TRACY REX MORGAN. M.D. I ' .1 a- , .... .r.-l F v -V cMf I CAUOHTIN MY OWN UP J J -I HAVE TO TALK ' ) AKE OF NO LAW, YOUK VALINE I NET, AHEN I DISCOVegEpij- .atf IT'S A COMPULSION!) IMPOCTANCE: 'i6K( STRING IS TDO.I 1 you HAP CRYSTALS IN JtS-SSOM r AEENY VOU V I ANA DECI- E? BUNNINO .6US5S..J ftfl YOUR CROWNS I ySCl W PWSHTENED ?V CATED TO AAV mu $mm mwi R it'lJ ' 4 ' f A ROOM I NO HOUSE? NO. HOW 1 TO THE BANK? NOT A f n ir.' ' I LONG COULD I KEEP SECRET CHANCE' THE COPS WOULD ) ( PHt.iTHIn BLa MILLION DOLLARS y V SWARM ALL OVER ME. J iCEf 7n with this baq rlfPTX IT',WV r1 S' WITHOUT ATTRACTINO 'J VTNv Eg. m ', I f .iU Vi?C " ATTENTION? ' . TJjdmgF't MH'a'i ' 'i. Tfvfi " psP g f - ' fri it fill "ill . --T l-fc. J- - - - . a n, i.nillliili1iiiiltifMii . LI'L ABNER I SOFT-HEARTED dOHN f 6AND IN TH' BROWM K AM '.NOW, LET S ' I THEV IS. CUSS 'EM.'.AH ) I PREPARES FOR THE HEXT ( SUGAR -CRANK- J SEE IP TW' SCALES IS ) GOTTA FIX THET.'.'j- DAi'S BUSINESS V CASE OIL IN TH' ' i, HONEST.'.'- . ' 1r--jn Kxrvh , WATER IN TH'V V If V'N fT S W'fe y V n slTv I CAN'T MtllbbA 1 EMILY PLEASE 'V"? rrr7 GO TO RED AND I GET SOME REST it WELL. .THAT HAPPfcNtD CAPTAIN EASY MARY WORTH ALLEY OOP VOU ACLNtCP CiXIRSE NOT htALLT f A UlTLt AAl), A MAP I FEUMAPs, POT IM Sv.ltNI lal, NU SCIENTIST O- NOTE I YW)SlirJfi if iff 4 nSaBl'7 BUT IT' FROM A T 6H6 NEVER OK. SEES 0lJrsieEC5y RiaT.,.THEN SHE "SSTRAHOEKI IF WS REAPS THB HOLEO UP IM THAT I CAN'T CHECK OM IT THIS LETTER.. COULO GftT VOUR. I PAfER . RELIC SHE INHERJTEO 1 HAVE VOU PICKBtt A Nt) PHOTO OFYWVOBITUARV W THB W W UP THE ISSISIPPIl V NEW NAW6 YET? IM YOUR CASKET- PAPfcR0 ,I)TT MAIL IT TONIGHT...FAR OU&HTA COMVIKICB Nm, i(f . M FROftA NEW ORLEANS'. "3 An l'nehpfctld visitor interrupts THE TFSTINo CP THE 'NEW' 1IAE-MACHINE.' fl PHONfDTHt HOSPITAL FIIK lTOtYM.ll RtX WOULDT (f S0MtTNIN6S VOL) CtRtAINLV ' ) I I -, I I i NO-"- NO, MAS'... ' - AREN'T AFRAID Of wu A.r y. V AND I ALWAV5 Vine S vl f THE ONE nYthATS THE ONE 1 WELL... fRCMA Tug ( I HFvJK 1 -.laXJOU WHOSE HE 'VDI THE SJRoCAL 7 CP THE I I V 1 VXJ'RE ) V, TELL A I I PUT THE V SENSATION CP V CAT FAWtX I , ' I -NOT... APtXlT Tug I PA'M OF J T"? WuE5S IT WASM- V 1 M Mil! OUR BOARDING HOUSE i 1 m WASH TOLO ME nW'PLEAbt, MELI5M...LtTV7' i I LL VMt SPtAK, WITH HIM V . tj 51 tr,r-(i'.(VT1.W:'i.W TOFINOVOUiMR.McKEE. PID 101) LOCATES CHAP VOU'RE AFTER?, .IV!13S.1I1V with MAJOR HOOPLE v 'I WELL,tECTCAT6 YOUeSELF VI BECAUSE VOUB FUEL CAU6E OMLV A PANP BOTTOM - -r IN THE TANKS ) p pal, will vou QUIT MUMBLIN' SO WE. CAN GET SOME SLEEP? EH, PAL? . HOW Ma HE DROPPES CUT OF SISHT AFTER HIS THB DIVORCE, EASY. IF-WE FAIL TOMORROW. THESES' CUE HOPE LEFT... HIS FORMER WIFEi ZfL' .s..-A. 1 -v " ' I-Leqal Notice NOTICE TO CHED1TORS No. Zi'M Estate of Waldo E. Bail In the District Court of the State of Oregon lor Deschutes County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, Aliee Bail, has been appointed as Adminis tratrix of the estate of Waldo E. Bail, deceased, by the above en titled Court. All persons having claims against estate are here by notified and required to pre sent the same, duly verified, as by law required, to the under signed at 1043 Bond Street. KOIN J 2 KPTV 8 KGW " " tt.;,.sK.SIAY 6 IX) Newwjena buiio News Beat 6: 15 Waller Cronklla, News " Huntley Brlnktey 6:30 Wruplasb News Central Outdoor Sportsman 6 45 ABC News 7.00 Tigntrops Wanted Dead or Allvs True Adventure 7 15 " ' " 7:30 The Alvtn Show ABC News Analysis Wagon Train 7 a " " S:(M Window on Maui street Straightaway ' 8;30 Checkmata Top Cat Joey Bishop Show s ti o " 9.00 " Hawaiian Eye Perry Como 9:15 " " 9.30 Dick Van Dyke Show - 9 45 ' " Sleej Hour Naked City Bob Newiiart Show 10 30 " David Brlnkley Journal 10:45 " 11:00 Nuhtscene News and Weather