The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, April 05, 1962, Page 7, Image 7

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    The Bend Bulletin, Thursday, April 5, 1962
I nip
FIRESIDE SEMINAR Theodore Gibbons, professor at Con.
tral Oregon College, is shown with a group of senior students
from Bend Senior High School during a Fireside Seminar last
Distribution of
directories due
The 1962 telephone directory
will start arriving at homes and
businesses in Bend, LaPiae, Mad
ras, Prineville, Gilchrist, Cres
cent, Silver Lake and Fort Rock
on Wednesday, April 11, accord
ing to G. E. Wiley, local mana
ger for Pacific Northwest Bell.
The cover features sketches of
major economic cornerstones in
the state, captioned "Oregon -Land
of Opportunity." Included
are scenes of shipping, manu
facturing, power production, agri
culture, lumbering and scenic at
tractions. One major addition to the di
rectory is several pages of infor
mation about the use of area
codes for long distance calling.
"The United States and Canada
are divided into moro than 100
telephone areas, each identified
by a three-digit area code. These
codes are used to call from one
phone area to another," Wiley
"Calls to points outside Oregon
will go through faster if the oper
ator is given the area code as
well as the telephone number de
sired in the distant city," Wiley
The post office is delivering the
phone books again this year, and
expects to complete the job by
Saturday, April 14.
About 18,000 copies were print
ed. Of that number, some 12,000
will be delivered initially and
1500 sent to other places in Ore
gon and the U.S. The remainder
will be used for new customers
and for replacement of worn out
books during the year.
Court expedites
death appeals
SALEM (UPI) The Oregon
Supreme Court said Wednesday it
is expediting death sentence ap
peals before it and hopes to hear
final arguments on all three first
degree murder cases by the first
week of July.
The final appeal, that of con
victed slayer Leeroy Sanford Mc
Gahuey, 43, will be heard Mon
day. He was sentenced to die for
killing a 2-year-old boy.
The other two appeals are those
of Jeannace June Freeman, 20,
for last year's Central Oregon
slaying of two children, and Larry
West Shipley. 20. convicted in
last year's slaying of a teen-age
girl on the coast.
Under Oregon law, a Supreme
Court appeal of a death sentence
is automatic.
District skills
contest held
Members of the Bend FFA chap
ter participated in the district
skills contest held in Prineville
cailier this week.
First place ribbons were won
by Jerry Sachtjen in advanced
current project books, Doug Hol
ly in weed identification. Ray
Fox in potato grading and Lauren
James in advanced electricity.
Second place ribbons were won
by Curtis Guerin bi the master
mechanic contest. Ben Purkey in
beginning electricity, Newton Les
ley in livestock breed identifica
tion and Doug Suchy in soldering.
Duane Franklin won 3rd in ad
vanced acetylene welding. Fourth
place awards were won by. Dan
Kiesow in shop tool identification,
Tom Randolph in beemnin? acety
lene welding and Jerry Sachtjen
in rafter cutting.
The Bend delecation .was ac
romnnnied bv Charles L. Beck-
,oy. Bend Senior High School Vo- j the Ghana News Agency here re
ca'ional Agriculture Instructor. ' ported today.
Last in series of fireside
seminar sessions presented
By Nate Bull .
Bulletin Staff Writer
During the winter months, Bend
Senior High School seniors gather
on a voluntary basis at "Fireside
Seminar Sessions" at private
homes throughout the local com
munity. Last week, the seniors met in
this year's final session at the
home of Dr. P. W. Ford on Larch
Drive to eat refreshments, get in
to good old "bull sessions," and
to discuss the general topic of
"Man and His World" with spe
cific interest centered around the
theme of "Man and His Ideas."
The students attend the semi
nars, which are styled around a
college seminar class, in homes
provided by the American Assoc
iation of University Women. Each
discussion is led by a member of
the faculty of Central Oregon Col
lege. Principal Don Empey meets
briefly with members of the sen
ior class each fall in the students'
modern problems classes and ex
plains the "fireside program."
