Build your savings with cash you get by selling things you no longer need through a classified ad' The Bend Bulletin, Tuesday, March 20, 1962 Suspense film due for Grace HOLLYWOOD (UPD Princess Grace of Monaco will return to Hollywood In late summer to re sume her movie career In a thril ler directed by Alfred Hitchcock and based on the suspense novel "Mamie" by English writer Win ston Grahame. The American-born princess, the former Grace Kelly, will be accompanied by her husband, Prince Rainier, and their two children. Princess Caroline and Princess Albert Alexander, when she returns to Hollywood to make the picture during her summer vacation. PHONE IN - YOUR CLASSIFIEDS RATES Vtry tow raias fur monthly ads. Adi ncMvM Mora 4:su am. wUl ipmi in im muuwini dy pip Tin Mnd UulMUn wUl not b rtipuntlbi for fflora than MM meumct liiMrtlua 2 Unes tor 1 time only $1.00 2 Unes tor 4 timet only $1.60 4 lines for 1 time only $1.50 2 lines tor 8 time only $2.75 4 lines tor 4 times only $2.90 4 Unes tor 8 times only $4.90 8 lines for 1 time only $2.00 6 Unes tor 4 time only $3.50 6 lines for 8 times only $6.25 . SUBSCRIPTIONS By Cirrler One Month $1.50 Six Months $9.00 One Year $18.00 By Mall One Month $1.50 Three Months $4.00 Six Months $7.50 One Year $14.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend The Bend Bulletin EV 2-1811 In Redmond LI 84261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens. HI 7-7730. Member. Audit Bureau ot Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1931. The bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1918 Published Every Afternoon except Sun days snd certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin, 736-738 Wall St., Bend, Oregon. 1 -Legal Notices v :..NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to ors 477.045, no tice is hereby given that a pub SERVICE DIRECTORY A CLASSIFIED LISTING OF SPECIAL SERVICES To Have Your Services Listed PHONE EV 2-1811 AUTO PARTS A & R ' MOTOR SUPPLY 129 E. Greenwood EV 2-6941 AUTO WRECKING B & B AUTO WRECKING CO. ' 24 Hour Wrecker Service E. Highway 20 EV 2-3825 BEAUTY SHOPS THELMA'S BEAUTY SHOP Evenings by appointment EV 2-2210 404 Lava DRESSMAKING EDNA'S TOGS "Made especially for you" Edna Rives EV 2-3592 JEAN KNUDSEN DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS Pick-up, delivery. EV 2-3396 FURNACES BLAKE'S HEATING SERVICE Heattna Problems All Makes EV 2-1869 Laundry & Dry Cleaners BEND TROY Laundry tc Dry Cleaners. Inc. Phone EVergreen 2-4511 ' MISCELLANEOUS RUG . and ; UPHOLSTERY. Cleaning end Dyeing Wall io" Wall carpeting, cleaned in (he home. FREE ESTIMATES : ALtUR-0-CLEAN EV 2- 6921 Eve. EV 2-5747 Mattress-Furniture-Rebuilding DAVENPORTS MATTRESS CO. 1st at Revere, Bend, EV 2-3320 . Bulldozing Landscaping . " Ton Soil Cinders Fill Emerv E. Leisure EV 2-2443 TUPPERWARE DEALER Lucile Chaney EV 2-4484 P.t. 2 - Box 38 - Bend BEND SHOE CLINIC Leather Goods & Jackets Open Mondays 136 Minn. HEALTHWAY Specialty Shop "Naturally the best." 624 Franklin Ave. EV 2-0564 VALLEY VACUUM CLEANER KIRBY Sales & Service We Repair All Makes Call EV 2-3364 431 S. Third lic hearing will be held at Gil christ, Oregon, on Thursdav, April 5, 1962, at 10:00 A.M., lor the purpose of providing all owners of lands an opportunity to be heard on matters pertain ing to the budgeting of moneys required to defray the cost of fire protection and suppression wimin me boundaries ot tne Walker Range Patrol Associa tion. A copy of the tentative budget for the fire district may be inspected at the Walker Range Patrol Association Of fice, Gilchrist, Oregon. UKEGON STATE DE . PARTMENT OF