MslU 11:1S " .. , . Movie U 11:00 Asslsnment Underwater . Tonight Show 11:45 " Mttrtm We'll meet Ajffl - ALL PRICES Jl vTlJ' 'X5l on Bulova and n" '-n E,9in watehes! ROLLIE'S 019 Wall EV 2-4671 VS I TMlllsnAV 5:45 6.00 6: 15 6:30 6.45 Prayer Hymn 7:00 College ol the Aor ";. Today 7:30 Cartoon Time l""-'1? Charlie 7:45 s 00 Captain Kangaroo Car-Owner's Club s 15 luxky A His i'riendi 8:30 - Romper Room Telescope 8:45 ' 9 00 Calendar J'" -1 Lann 4"u' )' liio I Love Lucy Morolng Movie piay Your Hunch 9 45 " " 10:00 Video Village ' Price is Right 10:15 10:30 Clear Horizon ConcentraUon 10 45 " " 11 DO Love ol Llle Elioe told Sliow Your llitl lmprelon U 15 " 11.30 Search tor Tomorrow Yours for a Song Tru'Ji or Consequences 11:45 Guiding Lleht jJnnN MARKERS & MONUMENTS I Order now fo be assured of 11 T i Setting before Memorial Day MGEy BILL MAYER TE?Z h.W Hi Neihbor C-JimuiJiiM Jiui Murray Show 1" 15 " " 12: M A Th World Tumi Window Stioppln Loretta Younf Show : " " KOIN Kitchen Day In Court Purex Siwcjal 1:15 House Party Bums & Allen 1.45 " " 2 IK) Thu MilUoiudra Jane Wyman Anthology Osuiny Thomaa Show 2:15 2:. i Venllct 1 Vourt Seven Kcyi Here'i Hollywood 2;45 " " 3 IN) Hi-ich'er Ly Cjuecn (or A Day The AlaOtiM 3: 15 S.'fiet St. tit. " '1 3 Mt Edge ot Ms tit Who do yuu Truitf 3:4: - A. in) rnrlo-in Cireua Amei iran BandfcLautl 415 Eaj ly Show " 4 30 Casper Cartoon Hec Harper 4:45 " 5 no ' Three Sueei 5.15 ' 5,.iU " Popcyt Cartoon Blue Ansel 5 -lb Nwnrene " l1 " Bdany St Cecil News B?at f 1S Waiter rronklte. News Hunt ley-Brlnkley New 6::t() Sea Hunt News Central Huckletwrry Hound 6 4 ' AbC News log Is niHde up from Information furnished hy Television StaUons and Its .- -Hnn,l etinmnleed hv The Rend Rulletln w - 1962 Rambler 4-Dr. CLASSIC DELUXE M SEDAN Cemplcta with Reclining Heater, and Undarcoating, Delivered In Bend 2295 Only k"lWi: !We Will Trade ii i worn uut Silver vvren. wati? iijii Kv s. i . Hi K BiV ; -J-ft-- -:--, L f J Bend, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice in the Daily Bend Bulle tin. Dated snd first published April 4, 1962. Date of last publication April 25, 1962. ISi Alice Bail, Administratrix of said es tate IS) Gottlieb J. Baer, Attorney for said estate. . 101-107-113-119-C Notice of Annual School Election NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with Sec. 331.010 ELEPHANTS MAY HAVE SLOW DELIVERY BUT NOT See The Complete Line At HIMAC rS Seats, - -i ' 1 f ?rz:ZZ2SX In Band Only For Used Cars, Old t Dollars, And other 12 The Bend Bulletin, ORS. to the legal voters of Ad ministrative School District No. 1, Deschutes County, State of Oregon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION of said District will be held at Bend. Oregon: between the hours of 2.00 o'clock P.M. and 8:00 o'clock P.M. Pacific Standard Time, on the first Monday of May, being the 7th day of May. A.D. 1962. for the purpose of electing the following: 1 director to serve a five year term Zone 6 1 director to serve a four year term Zone 2 1 member Bend Local School Committee Three year term 1 member LaPine Local School Committee Three year term The polling places for said election shall be as follows: Junior High School building, in said district, for voters regis tered in precinct numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 13, and 26; Kenwood School, in said district, for voters registered in precinct numbers 6, 7, 8, 11, 11A, 20 and 27; Allen School, in said dis trict, for voters registered in precinct numbers, 2, 9, 21, 21A, 23, 25, 32 and 32A: LaPine School, in said district, for voters registered in precinct 24; Young School, in said dis trict, for voters registered in precinct 12. The polls will be open for the receiving of votes from 2:00 o'clock P.M. until 