The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 23, 1962, Page 10, Image 10

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the candles on a birthday cake
College names
12 to honor list
Names of 12 Central Oregon
College students appear on tlie
honor roll for the winter term,
with two of the 12 receiving per
fect marks.
Keith Kimerlh. Bend, carrying
17 hours of college work, receiv
ed a perfect grade point average
of 4, as did Arthur Reid, also of
Bend, who carried 12 hours.
Others on the honor roll and
their grade point averages fol
low: Gerald Blucher, Bend, 3.92:
James Bakke, Bend, 3.83; Owen
McCorkle, Madras, 3.83, and the
following Bend students: Robert
Ells, 3.75; Nolan Turner, 3.73;
Glenda Samples, 3.6S; William
Tassmore, 3.59; Marvin Foster,
3.56; Joseph Peterson, 3.50, and
Linda Beeler, 3.50.
Twelve COC students received
CPA marks that won honorable
mention. These marks ranged
from a high of 3.38 to 3 00. The
honorable mention students fol
low; lames Sachtjen and Glen Jor
censen, Bend; Rita Nance, Cid-
ver; Douglas Thompson, Prine-
ville; Douglas Whitsctt, Powell
Butte; Layton Smith, Jan Rich
and Larry Clark, Bend; Clinlon
Perry, Fort Rock; Kenneth Cross
lin, Hilary Hutchinson and Marta
Osmundson, all of Bend.
Coastal area
hit by outage
TOLEDO. Ore. (UPD-Parts of
Lincoln County, including the cit
ies of Toledo and Newport, wore
hit by a power failure Thursday
The power failure Ml several
sections without electricity for
more Ulan two hours.
A spokesman for Iho Bonne
ville Power Administration said
a lap changer failed at a sub
station at Toledo.
Bonneville serves the Central
Lincoln Public Utility District and
Consumers Power, Inc.
i O unrdlnn
WMun wmvt
Get this
II 1 1 1
Three local Blue Birdi blow out
in celebration of National Camp
Firdny. March 23: Patrick Hen
ry delivered his "give me liber
ty. , ," speech on this dato in
1775. Then he sat down and ate a
New England boiled dinner. Tra
ditionally, it has beets in it.
That's why they call next day's
hash "red flannel."
Saturday, March 24: National
Rico Week, through March 28.
Por old-fashioned rice pudding,
use 1 cup fluffy cooked rice, 1
quart milk, 3 tablespoons melted
butter, 'i teaspoon salt, M cup
sugar, 3 beaten eggs, 1 teaspoon
vanilla, 1 cup raisins and 'i tea
spoon nutmeg or cinnamon. Mix
cooked rice with remaining in
gredients. Pour into a buttered 2
quart casserole and set in a pan
of hot water. Sprinkle with nut
meg. Bake at 3"i0 degrees l' to
1 1 z hours, or until a thin knife
inserted in center comes out
Sunday, March 25: Maryland
Day. Maryland Fried Chicken is
the kind that's dipped in a mix
ture of milk and beaten egg,
rolled in seasoned bread crumbs
and baked in the oven. Melt half
a cup of margarine in the bak
ing pan before the chicken is add
ed. Bake hall an hour at 350 de
grees, turn and bake another 15
minutes or until brown on the
topside and fork-tender. Make
cream gravy, using the drippings
in the baking pan.
Monday, March 26 Birthday
of Prince Kuhio, Hawaii's second
delegnte to Congress. If you did-
not have Maryland Chicken yes
terday, have Hawaiian Chicken
today. A few differences: Dip
chicken in evaporated milk fla
vored with soy sauce, and roll in
seasoned corn flake crumbs. Bake i
uncovered in foil-covered pan.
Servo with Sweet-Pungent Sauce.
This takes 2 tablespoons salad
oil, 1 medium onion and 1 med-
Your car can look like new again . . .
with a Bob Thomas
now only
. . . for any
Other sizes
proportionately priced
1 Mask car lo protect
' chronic and glass
O Hand sand to insure
defect-free base
o Prime as needed for
added color depth
A Spot rutty chips for
' new car appearance
Fire Girl'i Weelc. The third graders from left to right
Pamela Hammer, Maria Perrigan, and Linda Wonser.
lum green pepper, sliced, 1 ta
blespoon cornstarch, 1 tablespoon
sugar, 2 teaspoons soy sauce, 2
tablespoons vinegar, 1 chicken
boullion cube, 1 20-ounce can of
pineapple chunks and slivered
toasted almonds.