FOR ESTRY, D. L. PH1PPS. STATE FORESTER 88-944: 5-Card of Thanks WORDS CANNOT adeauatelv express our deep appreciation lor ine many kina and sympa thetic acts that came to us at the time of our recent bereave ment. William S. Majors Mrs. Dick McRae, Terry Majors Hoyt Majors " 6-In Memorlam IN REMEMBRANCE of our beloved baby, Suzanne Marie, who passed away one year ago today. Mr. & Mrs. Claude Sexton and children God sent us His little angel for lust a few short davs We learned the mercy of His love even in His strangest way. Though our hearts long to hold you near We know God did His best For you are in His arms to stay and with God's eraee. we Dray That we may all be together with you again . someday. 8-Special Notices FREE FUN NIGHT. Learn to square dance. Come to the Rim rocker's beginner's party Satur day, March 24, 8:30 p.m., one block north of signal light in Prineville. Everyone " Invited. Larry Musgrave, . caller. Re freshments will be served. RENT A MACHINE Singer Sewing Center 126 Minnesota EV 2-3882 10-Lost S Found LOST: Handmade leather zip pered purse, containing driver's permit. EV 2-2092. . LOST FEMALE Labrador with brown markings on legs, Answers to the name ot "Lady", EV 2-0290. 14-MovIng, Trkng, Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything, But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend EV 2-2151 MISCELLANEOUS WATKINS PRODUCTS Cosmetics-Vitamins-Extracts -J Mae Eslick EV 2-1725 BEND RUBBER STAMP SHOP Stamps for home, business. 1434 Davenport EV 2-2876 TREE SERVICE Topping, Trimming, Removing Free Estimates Insured WILEY ELLIS, Sr. . 153 Jefferson Place EV 2-1601 AL'S Appliance Repairs 514 Harriman EV 2-3505 YOUR FULLER BRUSH DEALER -Bob Weitmann EV 2-1831 Rt 1 Box 79 Bend. Ore. SCOTT'S CLEANING - SERVICE Complete commercial It Residential. Free estimates RUG and UPHOLSTERY Pickup It delivery 1417 S. 3rd. EV 2-3983 INVISIBLE REWEAVING Free Estimates, Fair Prices 675 Innes Lane EV 2-1348 RADIO & TV REPAIR RIES RADIO Make Music Your Hobby 851 Wall St EV 2-5621 GEORGE'S RADIO it TV Parts & Service on all makes. 223 E. Franklin EV 2-3900 A-l TV & RADIO Gutraateed-Rellable Service Insured (or your protection. New & Used TV-VHF & UHF. 642 Franklin EV 2-4571 PERSONALS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 8:30 p m. Thursday. For info. LI 8-3606 EV 2-4760 HI 7-5882 17-Help Wanted SMALL AD Big opportun ity. EV 2-3141. 9 to 11 a.m. 18-Help Wanted Male MANAGER TRAINEE Rapidly expanding Finance Company desires young aggres sive man, to learn Consumer Finance Business. Some college or experience desirable but not necessary. Attractive salary; paid vacation; rapid advance ment and fringe benefits. Must be bondable and have fulfilled military obligation. Call Mr. Westcott, EV 2-2621. FULLER FRANCHISE Available for young married man over ii. Our men aver aged $503.88 per month in 1961. Highly trained Mgrs. available to start and train men selected. 300 top quality necessity items in our line. Guarantee plus yearly and quarterly bonus. For furth er Information write care The Bend Bulletin Box 317A. EXPERIENCED Parts man. Himac Rambler, 3rd & Frank lin. 19-Help Wanted Female COOK MUST be exceUent, permanent resident. Good ad vancement for right person. EV 2-6451. 20-Service Directory ELECTRIC HEATING Complete electric heating serv ice. Installation and repairs. Any make electric heater. BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill St EV 2-2821 PAINTING KITCHEN $45. Liv ing Room $45. Bedroom $35. Bath $20. " Exterior Pawting, Also Commercial. Harper . EV 2-4692 FIND YOUR SPRING CLEAN-UP NEEDS IN BULLETIN CLASSI FIED ADS. COUNSELOR FOR famous Knapp shoes. Call evenings. EV 2-6552. HUGH SIMPSON Painting Paperhanging Save Now Winter Rates Terms Months to pay. 315 E. Irving EV 2-5761 ROTO-T1LLING by tile hour, EV Z-135Z WILL DO ironing and mend- ing in my home. EV 2-3293. 