The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 16, 1962, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Friday, March 16, 1962
Phil F. Bregan, Anociate Editor
Glenn Cushmen, General Manager
Loren I. Dyer, Mechanical Superintendent
Robert W. Chandler, Editor and Publisher
Znurad u Saom) CUi KUKan Juiw . 1MT. at Of Foal OMea at Band. Orwoo. imatr Aet lurch I, int. Pub
Uihad daily axcept Sunday and eeruia holiday by Th fiend Bullion. Inc.
Salem case calls attention to flaws in
Oregon's fancy code of juvenile law
The 1959 Oregon legislature passed
a new juvenile code for the state. Many
persons paid little attention to the pro
posed law as it wound its way through
the legislative process, and relatively
few were acquainted with its provisions
when it became effective. Its Intent, as
outlined by Its 1959 sponsors, was fine,
but In actual practice a few flaws have
shown up.
The code apparently Is not doing
all the things for juveniles that were
Intended when the bill was under dis
cussion. And it certainly isn't doing all
the things for the rest of us that it
needs to do.
A recent case in Salem Is a case in
Over in Rainsville a 14-year-old
youngster broke into a sporting goods
store, and stole some ammunition and
a pistol. It was so easy he decided to go
back a couple of weeks later. So, he
loaded Ihe pistol, put it in his pocket,
and went back. During the course of
the burglary he murdered an employe
of the store.
(It took Salem police an inordinate
ly long time to reach the store, and the
employe had time to make three separ
ate telephone calls for help before he
was finally killed, but that's beside the
Police picked the youngster up
you don't arrest juveniles in Oregon
any more and turned him over to ju
venile court. The stiffest sentence the
court could hand out was seven years
In McLaren School for Boys. At the end
of that time the youngster goes free,
regardless of whether or not he's im
proved during that time, regardless of
the fact that he may be worse than he
Is now.
This caused some Salem residents
to question the juvenile code. They
aren't alone, either, as is pointed out
In the Eugene Register-Guard's com
ment upon the case.
How do legends become history?
Legends are sort of sticky things.
Give them even half a chance and
they attach themselves to objects or
events and in times become history.
Consider the Fort Rock legend.
The formation resembles a fort.
Legend says Indians and whites long
ago met in that natural fort in a fierce
battle. Some of the old timers don't
consider the tale a legend: They say it
Is history.
But historians say there is no proof
that a frontier conflict occurred in the
In the Devils Lake area of the high
Casiides west of Bend, on the highway
to Elk Lake, are Indian writings. Leg
end says that Indians waylaid a party
of whites there in pioneer days and
recorded their conquest on t lie smooth
side of a giant boulder.
History knows nothing about such
a fi','kt at Devils Lake, in Ihe narrow
defile that once held an Indian trail.
Now, a letter received by The Bul
letin Indicates, a legend Is already
a&oi ?e arm
An Independent Newspaper
Jack McDermott, Advertising Manager
Leu W. Meyers, Circulation Manager
William A. Yates, Managing Editor
The Salem Capital Journal has been
most concerned about some provisions of
Oregon's three-year-old juvenile code. Al
ready noted is the fact that the code pro
vides that the penalty for murder, even
premeditated murder, is a maximum of
seven years in the reform school if the
murderer is 14. Now, with hundreds of high
school students converging on beach com
munities for spring vacation, another flaw
in the code appears.
The code says that a juvenile may not
be held by Die police for more than three
hours, except upon the approval of a mag
istrate. At some of these beach communi
ties magistrates are not always available
that quickly. So young hoodlums are being
turned loose. The mayor of Seaside is de
manding that the code be modified so that
the cily can deal with its juvenile problem.
Critics of the code will be quick to point
nut that while the police can't detain a
juvenile for more than three hours, juve
nile authorities can keep Uicm for a long,
long time without pressing specific charg
es against them. The same law which puis
a restraint on the police gives to juvenile
authorities a license that police don't have.
The line of reasoning behind this is that
policemen are cops and that, therefore,
children have to be protected from police
brutality. But juvenile authorities are not
cops. They are social scientists. They mean
well. Thus a child doesn't need constitution
al guarantees.
