The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 21, 1962, Page 1, Image 1

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    Univ. of Oregon Library
Natural resources forecast made
'Decade of Development1; due
ver million hunters, anglers due by 1
SALEM (ITPO nrocnn ill
At the governor's news confer
ence releasing the report, Fish
Director Robert W. Schoning and
Game Director Phil W. Schneider
declined to predict whether their
agencies will be merged by 1973.
The natural resources report in
cluded comments from 13 state
agencies. Highlights, by agency:
Natural Resources Committee
Coordination of research pro
grams by various agencies is
Water Resources Board A
faster ground water investigation
program is "badly needed"; also
more programs for water use to
stave off loss of further state sov
ereignty over water to the federal
Sanitary Authority By 1973,
sewer systems for all communi
ties of 1.000 or more persons;
sewage treatment facilities for
the 20 cities now dumping raw
sewage into streams; Curtiss M.
Everts, chief engineer, said the
exception may be Astoria, since
it is near the ocean.
State Engineer More stream
gauging stating so that water poli
cies can be made on accurate
Fish Commission Major im
provements in fish passage facili
ties at Willamette Falls, with de
velopment of fall chinook and sil
ver salmon runs above; "Com
plete stream improvement"
throughout the Willamette Valley
system, and Eastern Oregon
drainages; increase hatchery ca
have more than one million hunt
ers and sports fishermen by 1973
and 20 million persons will pour
into the state's parks.
These were two of the predic
tions advanced Tuesday in Gov.
Mark Hatfield's "Decade f De
velopment" report on natural re
sources. At present, there are 661,000
licensed hunters and anglers in
Oregon. Oregon parks accommo
dated 11 million people last sea-
Cam Commission A need for
160 fish and game officers by
1973. Nearly double the present
force; intensify the study of
Columbia River fish resources;
more attention to Snake River
reservoirs for "excellent" warm
water fishing.
Parks Possibility of a hiking
trail along the entire Oregon
coast; more parks, waysides.
Marin Board Total boat regis
tration by 1973 to exceed 150.000
compared to 51,000 now; ear
marking of $300,000 a year in un
refunded marine fuel taxes for
state ramps, moorages.
Forestry Extension of Ore pro
tection to 12 million acres of land
in Southeast Oregon; public to
pay more of a share for fire pro
tection; completion of the Tilla
mook burn reforestation.
Goology and Mineral Industries
Mapping of surface geology
from Oregon City to Salem to be
completed by 1963, Salem to Cor-
The natural resources docu
ment, covering 1963-73. was the
last of four. Earlier reports were
on human resources, the econ
omy, and transportation and pub
lic safety.
Hatfield said Oregon needs a
vallis by 1965, Corvallis to Eugene
by 1967, The Dalles to Umatilla
by 1970, St. Helens to Astoria by
Soil Conservation Amend fed
eral and state laws to let counties
use federal timber sales money
for stream bank erosion control.
Agriculture Better markets for
Oregon products; tariff adjust
ments. Stat Fair A 1973 attendance
of more than 400,000 versus the
188,291 in 1961.
"complete and comprehensive in
ventory- ot all its resources. The
federal government, he reiterated,
has got to invest more money in
outdoor recreation in Oregon, half
of which is federally owned.
Rain tonight, sometimes mixd
with snow; showers Thursday
with high 41-44; low 39-44.
59th Year
Jackie given
big welcome
by Pakistanis
LAHORE, Pakistan (UPD-Mrs.
Jacqueline Kennedy. 32, sot a ju
bilant welcome today from tens
of thousands of Pakistanis who
showered her open convertible
with flowers.
The first lady's reception on her
arrival from neutralist India was
marked by emphasis on the al
liance between the United States
and Pakistan.
Flags of the two nations were
waved furiously by school chil
dren. A dozen drum and bagpipe
bands played along the route from
the airport, adding a martial air.
One huge floral arch depicted the
hands of an American and a Pak
istani clasped in a firm grip of
Jackie got Involved in a hilari-
ous celebration of Holi, the Indian-!
festival of color, shortly before
she was seen off by Premier
Jawaharlal Nehru at New Delhi.
Nehru daubed some color dye
on her forehead. Jackie quickly
got In the spirit of things and
patted soma on his brow in re
. V Frindly Horseplay '
Then B.K. Nehru, the premier's
cousin and Indian ambassador to
the United States, streaked col
ored powder on her nose. Mrs.
Kennedy threw a whole tray of
red powder back at him. Most of
it missed and hit her sister.
Princess Lee Radziwill, who had
to brush it out of her hair.