24-Situations Wtd. Male COLORED MAN seeks work. Permanent farm or any other common work. Good references. Call 475-3612 or write Gen. Del., Madras. Frank Brooks. WANTED ANY type work. Call EV. 2-2286 after. 4 p.m. 25-Situations Wtd. Female EXPERIENCED, Dependable hotel or motel maid desires work. Mrs. Curtis. EV 2-3197. 26-Loans WANT TO borrow $4.500.. se cured with 1st mortgage on du plex apartments and 1-bedroom house. Box No. 316A, Bend Bul letin. 30-MiscelIoneous for Sale SELL OR trade, push button electric range, refrigerator, au tomatic washer, 50 gallon gas water heater, dining table, wood range. 1544 t. .tstn. 21 INCH Motorola TV. Just overhauled. EV 2-4661. SPRING SALE Close out ot Sewing Machines 30 Trade-ins Sidewalk Sale and Display "Weather Permitting" A DoUar & Up You Name The Price 1 Year Guarantee Take Your Choice ' ALL MUST GO Choose from Zig Zag, straight stitch. Foreign and American brands. Singer's, Mont Ward, Kenmore, White's, Domestic, Elna s, Necchi. Brother and etc. Come Early, Look them over. MAKE YOUR CHOICE THRUSDAY MORNING Hawthorne House 17 Hawthorne EXCELLENT. Efficient and economical, that's Blue Lustre carpet and u'pholstery cleaner. Masterson - St. Clair Hardware. SINGER Dressmaker in port- able, with full set ot attach ments, Payments to suit your budget. SINGER SEWING CEN TER; 126 Minnesota, EV 2-3882. Open Friday Evenings 'til 9. JEEP, 4 w.d. wagon. Good Maytag conventional washer. 1475 Galveston. NEARLY NEW, Ashley wood heater. Free equity, take over payments of 413.00 month, EV Z-6230. SEWING MACHINE. Ken- more cabinet type, good condi tion. $25. EV 2-5567. FOR SALE Rototiller $75., EV 2-1352. . ... Used Refrigerators $40. Used Washers iu. Used Elec. Dryer $30. Maytag Appliance Store GUITAR AND amplifier. 30-30 Winchester. 12 foot boat-motor. Cook stove. 1955 Buick, $345 or equity. 50 West Railroad St RECONDITIONED and guar anteed refrigerators and ranges. Refrigerators sta.t at $49.50 and Ranges at $29.50. Buy now at Oregon Equipment Company, 165 East Greenwood. Quality Used Furniture Buy, sell or trade J & M Furniture 1854 N. 1st N. Hiway) EV 2-2202 AUTOMATIC RCA Portable record Dlaver. 45 only. $17 50 Darrell's House of Music, Wall st Oregon. TOP SOIL, Fill dirt, djmp truck, tractor loader work, exca vations. EV 2-5161. 30-Miscellaneous for Sale WESTSIDE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston EV 2-2425 Used Furn. & Misc. Daily 8:30 to 6 Sunday 9:30 to 2 USED Zig-Zag sewing ma chine, sews forward and re verse, makes button holes, sews on buttons, overcasts, mono grams. See It today at the SING ER SEWING CENTER. Just $69.50, terms to suit vour bud get. 120 Minnesota. EV 2-3882. Open Friday Evenings 'til 9. SPINET PIANO, $300. Cush man scooter, $45. Bicycles, S7. 50. Boat and motor, $35. Pro pane refrigerator, $25. G. I. Trailer. $25. EV 2-1903. USED: Lumber, 2x8 and 3x10. Windows, ideal for greenhouse. Star and D u r a n t radiators. Bradden winch. 10 and 12-inch I-beams. 11 Scott Street GAS STOVE, campster size, 3 burners, oven. EV 2-6165 or 15 Norton. 