8:00 o'clock P.M., Pacific Standard Time, on Monday, May 7th, 1962. By order of the School Board of Administrative School Dis trict No. 1, Deschutes County, Oregon made the 16th day of April 1962. Bert Hagen, Chairman Board of Directors I. Cothrell. District Clerk 113-119-C NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator, c.t.a.. of the Estate of BESSIE M. HOWARD, has filed in the District Court of Deschutes County, Oregon, his Final Ac count in said estate, and that said Court has fixed the 21st day of Mav, 1962, at the hour of 2:00 P.M. in the Courtroom of said Court, Courthouse, Bend, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing of objections, if any, to said Final Account and the settlement thereof. DATED and first published this 18th day of April, 1962. CRAIG C. COYNE R, Administrator, c.t.a. 113-1 19-125-131 -C Notice of Annual School Election and Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, i-.i compliance with Sec. 331.010, ORS, to the legal voters of School District No. 3C. of Des chutes Countv, State of Oregon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION of said District will be held at schoolhouse; between the hours of 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on the first Monday of May, Be ing the 7th day of May, A.D, 1962, for the purpose of electing 1 director for 5 year term, 1 director for 1 year term. Dated this 18th day ot April 1962. Hamlin Perkins. Chairman Board of Directors ATTEST: Terry Davis, District Clerk 113-119-C Notice of School Election Upon Question of Increasing Tax Levy Over Amount Limited by sec tion 11, Article XI, State Con stitution. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in School District No. 3 C of Deschutes County, State of Oregon, from 2 D.m. to c p.m. on May , iut. at Tumalo School in said school district, for the purpose of sub mitting to the legal voters ot said district the question of in creasing the tax levy for the fis cal year 1962-1963 over the amount limited by section 11. article XI, of the Constitution of Oregon. The amount of tax, in excess of the 6 per cent limitation, pro posed to be levied for : aid fiscal FORQZ - 1962 Rambler Claisic Deluxt 4-DR. STATION WAGON Compltt with Reclining $et$. vuitiae mirror. c ft c oo Dirty Money, . Items Ot Value. Wednesday, April 18, 1962 year is $34,394.25. Dated this 18th day of April, 1962. Hamlin Perkins, Chairman Board of Directors ATTEST: Ten-v Davis. District Clerk 113-119-C NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE CACHE CREEK Oral auction bids will be re ceived by the Forest Supervi sor, or his authorized represent ative at the office of the Forest Supervisor, Post Office Build ing, Bend, Oregon, beginning at 2:00 p.m., May 22, 1962, for all merchantable timber marked or designated for cutting on an area embracing 980 acres, more or less, within Sections 12, 13, and 14, T. 14 S., R. 8 E., W.M., surveyed, in the Deschutes Na tional Forest, Oregon. The es timated volumes of live and re cently dead (sound sapwoodi timber are: 7,100 M board feet of ponderosa pine, 300 M board feet of Douglas-fir, 1,200 M board feet of white fir and other species. The minimum accept able bid per M board feet is as follows: ponderosa pine, $14.90, Douglas-fir, $2.95, white fir and other species, $2.95. This in cludes the following rates, per M board feet for stumpage in coming aeposit lor sale area betterment: $11.50 base rale plus an additional $2.45 for pon derosa pine, $2.00 base rate plus an additional $0.00 for Douglas fir, $2.00 base rate plus an ad ditional $0.00 for wliite fir and other species, and $0.95 for slash disposal for all species. In addition there is within the sale area an unestimated vol ume of older dead (unsound