Her arrival in Lahore came be
tween two thunderstorms. The sun
came out just long enough for
her airport arrival and the drive
to the governor's house.
American officials announced
Mrs. Kennedy's visit to the fountain-studded
Shalimar Gardens
scheduled for this afternoon had
been postponed until Tuesday. The
President's wife was beginning to
appear a bit tired.
May B Curtailed
American Ambassador to India
John Kenneth Galbraith said ear
lier today he thought her Pakis
tan schedule might have to be
curtailed somewhat.
Mrs. Kennedy was met at the
airport by Pakistani President
Ayub Khan and members of the
U.S. official community, including
the new American ambassador,
William McConnaugh, who ar
rived in Pakistan only two days
President Kennedy's wife and
Ayub were driven through bright
ly decorated streets jammed by
huge throngs. The streets were
lined with ceremonial arches, wel
coming banners and U.S. and Pak
istani flags. Thousands of flower
petals were showered on her open
To Visit Pass
Mrs. Kennedy's visit to Paki
stan will include a tour of the
historic Khyber Pass, a trip to
one of the world's largest mosques
and a view of a centuries-old
Buddhist civilization.
Earlier in the day, at New Del
hi, Mrs. Kennedy and Indian of
ficials marked the end of her
memorable nine-day visit to India
by spattering each other with col
ored powder in celebration of the
Hindu Holi festival
Auto inspection
plan proposed
. PORTLAND (UPD A speaker
at an Automotive Service Indus
try Association meeting today
suggested periodic motor vehicle
safety inspection under state
Orval L. Butler, a local busi
nessman, said "more and more it
is becoming recognized that a
major though hidden or misunder-
stood factor in traffic accidents
has been and continues to be the
mechanically unsafe automobile."
He said that in the 18 states
where staie-regulated periodic mo
tor vehieie inspection programs
are carried oo "there has been
a grat:fing drop in the number
of such accidents."
Ten Pages
WIN SCHOLARSHIPS Four Central Oregon area graduating seniors received scholarships
at a meeting of the Bend Elks lodge Tuesday night. From left are Bonnie Nordman, Sara Moisan
and Larry Kuehn, all Redmond, and Kurt Larson, Bend. Bonnie and Larry received the "most
valuable student" awards, which carry $225 scholarships and the right to compete at higher
levels. Sara and Kurt received $175 scholarships. There were 18 applicants.
Conference set
here Saturday
by school heads
Members of the Central Region
of the Oregon Elementary Prin
cipals' Association will hold their
annual conference in Bend on Sat
urday, March 24.
The meeting will be at the Al
len Grade School
Here for the meeting will be
principals of the Hood River,
Sherman, Gilliam, Wheeler, Was
co. Jefferson, Crook and Des
chutes County elementary
schools. A Bend, man. Ford Hun-
nell, Allen School principal, heads
the association this year.
Theme of the conference will be
Teaching Machines and Pro
grammed Learning." Henry C.
Ruark, Jr., consultant for teach
ing materials in the State Depart
ment of Education, will give the
opening address, "Technology in
Education." Ty Brown, Oregon
College of Education Research
Center, will present teaching ma
chines and will discuss program
med learning.
Willson Maynard, executive sec
retary of the Oregon Elementary
Principals' Association, will be
the luncheon speaker, Saturday
noon at the Bend Senior High caf
eteria. Marvin Turner, vice presi
dent of the group, Hood River,
will be master of ceremonies. He
is association vice president.
Local educators arranging for
the conference are Henry Hall,
Kenwood principal, in charge of
registration and decorations, and
Orval Boyle. Reid Thompson
principal, in charge of the coffee
hour. Assisting will be Mrs. Lor
raine Lohner. Mrs. Charles Boyd,
Mrs. Oren Erickson, Mrs. Bert
Fisher and William Armstrong.
SALEM (LTD Marion County
Judge Rex Hartley was in fair
condition today after being hos
pitalized Saturday for what a
spokesman said was a possible
casa of ulcers.
The 61 year-old Jurist tan years
ago was hospitalized with a heart
Concert by Eugene Gleemen
planned here
The Eugene Gleemen's male
chorus of 65 men will appear 8
p.m. Tuesday, April 10, in the
Bend High School auditorium.
The concert is being sponsored
by the Bend Rotary Club, with
proceeds going for Rotary proj
ects. Adult price is one dollar
with a seventy five-cent charge
for high school, junior high and
grade students.
Tickets may be obtained at the
Owl Drug, city recreation depart
ment and from Rotary Club mem
bers. .