The students here learn that ad
mission to the sessions is based
or. student interest and achieve-
Publisher seeks
chance to appear
before committee
The owner of the Overseas
Weekly, target of attack at a
Senate committee hearing
Wednesday, said today 6he has.
asked permission to appear be
fore the committee studying muz
zling of military officers.
Mrs. Marion von Rospach, own
er and publisher of the weekly,
said she has received no reply
to the request sent to Washington
several weeks ago.
The newspaper was described
as vicious, immoral, corrupt and
destructive Wednesday by former
Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker.
Walker was removed from com
mand of the Army's 24lh Infantry
Division in Germany last year
after an investigation sparked by
the weekly's charges he was try
ing to influence politically his
"I do not agree with General
Walker, but every citizen in our
democratic society is entitled to
his opinion," Mrs. Rospach said
"I do wish, however, that Gen
eral Walker would once make
statements in a public forum
where he could be held respon
sible for such immature, ir
rational inaccuracies."
Proposed par
site visited
Special to The Bulletin
PRINEVILLE An inspection
of Crook county's proposed park
site, covering some 75-80 acres on
the north shore of the new Prine
ville reservoir, was made Tues
day by Mark Pike, head of the
Portland office. National Park
Service, and his assistant, Ed Ar
nold. They were accompanied in their
inspection tour by Bob Lakin,
county park commission chair
man. The park site actually includes
a considerably larger area. Lakin
stated, hut the inspection interest
was on the area above and along
the lake's shoreline, where a re-
sort Is planned, to accommodate
the public with such facilities as
a lodge, cabins, restaurant, boat
dock and moorage.
IBADAN. Nigeria (UPI i Slave
trader Aminu Amoo has been sen
lenced to 12 years in jail for sell-
a 30-year-old woman for $700.
week where the group discussed
ticipation Is on a voluntary basis.
ment.- Admissions to each session
of the four to six held during the
year is on separate application.
Thus some students may wish
to take part in one session while
another may attend all. Admis
sion to each session is limited to
20 to 30 students, depending on
the size of the homes available.
Two days prior to the fireside,
students who will be attending
meet after school for a short
briefing session. Pupils are in
formed of the meeting place and
any outside reading materials that
the discussion leader may want
the students to read prior to the
seminar. This reading material
varies greatly with the subject
under discussion.
This winter four topics were
presented under the general topic
of "Man and His World." They
were: "Man and His Culture;"
"Man and His Art;" "Man and
His Institutions;" and "Man and
His Ideas."
Othe topics discussed In past
years have been: "Man and Psy
chology;" "Man and History;"
Man and Geology; Man and
Science;"- "Man and Chemistry;"
Man and His Literature:" and
"Sources of Man's Knowledge."
JOt jp-
"Your Family
937 Wall
'Man and His Ideas". Par-
Dolphin pops
from martin
C. Ken Clark has a fish story that
outdoes most others by one fish.
He nooked a big marlin while
fishing from a charter boat Tues
day and hauled in the 670-pound
fish after a rope was looped
around its tail. In the process tile
fish became entangled in rocks
and a companion had to dive
overboard to rope it.
When they got the marlin
ashore, a 30-pound dolphin popped
from its throat.
Scholarship set
for Bend girl
Special to The Bulletin '
Angel The scholarship com
mittee at Mt. Angel College has
announced that Marilynne Bige
lf.v has been chosen as the re
cipient of a tuition scholarship for
the school year 1962-63.
Marilynne, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles A. Bigelow, is a sen
ior at Bend High School, where
she is president of GAA. Her oth
er activities include working as
photographer and assistant editor
of her school paper.
' b i.v rr iu s. -'
on Easter
far, and carefully fitted to,
your children
Shoe Store" Open 'Til 9
festival set
Special to The Bulletin
Opportunity" will be the theme of
the annual Crook county homema-
Kers- testival, to be held April 10
in the Prineville Community
church. Mrs. Maud Purvii-.e.
county home extension agent.
said all homemakers of the coun
ty are invited to attend all. or a
part, of the day-long program.