19 INCH table model TV set in exceUent condition. New pic ture tube. 90 day warranty on all parts, and one year warran ty on picture tube. 100 per cent financing o.a.c. $6.34 a. month. Ken Cale Hardware, 3rd and Greenwood. HALF BEEF Half Pork, 39c lb. Cut to order Free. For Freezers & Supplies, see Mid state Meat Co., EV 2-3651. PnilU PT.AfF. setting West- moreland Sterling Silver, Mil burn Rose pattern, Dormeyer mixer, sandwich maker, two floor lamps, library diner, con tour chair, swing rocker, single WaA lumnl.ta turn Yntrnl mall boxes. New 10" Delta Band Saw, standard motor, 29-4 Singer sew ing machine guitar with case, three doors, toilet and tank, EV 2-1527. LIONEL ELECTRIC train. O gauge, $25. Jeb Boyd, EV 2-2798. HEALY'S BARGAIN HOUSE Used davenos with matching chairs $39.95 Used davenports with matching chairs $29.95 Used Apartment site electric range $79.95 New Axminister Rugs. Floral and tweed patterns ' ' $49.95 New Armless davenos $69.95 We have a large quanity of mis-matched twin size mattres ses end box springs at $29.95 each. HEALY'S 1 BARGAIN HOUSE "Home of Kelvinator Appliances" Minnesota Ave. next to fire hall EASY TERMS EV 2-3324 31 -Appliances, Furniture APPLIANCE REPAIR WASHERS, DRYERS, FREEZ ERS, REFERS, WATER HEAT ERS, FURNACES. All makes. MIKES ELECTRIC EV 2-5312 1955 MONARCH electric range. Excellent condition. Also Spark circulating oil heater, EV 2-5690. MATCHED - Hotpoint washer and dryer, EV 2-4661. 39-LIvestock Wanted WANTED: Fat cattle and hamburger cows. Highest cash price. Will pick up. EV 2-0458. 41 -Livestock. Horses AT STUD, Arabian chestnut stallion, Roabel No. 5633. Con tact Shirley Rogers, LI 8-2501 or LI 8-3620. PINTO MARE saddle horse. EV 2-1634. SHETLAND HERD make offer. Seven mares with foal, S250. each. Four yearling fillies, S150. each. Stud, $75. Eldoa Mo Mullen, Tumalo. 42-Poultry, Rabbits BEND EGG & POULTRY WHOLESALE Eggs, chickens, turkeys. Custom poultry killing. Poultry received Monday only. 740 E. First EV 2-1042 43-Dogs, Pets. Etc. BLACK MINIATURE Poodle service, EV 2-1190. 44-Boats & Motors 15 FOOT Wizard, 35 Johnson nd trailer, electric start. All ski accessories. See at 208 S. Deer In Prineville or call HI i 7000. 45-Sportsmen's Column 28 GAUGE Spanish Double, Mint condition, $119.50. Ken Cale Hardware, Third & Green wood. 47-Wanted to Buy WANTED: OLD CARS, trucks, cats, farm machinery, to buy. Highest prices paid B. & B, Auto Wreckers. EV 2-3825. PROPANE GAS tanks. Gas & Appliance, Box Bend. EV 2-3823. Ideal 706, WANTED: Your old can, ma chinery and metal. Why take less? We pay the most O'Day's Plumbing and Steel Yard, isn t First. (Closed Sun. A Mon.) 50-Fuel. CoaL Wood. Oil WOOD FOR SALE Pine and Juniper Cut any lengths EV 2-6959 WASHED UTAH COAL Lump Nut Stoker PRES-TO-LOGS CITY FUEL CO. 539 E. First EV 2-6961 GREEN SLAB Wood $17.00 load, approx. 2 cords. Washed nil Tr&tH Kfnlror W h A Lump Coal. Robert Davenport, EV 2-1399. ' 50-Fuel. CoaL Wood. Oil FOR SALE: Dry Jackoine. $12. cord. EV 2-5395. JACKP1NE S14.. Dine. S12. Im mediate delivery, EV 2-2822. FIREPLACE Wnnn a sneo. ialty. Dry or half dry Juniper. EV 2-5272. DRY JUNIPER 24" $11.80 cord. EV 2-2981 after 5:30 p.m. 51-Wanted To Rent TWO OR threa bedroom at tractive home. Local business man. Adults. By June 1st Write care Bend Bulletin Box 313A. WANTED TO rent a 40 acre farm with modern home, close to Bend. Write care Bend Bul letin Box 320A. 56-Apartments for Rent UNFURNISHED 3 rm apart, ment near hospitaL Adults only. $40.00 per month. Gil bert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall. 57-Apartments Furnished DESIRABLE 34 and 4 A room duplex. Automatic heat, garages, utilities, TV Included. Wahee Apartments, 1450 S. 3rd. EV 2- 4451. ONE AND two bedroom, util ities furnished. Bend Park Apartments. 1130 So. 3rd. EV 2- 4226. ONE BEDROOM. close in, EV 2-9971. MODERN Two or three room. Inquire at 40 Irving, EV 2-5142. MODERN, THREE room, garage, laundry. 