The chorus, organized in 1926,
is one of the outstanding musical
organizations in Oregon and has
Plans made
for Spring
Opening here
Bend merchants today ousted
the weatherman from the gener
al committee in charge and went
ahead with, plans for the city's
1962 Spring Opening.
The event will be held on Fri
day and Saturday of this week.
March 23 and 24. Snow or sun
shine, the opening will be held.
Forecasts Indicate a possibility
that there will be a bit of fair
weather late Friday and all day
Saturday, between Pacific born
storms, one of which was envelop
ing the Cascades today.
Events scheduled for Uns year
In connection with Spring Opening
include a display of autos, and
also a boat and motor display,
in roped off sections of downtown
Merchants have been preparing
for Spring Opening for the past
two weeks, with, tickets given to
patrons. Windows of participating
merchants will hold prizes.
Heading the committee in
charge of Spring Opening for the
retail merchants' committee of
the Bend Chamber of Commerce
are Ralph Moore, Bob Summer
ville and Andy Anderson.
Spring windows will take final
shape tomorrow, in preparation
for the annual event
Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, Wednesday, March 21,
on April 10th
appeared by invitation three times
for International Rotary meetings
in Seattle and San Francisco.
The Gleemen have also sung in
Seattle for International Kiwanis
and in San Francisco for Interna
tional Lions.
Appear at Victoria
They have twice appeared in
Victoria, B.C. as guests of the
Arion Club, renowned male choir
of that city. - .
The Gleemen have presented
concerts f:s more than 20 Oregon
cities, in addition to their annual
formal Eugene concerts. And they
presented a series of concerts in
Portland which earned more than
$25,000 for the Shriners' Hospital
and other children s work.
The Gleemen were also official
representatives of Oregon at the
San Francisco World s Fair and
have made several records the
most recent a long-play recording
of fifteen songs processed anil
pressed by RCA Victor.
They also sang at the inaugura-
tion of Gov. Robert D. Holmes
Jan. 15, 1957, and at the Inaugur
ation of Gov. Mark Hatfield Jan.
12, 1959.
And they have sung for nation
wide radio audiences with pro
grams originating from Washing
ton and California as well as Ore
gon stations. They have also ap
peared over KVAL-TV, Eugene,
and KPTV, Portland.
The group's first conductor was
the late John Stark Evans, of the
University of Oregon School of
Music. Since 1944 the group has
been led by Dr. Theodore Kratt,
dean of the University School of
Music; Its accompanist since 1948
has been Stacey Green, a mem
ber of the school's faculty.
The event is one of many Ro
tary Club Dr-jects designed to
raise funds for community proj
By Unitd Press International
Dow Jones final stock averages:
30 industrials 716.62. off 3.04; 20
railroads 144 87, off 0.68; 15 utili
ties 130.74, up 0.06, and 65 stocks
244.08. off 0 80.
Sales today were about 3 36
million shares compared with 3.06
million shares Tuesday.
JFK averts
over RS70's
dent Kennedy today averted a
showdown House floor battle
over the RS70 airplane with an
lltii nour promise to step up
spending on development of the
craft if a new study justifies
such action.
Shortly after the chief execu
tive made the pledge, the influen
tial House Armed Services com
mittee laid aside a recommenda
tion that Congress "direct" the
administration to move ahead
faster on the big jet plane.
Committee Chairma i Carl Vin
son, D-Ga., claimed the House
group had won its battle to speed
up work on the reconnaissance
strike bomber. Some other com
mittee members were less certain
of the final outcome.
A letter to the committee from
the President promised an im
mediate restudy of the RS70
program. Kennedy said he would
spend extra funds on the 2,000-
mile an hour aircraft if the study
shows it would be profitable,
Kennedy s letter and one irom
Defense Secretary Robert S. Mc-
Namara spelling out the compro
mise were submitted to the House
committee at an unannounced
closed-door session.
Today's development marked a
change oc view by McNamara
just as the committee was sec to
carry the fight to the floor.
Kennedy made it plain in his
letter that he was not surrender
ing and would not surrender what
he considers his right as com
mander in chief to make the final
decisions on such issues as the
He cited the constitutional pro
vision governing his powers over
the military and said "I must in
sist" on exercising those rights.
But he said he recognized also
an obligation to give "every pos
sible consideration in sucn mat
ters to the wishes of Congress."
He then referred the committee
to the McNamara letter which
said in part:
We are initiating Immediately
a new study of the RS70 program
in the light of the recommenda
tions and the representations ot
the Armed Services Committee...
