The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 26, 1962, Page 2, Image 2

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    Pa ret clings to life;
ref Goldstein ripped
NEW YORK UPI Gov. Nelson
A. Rockefeller was promised a de-
tailed report today on the savage
world welterweight championship
fight in which Benny (Kid) Paret
was beaten so severely he now is
beyond medical aid.
The 23-year-old Cuban under
went delicate brain surgery early
Sunday at Roosevelt Hospita
where he was taken after being
knocked senseless under a bar-
rase of blows by Emile Griffith
in the 12lh round of their grudge
fight at Madison Square Garden
Saturday night.
Paret was still unconscious and
listed in "critical" condition early
today. At least one surgeon Indi
cated Paret now is beyond the aid
of medical science.
"It's now up to the Almighty,"
Dr. Howard Dunbar, a prominent
neurosurgeon, told Paret s mana
ger, Manuel Alfaro. Dunbar said
Paret now Is In "a critical 48
hour period" following which the
ex-champion will be living on
"borrowed time.
Rockefeller requested the report
on the bout "within 24 hours'
Sunday In a telegram to the New
York State Athletic commission.
A spokesman for Gen. Melvin
Krulewitch, the commission cnair
man, said the report was being
prepared for presentation to the
governor today.
In other developments surround
ing the tragedy-fraught, nationally
televised fight:
Referee Ruby Goldstein was
being criticized In numerous quar
ters for failing to stop the fight
sooner. (Goldstein halted Uie bout
at 2:09 of the 12th after Griffith
had boxed Paret into a neutral
corner and landed upwards of 25
sledge-hammer blows to the Cu
ban's face and head.)
Wanted Paret to Retire
A skcsman for Dist. Atty.
Frank S. Hogan's office said in
the event of Paret's death. Ho
gan's staff would conduct an in
quiry and then present Its findings
to a grand jury.
Paret's wife, who watched the
fight via television from their
Miami, Kla., home, said she had
asked the Kid to retire after being
knocked out by Griffith In their
firs', fight at Miami Beach last
Goldstein, a former boxer who
Is regarded as one of the most
competent referees on the com
mission staff, Insisted that he
thought ho used "good judgment
in the wav 1 handled it.
"Those blows were coming fast
and furious," said Goldstein, who
admitted he spent a sleepless
night after the fight. "I've had
Goalby tied
in Doral test
MIAMI (UPD-They laid $9,000
on Uie bumpy greens at Doral
Country Club today and leading
the race for it were an icy
ncrvod ex-paratroopcr and an ad
mittedly nervous former football
Taul Bondeson, a rugged, im
perturbable blond known as the
"new George Bayer," and volatile
Bob Goalhy of iilinoij stood dead
even at 21 1 with 18 holes to go.
And breathing down their neck
one shot back were pudgy Billy
Casper and former amateur cham
pion Jack Nicklaus.
Anything could happen on the
wind-swept 7, 028-yard course and
nobody was counling out two at
214. Young Dave Ragnn and vet
eran Ted Kroll, or two other
deadly competitors. Arnold Palm
cr and Tommy Bolt, four shots
oil the lead at 213.
There didn't seem to be much
hope fnr the rest: Ben llogun.
proud ol his 'M1 debut in a ninth
place lie at 217 and all Ihe way
back In Sain Snmd. who just sur
vived Hie cut with a third round
fin second worst competitive
round of his career at 223.
Bondeson g:ve them all some
thing to watch in the third round
when he fired a five under par
34-33-67 to tic Goalby for the
lead. It was a shock to Ihe veter
ans of the lour, for the 22-year-old
from Noi'lhbrook, 111., plnvrd in
only two tournaments la?.t year
and virtually a freshman pro this
year has earned but $192 for a
21th place finish al Tucson.
Yet it was the 30-year-old Goal
by, a former Illinois (oolhall play
er, ho showed his ragged nerves
when he finished with a 72 Sunday
to share the lead. Goalby rasped
al sports writers and, when asked
If he was upset by a half hour
wait for a ruling on a player in
his threesome, snapped:
"You're damned right I was."