1601 W. 3rd. CHEERY AND sunnv bache lor apartment $30. month. EV 2-5243. BACHELOR Aoartment. Com pletely furnished, all utilities paid except electricity. EV 2 5140, 362 Riverside. 58-Houses for Rent EIGHTY ACRES. 29 acres wa ter, 2 bedroom modern home, good barn, chicken houses. $68. month. Immediate possession. EV 2-6230. ONE BEDROOM, with range and refrigerator, close in. EV 2- 5519. innLC ceoroom. uu lur nace. wired for dryer, plumbed 4j-w ...r.U- T...UI. .. t7C 1UI .BBIICl, JWUUtC BalaKc month. EV 2-2929. after 6 p.m. 59-Houses Furnished THREE OR four bedroom on river, adjoining Tumalo State Park on south. Good swimming. Picture windows. fireplace. dishwasher, garage and shop. tidon McMuiien, isv 2-i93. ONE BEDROOM, comfortable house, EV 2-3527. TWO BEDROOM, TV, dish washer, automatic washer. EV 2-1927 after ;30-p.mrr EV 2 0829 anytime. 61-Business Space FOR RENT or lease office space, ground floor, close to city center, parking and air condi tioning. EV 2-3691 days or EV 2-2776 evenings. 70-Business Opportunities FOR SALE: Restaurant drive in. Land, building and equip ment living quarters with three bedrooms, lots of parking. 50 miles from Portland. EV 2-6748. BY OWNER: 9 unit motel plus living quarters, some kitch ens, air conditioned. 11 trailer spaces, all occupied. Un tiign way 97. Western Air Motel, Red mond. OPPORTUNITY Flying A Station for Lease. Equip. & Util. furnished. Out standing rental terms. For lnfor. EV 2-1921 days, EV 2-5643 eves. DEALERS WANTED To handle quality line of Pick up Campers. Big Demand. Ex cellent profits possible, small invest, req. Write Dept 52, Tra vel Queen, Box 816, corona, Calif. 73-Real Estate Wanted WANT EQUITY In three or four bedroom home, EV 2-1478. 76-Real Estate Exchanges CLEAR DUPLEX for equity in three or four bedroom. EV 2- 1478. CLEAR. OLDER type house. rented $30. month. Will take trailer house or what have you. 803 Delaware. 78-Farms'c Acreages ACREAGE With lovely home. City and Irrigation water, fine pasture. EV 2-2935. OR TRADE 159 acres, 42 acres water, 3 bedroom house. Take 3 bedroom in town. EV 2 4336. FIVE ACRES with COI water on Denser Road, EV 2-5272. Battered "Budget? FIX IT with BULLETIN CLASSIFIED!! People prefer results, and get It in the Classified Section of The Bend Bulletin. CaU EV 2-1811 and start getting extra cash through no longer wanted Items, BEND BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS The People's Market Place I 1 80-Real Estate For Sale THREE BEDROOM home. 1108 E. 11th, EV 2-9973. TWO BEDROOM home. Vi acre. $650Q. Prineville. HI 7-1060. BEND MOTEL Near the edge of Bend on 44 acres. City water, 5 furnished rental units, plus 2 bedroom home. Less than $22,000, 29'.o down. Good eastslde location, 2 bed room on paved st, oil furnace, double garage. $8500, good terms. Handyman's Special $2950. 3 bedroom, $5900, $600 dwn., $30 3 bedroom, $4500, $500 dwn., $60 mo. ART SH0LES Reel Estate & Insurance 444 So. Third EV 2-2743 Bob EV 2-3990 Roy EV 2-4816 Jess EV 2-4317 Emily EV 2-1086 Claude EV 2-6835 VERN LARSON AGENCY Reel Estate-Appraiser 1496 Quincy EV 2-5297 NEARLY NEW DOLL HOUSE. 3 BR, nice living room PLUS FAMILY ROOM. Believe it or not, only $12,600! 