The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 28, 1962, Page 6, Image 6

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The Bend Bulletin, VM., March 28, 1962
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.1000 ATTEND -The oral polio vaccina clinic at the Elks building was attended by 1000 Cen
tral Oregon residents. Bob Fowler, member of the Bend Jaycees, and Mrs. Don Devlin prepare
vaccina at the clinic.
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TRIES VACCINE Eight-year-old
Connie Poole drinks
oral polio vaccine at the Jay-cee-sponsored
clinic Monday
evening. The next clinic will
be held in eight weeks.
do better at
A ;;
Chapter sets
spring plans
PRINEVILLE A number of
spring events are on the calendar
for the Beta Lambda chapter,
ESA sorority, according to a pro
gram outlined at the chapter's
latest meeting at the home of
Mrs. Arthur Dramen. Mrs. Merle
Eakin was co-hostess.
In the Immediate future, the
sorority will hold a spring rum-
mago sale March 30-31 in the for
mer Bob's Flower Shop building.
Mrs. Jack Rhodcn Is chairman,
assisted by Mrs. Bill Clements.
A spring dance will be held by
both the Beta Lambda and Beta
Tail chapters April 14 at the
Prineville Golf and Country Club.
Mrs. Jack Briggs and Mrs. Don
Thomas are co-chairmen.
The next meeting, on April 3,
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Don Brown. Guests will be mem
bers of the Sugar 'n Spice Blue
Birds, sponsored by the group.
Members of the sorority recently
attended a coffee hour at the
home of Mrs. Barr Groff, honor
ing Mrs. Howard Stevenson who
is moving to Scuttle, and Mrs. Al
bert Applegate who is moving to
Talk planned
on Seattle fair
REDMOND Chambers of Com
merce from all Central OreRon
towns are invited to hear a talk
on the Seattle World's Fair April
11 at 8 p.m. in Milton's Banquet
Speaker will be W. W. March
of Portland, Oregon public rela
tions representative for the Seat
tle World's Fair. No dinner will
be served, announces Mrs. L. M.
McCormick, secretary of the Red
mond Chamber of Commerce, and
there will be no charge.
The lowest
O "om loan
OmO ra,e$in
I? A fi " of Cen-
r - W tral Orego
H. Drew, President
1036 Wall EV 2-1421
Foreign student
heard by group
Specie! to The Bulletin
Redmond Union High School stu
dent from Honduras, was guest
speaker at a meeting of District
14, Oregon Nurses Association, re
cently in Redmond. Dinner at the
Corral Club was followed by a
program at the St. Thomas par
ish hall.
Miss Pineda showed color slides
and told about her country. The
slides were taken two summers
ago when Alice Hirn and Eliza
beth Edmonds visited Miss Pine
da's home as her guests. Miss
Pineda is now making her home
with the Edmonds family. Mrs.
Edmonds was also a guest at the
Miss Pineda came to Central
Oregon to start school as a fresh
man at Redmond Union High
School. She is a junior this year,
and after graduation next year
she plans to enter a three-year
school of nursing in Oregon. She
wants to return to her native
country after becoming a profes
sional nurse.
She told the nurses that she Is
very anxious to become a nurse
as there is a very great need for
nurses in Honduras, as well as
for doctors and other health per
sonnel. District 14, ONA, Is try
ing to aid Miss Pineda in her
plans for a nursing career, and
members were much interested
in her talk about the needs of her
Twenty-eight registered nurses
from Bend, Redmond and Prine
ville were present.
The April meeting will be held
at Warm Springs sometime dur
ing the week of April 15. Time
and place for the meeting will be
announced later.
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Plans underway
for Key Club
meet at Redmond
REDMOND Arrangements
are well underway in Redmond
for the Pacific Northwest District
Key Club convention, to be held
here April 7 and 8.
Dennis Hanson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Hanson, 650 N. loth
Street, is district governor of Key
Clubs and chairman of the con
vention. He reports that some 300
delegates will attend the sessions
from the northwestern states, in
cluding Alaska, and western Can
Among speakers will be Sena
tor Wayne Morse, Dr. Orlo Brees,
Lewis Madden, international vice
president of Key Clubs, and G. B.
Frost, Pacific Northwest District
Key Club advisor. Bill Hudson,
president of the Bend Kiwanis
Club, and Dr. Charles Dudley,
who heads the Redmond Kiwan-
ians, also will address the group.
Theme of the convention will
be "Freedom, Our Individual Re
sponsibility." Contests will be
conducted in oratory, talent,
scrapbook and achievement cate
gories. There will be educational
group discussions and election of
new district officers. The boy
elected district governor and
winner of tlie oratorical contest
each will receive an expense-paid
trip to the International Key Club
convention, to be held in July at
Long Beach, Calif.
Combos from various high
schools in the district will provide
music during the convention and
compete in a talent show Sat
urday. "The Downbeats," Red
mond Union High Schools dance
band, will play for the "gover
nor's ball" Saturday night in the
high school gymnasium.
Delegates will be housed in lo
cal hotels and motels, with ar
rangements under direction of
John Barry Norlin.
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Justice court
cases reported
Special to Tht Bulletin
REDMOND Cases in Justice
Court his week included a num
ber of fines for violation of the ba
sic rule, the largest of which,
3100, was paid by Bruce R. Stev
enson of White Salmon, Wash.