Ducks explode
for two wins
Ducks exploded for 24 hits to wal
lop the Miramar Naval Air Sta
tion 11 1 and 14-4 in exhibition
baseball play here Saturday.
The wins were the first of the
young season for the Ducks. The
games also ended n seven-contest
hip by Oregon Into Arizona and
California. I
long experience and I thought I
was using good judgment when I
let it go on. In fact, I'm some
times accused of stopping bouts
too fast."
However, all of those connected
with Paret's camp berated Gold
stein (or what Uiey termed
"tardy" action.
Screaming From Corner
"t u'n srreaminff from the cor
ner for him to stop it but he let
it go en, said Manager Aliaro,
who added he tried to enter the
rins In halt the fliht himself but
was stopped by commission of
"They don't recognize tossing a
towel as a gesture of surrender in
1 ' J$
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'WARMING UP' Bend High pitcher Gary McKinney warms
up in recent Band High baseball practice that Is, if you can
warm up with temperatures in the 40s.
Hogan still hoping to win
fifth U.S. Open golf title
By Oscar Fralty I
UN Staff Wrll.r
MIAMI (UPD They watched!
The Hawk" with avid eyes to
day and the verdict was tint his
golfing wings had been clipped.
From tea to green, Uiey said,
he was as good as ever. Which
means the very best. But the iron
nerves which onco controlled the
deadliest blade of the greens have
Ben Hogan. the golfing jury
ruled, will never win that coveted
fifth U.S. Open golf championship.
Hogan is back on the tourna
ment trail for his annual number
of compressed appearances lead
ing up to the Open. It's all de
signed for that one big tourna
ment because at the moment he
is tied with Bobby Jones and
Willie Anderson with (our victor
ies each and breaking that tie is
Ihe focal point of his lairuay life.
Years Taking Toll
The sorry fact Is that each lime
it rolls around Ihe years do, loo.
And Hogan, the implacable little
man who walked tallest of them
all 10 years ago, will be 50 in
There are Uioso who think he
still might do it. But they arc
the ones who remember the grim
determination of the Hogan who
was strong and young and almost
willed his way to victory. Kvon
a brush with deaih alter his first
Open victory of 1918 couldn't stop
him. For two years later he won
Uie Open again and in both 1951
and 1933 double slammed both
Uie Open and the Masters.
It isn't the field, as lug and as
good as it has become, which will
Mop him, Uiey say. It's Hogan.
Bob Toski, another of Uie
mighty little men of the fairways,
summed it up best when he said:
"I'd love to see him win It but
frankly I don't think that he can
do it. There's one reason his
"I don't think he can rcaccll
mate himself to putting under
Ihe pressure that the Open gener
ates. " Toski explained. "Don't
take away from him the fact that
he's still one of Ihe greatest hit
ters of the ball. He's hitting those
shots from lee and fairway as
well as he ever did. But Ren
simply dcKn't hac the nerves to
get it in Ihe hole.
this country," Alfaro pointed out
"They'd only toss it back at you."
Paret s trainer, Joe De Maria
was even more bitter in his attack
on Goldstein.
"The referee was very, very
careless." De Maria said, and I
don't believe he was quick enough
in stopping it. After all, Benny
was hit with 23 straight punches
and some of them happened when
his head was outside the ring.
This, in itself, is a violation of
the rules."
Mrs. Paret, who flew to New
York Sunday with her 2-year-old
Son, Benny Jr., said she "defin
itely" thought Goldstein should
have stopped the fight sooner.
"A man can get away with er
rors in oilier departments." Toski
analyzed. "You have room with
your woods and irons for a mar
gin of error. But when you get
on the greens, your margin of
error is gone. Make mistakes
there and you've had it."
There arc a few who think he
stiU can do it.
"You can't question his deter
mination," asserted Ed Kurgol,
another former Open champion.
"Hp has the shots and Uie incen
tive." "This is Ihe first time he gave
himself an extra tournament and
played enough golf to gel sharp."
said Lionel Hebcrl. "I think he'll
be able to manufacture a work
ing putting stroke."
The Open will bp played at
Oakmont. in Pittsburgh, this June.
It's the same spot w hore Ben w on
it the last lime back in 1933. The
erosion of the years make it little
more, they feel, than a scnluncn-
tal journey.