16 ACRES, 11 A. water, older 4 BR home on Parrell Hd. Corn er property can be subdivided, also RoaU water available. FOR SALE, lease option, or rent. 2 bedroom, good east side location. Electric baseboard heat Fireplace. $9700. $80. per month. EV 2-5243. NEARLY NEW, three bed room home, low down payment, 30 year FHA loan. EV 2-3245. CECIL C, MOORE REALTOR Inquiries Answered Promptly 1133 Newport. Bend. EV 2-3379 LEAVING TOWN, must seU 2 bedroom, near schools, 1 o w taxes, easy terms. EV 2-0652. THREE BEDROOM home and Income property, or will trade for property Eugene vi cinity, iv -mi TWO BEDROOM house, close in.,Cheap. Low down. EV 2-6748. PLANNED FOR IMPORTANT PEOPLE Quality constructed home on attractively landscaped lot. In the beautifully dec orated Interior Is en 18x24 foot living room with fire place, thermopane window & wall to well carpeting. 3 bedrooms, party room In besement, double garage, economic electric heet. m -suleted & storm windows. A reel masterpiece for $26,500.00. BEAUTIFUL INSIDE & OUT Well built family home. Only 3 yrs old & located , In e district of fine homes.; ' ' Street level entrance with finished full deylight base ment. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 3 fireplaces & hot water baseboard heet. Owner will consider good acreage In trade. Price below ap praisal et $25,000.00. The Land Mart 811 Wall St. EV 2-5121 Arleigh Black Broker Bob Lilienthal EV 2-6363 Joe Tilden EV 2-2768 Jim Lance EV 2-5756 GILBERT'S DEAL OF THE DAY 101 Wall St EV 2-3752 WE NEED LISTINGS! GRADE A DAIRY. 160 acres choice and 106 water. Comfort able beautifully landscaped home & excellent grade A At hay barns. Fine herd of cows & replacements, f ull line ot ma chinery. Realistically priced at $75,000, 13 down, balance easy. N. E. Gilbert . Larry Keown Broker Assoc Broker Realtor , EV 2-2395 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor 250 ACRES CLOSE IN 120 acres cultivated. Majority of land is Irrigated with under ground sprinkler system. 45 acres of alfalfa, rest In perma nent pasture. Near new block bern with hay mow 24x36, ma chine shed 20 I 50, large hay shed, full line of machinery in A-l condition. Good modem, all horn e. $50,000.00 with $20,000.00 down bal, 15 years. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE E. 3rd BRANCH OFFICE 345 E. Third EV 2-6453 Jim Arntz EV 2-5243 Buck Davis Ranches EV 2-6914 CHRISTMAS VALLEY BRANCH OFFICE For acreage and town site lots In Christmas Valley, see Hap Taylor at the Christmas Valley Lodge Office. 80-Real Estate for Sale HAP TAYLOR, Realtor NEW WEST HILLS LISTING If you enjoy privacy, spacious living, end lovely view, this is a home you must see. Located on large lot with paved street, this home Includes 3 large bed rooms, 2' baths, living room with wall to wall carpet, extra large family-dining room com bination, Swedish fireplace to serve both living and family rooms, cheery kitchen with dish washer, end loads of built-ins. Complete with underground sprinkler system end fenced yard. Few homes In Bend offer the features of this West Hills beauty. Call for en appointment today. HAP TAYLOR REAL ESTATE 822 Wall St. EV 2-1701 Arnle 2-4475 Harvey 2-4666 Nites Jim 2-3594 CHRISTMAS VALLEY BRANCH OFFICE For acreage and town site lots In Christmas Valley, see Hap Taylor at the Christmas Valley Lodge Office. MIDSTATE REALTY CO. Harold Phillips. Realtor 103 Minnesota Ave. EV 2-1871 Good 40 acres, in alfalfa local ity with 38 acres C.O.I, water, house, barn and other buildings. A buy at $11,000 2 bedroom home with 2 more upstairs, In good condition, close In. Only $4000, $500 dwn. DRAKE ROAD: 3 bedroom home, fireplace, forced air oil furnace, basement, garage, pav ed st. and alley. $1 1,250 FHA SEE US for that good Income duplex. Priced at $10,500 Phillips 2-0571 Hogan 2-3274 KERR REALTY, INC. 734 E. Greenwood EV 2-2521 R. D. Kerr, Broker $3,9504.4 acres, 2 room Cabin, city water available. $11,9004 BR heme, l2 baths, basement, double gar age. $12.500 New 3 BR home, large lot, new subdivision, reedy In 10 