The Bend Bulletin, Tuesday, March 20, 1962 TheyH Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo Hardware merchant cczab6rass had occasion to call the bank today re a customer's check- Well-the SAID CUSTOMER WAS OKAV-BUT IT SEEMS SOMEBODY ELSE WASN'T ll Jiskk NAME IS 06NASIU5 ) ( 1? IL W ( BUTTM GLADYS" I lOWUN P-R0CKANE6IE- CAU.ED,CBAB6P?ASS- Monday Owl Lugu W Eagles Auxiliary ..... 33 Brandis Drug 32 Rock 'n Wood 26 Coca Cola 23 Pilot Butte Inn 22 Trailways -.. 20 Cascade Bowl 20 Murray & Holt 16 This week's games: Brandis 4, Murray & Holt 0; Eagles Auxili ary 3, Trailways 1; Coca Cola 3, Pilot Butte 1; Cascade Bowl 3, Rock 'n Wood 1. Team leaders: Eagles Auxili ary and Brandis Drug 797 game; Eagles, 2317 series. High scorers: Dot Allier, 203 game; Florence Kinkade, 554 se ries. Other 500s: Dot Altier. 543; Byrl Brandsma, 529; Arline Ma theny, 515. Greenwood Scotch Doubles Winners, Don Blevens and Ha zel Swiney, 1156: second. Dot and Dave Altier. 1155; third, Nadine Osenton and Myron Smith, 1147. Jackpot now stands at $65.15. Starlighteri League W L Mahoney's Equip. 27 17 B & C Cafe 25 19 Bend Bottling 24 20 Erickson's Market ... 22' 21 Denning's Richfield . 21 22 Oregon Trail Box 21 22 Banty Shanty . 17 26 Cascade Glass 17 27 This week's games: Oregon Trail Box 4, Bend Bottling Co. 0; Cascade Glass 4, Denning's Rich field 0; Erickson's Super Market 3. Mahoney's Office Equipment 1; Banty Shanty 2, B !t C Cafe 2. Team leaders: Cascade Glass, 2451 series and 829 game. High scorers: Barbara Berg seng, 223 game and 579 series. City League Medo-Land Elks Seven-Up Pepsi-Cola W . 28 . 27 . 24 . 24 Duncan Brothers - 22 L 16 17 20 20 22 24 28 30 Jim's Electric 20 Joe & Bea's - 16 Lelco 14 This week's games: Elks 4, Joe & Bea's 0; Pepsi-Cola 3, Lelco 1; Duncan Brothers 3, Medo-Land 1; Jim's Electric 3, Seven-tip 1. Team leaders: Elks, 1012 game and 2778 series. High scorers: Jack Cooper, 245 game and 609 series. COACHES BACKFI6LD DENVER (UPI) Gary Glick, former Colorado State University star, has been named defensive backfield coach for the Denver Broncos of the American Football League. Glick, who played with Pittsburgh, Washington and Balti more in the National Football League, completes the Broncos coaching staff. Nichols fires 64 for golf win ST. PETERSBURG. Fla. (UPI) Bobby Nichols shot a near rec ord 64 Monday and collected $2,800 for his first tournament victory on the PGA tour since turning pro in 1960. The 25-year-old golfer from Midland, Tex., came from behind to nose out another Texan, Frank Boynton of Corpus Christi, by two strokes to win the 20,000 St. Pe tersburg Open with a four-round 272. His 64 was eight under par. Nichols, displaying brilliant iron shots, missed breaking the course record at the Lakewood Country Club by a single stroke. The rec ord is held by a number of pros, including Ben Hogan. Boynton, who shot a 67 on his final round, came in second for $1,900. He had led the first two rounds and was tied for first place with Don Fairfield at 207 at the end of three rounds. But Nichols, who had been putt ing badly in the first three rounds, zoomed up from his three-round 208 to clinch the win by two strokes. Bob Goalby, the defending champion from . Crystal River, Fla., who had been far back in the field, also finished strong with a 66 to wind up third with a 72 hole 276. ALOUETTES SIGN TWO MONTREAL (UPI) Gene Viola, a center from Notre Dame, and Harry Haukkala, a lineman from McGill University, have been signed by the Montreal Alou ettes of the Canadian Football League. Viola, a native of Scran ton, Pa., was also a boxing cham pion and shot putter at Notre Dame. DIFFERENT? What's different about Rambler's . rustproofing? It goes all the way up to the roof. Only Rambler has Deep-Dip rustproof ing entire bodyimmersed in primer paint right up to roof plus 8 other body rustproofing steps. What's different about Rambler's brakes? They stop when other brakes can't. Double Safety Brake System has tandem master cylinders. If front brakes fail, rear brakes still work and vice versa. Self-adjusting brakes standard, too. What's different about Rambler's headroom? It's greater than any other American car's. Rambler Classic 6 and Ambassador V-8 beat all other makes In front-seat headroom (even Cadillac!) can seat six 6-footers easily. What's different about Rambler's . muffler and tailpipe? They won't rust out. Ceramic-Armored muf fler, tailpipe