The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 28, 1962, Page 24, Image 24

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    See. 3 Bend Bulletin, Wed., March 28, 1962 9
Aviculture la
vito! nee-
b to fill
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Cor Bernisen heads department
By lla S. Grant
eulletin Stiff Writer
The story of progress is told by
tiUMi and machines, by plants and
animals, by the trees and crea
tures of the forest.
Central Oregon's Silviculture ...
Research Laboratory, to bo built
in Bend this spring, will provide
facilities and a forest-type setting
(or continuing and expanding pro
jects in silviculture and wild lite
The building will be located on
A four - acre tract between V.
i Tenth and Twelfth Streets, and
' Saginaw and Trenton Avenues.
Eventually, additional facilities
will utilize another four or five '
The land is a strip a quarter of
a mile long and 330 feet deep. If "
had been deeded to the City of
Bend by . Deschutes County, for
public use only, and was given to
. tlie Forest Service by the city.
The contract will be lot some
time in May. and construction is
expected to get under way within
a short time.
Tho laboratory will be staffed
at first by six professionals, one
technician and one secretary, w ho
are quartered at present in the
O'Kono Building. The work was
started in Bend in the mid-40's,
and the staff moved from tl
Benson Building two years agr
Expansion Due
.Within the next 10 years, the
staff , is to be expanded to 19 ,
eight scientists, eight laboratory
and research technicians and
.three facilitating (administrativa
and clerical) personnel.
The building, containing ap
' proximately 6,000 square feet, will
house die laboratory wing, a re
ception and administrative cen
ter, and i study wing with a se
ries of eight offices.
Research .facilities in the first
. stage will include plant, soils and
silviculture laboratories, a, dark
room, an equipment room, a ra
diation counting room and facili
ties for chromotography and soil
preparation. A separate building
will house greenhouse and head
house facilities, with provision for
later expansion. A garage and
shop facilities will also be added
Carl Bernlsen is in charge of
(he silviculture department, and
Dick Driscoll is project leader for
the wildlife habitat study, assist
ed by J. Edward Dealy, wildlif
Silviculture scientists on the
staff are Edwin L. Mowat and
James Barrett, Ponderosa p i n a
specialists, atid Walter Dahms,
Lodgcpole pine. Jack Quesenber- :
ry is technician. Miss Helen Kas-
tovich is secretary. A request has
been made for Immediate addition
of a specialist in forest ecology,
the study of how plants respond
to their natural environment.
The studies made here will fit
into the multiple use concept of
range, watershed, recreation,
lumber '-harvest and other func
tions of the forest,
The research center here is ono
of six in the Pacific Northwest,
each located near a major forest "
or range problem. Others are lo
cated in Koseburg. Corvallis and
La Grande in Oregon, and in
Olympia and Wenalchec in Wash
ington. - -
. Findings Available
The research is .applicable to
private, as well as public lands,
and Uie findings are made avail
able to agencies and individuals .
working with silviculture and
wildlife habitat.
Library facilities, not part of
the initial building, are to be add
ed for use by all public and pri
vate foresters. This will be the
only such silviculture library east
of the Cascades in Oregon and
Hie Bend Research Center has
the responsibility for carrying out.
the entire Forest Service program
of silvicultura! studies in the ma
jor forest types of eastern Ore
gon anil western Washington.
These include the Lodgepole and
Ponderosa pine types at 1 o w e r
elevations and the mixed species
types at higher elevations.
Encompassed in the program !
arc species-site relations for all
'vpes when a choice of tree spec
ies exists. Altogether these-lyprs
account for '."O.OW.OOO acres of
commercial forest land in the two
stiles, amounting to 53 billion
cubic feet of grow ing stock.
For all forest types, basic ob
jective of the research is to in
crease yields and timber quality
t ' rough developing improved
methods of harvesting, regenera
tion, prc-commercial and com
mercial thinning, and through
control of age class and species
composition and maintenance or
improvement of site quality.
By Laboratory Studies
Silvicultural field experiments
will lie augmented and strength
ened by laboratory studies in for
est sods, plant physiology and
silvics. Long-term field experi
ments for Ponderosa and Lodge
pole pine will be concentrated on
the Pringlc Falls Experimental
The wildlife habitat studies will
bp based on the need for contin
ued and sustained yields of game
for proper management of tho
wildlife resource, without a detri
mental impact on livestock, lim
ber, soil, water and recreation
values. ..
Approximately 80 per cent of
the total acreage of Oregon is
grazed by big-game animals
deer, elk and antelope. In 1IW0, -
nearly one-third of a million hunt
ers harvested approximately 170
thousand big-game animals while
enjoying two million man-days of
Studies are needed, it is pointed
out. on range conditions and vege
tation management practices (or
use of various big - gamo herd
ranges in Oregon. More detailed
studies are needed to determine
adequately forage use relation
ships between big gamo and live
stock. Oilier studies to lie undertaken
arc the effects of logging or other
forest practices on big - game
ranges: methods of growing
browse or other forage on deter
iorated winter game ranges, the
impacts of Insects and diseases
on valuable hig -'gune forages,
and the requirements of , game
forage plants and the relation be
tween forage values, gams
productivity and game survival.
The laboratory, hi a silvan set
ting conducive to scientific work,
will be a pleasing addition, arch
itecturally and esthetically, to
West Side Bend. It is sure to be
a very real instrument for con
tinued progress in forest and wild
life management, throughout the
great Pacific Northwest, . h
Where silviculture lab will be located
complete imm ii ma mm mm
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1405 S. 3rd. St. Bend, Oregon Phone EV 2-2183