Fines of $35 were paid by Cor
don L. Pottoroff and Frank R.
Young, both of Redmond. Robert
A. Farrell. Madras; Leo Menard,
Yakima, Wash.: Gary L. Cox,
Portland, and Hannah C. Anglin,
Hermiston, each paid 525 for ba
sic rule violation. A fine of $15 for
a similar charge was levied
against William E. Penhollow,
Roliand K. Heater, Sublimity.
was fined $44.50 for an overload.
A $10 fine against Leonard C.
Estcs of Yuba City. Calif., for
vagrancy was suspended. Albert
L. Rose, Susanville, Calif., was
sentenced to ten days in jail for
driving with one headlight. Truck
speeding cost William C. Tunison
of Madras $10.
Henry D. Van Blaricom, Hood
River, paid $10 for failure to dim
his headlights. Grant L. Gibs,
Redmond, was fined $10 for hav
ing no operator's license. An
overload cost Alex Munce, Ta-
coma, Wash., $19.50.
House today passed legislation
which appropriates about $2 mil
lion to start construction of a re
gional water pollution control re
search laboratory at Corvallis,
Rep. Walter Norblad, R-Ore.,
said he anticipated "substantial
additional funds" will be appro
priated for completion of the proj
ect next year.
e n V 1 V
iyi'iWAMinrii 'm-linii'.-i
Surprising how simple it is to dry clothes electrically. Try it and see! An
elect ric dryer dries 'em fast and fluffy no matter what the weather. Fret
ful about fabrics? Needn't give it a second thought because your dryer
is gentle even with the finest fabrics. The temperature is always just
right in your electric dryer.
See your electric appliance dealer soon. He'll show you how to put an
end to tiresome washday chores. Just buy an electric dryer . . . it's as
casv as that!
Homemakers I
festival set
for May 10
ALFALFA The annual Home
makers' Festival, for Deschutes
county extension unit members,
will be May 10 at the Redmond
Grange Hall.
Announcement was made at a
recent meeting of the Alfalfa unit,
at the home of Mrs. Clyde Carl
son. Plans were also made for a
luncheon meeting for the unit,
April 17 at the Pine Tavern. The
May 15 meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. Lester Wick.
At the last meeting, Mrs. Carl
son and Mrs. Raymond Garcia
presented the project, "Exploring
the Spice Shelf." The foods pre
pared featured a variety of sea
soning, and special dip mixes
were served as refreshments.
Mrs. Don Miltenberger gave a
report on health and safety. Mrs.
Marvin Chesebro won the door
At the May 15 meeting, Mrs.
Vic Schroeder, county extension
agent, will give the program on
"Care of Rugs and Upholstery."
Chest X-ray
machine bought
Special to The Bulletin
PRINEVILLE A chest X-ray
machine soon to be delivered to
Pioneer Memorial Hospital, has
been purchased with funds from
Crook County's 1961 Christmas
Seal sale, according to Mrs. Jean
Wilkinson, county executive direc
tor, TB and Health Association.
A routine chest x-ray, to be giv
en as part of the patient - admis
sion schedule is being considered,
as a primary use for the machine,
it was stated.
Prineville man
due at sports
show in LA.
Special to The Bulletin
PRINEVILLE - This commun
ity is to be represented this year
at the Los Angeles Sports Show,
March 29 . April 7, according to
Ivan Chappell, Prineville Cham
ber of Commerce manager.
Chappell states that Mike Mik
sche will represent the commun
ity at the show, which attracts an
average of a million persons each
year. The Chamber of Commerce
has prepared brochures to be dis
tributed selectively at the show
from the Central Oregon booth.
In the booth display will be a
special agate collection, loaned by I
Walt Lidstrom of Prineville. Spec-!
ial emphasis will be given to the
rock - huntine. the deer hunting. 1
I fish and water sports of the area, i
Miksche will also reprcsnl Rec-1
i reation Unlimited, a part of Hud- j
speth Industries. Hudspeth contri
buted $200 towards financing the
trio and display.
The reindeer raised by John
Zumnlein, Redmond, will also be
a feature attraction in the booth
as a part of the Redmond Cham
ber of Commerce display.
NEW YORK (UPI) Abraham
Ribicoff. secretary of health, edu
cation and welfare reported Sun
day that the number of outpatient
clinics for treatment of the men
tally ill has more than tripled in
the last 15 years.
In a speech to the New York
Clinic for Mental Health. Ribicoff
said the trend had started "what
has been characterized as the most
exciting and promising develop
ment in the entire history of the
care and treatment of the men
tally ill."
", - t V f
Gene Patterson
Every schoolboy who
knows any history it all it
familiar with the Roman
blremei and triremes, those
ancient ships which were
propelled by two or three
banks of oari. That these
ships existed is without
doubt; yet despite all the ef
forts of nauticjl experts and
historians, it is still a mys
tery how these craft operat
ed. One bank of oars could
be operated easily enough;
but with two or three banks,
the oars would be so huge
and unwieldy that not even
several men could operate
them. Full-scale replicas of
these ships have been put
together by experts with the
hope that this problem could
be solved. The findings were
that blremes and triremes
are unworkable. And yet, we
know the Romans used them.
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