If technological developments...
advance more rapildy than we
anticipated. ..we will wish to take
advantage of these advances by
increasing our development ex
penditures..." The committee, in a sia muion
defense procurement bill, had rec
ommended an authorized outlay
of $491 million next year to push
the RS70 toward actual produc
tion. Interim group
on education
due on March 29
A meeting of the stale legisla
ture's interim committee on edu
cation will be held Thursday,
March 29, in Bend. A 6:30 dinner
will be followed by a formal hear
ing. Both will be at the Pine Tav
All persons interested In educa
tion are invited to appear before
the committee. Reservations for
the dinner may be made at the
restaurant or at the office of
County School Superintendent Vel
ma Buckingham.
State Representative Nancy
Kirkpatrick, Lebanon, Is chair
man of the committee, which has
a membership of nine legislators.
This will be the only appearance
of the group in phe Central Ore
gon area, and all interested resi
dents of the tri -county area are
asked to attend.
The committee I specifically
concerned with the f o 11 o w 1 n g
problems: possible changes in or
abolition of the office of the coun
ty school superintendent school
district reorganization, school
taxes, state support of schools,
basic school support. Increased
stale support of junior collegi
the severance tax on timber as it
I applies to school financing.
Spring term
due at COC
Spring term registration at Cen
tral Oregon College will be held
Monday evening, March 26, be
tween the hours of 5 and 10 p.m..
it was announced from the office
of the registrar this morning.
Registration will be in the cafe
teria of the Bend Senior High
building. Most classes will be
open to all interested. Registra
tions will be accepted through
April 6. ,
A new course to be offered this
spring will be Photography, with
nationally known photograph
er as instructor. He is W. L. Van
Allen, Bend, who has won awards
in International competition.
Members of the class will decide
on the days and the time, follow
ing an organization meeting.
Also to be offered as a new
course will be Nutrition. Mrs.
Verna Barfknecht, director of
food service for the Bend Public
Schools, will be the instructor.
Briefhand, a system of abbre
viated writing, not offered since
last summer, will also be on the
spring schedule. . -
Houk-Yan Men
store is going
out of business
A firm founded here 18 years
ago is going out of business.
It is the Houk-Van Allen Home
and Auto Supplies store, 916 Wall
Street. Closed for the past two
days while stock was being re
priced, the company will start its
closing out sale Thursday. .
W. L. Van. Allen, widely known
in Central Oregon and nationally
known as a photographer, is ma
jor stockholder in the firm and is
president of the corporation, with
Lester Houk, also of Bend, serv
ing as secretary.
II Ymts Age
The firm was founded 18 years
ago at the corner of Wall and
Minnesota, and for the past 17
years has been in the 916 Wall
Street location, a building which
the Houk-Van Allen partners pur
chased from Ward H. Coble in
earlier years. In World War II,
the building served as USO head
quarters. Van Allen saia the maiding, an
stock and fixtures will be sold.
The two-story building Is 50 by
130 feet In earlier years, the
building was a Safeway Store lo
Not Retiring
Van Allen has emphasized that
he is not retiring, but will follow
some other field of endeavor. A
eraduate from Oregon State Uni
versity school of business and
journalism, Van Allen for many
years was corporation tax ac
countant for the Houk Brothers
stores in Redmond, Prineville,
Bend and Condon.
But in June, Van Allen does
plan to take time out briefly for
a special occasion. It will De ine
40th reunion of his class at Ore-
eon State University. He also
hopes to be able to attend the an
nual meeting of the Photographic
Society of America in San Fran
cisco in August
A native of New York. Van Al
len came to Central Oregon with
his parents, by team and wagon,
in 1909, to live in Keamona.
Time petitions
set by McClure
Grange Master Elmer McClure
said Tuesday petitions for an in
itiative constitutional amendment
that would require the use of
standard time by the Oregon pub
lic bodies were in the hands of
Oregon State Grange workers.
McClure is chairman of the
Oregon Standard Time Commit
tee. The group must get signa
tures of 53,037 registered voters
by July 5 for the measure to be
on the ballot
Ten Cents
Possible joint
space efforts
seen by Nilcifa
MOSCOW (UPD-Premier Niki-
ta Klirushchev said today Russia
is ready to work with the United
States in exploring space, but he
added the realistic condition
that full cooperation must await
a disarmament agreement.
The Soviet premier, in a note
to President Kennedy, suggested
that a first step could be made
with a pact for joint rescue op
erations for astronauts forced to
make an emergency landing on
return to earth.
Khrushchev said he envisioned
American-Soviet collaboration to
put a spaceship on the moon. But
he added the joint efforts would
be "limited" without an East-West
disarmament agreement
Foreign ministers, now meeting
at a disarmament conference in
Geneva, have made no significant
progress. - ; :;
'Vary Dulrabl'
It is "very desirable," Khrush
chev said, fur the two nations to
sign a pact providing for aid in
searching for and rescuing
"spaceships, Sputniks and cap
sules that descend to earth due
to accident."