What this amounts to is government by
men, not by law. As such, it's bad govern
ment. Now that the slate has had three
years of experience with the law, it's
time for the next legislature to take
another look at the whole situation. It
also seems time for the legislature to
write some safeguards into the law, to
protect the youngsters on one hand,
to keep them from being railroaded off
to reform school when the judge feels
bad on the day of the hearing, and to
protect the rest of us from the occasion
al real bad apple who comes along.
shaping itself around a road that swings
over a high divide near the north end
of Smith Rock, overlooking Crooked
"Does that road coming over the
hill and following down the river have
any significance in the early history of
Oregon?" This is the question asked
by a resident of Seattle.
Here's another legend ready to
sprout. Is it possible that the road was
rut by the wheels of the Army convoys
that crossed Central Oregon in t lie
early lSiUl's?
That would he a cood story, but it
would not he true. The road over the
Smith Rock hump was graded when
the North I 'nit project was constructed
a mere L'O years aqo.
But just give legend makers more
Fifty or a hundred years from now
Ihe legend of the Army road over Smith
Rock will be Hearing acceptance as
Kennedy's brothers show
value of family unify
By Draw Pearson
(Editor's Note Drew Pear
son's column today takes the
form of e letter to his eldest
Washington. D.C.
March 14, 1962
Dear Drew,
I guess you have been reading
in the newspapers about Presi
dent Kennedy's brothers, and how
one recently went round the
world, and the other is running
for senator from Massachusetts.
I have been thinking about this
and wondering what would happen
if you and your two brothers were
in the same position. That doesn't
mean that I'm nominating you for
president, and Gcorgie for attor
ney general, and Joe to be a sena
tor though it is a wonderful
thing In this country that any boy
can grow up to be president or
run for the senate.
But what I have really been
thinking about is the unity of fam
ily life and the Kennedys.
A lot of people have been criti
cal of having too many Kennedys
on the payroll and in the public
eye. And as a newspaperman I
have always written about con
gressmen and other government
officials who had relatives on the
public payroll. This is because
people should hold jobs because
they are qualified, not because
Uiey are related to an important
And when President Kennedy
first proposed that his brother
Bobby take the Cabinet post of At
torney General, I told Bob that
this would be a mistake. It was
none of my business, of course.
but your grandfather Is always in
terfering in other people's busi
As I have watched him work,
however, I think I was wrong. I
watched him particularly on his
recent round-the-world trip when
he had to face all sorts of people,
both hostile student crowds and
friendly government officials. He
was in a position where one mis
take could nave seriously hurt his
brother in the White House, and,
more important, hurt the United
Statos. However, he made no mis
takes. He not only handled him
self with skill and courage but he
managed to knock the heads of
the Dutch and Indonesians togeth
er in a way that should prevent
a war.
He told the Indonesians to their
face that we were great friends
of the Dutch; then he told the
Dutch that we were also friends
of the Indonesians and that we
didn't want war between our
friends. He was so vigorous and
sincere about this that the Dutch
and Indonesians now seem ready
to sit down and talk peace instead
of war.
Littla Brother Bobby
I had an interesting experience
with Attorney General Kennedy
when I introduced him at the Big
Brothers dinner. After ribbing him
just a little, I said: "It's only fit
ting that the Big Brothers should
have as their guest tonight the
most famous little brother in the
United States."
Bol)by came right back by say
ing: "The reason I'm here is be
cause my big brother told me to
He then went on Ui give a very
interesting account of something
most people don't know about
his work with boys. When boys
have been in trouble with the po
lice and have to go to reforma
tories, they have a hard time get
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ting started again when they come
out. So the Attorney General, to
gether with James Bennett who
is an expert on these problems,
has established "half-way houses"
where boys can go to get a new
start in life.
Because not all boys have the
family you boys have to guide you
and advise and help you.
So there are two things I've con
cluded about the Kennedy family:
First, if you are qualified, if you
can do a job really well, as Rob
ert Kennedy is doing, you should
not be handicapped because you
are someone's relative. Jobs
should be based on merit, not on
Second, the Kennedy family has
revived something we've been in
danger of losing in America
the unity of the family.
Family Is First
When I was a boy, our family
stuck together through thick and
thin. Our father and mother
taught us to be that way. This was
true of our grandfathers' families
and I think most American fam
ilies in those days. There weren't
so many distractions, such as au
tomobiles, to separate families
This encouraged respect and
love and cooperation, which are
very important principles of life.