NBA eyes hot
college crop
NEW YORK (ITD-.lerrv I.u-
leas. Ohio Slate's three-time All
j America, Dave De Busseherc of
; Detroit and Terry Dischinger of
Purdue undoubtedly will ho the
' first three choices of National
, Basketball Association teams to
I day in the annual pro draft
I This season's crop of college
' players, the pnvs say, is the lest
j since 1933. There is an ahutiHam-e
j of good big men, although back
court men are comparativ ely
' sl.ort of supp'y.
j The annual grab-hag will start
! at noon EST. Each club first will
I have an opportunity t make a
j territorial choice ol a player who
j matriculated at a school w lUun
i 30 miles of the league city.
Teams which make a territorial
(selection will skip their normal
; first-round pick. Ciiibs will diaft
in inverse oriier of their won lost
percentage. However. Imv.uisc the
New York Knickcrhivkcr and St.
Louis Hawks finished the season
! wllh an idoulirnl percent. ice. they
. will alternate lakinc l!ie No 2
' choice on cacli loimii
' V.-.. '.- '
' i, A V' Ill -l4" - v-.rr!
S-"- '?7?j
BEND POWER HITTER Centerflalder Jim Dextar is being counted on to wield a big stick for
Bend High baseball team this spring. Dextar, a senior, has been ona of top hitters on the Bend
Legion squad for tha past two yaars and helped lead Bruins to district 7 A-1 prep title last
spring. , 1
Prep ramblings
tfi B cage tourney appears
headed for Bend once again
By Bill Thompson
Bulletin Staff Writer
Chances appear good Uiat Bend
will host Uie 1963 B basketball
tourney a classic it successful
ly supported in 1937, 1939 and
"The recent tourney at Baker
was a fine success," Oden Hawes,
secretary of Uie Oregon School
Activities Association, told us at
Uie A-l basketball meet in Eu
gene recently.
"But I don't think they want
Uie tourney every year," he add
ed. "They're afraid Uiey might
kill off some of the interest and
enthusiasm hosting It on a year
ly basis."
Baker, said Hawes, again
brought in more gross gate re
ceipts than Uie Bend tournaments
have. But, with increased travel
ing costs, expenses were also
higher as in past years.
The Baker gate was down a
bil, and this can probably be at
tributed to a slight economic de
cline with the closing of a mill.
But Uie Baker people went all
out on a "hospitality kick" and
over-all Iho tourney was a great
Bend has also gone all out to
mako the meet a success in past
years. I have the idea that Hawes
and the OSAA would prefer to al
ternate the B meet each year be
tween Bend and Baker.
ft looks like Uie logical solu
Speaking of high school basket
ball tournaments, it would ap
pear Uiat the A-2 tourney is firm
ly established in Coos Bay.
The A-2 meet grossed $12,438
this year, as compared to $11,737
last year.
Tournament costs are about $7,-
000 each year, meaning a profit
of almost $3300.
Hawes praised the Coos Bay
Lions Club for its work in getting
facilities ready and conducting
the operation.
Eugene also made another
great success of the A-l tournev
this year Ihe best single sports
event in Oregon.
Another attendance record was
set, with total attendance surpass
ing R3.000 a gain of around 2..
two over last year's record-breaking
Next year, however. Uie meet
will he held ono week later to
avoid a conflict with final exams
at the University of Oregon.
But, in avoiding Uiis conflict,
it's bound to put a strain on base
ball and track programs.
Speaking of 16-team A-I basket
ball tournaments. Washington
state school people are discussing
a plan to chuck the present tour-
iiamcnl I exactly like Oregon s
and substituting a new plan which
would confine Seattle's participa
tion to a four-school playoff.
The abbreviated, watered-down
competition may be inaugurated
next year: or in hum at the latest.
Under the new plan, regional
meels would be held in four sec
tions of the state. wiUi finals in
Instead of a four-day meet at
Ihe University of Washington pa
vilion, the program would call
(or two games a night in two
night's competition.