The festival will begin at 10:30
a.m., when extension unit officers
and new county committee mem
bers will be installed for the com
ing year. Mrs. F. A. Starkey,
Bend, who is chairman ol Exten
sion District Four, will conduct
the installation.
Luncheon for the homemakers'
festival will be served by the
Grace and Friendship Circle of
the Community Church. The menu
will feature ham loaf, fresh peas,
surprise fruit salad, rolls, apple
crisp with whipped cream and
A featured speaker of the morn
ing program will be Mrs. Henry
Musick, Powell Butte, who will
discuss the many things she
learned while spending last sum
mer in Hawaii.
In the afternoon program the
guest speaker will be Mrs. Doro
thy S. Miller, family finance spec
ialist, Oregon State University.
Throughout the nay. there will
be a nursery school for small
children, so that mothers may
freely enjoy the festival program.
Mothers who bring little tots are
asked to bring the children s
lunches and a toy or two.
Pair suffocate
in hotel fire
that started in an overstuffed
chair trapped two men in their
Mayflower Hotel suite early today
and the smoke suffocated them as
they sought refuge in the bath
Hundreds of persons, frightened
by the smoke, jammed the lobby.
Detective C. F. Peterson identi
fied the dead men as Edmund
Cishck, Santo Domingo, Domini
can Republic, and Donovan G.
Hall, apparently living in Santo
Domingo but an American nation'
al from Denver, Colo.
Edith Green and Al Ullman, D-
Ore., voted with the majority
here Wednesday as the House re
jected a proposal to cut a U.S.
contribution to U.N. military oper
ations in the Congo.
The vote was 225-153. Reps. Ed
win Durno and Walter Norblad,
R-Ore., voted for the proposal.
Of coarse little cMclreo hop!
And slap and jump . . , end run whether
Easter parading or not Their feet
are never still.
For their special Easter hopping
choose Poll-Parrot shoes. See our
array of new patterns, for boys and
gills. All PoU-Parrots are designed
1 feet Id action.
t. 7
P.M. Friday Nites
Phone EV 2-1 137
2 juvenile boys
get jail terms
on deer charges
Two juvenile boys, one 14 and
one 17, completed serving five-day
sentences in the Deschutes county
jail earlier this week. They had
appeared In juvenile court before
Judge D. L. Penhollow, for killing
a deer on the Brooks Scanlon
road, east of Highway 97,
The boys were picked up with
a 19-year-old youth, who was giv
en a 10-day jail sentence for par
ticipation in the offense. He ap
peared In district court.
Officers said that the trio had
killed one deer, kept it several
days and decided it was spoiled,
and took it east of town and dump
ed it. Then they went out on Uie
Brooks-Scanlon road, and spotted
another deer with a flashlight and
killed it. Finding it was a doe,
they decided It would not be edi
ble at this time of year and left it,
officers said.
me iwo younger ooys were ine
only ones to appear in juvenile
court in the past week or so.
Spring music
festival set
Speclel ts The Bulletin
PRINEVILLE! - The first of
the spring music festivals for
Crook county schools will be held
Friday, April 6, by the Crooked
River grade school for grades one
through six, in the school gym
nasium.' No special theme has been cho
sen for the performance, which
will begin at 1:15 p.m. A May
pole dance by the fourth grade
will be a highlight of the pro
gram, continuing the tradition of
the Jestivuls which at ono time
centered around a Maypole spec
Each of the grades will have
three numbers on tho program.
The first graders have chosen an
Oriental themo and will include
a Japanese Fan Dance. Second
graders are featuring a patriotic
Uieme, and will include a flag
drill. Grades three through six
will present favorite songs.
Drop On Lift Off Corns
Reg. 39c
.97 Cepacol Mouthwash
With free temple
1.25 Anti-Cough Tablets 89
1.75 After-Shave Lotion ........ 1.00
Sportsman 8 ex.