Without them, our society could
run downhill very fast and our
country could become another Ro
man Empire.
So one thing the Kennedys have
done is demonstrate the unity of
family life. They get out and fight
fiercely for each other. In some
respects they remind me of you
and Georgie and Joe. You some
times quarrel among yourselves,
but you help each other and fight
for each other if anyone jumps
on one of you. You stick together.
This week, President Kennedy's
youngest brother is announcing he
wants to run for senator from
Massachusetts. He is quite young
and maybe it's a mistake. A lot
of people will say we have too
many Kennedys and that he is
just riding on his big brother's
coattails. However, if he has real
ability, on his own, we should
give him a chance. It will be up
to the people of Massachusetts to
decide in two very hot elections.
So regardless of whether you run
for president or senator or what
you boys do when you grow up,
just remember the importance of
the family and keeping it togeth
er. You don't have to go into poli
tics to do it.
To that end I hope you can all
three spend the summer together.
Love from your
Colorado man
faces charges
Strecker, 46, Denver, Colo., was
arrested by FBI agents here
Thursday on a charge of inter
state transportation of a forged
He was wanted on a Federal
warrant accusing him of trans
porting a $200 forged check cash
ed in a Minneapolis, Minn., bank
and drawn on a bank in Twin
Falls. Idaho. The warrant was
issued at Minneapolis.
Strecker was placed in the
Multnomah County Rocky Butte
tail in lieu of $5,000 after appear
ing before U.S. Commissioner
Louis Stern of Portland.
MBU ill..! U I ..
Letters u
"Whan man differ In opinion,
both tides ought equally to have
the advantage el being heard
by Ihe public." Benjamin
Death held preferable
to 'selfish idealism'
To the Editor:
Can there be that decisive point
in the course of events wherein
certain types of pacifist idealism
can be a detriment to man's pro
gress and liberty? It would seem
to this writer that the true test
of an ideal is whether it improves
or retards the status of man's
Personally, I hold the ideal of
relative human liberty to be of
primary importance. I say rela
tive, of course, because of the ob
vious fact that any degree of
liberty must necessarily be bound
ed by the commonplace restric
tions of societal group living.
If liberty is my ideal, then I
must necessarily hold this belief
in opposition to those who ridi
cule liberty. So long as these op
ponents of liberty give only vocal
opposition to my beliefs, I can
counter them in a like fashion
with no blood being spilled on
either side. But, suppose the ene
mies of my ideal are warlike?
What, then, are my alternatives?
This, in actuality, is the problem
that Americans must once again
face: our idealism is subject to
warlike opposition.
Too many Americans have cho
sen to shout "Praise Liberty" to
the high heavens in time of peace,
but when the war clouds gather
(and particularly atomic ones) I
detect a rather definite tendency
toward a fearful pacifism, as if
a proper display of goodly inten
tions will cause evil influences to
melt away in a sugary swirl of
sweetness and light.
So let us consider the pacifist,
this peace-loving, idealistic liber
tarian. When war actually comes,
he will refuse to fight; he be
comes a conscientious - objector.
In a way, we cannot criticise him
for this, for he is being honestly
consistent with his professed phil
osophy. Meanwhile, what is happening
to his ideals of peace and liberty?
They are being relentlessly ground
under the iron heel of totalitarian
ism, with nothing to stop the ulti
mate demise of all liberty. Who
will rescue liberty for his fellow
man? Not the idealistic pacifist.
Instead, it v4ll be the realist who
knows that the whole history of
man is naught but the continual
battle to preserve liberty from
tyranny. He knows that if "he
who lives by the sword shall die
by the sword" then it is he, the
realist, who must wield the other
The pacifist would prefer to die,
holding to his peaceful ideals. He
thereby becomes a martyred
idealist. But, his is a self-centered
idealism for he is not his brother's
keeper and he cares not to fight
for his brother's freedom. H i s
fellow man may live on in free
dom or slavery, but the pacifist
is aloof in death; his brother's
fate is not of his concern.