"Most of Uie state pnncitials
want it that way," writes Seat
tle Post - Intelligencer sports edi
tor li o y a I Rrougham. "G one
wr.uld be the gay and variegated
rooting sections from the small
towns ami big citi.'s. the colorful
Kin, Is and cheer leaders, the 16
teaint succeeding each other on
the court in a marathon 14-hour
campaign from Wednesday until
Saturday, with (mm 10 mm to 12..
ti"0- .i't!.iudmg sjHVtators runn
ing the excitement.
"Man, it's a swinging show."
Brougham lists several reasons
for Uie radical change.
These include costs to trans
port, house and feed a couple of
hundred aUiletcs, coaches, mana
gers. (It would seem to us that
tourney receipts would pay for all
costs of the tourney.)
Brougham also notes that
schools lost a considerable
amount of revenue from Uie state
when students are not in school.
(They could, however, work it
like Oregon and hold the tourney
during spring vacation.)
One of the big reasons for the
concern over the present set-up,
writes Brougham, is Uiat educa
tors say some of Uie unchapcron-
ea student rooters stray off Uie
reservation during Uie four-day
vacation in Seattle. (The Oregon
tourney would be faced with a
similar threat should Uie A-l meet
be moved from Uie campus com
munity of Eugene to PorUand's
glass palace coliseum.)
Two former Bend Hieh athletic
stars aro doing all rinht in Idaho
collegiate baseball circles.
Bill Pederson, who divided his
time between the mound and third
base last summer for the Bend
Frosh ski team regains
Dartmouth Cup for Bend
It took a team of Bend fresh
men to win back the Dartmouth
Ski Cup for Bend High School
Sunday at Bachelor Butte. The!
IB ..kl: r iL I . :.. I
lup la m uie ue&l ill
Oregon high school skiing.
Bend, after grabbing the cup in
1959 and 1960. lost out last year
to South Eugene ninnerun in
vestordav's comnetitinn. I
Tlie freshman squad, one of
five Bend High teams entered, in
cluded Mike Metke. fourth best
skier of the day with an 81.2
clocking for the one-run giant sla
lom. Others on Uie learn were Tom
my Cutter, 83 seconds flat: Itandy
Snyder. 90 seconds: ami Karen
Skjersaa. Best three out of four
times were used to determine Ihe
team winner.
Dave Haffner, Soulh Eugene,
had Uie best individual time wiUi
a 73-sccond time. John Cutler, a
Skyliner and a member of Bend's
No. One team, was second with
a 77-second time, while John
Kimherly of Portland was third
in 79.4.
Some 83 high school students
representing 20 teams competed.
P-sT- nw fV l Civil Vrtrt
trnirn m this arc dunr tht tie.t
i-av prtiitif'it T"MM-n r." M Nth Its
$11 (V a fwnUl 10 mm. TVy pniil(
nun- creatrr Ki'unly l!ian pn'c
f .ipr" wr'l llM rrHrnt o(tvruirvi-f.-r
mli atrmnt. Manv pnsm'"i r
r,uir bill or tto peimrd criucAU'Hi
or rP'H"f.
Fut ! ft cn f ttif iu tvu!
a ifst. Ti oMnricinr.yi i k
a-i in kwi casn only one out of
Ptkin, Illinois
I im very much inftrtsted. Plaaia stnd m absolutely FREE
0) A lilt of U. S. Government positions end salaries; (2) Infor
mation on how to qualify for a U. S. Government Job,
Name . .
Give Exact Directions to Your
.J. I..,...,,.. ...... MS S
Legion team, pitched Uirce inn
ings for Boise JC in its first game
with Mountain Home Wednesday
and helped Uie Broncos post a 4-1
Pederson went Uiree innings
and gave up one run. The three
Boise pitchers allowed only Uiree
hits allogeUier and whiffed a to
tal of 11 men.
Pederson's Boise club met Col
lege of Idaho in a twin bill at
Boise Saturday. And Pederson
probably got together with an old
teammate, Wally Donohue, who
is expected to be the first-string
second baseman for College of
Idaho this year.
Donohue also saw action on
Bend's Legion squad last sum
mer and was a Uiree-year letter
man on the Bruin High squad.