Cook onion and pepper crisp-
tender in heated oil. Combine
cornstarch, sugar, soy sauce and
vinegar; add to vegetables with
bouillon cube. Stir in pineapple
with liquid. Bring to a boil, stir
ring constantly; boil one minute.
To serve, add toasted almonds.
Makes 3 cups.
Tuesday, March 27: Dr. J. P.
Mnynard announced his invention
of adhesive and medicated plast
er on this date in 1848. The only
excuse for mentioning this in a
cooking column is that a band-
aid is handy if you burn your
arm on the oven rack.
Wednesday, March 28: Aristide
Briand, French banister, trade
unionist, political organizer and
one-time premier, was born on
this dato in 1862, in Nantes. He
must have been an excellent chef,
as well. For how else would you
account for Chateau Briand? Be
sides being French for the House
of Briand, this is the name for a
sizzling French steak served on
hot platter. Do you suppose the
French eat French-fried potatoes?
Thursday, March 29: Birthday
of John Tyler (10th president) in
1790. He was an ardent statcs-
rightcr and got in hassles about
the National Bank, the "tariff of
abominations" and other ques
tions of the day. He couldn't got
along with tlio Democrats and
joined up with the Whigs, but had
falling out with them, too. He
was sort of like the wise old owl.
Ilc just didn't give a hoot. He ate
Humble Tie, which is sort of like
eating Crow, and I don't have a
recipe for either.
credit terms
Hand-sand again for
positive smoothness
Remove all sanding
dust with blasts of
compressed air
Spray on one full
gallon for even
Plane quest
ed off
CLARK AFB, Philippines (UPI)
The United States today called
off a massive but futile search
for a Flying Tiger Line Iraasport
plane that disappeared eight days
ago with 107 persons aboard.
Mai Han Tlwlni-a T Afilln
commander' of the 13th Air Force
at Clark Air Base, said the search
had been ended with no trace
found of the airliner or its passen
gers and crew.
Aboard the plane were 93 Army
Rangers, 3 Vietnamese soldiers
and 11 crewmen. The four-engine
Super Constellation disappeared
March 15 on a six-hour flight
from Guam to Manila. The flight
was headed for South Viet Nam.
The search was one of the larg
est air and sea hunts in the his
tory of the Pacific. It covered
more than 200,000 square miles of
open sea.
Chevrolet Want
stops except the one marked price? The Jet-
smooth Chevrolet serves up all the room,
refinement and riding comfort you could
reasonably want. Spacious, gracious interiors.
Body by Fisher craftsmanship. Jet-smooth
ride. New Y8 vinegar or 6 savings. Here's
where you feel expensive at a Chevrolet
price. On the car Jerry: an Impala Sport Sedan.
Spring Frolic
set for April 7
Special to Tht Bullttln
Spring Frolic, sponsored by the
Powell Butte Farmers' Club,
will be a topic of discussion at
the Chamber of Commerce meet
ing Monday, March 26.
The frolic is to be held in Prlne
ville, April 7. Members of the
Farmers' Club will be at the
meeting to discuss details of plan
ning and promotion.
The merchants' spring opening
in Prineville, March 29 and 30
will also be discussed. Plans for
this event will be outlined by Ed
Lane, co-chairman of the mer
chants' committee.
Ken Conroy will bring Cham
ber members up to date on the
latest activities of the Prineville
Economic Promotions Corpora
tion. Workshop draws
three officials
Special to The Bulletin
PRINEVILLE Three local
officials are attending a workshop
to be conducted by the Oregon
Park Association, today and
Saturday, in Eugene. They are
Bob Lakin, chairman. Crook
county park commission; Rus
sell Vernon, Prineville's mayor
and member of tho park com
mission, and Ivan Chappell, di
rector, Oregon Park association.
At the workshop, those connect
ed with planning and developing
parks will study various park
plans, visit a number of parks.
and explore the significance to a
community of outdoor recreation
Cooperating with the associa
tion in the workshop will be the
!S!ate ?a'',d Ration div)'
sion, State Highway Department.
and the Lane County Park and
Recreation Commission.
Washington (UPD The world's
first nuclear-powered cargo-passenger
ship. Savannah, will put to
sea today under atomic power for
the first time.
The Savannah was moved from
Camden, N.J., to Yorktown, Va.,
last month using its auxiliary
steam engine. Today it leaves
Yorktown to test its atomic reactor.
to pull out all the Chevy II Hungering for a car
. .. Jj
Engagement news
is announced
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND Miss Margery
Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl W. Fox of Redmond, has
become betrothed to Bill May, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Gary May of Tri
angle Lake. Announcement was
made this week by parents of the
A 1960 graduate from Redmond
Union High School, Miss Fox re
cently completed her training at
the College of Beauty in Spring
field. May, a 1960 graduate from
Triangle Lake High School, is
employed at Erksine Lumber
Company in Swiss Home.