Such futility! It would be as
well that such a man should never
live, for his only goal is non-resistance
to whatever fate tyranny
may choose to deal him, and the
world is neither better nor worse
for his coming and going. He is
a bland, neutral quality who owes
any freedom of expression for his
The 4 that goes
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pacifist idealism to the fact that
he has been a leech riding ciong
on the activists who knew that
even liberty, when threatened,
ran die unless defended with
something stronger than pious
protestations that war is hell.
The fact of the matter is that
libery does not always reside with
those who treasure it most; it re
sides, instead, with those who re
main strong enough to hold it.
Therefore, I say this: you can
not be a pacifist and a libertar
ian. Total pacifism, when depriv
ed of the protection of realists
who will bear arms for freedom,
is not idealism; it is resignation
to any forces which rise in
strength above the level of intel
lectual conversation.
The choice between realism and
idealism may resolve itself into
a choice between liberty or slav
ery. The price of resistance to op
pression can be death. But, if such
resistance will in any way aid
mankind to be free, that death is
far preferable to the miserable
posture of a pacifist who will
apathetically desert mankind for
the sake of his perverted, selfish
Sincerely yours,
D. E. Burgderfer
Clatsop County,
March 14, 1962
Steelhead game fish
move stoutly opposed
To the Editor:
The Clatsop County Oregon Cen
tral Labor Council, AFL-CIO has
unanimously gone on record as
being opposed to the initiative pe
tition to make Steelhead a game
This council also notes articles
written by Mr. Fred Goetz and
others in regard to this initiative.
Mr. Goetz in his article, printed
in the Portland Reporter Febru
ary 20th presents a pretty picture
for consumption of the average
citizen who does not understand
what this initiative will do to the
Commercial Salmon industry if
Mr. Goetz conveniently fails to
mention, (we think), that all Co
lumbia River commercial fishing
would cease after ten per cent of
the estimated annual steelhead
run is caught.
Does anyone or can anyone con
template how many jobs in the
commercial salmon industry, di
rectly related and unrelated would
be eliminated if this initiative pe
tition becomes law? Thousands
we can assure you.
Mr. Goetz makes much of the
revenue realized from the sale of
salmon - steelhead tags to the
sports fishermen, monies expend
ed by the average steelhead fish
ermen in pursuit of the sport.
Has Mr. Goetz ever contemplated
the amount of money spent by the
labor force who catch the com
mercially caught fish, process it,
can it, market it and labor used in
the supporting businesses, can
companies, transportation, boat
yards, marine equipment and so
Why doesn't Mr. Goetz give
proper credit to the commercial
salmon industry for their efforts
in salmon conservation, fishways
at Bonneville. McNary, and other
Columbia River dams, salmon
propagation work, both federal
and state, cooperation in reduc
tion of the commercial salmon
seasons and so on?
There is no need to belabor this
subject further. But it is time for
around acting like
..... ....
More refugee
aid is sought
ate subcommittee has recom
mended that the government do
more for refugees, particularly
the ones who fled communism.
A subcommittee report to be
filed soon with the Senate said
refugee programs have been lim
ited for the most part to supply
ing food, clothing, housing and
medical care. This is insufficient
to make many refugees self-supporting,
it said.
The Senate refugee subcommit
tee headed by Sen. Phillip A.
Hart, D-Mich., urged more cash
assistance and more surplus food
for those who "voted with their
feet, leaving their all to find bet
ter treatment."
It also recommended more ele
mentary and vocational school
One of the worst problems, it
said, is in Hong Kong, where the
flight of refugees from Red China
adds to the troubles of what may
be the most densely populated
area on earth.
Other congressional news:
Bonds Senate Republican
Leader Everett M. Dirksen said
in an interview he thought the
House would reject President
Kennedy's proposal to buy up to
half of the $200 million U.N. bond
proposal. He said he thought the
House would instead adopt the
GOP plan for a three-year loan
to the world organization.
Hoffman Rep. Clare Hoffman.
R-Mich., has decided not to run
for re-election. His son announced
that the self-declared curmudg
ton, 86, would not recover suffi
ciently from a recent stroke to
carry the obligations of office.
Mr. Goetz and others to present
their case in its true objective,
that of complete subjugation and
elimination of all commercial
salmon fishing on the Columbia
Walter Lofgrcn,
Secretary, Clatsop County
Oregon Central Labor
Council, AFL-CIO
Bend, Oregon,
March 14, 1962
k v I
a V-8... Tempest!