days. . Ray B. Cronln EV 2-5656 Clent King EY 2-5452 Welt KHtredge EV 2-4472 Russell's Realty Bud Russell, Realtor 283 Oregon Ave. EV 2-3031 THE ULTIMATE IN A COUNTRY ESTATE ' 476 feet Deschutes River front age I e c t e d close to Bend. Ultra-modem, exceptionally well built, 2 bedroom, plus full bese ment with extra bedrooms. Original tpeclel features Include 3 fireplaces, 3 full baths, 2 at tached garages plus 2 car de tached garage, petlo, barbecue and smote house. Over 2200 iq. ft. of living area. Beautifully landscaped, with circular drive, pole fence, lawn, trees, garden, etc. You will have to see It to appreciate the many other un usual features. Could not be re placed for the selling price of $29,500 terms. Msble Foster Kieth Ramsay EV 2-3324 EV 2-3103 BUI Franck EV 2-1273 22-Bulldlng. Announcing the opening of CHAMNESS GLASS BEND BRANCH Dwaine Miller, local manager & glazier ALL TYPES OF GLASS Including Auto 124 Greenwood, Bend 80-Real Estate For Sale BUILDERS AND borne buy ers. Before you buy see 2: '3 North Harriman Street Bulg ing 28x12. concrete basement, and first story. Eight inch th -k walls, concrete floor laid. S :c ond story all fir floors, 3V fc g lots, outside burner, 7x7 locker or shelter, all concrete. Wocxl shed. Peaceful and clean. 4C0 ft. from river, 2 blocks from highway. Plumbing installed in basement Chimney up to sec ond floor ceiling. Fine layout for second story, front yard. Li-ht and city water. See owner 2115 N. Division, Bend. THREE BEDROOM house, newly decorated. East side. EV 2-4520. WELL LOCATED, small bus iness to trade for farm. EV 2 6426. 91 -Farm Machinery H. G. OLIVER crawler dozer and Front loader. $850. K 20 CIctrac crawler, dozer, $150. Commercial cement block ma chine, complete, $150. Garden tractor, complete, $60. EV 2 1903. GMC 4-speed,- ton pickup. Stock racks. Perfect condition, $625. Farmall cub tractor, hy draulic life, complete line of equipment. Good conditlqn. SiU5. r.v W543, arter s p.m. J4-Mobile Homes 1961 KIT, 10x55. 3 bedrooms. 114 baths. EV 2-354T. 95-Trucks-Trailers EQUITY IN 1062 Chevrolet Ai ton pickup. Sisters, Ore., 549 2363. 1952 IV. ton Ford with stake rack. 1949 6 cylinder Jeep sta tion wagon. EV 2-4661. i.r)-Ait:os tot Sale '59 ENGLISH Ford Consul. $650. '51 Consul. $100. '36 Ramb ler wagon, $400. "41 Internation al Dump truck, $175. EV 2-1903. '62 DEM0': SALE l-Chev Impala Cpe. 2-Chev Impala Sdns. 1-Corvalr Monza Scln. 1-Cadillac Sdn. DeVUle - SAVE UP TO - ' 800 BOB THOMAS Chevrolet-Cadillac 235 E. Greenwood EV 2-6131 Acroni from Wagh'fir's - 1952 OLDSMOBILE, 4 door, good tires, $185. EV 2-6316 eve nings and weekend. CAT V. On. Awnpr 'SS Oldsmobile 88. Full power equip ped. Sacrifice price $650. Phone Li 8-2151. FOR SALE 1954 PI moulu-.4 r, - high door sedan, 6 cyllw drive, EV 2-1961. GO-KART for sale, ready to race, EV 2-1352. QUALITY USED OLDSMOBILES Tike Your Choice 1958 Super 88 2 dr. H-top , 1957 4 Or. sedan " 1956 4 dr. Sedan 1, ', . ZZH DYER'S AUTO SERVICE Next Ore. Equip, on Greenwood PRICE REDUCED!! r.llM TntlllVI. 4 HnOr. Standard transmission, one own er, low mileage. Uke new condi tion. DON'S USED CARS 1 Blk. So. of Greenwood on 3rd. ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS E. Second It Franklin nnnn t(WR rhvrnlt nnri 1959 Slmca. EV 2-2687 after 5 p.m. 1952 NASH Cushmsn motor cycle to trade for best pickup offered. LI 8-3989. Redmond. A-l USED PICKUP 1961 Ford 6 F-100 Styleslde pick up with 114" W.B. 3 speed shift, good buy at $1899. Like brand new. R0BBERS0N FORD 1953 Chevrolet ton $595 4 speed transmission BEN JACQUES CHEVY CITY 5th Giveaway, Redmond, Ore. Contracting