Both Donohue and Pederson are
Another Bend High School and
Legion graduate, Eddie Cecil, is
being counted on as one of Lin
field College's lop pitchers this
Cecil saw a little action wiUi
Linficld's varsity as a freshman
in 1961, then blossomed out as
one of Uie top pitchers in Uie
tough Oregon State semi pro
league last summer pitching with
the Santiam Loggers.
Following the Bend freshmen and
South Eugene were, in the order
of Uieir finish, CaUin Gable High
i Portland i No. 1. Bend No. 1,
South Salem No. 1, Bend No. 3,
Sunset No. 1. South Eupeim No
4, Beaverton No. 1, South Eugene
No. 3. South Salem No. 2, Beaver
ton No. 2. CaUin Gable No. 3,
Callin Gable No. 2, Sunset No. 2,
South Eugene No. 2 and CaUin
l0. 4.
Tlie Bend freshmen were on Uie
fourth Bend squad. OUier Bend
teams were team number 1, John
Cutter. Mike Hillis. Steve Foley
and Dan Warrington: team num
ber 2, Sib Goodrich. Tom Living
ston and Mike McGeary; team
number 3. Jon Peters, Craig Mc
Carthy, Kip Kemple and Jack
Ward: and team number 5, Den
nis Kerr, Bob Ellis, Vicki Wetle
and Phillip Young.
son. pro from Vancouver, Wash.,
shot a 71. and Tom Shaw, Univer
sity of Oregon golfer, had a 75
to lead the way in a pro - am
event Sundav.
I Srrvirf i-lps thAtmrvIs prfare
ivr irre tfM cvpry ifar. It U one of
t'i 1ft! (fill 'ld fs!(i(l on vat fly Pi1
rV' of its kid u not connected
with i.'n Government.
'r F'RFF trf-vrnanon on Go'r mirfnt
-M. iiif'ii'iinfi till f pw'ioni a"f
M'irl Ml enjt r-ivjtn aM mail it
- TOPAY. Yu "ill a'" ftM full
ri-'Aiij ..n kv :.xj rn qualify jour
tlf lo pm thte teats.
IWi t dftay Act NOH!
Th? Band Bulletin,
Maris rams
of homers in
By Jo Sargis
UPI Stiff Writer
Red neck and all, Roger Maris
can still hit homers.
The controversial Yankee slug
ger, who has spent as much time
battling critics this spring as he
has playing baseball, rammed two
home runs Sunday his first of the
Tiger seeking
title shot via
win oyer Hank
NEW YORK (UPI) - Dick Ti
ger of Nigeria, tlie British Empire
middleweight champion, hopes to
land a shot at the world title
when he takes on Henry Hank of
Detroit next Saturday night in a
nationally-televised bout at Madi
son Square Garden.
Tiger, 33, is the No. 1 contender
for the crown held jointly by Ter
ry Downes of Britain, recognized
in Europe, New York and Massa
chusetts, and Gene Fullmer, tlie
National Boxing Association's ap
proved champion.
The seasoned, clever Tiger has
a record of 44 victories, 12 losses
and two draws. Hank, a knock
out artist, has won 52, lost 14
with three draws. Thirty - six of
Hank's triumphs have come by
In oilier leading fights this week
ageless Archie Moore, part-holder
of the world light heavyweight
crown, meets Alejandro Lavorante
at Los Angeles Friday night and
Ralph Dupas, a top welterweight
contender, tangles with Frankia
Ramirez at New Orleans Monday
This week s major bouts:
Monday: At Providence, R. I.
Paddy Read vs. Gene Fosmire; at
New York (St. Nicks) Carlos
Quiles vs. Al Dublin; at Phila
delphiaEddie Perkins vs. Mel
Middleton; at Caracas, Venezuela
Douglas Vaillant vs. Carlos Her
nandez; at New Orleans Ralph
Dupas vs. Frank Ramirez; at
Sydney, Australia J. D. Ellis vs.
Ed Purvtn.
Tuesday: At Utica, N. Y Jose
Torres vs. Jimmy Watkins; at
London Wilfie Graves vs. Mick
Leahy; at Milan, Italy Duilio Loi
vs. Billy Collins.