Such an agreement seems
even more necessary because the
point in question here is the sav
ing of the lives of cosmonauts,
those intrepid explorers of uni
versal space, Khrushchev said.
Khrushchev s note, as reported
by the Tass news agency, was
in reply to one sent by Kennedy
March 7 suggesting the two na
tions consider concrete measures
to explore space jointly.
Disarmament Involved
The Soviet premier said it was
obvious" that the scope of space
cooperation depended in some de
gree on the solution of the dis
armament problem now under
discussion in Geneva with vir
tually no progress so far.
Kennedy had suggested the
joint exploration of space in his
Inaugural Address and his Mate
of the Union Message in January,
1961. The day after Lt Col John
Glenn made his orbital flight last
Feb. 20, Khrushchev BUggestel
the two nations pool their efforts.
In his latest note, Khrushchev
told Kennedy the Soviet repre
sentatives in the U.N. Outer
Space Committee will be in
structed to meet with American
representatives to "discuss prac
tical problems of cooperation.
Agrmnt Is Ndd
"It Is most desirable to work out
Sisters school
area proposed
Formation of an administrative
school district centered In Sis
ters was urged by a delegation
from Camp Sherman, at meet
ing of the Deschutes County
School District Reorganization
Committee Tuesday night
The Camp Sherman area, al
though in Jefferson county, fits
into the Deschutes county plan,
spokesmen said. Their high school
students should go to Sisters, they
Delegations were also present
from Sisters and Redmond, and
there were a few persons from
Tumalo present The need for
broadening the tax base for Sis
ters was reiterated, and Redmond
residents wanted to make sure
that this would not be done at the
expense of the Redmond dis
G. Paul Johnston, chairman,
presided. All committee members
except Marion Coyner, Redmond,
and Ethel Ferns, LaPine, w e r
present There were 18 visitors.
The meeting was held in the cir
cuit court room at the county
High ystrday, 47 dgrt. Low
last iiight, 30 degrt. Sunset
today, 4:18. Sunris tomorrow,
No. 89
and conclude an international
agreement which would provide
for rendering assistance in the
search for the rescue of satellite
spaceships and capsules in case
of emergency landings," Tass
quoted Khrushchev as saying.
Tass said the premier ex
pressed "satisfaction" that his
Feb. 21 suggestion for such joint
space operations met necessary
understanding on the part of the
U.S. government
Khrushchev said all nations
should have "equal opportunities"
in International cooperation in tha
exploration of space, Tass said.
According to Tass, Khrushchev-
said Soviet-American cooperation
could help in:
Using earth satellites tor
"super long distance" communl-
.. i - -tl l "
Organizing world wida
weather observation services
through satellites.
Pooling radio and optical
means for observing and study
ing the Moon, Mars, Venus and
other bodies in cosmic space, and
in studying the physics of inter
planetary space and celestial
Khrushchev said that Soviet
scientists are ready to cooperate
and exchange information in
'mapping the magnetic field of
the earth in outer space by means
of artificial satellites, to exchange
knowledge in the field of space
'Spare suns
shine brightly
on horizon
The first full day of spring start
ed tills morning with three suns
shining low in the eastern sky.
Flanking the March sun were
two brilliant points of light, so
bright they were blinding to the
direct gaze. Weathermen said tha
two "spares" were sundogs and
noted they were unusually bru-
liant, and in color.
Sundogs are small halos, gen
erally 22 degrees distant from tha
sun and are caused by the dif
fraction of sunlight in high tea
The sundogs were seen flanking
the sun about half an hour after
sunrise and were visible for near
ly an hour.
The sundogs were seen as high
clouds from an advancing storm
moved inland. Precipitation in
this part of the state has been
forecast for Thursday, and again
Sunday. Slightly warmer weather
appears to be in the offing.
Mountain roads were in lairty
good shape, following some snow
in the Cascades Tuesday.
Four inches of spring" snow
fell on the Santiam divide last
night and flurries were still beat
ing over that divide una morn
ing. -
Storms plague
ane sea
continuous snowstorms in the rug
ged Cascades Tuesday and Tues
day night halted the search for a
Sweet Home man missing in a
small plane since Saturday on 4
flight from Redmond.
Tha missing man is Kettn
White, whose plane disappeared
somewhere In the wild and rug
ged eastern Linn County area.
A 25-man ground searcn party
attempted to check out a report
that a crash had been heard near
Suttle Lake, but found nothing
and finally was forced to turn
back because of five feet of snow.