No date has been set for the
Temperatures during the 24
hours ending at 4 a.m. PST today.
High Low Precip.
Bend 43 28 T
Astoria 47 41 .52
Baker 47 25 .07
Brookings 53 40 .48
K.Falls 34 . 24 .12
Medford 52
Newport 50 39 .22
N. Bend 50 40 .28
Pendleton 53 36 .03
Portland 51 41 .04
Redmond 47 25 .03
Salem 47 39 .30
The Dalles 52 31 ..05
Chicago 38 . 35
Los Angeles 59 39
New York 53 39
San Fran. 54 48 .40
Washington 58 40
lively, easy to park and pay for?
it is the Chevy II that ran off with Car Life
magazine's award for Engineering Excellence
and earned these kudos from the editors:
"Maximum transportation at minimum cost"
. . . "sound and solid" . . . "delightful car to
drive." That's the Nova 400 4-Door Station
Wagon parallel lo the shore.
10 The Bend Bulletin, Friday, March 23, 1962
Museum, observatory open
fo public at Round Butte
A new museum and observatory
opened to the public this week on
the rim of the 1,000-foot-deep Des
chutes river canyon overlooking
Portland General Electric com
pany's Round Butte damsite 10
miles west of Madras.
Constructed as a permanent
Search resumes
for boat victim
Guard resumed searching today
for the body of Charles E. Ham
pel, 36, Charleston, presumed
drowned Thursday morning when
the 56-foot pilot boat Cygnet cap
sized in coos Bay.
The Coast Guard Lifeboat Sta
tion at Charleston had a boat and
a shore parly out all day Thurs
day, but found no trace of the
missing man.
The Cygnet had taken a pilot
out to the inbound Norwegian ship
Orinoco and was headed back in
to port when a 30-fojt breaker
smashed into the boat.
The wave tore off the pilot
house, capsized the Cygnet and
threw Hampel and Wayne Locey,
39, of North Bend into the surf.
Locey was rescued by the Coast
Guard and was reported in good
Mrs. McGilvray
ESA president
Mrs. R. A. McGilvray was
elected president of Beta Alpha
chapter, Epsilon Sigma Alpha, at
a combination business and social
meeting Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Jack Rountree.
Other officers were named as
follows: Mrs. Rountree, vice-president;
Mrs. Cliff Leagjeld, secre
tary; Mrs. Ed Isaacs, treasurer.
and Miss Ruby Malmslrom, par
Mrs. Isaacs, the social chair
man, led the group in a charades
game after the business session.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Leagjeld, co-hostess.
that's Corvair If you
things in life, this one ought to fire you up but
good. With that engine-transmission weight
astern, the steering responds like a bicycle's.
The rear-engine traction keeps Corvair clamped
to the road with a vengeance. The comering'g
darned near flat. And, for all its sportiness,
Corvair's as practical as a pie pan. That model
at the ramp is the Monza Club Coupe.
feature of the project for public
convenience, the viewpoint in
cludes a gallery and lecture
room, a small museum of arti
facts and wildlife displays native
to the area and a. large model
of the dam, its reservoir and fish
To the rear of the observatory,
PGE is developing a small pic
nic area for visitors to the project
Located on the east canyon rim
immediately south from the dam
site, visitors will be able to view
project construction and, later,
the expanse of Lake Chinook to
be formed by the dam.
Geology specimens of the re
gion will be on display, along
with an artist's conception of the
canyon wall structure. Photo
graphs of Central Oregon wildlife
will be a part of the museum's
decor, featuring the work of Joe
Van Wormer of Bend, a national
ly known wildlife photographer.
Indian handwork and artifacts
also are planned to supplement
the decor; this will include infor
mation on Billy Chinook, a Wasco
scout for whom the Indians have
named the reservoir which will
be tormed behind the dam.
Round Butte, now in early
stages of construction, will be
one of Oregon's largest dams,
standing 440 feet high and reach
ing 1.320 feet across the Des
chutes canyon.
No appraisal fee. Fast, low cost
loans to build, buy, refinance or
remodel. See Equitable. Ask about
A.P.O. home loan protection.
14 Ofticei tn Oregon and Wihlnt
Kern Oflice: Portland, Oregon
10)3 Wall Street Band
EVargrean 2-1151
spark to the sporty
See lie new Chevrolet, new Chery II and new Corvair al your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's
709 Wall St.
EV 2-2911
PHONE EV 2-2911