sapwood) logs which will be paid for at $1.00 per M board feet which includes required de posit for sale area betterment plus $0.00 for slash disposal. The prices bid for stumpage for live and recently dead (sound sapwood) timber shall be con sidered as tentative rates sub ject to quarterly calendar ad justment upward or downward by 0.5 of the difference between the average of the Western Pine Association lumber price indic es, as calculated by the Forest Service at the end of each cal endar quarter, and the follow, ing base indices: ponderosa pine, 82.26, Douglas-fir, 64.12, white fir and other species, 55.82. Such adjustments in the price for stumpage shall be ap plicable to timber scaled dur ing the calendar quarter for which the adjustment is com puted. In no event, however, shall the payment rates for each quarter be less than the base rates as stated above. When the adjusted rates by species are lower than the base rates, the difference between the total dollar value of the tim ber cut at adjusted rates and at base rates will bo recorded for each species. The stumpage rate for a species will not be in creased above the base rate un til the subsequent adjusted rates above the base rate will develop an accumulated total dollar value for the species in excess of the recorded accumu lated difference. Sealed bids will be publicly opened and posted, at the Supervisor's Of fice, Bend, Oregon, at 2:00 p.m., on May 22, 1962. All those who submitted a satisfactory sealed bid will be permitted im mediately to continue auctiun bidding. A money order, bank draft, cashier's or certified check in the sum of $5,000. must accompany each bid, to be ap plied to the purchase price, re funded, or retained for applica tion to any claim for damages, according to the conditions of sale. If requested by the pur chaser, contract terms will per mit felling of timber in advance of payment up to the value of the performance bond. If an oral bid is declared to be high at the closing of the auction, the bidder must immediately confirm the oral bid by sub mitting it in writing on a Forest Service bid form. The right to reject any and all bids is re served. Forest Service bid forms for use in submitting sealed bids and full Information cfticerning the timber, the con ditions of sale and the submis sion of bids should be obtained from the District Banger, Sis ters District, Sisters, Oregon, or the Forest Supervisor, Bend, Oregon, before bids art submit Od. 113-C WHETHER YOU'RE buying or selling, you u save with a Bend Bulletin Classified ad. The cost is low. . . as Little as $1.50 a day. The results fast and sure. Phone EV 2-1811 and let a friendly ad taker help you write vour ad. SAVE with Bend Bulletin classi fieds. lOMOHTS PKOlihLUI m Hank Wf,vr News liwpaul Harvey New IS 11J0 MilMC TlMlff r,0 K !wv Y't'ir ii"h.-:i 4,s ,vev Dreiar Ne'A Ptv ---"; Milken! P'm1 nriA'N Pl-fiff r--r1 Ne9 liwT'-i. nins' r-avontei O-y-e pTts m :.T!i: Kvpmtiii's Kav.n-fps, news gu bar.t.tii Mumc. .Sew TltUKMA on T. N. T. -New .46 Karm Keener .WW Frank Hi'inmrfWTiy . 1 Mornina M-kKl,- Newt 0- .n Anon unn the newi lit Ni.inhrtet News r Kill ol Muuc, News -Menm fr E " ,!. QEj- Q "!T.7 nw'- j $ v-H-vtr RaU Of MUUC y !. KlJ'IfrU" bvittri ? (Vv-M ,rv,r R,, nf M(i,lf 9 ,:ri T"e S-n and Lnt istar K it'.-Mu.,,: T:-ri in .Ju-l,,.-,! ,, 11. lj T"!ii 1t 11 .r i -me. 1 .. n ..n'jmt Merixli-. l: ifiT' "lay's C!.i.s:nei i;, i,s-.;..ns Kei 1 7 N-i-nune MetoliM !.il- amt!t Htnrr 1 '' Mmc in Mf? ; iinve ti-.idn MlnuiM 5 ,U'" In M'ji'c m h'-n-st He-n-rf fltwt 4 i'J .Vms, In Mua1c 4,n Harvt-v ,S-w 4 ivil Nw 4 li Mijip in Miimc S:knf w SirT 4 5"-p,1(e of Platters. Wewi J l Put,,, of P'AMCPI i-Wt.itr with D7 RAMBLER JEEP SALES Phone EV 2-5511 r J 637 E. 3rd Street