guaranteed against defect as long as you own your new Rambler. If either rusts out, collision damage ex cepted, a Rambler dealer makes free replacement What's different about Rambler's prices? They're America's lowest. Only Rambler brings you America's lowest sug gested retail prices for convertible, 2-door and 4-door sedans and wag onsall quality-built with Rambler excellence. World Standard of Compact Car Excellence HIMAC RAMBLER SALES, 637 Third St. Poise bolsters UCLA's chance for NCAA finals LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Con fident UCLA coach John Wooden said his basketball team would not lose its poise when the Bruins clash with second-rated Cincinnati in the NCAA tournament semi final round. - The Bruins raced by Oregon State Saturday night in the Far Western playoffs and won a posi tion in the championship bracket. They play the national defending champs Friday in Louisville. Ky. I have tremendous admiration for the poise these kids have shown," Wooden said at the final weekly luncheon of the Southern California Basketball W r i t e r s Association. The only concession the Bruin coach would make was that if his team did fade it would be due to Cincy's pressure. The Bruins never got past the first round in three previous divisional playoff attempts. Wooden got moral support from Pepperdine's Duck Dowetl, who said, I feel if they play as well as they did on Saturday night there's no one who's going to beat them. Dowell's own basketball team. the Waves, placed third in the regional: by defeating Utah State after losing to Oregon State Friday. Wooden, whose Bruins have won 14 of their last 16 games, said (hey could upset Cincinnati on the right night. About the Oregon Slate game. Wooden said, "we perhaps played our finest basketball of the year in the first 10 minutes of the game." Hot scores predicted Biggest' tenpin meet looms The 1962 Bend Men's City As sociation Bowling Tournament will open April 3 and run through April 8 and promises to be the largest ever. The current record was set last year when 62 teams, 112 doubles entries and 224 singles entries competed. This season a total of 13 lea gues, composed of 12 five-man teams, 14 four-man teams, 16 three-man teams and 16 mixed teams (two men and two women) are bowling under the jurisdiction of the Bend Bowling Association. A record high of 462 members are participating in regular lea gue play about one-third of them bowling in two or more lea gues a week. The team event has been sched uled for the Cascade Bowl, with doubles and- singles competition due at the Greenwood Bowl. Team event will run Tuesday through Friday, with doubles and singles running through Saturday and Sunday. As of this date a total of 59 Corvallis after '63 NCAA meet CORVALLIS (UPI) Oregon State hopes to land the NCAA Western Regional basketball play offs next season but admits it will be hard to draw them away from Provo, Utah. Spec Kcene, athletic director at Oregon State, said Provo, home of Brigham Young, wanted the regionals again. "And they did such a grand job that, perhaps, thev are entitled to an encore." teams have entered or have sig nified their intention of entering, tournament manager Sam Bluch er, secretary of the association, said today. In addition, approximately a dozen or more other teams are expected to enter before March 29, closing date for entries. A total of 78 doubles squads and 136 singles entries have also been received. If the number of high scores and high averages being shot this year are any indication, this year's tourney should produce some more all-time high scores. In last year's tourney, the Northwest Industrial Laundry roil ed to the team championship by virtue of a new all-time high score of 3.150 pins. Dan Wyhenga captured the all-events crown with a record-breaking 1953 nine-game total. A record cash prize list of $1, 162, as well as $150 worth of tro phies, went to the winners. Tour nament entries are divided into two classes. "A" and "B", with trophies and cash prizes award ed in each class. This is the first season in his tory that more than one man has held an average of 190 or better in league play this late in the sea son. Currently Bob Nelson holds a 192 average in the Classic Lea gue, Al Harrington is atop the City League with a 192 average and Elmer Brown leads the way in the Three-Man Classic League with a 191 average. Brown is the only man to aver age 190 for a