1.59 Pepto Bismol 1.29
1.13 Kaopectate - 10 or 83
.49 Gillette Blue Blades ...... .35
10 blade diipentor
2.09 Metrecal Liquid, ' 6-Paks ... 1.56
.59 Cheyenne Game.. .29
.49 Ronsonol Lighter Fluid ... .29
5.50 Lunch Kit 4.19
Univerial Jumbo Heavy Duty
.59 Woody Woodpecker Game . . .29
Ronton Typhoen
Windproof Lighter
Rea. 2.95 "17
"Your Friendly Family Gold Bond Stamp Drug Store"
117 Oregon Ave. Phone EV 2-5361
Sisfers assembly program
fo feature 'Mr. America'
Special to The Bulletin
SISTERS A large group of
people were present Tuesday eve
ning at the Sisters school to at
tend the PTA meeting which was
conducted by Mrs. Jack Lowery,
president. During the business
meeting, announcements were
made by the school superintend
ent, Dave Johnson, which Includ
ed the following Information:
A National School Assemblies
program featuring "Mr. Amer
ica" will be held on April 19 at
the school.
A play day will be held here on
May 11th with the PTA to be in
charge of the food booths. Metol
ius, Culver, Terrebonne, Powell
Butte, Tnmalo and Sisters are the
schools participating.
A rummage sale will be held
Friday, April 13 at Sorenson's
with the proceeds to be used for
the benefit of the Sisters Library.
The room count was won by
the first grade room with the larg
est percentage of parents pres
ent for tho meeting.
An election of officers was held
and the following persons wore
chosen by ballot to serve tho PTA
for tho coming year; president,
James Keller; vice president,
Mrs. Jesse Edgington; secretary,
Mrs. Maurice Hunking; and treas
urer, Pat Kelly.
The program for the meeting
was the subject of school re-organization
as the Sisters Schools
are affected. Jesse Edgington,
chairman of the Sisters School
Board, and Dave Johnson shared
the speaking duties, explaining
the alternatives open to this
school district and answering
questions which were presented.
Refreshments were served after
the meeting by mothers of the
third grade.
National Llbray Week which is
designated as the week of April
8 through the 14th, will be observ
ed at the Sisters Library with a
large supply of new books on hand
and a display of original paint
ings and drawings by local art
Joe Ann Leithauscr, student at
Portland University was a week
end guest at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pcto Lelthau-
Reg. 1.25
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tewalt and
family went to Bcaverton over the
weekend to visit her mother, Mrs.
R. W. Craig.
Bill Golf and his mother-in-law,
Mrs. Hazel Wilson of Bend
were visitors at the L. D. Buell
home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lange
liers and son, Ronnie, made a trip
to Woodburn to visit her mother,
Mrs. Pearl Beeman and his moth
er, Mrs. Louis Langeliers over
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McFadden
made a business trip to Portland
on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hewitt,
Sr., of Redmond, visited Friday
evening at the Loyd Hewitt home
and were overnight gnosis at tho
home of their daughter and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Demaris.
They were cn routo home from a
ten-day visit with their son and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne He
witt in Salem.
A budget hearing will be held
at 8 p.m. in tho Sisters High
School on Monduy evening, April
9. ' i
Civil defense "
course planned.
Speclel to The Bulletin
PRINEVILLE - Plans have
been completed for a special eve
ning course in individual and fam
ily survival techniques, according
to Howard Wilson, Crook county
civil defenso director.
Tho course is open to ail inter
ested residents of the Prineville
area. It will begin April 10, at 7
p.m. at Crook county high school.
Each class will last three hours,
and the course will consist; of
four classes for a 12-hour total.
General purpose of the course
will be to learn to prepare for
survival in case of attack.
Daveno Recovered '.
Lee's Cust. Upholstery
2 Lafayette EV2 11VZ
Reg. 1.89
Complete With Shot
Shine Box
-xi..: , ...
f '1
imim n li ii -