Wednesday: None scheduled. -Thursday:
at Philadelphia
Slim Jim Robinson vs. Ernie
Friday: At Los Angeles, Archie
Moore vs. Alejandro Lavorante;
at Tacoma, Wash. George Wright
vs. Mcl Collins; at Totowa, N.J.
Babe Simmons vs. Ray Villalona:
at Worcester, Mass. Ricky Pal-
mien vs. Tommy Haden; at Erie,
Pa. Tommy Tibbs vs. Johnny
Saturday: At New York (Madi
son Square Garden) Dick Tiger
vs. Henry Hank.
Norway's Toralf Engan won all
three events to capture the Inter
national ski jumping meet in
nearby Drafnkollen Sunday.
Wnham T. Erickson of Iron
Mountain, Mich., was ninth:
Stephen Rcischl of Steamboat
Springs, Colo., was 18th; Robert
Keck of Glenwood, Minn., placed
20th; and Larry Sorenson of Du-
luth. Minn., finished 22nd.
-J . rv
I &T!5
lp hermitage!
j fcrtrrvcKT i
45 Qt- pt y&i
Monday, March 26, 1962
first pair
Sunday tilt
exhibition season to lead New
York to a 6-3 triumph over Uie
Cincinnati Reds.
Both homers, which doubled his
spring output of 1961 before he
went on to hit 61 during Uie regu
lar campaign, came off rookie
Sammy Ellis. Uie Reds' 21-ycar-old
right handcr up from tlie class
A Sally League. The first cleared
Uie rigid field fence at the 342
foot marker and Uie second sailed
about 375 feet over Uie right cen
terfield fence.
Hector Lopez also homered off
Ellis, who gave up all six New
York runs and eight hits during
his six inning sUnt. Maris called
it a day after the second homer,
and it proved to be quite a day
aU the way around for him.
Criticized for a lack of tact in
his relationships wiUi sports writ
ers and fans Uiis spring, Roger
smilingly autographed a number
of programs for youngsters who
eame out early just to see Uie
famed Yankee star. And he
quipped and joked with older fans .
in what seemed like a complete
turnabout from his behavior of
pas', weeks.
On Saturday Yankee Manager
Ralph Houk called a press confer
ence in which lie backed Maris 100
per cent.
"I've never seen him hustle so
hard in any training camp I've
ever seen him in." said Houk.
"He's doing everything possible lo
get himself in shape and at Uie
moment, Uiat's what interests me
Cubs Beat Giants
Rain washed out games at St.
Petersburg and Clearwater, but
elsewhere, outfielder Billy Wil
liams hit a grand slam homer to
lend Uie Cubs to an 8-4 victory
over the Giants; Uie Angels
turned an unearned run into a 5-4
victory over Uie Colt 45's: rookie
Sandy Valdcspino's first hit of the
spring (a homer) gave Uie Twins
an U inning 3-2 win over Uie
Dodgers; Harry Bright's single
with the bases filled and two out
in Uie ninth carried the Senators
to a 9-8 decision over Uie Mels:
the Baltimore Orioles battered
Varrcn Spahn, who went aU Uie
way, for 10 hits and a 7-1 win
over the Braves, and Uie Ath
letics bumped the Tigers, 6-2.
Howard tops
Ray Howard paced Bend trap
shooters with a perfect string of
25 in 16-yard competition at Uie
trap club Sunday.
Ralph Cantrell had Uie only 24
in 16-yard compeUtion wiUi 12 16
yarders coming in with 23s. These
were Guy Chamness, H. Proctor,
E. Shank, Fred Giltner, Bill Gilt
ncr, Marshall Hunt, L. Waite,
Everett Rambo, Jim Lance, D.
Jones, J. Simmons and A. Mel
lott. Breaking 22 were George St.
Onge, Cal Sharman, John Can
trell, John MelloU, Vic P 1 a t h ,
Jim Cain, W. Manning and Ken
Four broke 23 in the handicap
division George St. Onge, E.
Shank, Ken Shank and Dee
Coming in with 22s In the
handicap division were Guy
Chamness, Cal Sharman, V i e
jPlath, E. Whipple, G. Simmons
'and Bob Hatch.
When you
grow up
in the
you grow
up to
1 .' i...i.V, it llitf