full season, accom plishing that feat when he topped both the Cily League and Classic i League with a 190 average in tne 19.t8-s9 season. About two months ago Bob Nel son recorded the highest series ever shot in Bend, a tremendous 780, which ranks as one of the two or three highest series ever shot in sanctioned league play in Oregon. With scores and averages like this, indications are that Bend will not only have the largest tourna ment in history, but also the high est scoring tourney as well. Jim Bowles heads the Bend Bowling Association this winter as president. Other officers are vice presidents Joe Winter, Les Dun can, Lew Dutton and Loren Dyer and executive directors O r a 1 King, George Marling and Jay Scott. ENTER GREENSBORO OPEN GREENSBORO. N.C. (UPD Arnold Palmer, Sammy Snead and Art Wall will be among the golfers competing in the 25th an nual Greater Greensbooro Open tournament starting April 12. Purses will total $36,000, general chairman Frank Hood said. Oregon Ducks tie Arizona 5-5 i iisun, aiiz. ufi Ore gon's baseball team opened its season Monday by playing a 5-3 tie with Arizona here. The game was halted after 10 innings because of darkness. Outfielder Cal Dean had 4.fnr-r and infieldcr Dave Moore 3-for-3 for Oregon. Kent Hunt homered for Arizona in the 6th. DEATH TOLL 32 ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (UPD A final check today put the death toll from the recent coastal storm at 32 17 on land and 15 at sea. The storm which strticlc th Jersey shore two weeks ago to day was the costliest in terms of life since the Nov. 25. 1950 storm which left 34 dead. FIRE BURNS UNCHECKED GRAND ISLE. La. (UPD A gas-fed fire burned unchecked to day aboard a $30 million offshore sulphur drilling rig. Frceport Sulphur Co. officials said they expected the blaze to burn itself out by Wednesday. Damage to the rig and company production losses might approach $1 million. An explosion Sunday night collapsed the 129-foot drill ing rig and destroyed other pro duction facilities. - ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased to announce that Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Joyce Bird have been appointed as managers of Spring River Resort. SPRING RIVER RESORT ASSOC. . How Super Shell's 9 ingredients work ,:.:;, i ...:-.' ' . ....... r - 'zm$w3r cs ' ' ' ' : i ,muwm iiniii iwuiiiwwiwiw , i"C,.,,Jiiiw tt jmmiim'.ScA (shell) World champion driver uses Super Shell. One reason: ils power ingredients. World champion Phil Mill (above, in Ferrari) needs jioiver. Super Shell's basic power ingredient is "cat-cracked" gasoline made by cracking heavy petroleum molecules into lighter, livelier ones. Note; TCP additive helps your car deliver top performance by neutralizing certain power-robbing engine deposits. And another Super Shell ingredient helps keep carburetors clean inside. S At If' J ' 1' X 4 ' Super Shell's anti-knock ingredients work for a quiet : , ii . ci.ll .i ... 7. iUi I A chiiic ui an apvvus. ouen Minimis use a aitiniw-upe tantLLy i, , j.,t,i.i,-i, c., cu-ir. 0K;i;i in KoKf knock and help engines run quiedy. One of Super Shell's knock-fighting ingredients is so effective that a single teaspoon ful per gallon can boost anti-knock rating five points. Another ingre dient in today's Super Shell is noted for controlling knock in hot engines at high speeds better than anything else yet available. Tests prove (hat Platformate, Super Shell's extra- SHELL) mileaRe ingredient, can make a real difference. Mere's now test is run. aman amount ot iuci vnmom nai formate is fed into test or. The car runs until fuel is gone (lift). Test is repeated, using Super Shell with Platformate. Same amount of fuel.'Identical conditions. In repeated tests, Super Shell with Platformate took car an average of 40 feet farther (right). Works out to about'j extra miles in every 100 miles of driving. Super Shell Ingredients for quick starts and fast warm ups get workout In "40 below" lab. Super Shell con tains Biitmie for quick starts. And Penlmie mix for fast warm-ups. Both are checked for top performance in tests in this lab, and in cold-weather tests outside. Note: When the weather calls for it, Super Shell also contains an anti-icing ingredient. It helps to prevent ice from sticking to vital carburetor parts and causing your car to stall. tTiadctaiik for Shell's uiilqu luolin additive. Ctsoline containing TCP U covered by tl. S. Pateat 2S8921Z.